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改革开放以后,我国女性接受高等教育进入新的发展时期。但当前我国女性接受高等教育状况如何?仍需要进行研究。本文主要从我国女性接受高等教育的比例、专业选择的情况、接受高等教育权利的实现、女性在接受高等教育质方面的特点(学习成绩、担任学生干部等)及女大学生的自我认知和社会认同等方面进行探讨。一、女性接受高等教育的比例建国后,我国女性接受高等教育的比例虽有了很大的改善,男女接受高等教育的差距在逐渐缩小,但女性的入学机会还是远远少于男性。以1993年为例,男生与女生的比例为2:1,也就是在高等教育水平上,相对于…  相似文献   

幼儿园师资水平决定着幼儿园教育质量,通过对部分衡水市幼儿园教师的调查,主要从职称结构、教师学历层次、专业结构、在编与非在编人数比例、教师流动及教师培训等方面进行调查,发现该市幼儿园教师专业结构、职称评定等方面存在的问题,建议主管部门从资格准入、培训机制等方面入手采取措施促进幼儿园教师专业成长,保证幼儿园教育质量。  相似文献   

发展本科层次职业教育是构建中国特色现代职业教育体系的关键一环,而开展本科层次职业学校试点工作,成为我国现代职业教育体系建设在实践领域的一种探索。至目前为止。27所本科层次职业学校在地域分布、院校性质、人才培养目标定位、专业设置及师资状况等方面都呈现出多样性。同时,也存在诸多问题:区域不均衡、院校性质比例严重失衡、人才培养定位模糊、职教特色不明确,难以凸显与专科层次的区别;专业设置过于集中电子信息大类,而农林等专业大类缺失;研究生学历教师比例与双师素质专任教师比例偏低等。基于此,未来本科层次职业学校亟需采取如下发展策略:推进西部地区开展职教本科试点,加快推进公办高职院校升格工作;科学定位人才培养目标,突出职教本科的"高层次";重视专业多样化与动态性,增强职业教育适应性;加强"双师"标准及制度建设,提高教师学历层次与实践能力。  相似文献   

<正>■在很多教育专业领域中,存在性别差异:在教师培训和教育科学、卫生与福利专业领域中,女性所占比例过高;在工程、制造和建筑专业领域中,男性所占比例过高。■毕业生以女性为主的教育专业领域,往往就业率较低且收入较低;工程、制造和建筑专业领域的就业率和收入较高,但学习这些专业领域的女性比例仅为7%。■甚至在相同的教育专业领域,男性的就业率和收入普遍高于女性,部分原因在于男性和女性承担的工作和职责类型不同。例如,在学习卫生与福利专业领域的人群中,女性比男性更可能从事护理工作。  相似文献   

印度独立后,女子接受高等教育状况有了长足的改观,具体表现在女性高等教育毛入学率的快速提高、在校大学生中女性比例上升与人数的增长、教育层次的提高等方面。但与此同时也存在女性接受高等教育机会有限、教育质量不高、社会偏见依旧严重等问题。我国和印度同属发展中国家,借鉴印度的经验对我国女子高等教育的发展具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

在当前学前教育改革的大背景下,作者从本科层次专业建设的角度出发,对本科层次课程体系进行探索,构建了夯实基础、一专多能、突出特色、三位一体、学做合一、综合发展的课程体系,并在构建的体系中,对课程设置的比例、课程结构、实践课程、修读方式等方面进行了分析。  相似文献   

重庆电大2008~2010年度开放教育学生结构调查分析数据显示,开放教育学生呈现女性比例高于男性、年龄趋于低龄化、学历层次有所提高、学生主体仍是一线劳动者、专业存在不平衡等特点。开放教育生源拓展工作,需要加强适应经济发展需求调整专业设置、利用政策优势培育特殊专业、创新办学模式、加强学习支持服务、提高知名度和认可度等对策研究。  相似文献   

几年来,担任了两期专科班的英语教学任务,有以下体会: 一、担任专科的教学任务,要对专科这个层次在培养人才方面所起的作用,有明确的认识。 我国高等教育各种层次专门人才的培养比例不合理,专科生过少。根据教育部和中央七十一个部委对2000年全国83个专业类  相似文献   

