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离婚叙事与家庭关系对离异家庭子女心理的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
父母离异会对子女的心理发展造成负面影响这一结论已经被国内外众多研究所证实.相对于离异事件本身,消极的离婚叙事与不良的家庭关系对于离异家庭子女心理的负面影响更加严重.消极的离婚叙事通过建构研究者与研究对象的心理放大了父母离异对子女的负面影响,并通过"内化"使离异家庭子女的心理问题得到了强化.不良的家庭关系增强了离婚事件的负面作用,使子女在相当长的时间里甚至是一生都生活在父母离婚的阴影中.如果离婚已经不可避免,可以通过两种途径减少父母离异对于子女的负面影响:首先,建构温和的离婚叙事以取代消极的离婚叙事,给予家庭成员更多的理解与接纳,避免子女产生消极的自我认识与评价而出现心理问题;其次,父母在互相尊重的基础上选择和平友好的方式离婚,同时仍尽力承担作为父母对子女应尽的抚养与教育的责任.  相似文献   

编辑同志:我的女儿小雪今年13岁,在读初中。不久前,因小雪的父亲孔某出现婚外恋导致我们离婚。小雪随我一起生活。当初,小雪反对我们离婚,但孔某不顾孩子的感情执意要离婚,这使得小雪对父亲心怀不满。所以,每当孔某来探望时,她总是躲避不见。孔某说小雪还是未成年人,他有权利也有义务来探望,小雪也不能拒绝他的探望。请问:未成年子女可以拒绝父亲或母亲的探望吗?读者汤燕汤燕女士:探望权,是指夫妻离婚后,与子女分居的父亲或母亲享有在一定的时间、地点探视子女的权利。我国《婚姻法》第38条规定“:离婚后,不直接抚养子女的父或母,有探望子女…  相似文献   

韩国《中央日报》报道,自11月起,韩国开始实施拥有未成年子女的离婚双方当事人,只有在接受"子女养育指南"教育后才能进行离婚程序的政策。"子女养育指南"是指从专家那里接受教育,学习关于离婚给子女带来的影响、稳定子女情绪的考虑  相似文献   

近年来,诉讼离婚逐渐成为夫妻双方解除婚姻关系的一种重要方式。虽然我国提倡离婚自由,但是父母离婚利益与未成年子女正当利益并不完全吻合,父母基于离婚自身利益的博弈,往往会在客观上造成未成年子女权益侵害。本文首先分析我国目前未成年子女在离婚诉讼中权益保护存在的弊端,其次论述确立未成年子女诉讼地位的意义,最后对如何确立未成年子女的诉讼地位提出薄见,以期能更好地保护未成年人这一弱势群体的合法权益。  相似文献   

在离婚案件中,子女抚养问题历来是当事人争执的焦点。人民法院在确认判决子女抚养的归属时,必须从有利于子女健康成长的原则出发,把维护子女利益放在首位,同时也要考虑父母的合理要求。  相似文献   

我和丈夫感情不和,准备离婚。我希望6岁的儿子能跟自己生活,但我的丈夫不同意我带养孩子。我坚持要带养孩子,又必须离婚,请问该怎么办? 浙江省曲建新曲女士: 根据我国婚姻法第三十六条的规定。离婚后.哺乳期内的子女,以随哺乳的母亲抚养为原则。哺乳期后的子女,如双方因抚养问题发生争执不能达成协议的。由人民法院根据子女的权益和双方的具体情况判决。  相似文献   

在大力倡导离婚自由的同时,应对未成年子女的利益给予充分的关注.其中对子女利益影响最大者,除了子女监护人的确定,当属离婚后父母对未成年子女的扶养,而我国有关法律的规定却是相当地笼统和简略.从保障未成年子女的权利出发,应完善离婚后父母对未成年子女的扶养制度,国家和社会也应提供必要的帮助.  相似文献   

离婚自由原则已成为多数国家婚姻家庭制度的核心原则,儿童最大利益原则也已成为多数国家处理婚姻家庭中与儿童相关事项的根本原则,由于父母离婚多少会损害子女尤其是未成年子女的利益,这两项原则在一定情形下会产生冲突。法律应当以公平正义为目标,在保障父母离婚自由的同时,以儿童最大利益为出发点,对父母离婚自由进行适度限制,实现父母离婚自由与未成年子女利益保护的平衡。  相似文献   

随着社会的开放,离婚这个词已经变得不那么敏感了,离婚很普遍;单亲家庭也越来越多,因此,单亲家庭子女的心理问题成为社会关注的焦点;如何去解决单亲家庭子女的心理问题是重中之重。  相似文献   

离婚家庭的父母对子女采用漠不关心的养育态度,直接导致了青少年的不合理信念以及愤怒行为的爆发,因此要加强对离婚家庭父母和青少年的教育,使父母意识到父母养育的重要性,让青少年学会以合理的思维方式代替不合理的思维方式.  相似文献   

离异家庭子女性格研究及教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着离婚率的上升,离婚家庭子女的教养问题逐渐受到社会各界的关注。心理学家调查发现,父母离异会对儿童的心理发展产生多方面的消极影响。我们应该针对离异家庭子女的特点,为他们创造一个健康的成长环境。采用积极有效的教育方法,使他们同所有正常家庭的孩子一样健康成长。  相似文献   

Both Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (AD/HD) and divorce are very prevalent in western societies, and they may occur together. AD/HD is generally viewed as a neurobiological disorder, which has led to a commonly held belief that social-environmental factors play little role in the symptom profile of children diagnosed with the disorder. This study investigated the association between parental divorce, remarriage, multiple transitions, the quality of relationships with family members and the psychological well-being of children and adolescents with AD/HD. First, differences in children’s AD/HD symptom profiles in relation to parents’ divorce status (single/multiple divorce) and family composition (single parent/stepfamily) were examined. Second, the association between the quality of children’s relationships with each family member and parents’ marital status (divorced/non-divorced) and family composition was investigated. In addition, age, gender and AD/HD subtype differences were assessed. Third, the association between the quality of children’s interactions with family members and children’s AD/HD symptom profile was explored. No significant differences in children’s behavioural profiles were found in terms of parents’ divorce status. Living in stepfamilies was associated with greater AD/HD severity and social malfunctioning. Disruptive parent–child and sibling relationships were found to be related to children’s age, gender, AD/HD subtype and parents’ marital status. Further, poor interactions with family members correlated with children’s AD/HD severity and psychological well-being. In summary, divorce, remarriage and the quality of relationships with family members are important correlates of the symptom profile of children with AD/HD, and this emphasises the need for special treatment modules for these families.  相似文献   

离婚案件的审理关注的是离婚夫妻的婚姻利益平衡问题,儿童利益被忽视甚至被侵犯的情形时有发生。如何在审理离婚案件过程中有效地保护未成年子女的合法权益.是当前司法实践中亟需解决的问题。建议把儿童利益的最大保护确立为首要考虑原则。  相似文献   

This study examined whether children's cognitive appraisal biases moderate the impact of stressful divorce-related events on psychological adjustment in 355 children ages 9 to 12, whose families had experienced divorce within the past 2 years. Multiple regression indicated that endorsement of negative cognitive errors for hypothetical divorce events moderates the relations between stressful divorce events and self- and maternal reports of internalizing and externalizing symptoms, but only for older children. Positive illusions buffer the effects of stressful divorce events on child-reported depression and mother-reported externalizing problems. Implications of these results for theories of stress and coping, as well as for interventions for children of divorced families, are discussed.  相似文献   

随着婚姻解体数目的增加,生活在离异家庭的儿童数目在不断的增加。作为离异家庭儿童生存圈中重要