相对于城市女性和农村男性,农村女性向上的社会流动之路更显艰难,教育已成为影响农村女性社会流动的重要因素。通过对广西400多名农村出身女性的家庭背景、教育状况与社会流动情况所作的问卷调查和深入访谈,发现教育资本是农村女性实现社会流动的重要因素,不同学历层次的农村女性在升迁性流动水平、就业结构与就业层次、职业流动速度、报酬待遇等方面有较大差异。影响广西农村女性教育水平因素的主要有传统思想、经济状况、父辈教育程度、教育政策和学习能力等五个方面。  相似文献   

印度女性接受高等教育的机会   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
经过独立后50年的努力,印度女性接受高等教育的机会有了显著增加。但是,在高等教育的层次分布、专业分布和地域分布方面仍很不合理。单独为女性设立的女子学院数量的增加,一方面表明女性教育机会的增加,但也说明世界通行的男女同样教育在印度仍有很大阻力。印度女性接受高等教育仍然存在许多制约因素。高等教育对印度的思想观念产生了一定程度的积极影响,但这些影响很容易发生逆转。  相似文献   

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, as major progress was made in women's participation in higher education, the proportion of women teachers in higher educational institutions gradually increased and their status has significantly improved. What, then, is the status of women teachers in China's higher education today? This is an issue which still deserves our exploration. Thus, let us first do our best to reflect on this status relatively accurately. In this article, the status of women teachers is a relative concept and is used in reference to and comparison with male teachers' status. At the same time, the status of women teachers is a collective concept, including primarily the proportion of women teachers to the total number of teachers in present-day regular universities and colleges, the distribution of their disciplines, their entry into faculties of universities and colleges, their promotion in title and rank, and their self-cognition and social identity.  相似文献   

北魏出家为尼的女性,社会上层占有很大比例.女性出家为尼既有统治者崇信佛教的倡导和影响,也有政治环境的因素,而人生的失意和贫穷人家女性为了逃避赋税徭役的剥削而出家者也占有一定的比例.女性出家为尼使社会劳动力迅速减少,引起了社会价值观念的变化乃至追求来生的思维定势.  相似文献   

This paper examines whether women and men publish journal articles at a level comparable with their representation within the social sciences. The paper also explores sex differences in patterns of single authorship and co-authorship. To do so, demographic data of the UK social sciences is compared with a sample of UK-authored journal articles. The findings of the study show that, overall, female academics contribute to a lower proportion of journal articles than the proportion of academic staff that they constitute. However, within certain disciplines (social policy and psychology) women publish articles at a level comparable with the proportion of the discipline that they constitute. These findings, it is argued, can be helpfully understood as both cause and consequence of the gendered academy.  相似文献   



The current study investigates the moderating effect of perceived social support on associations between child maltreatment severity and adult trauma symptoms. We extend the existing literature by examining the roles of severity of multiple maltreatment types (i.e., sexual, physical, and emotional abuse; physical and emotional neglect) and gender in this process.


The sample included 372 newlywed individuals recruited from marriage license records. Participants completed a number of self-report questionnaires measuring the nature and severity of child maltreatment history, perceived social support from friends and family, and trauma-related symptoms. These questionnaires were part of a larger study, investigating marital and intrapersonal functioning. We conducted separate, two-step hierarchical multiple regression models for perceived social support from family and perceived social support from friends. In each of these models, total trauma symptomatology was predicted from each child maltreatment severity variable, perceived social support, and the product of the two variables. In order to examine the role of gender, we conducted separate analyses for women and men.


As hypothesized, increased severity of several maltreatment types (sexual abuse, emotional abuse, emotional neglect, and physical neglect) predicted greater trauma symptoms for both women and men, and increased physical abuse severity predicted greater trauma symptoms for women. Perceived social support from both family and friends predicted lower trauma symptoms across all levels of maltreatment for men. For women, greater perceived social support from friends, but not from family, predicted decreased trauma symptoms. Finally, among women, perceived social support from family interacted with child maltreatment such that, as the severity of maltreatment (physical and emotional abuse, emotional neglect) increased, the buffering effect of perceived social support from family on trauma symptoms diminished.


The results of the current study shed new light on the potential for social support to shield individuals against long-term trauma symptoms, and suggest the importance of strengthening perceptions of available social support when working with adult survivors of child maltreatment.  相似文献   

In West Germany, women have traditionally worked in a very restricted range of jobs, with skilled women workers being concentrated in administrative and service sector employment. The article reviews the reasons for this situation and the initiatives which have been taken to increase the proportion of women in jobs traditionally undertaken by men, including technical jobs at all levels. The Federal Government supported by the Lander (West German States) has introduced a number of projects across the country to train more young women in non-traditional vocational areas, especially in the mechanical and electronic/electrical engineering fields with a view to producing skilled craft workers and technicians. The difficulties faced by young women who have taken up such training, both during the training period and when seeking work subsequently are discussed

The situation for women engineers at the professional level is also outlined and a number of strategies which may be helpful in improving the position of women in engineering in the Federal Republic is outlined. Recently, computer courses organised by women's groups have proved successful in attracting women students from a wide variety of backgrounds and age ranges with little or no previous technical or scientific training.  相似文献   

This paper explores a number of themes relating to gender and teaching. The existing balance of women and men in the teaching profession in Ireland and internationally is examined; patterns at entry to initial teacher education in Ireland are outlined; gender differences in final awards are presented; finally, sociological questions raised by these trends are discussed. The international figures on teaching presented imply that the feminisation of teaching is a historical and economic process as much as it is a social, psychological or educational one. What is clear from the analysis of the feminisation of teaching presented here is that prior educational achievement by young men plays a significant role in their patterns of entry into initial teacher education. The lower levels of achievement by men also extend to the levels of award taken in their initial teacher education courses. However, higher educational achievement by women in undergraduate university courses is not confined to initial teacher education but is to be found in almost all disciplinary areas.  相似文献   

The paper reviews research and debate on the private sector of education in Britain. Research undertaken to date is described as having taken place at three main levels, referred to as the ‘political’, ‘outcomes’ and ‘individual‐psychological’ levels. Following the review of research at these three levels, a number of neglected areas are identified, the investigation of which would contribute significantly to a greater understanding of the private/ state school debate. These areas are: a focus on girls and young women in private schools; the experiences of Assisted Place Scheme pupils; the study of the attitudes and values of private school pupils; the investigation of private school ethos and culture; exploring how private school pupils gain the ‘edge’ over state school pupils; and the isolation of school effects from social class and family background effects.  相似文献   

Living in an affordable senior housing site is a viable option for older adults who want to age in a community setting. Affordable senior housing is subsidized housing provided in the United States by the federal government’s Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Such housing is available to people 62-years-of-age and older whose income level is low enough to merit federal assistance. The current study assessed the social convoys of 32 residents of one affordable senior housing site, with interest in the number of co-residents included in participants’ social convoys, as well as participants’ levels of social isolation and loneliness. In the present study, family relationships made up the largest proportion of residents’ social convoys (38.6%); however, co-residents made up 26% of participants’ social convoys. There was a positive correlation between the number of years that participants had lived at the affordable senior housing site and the percent of co-residents in their social convoys r = .39, p = .03. These findings suggest that under certain conditions older adults are willing to invest in creating new relationships with co-residents in congregate settings. The implications of these findings are explored.  相似文献   

近代女性高等教育简论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近代女性高等教育经过四十多年的发展,取得了一些成绩,培养并造就了一批自然科学和社会科学等领域的女性人才。但其缺陷与不足也是明显的,这主要表现在男女接受高等教育的机会不均等,经费投入严重不足,女性高等人才专业分布极不平衡等方面。  相似文献   

女性是生态环境变化最大的受害者,也是环境保护事业的重要力量。但女性在环境领域的社会地位,与其付出远不成正比。女性主义学者运用社会性别理论分析了女性社会地位低下的成因,生态主义与女权主义相结合诞生的生态女性主义揭露了女性和自然受到不公平的待遇都是由父权社会制度所引发的。出于人类对人与自然关系的反思而出现的生态文明,要求当代环境法律制度在构建中应当把社会性别分析方法纳入其过程,以法律制度形式提升女性在环境保护中的社会地位,进而实现两性平等。  相似文献   

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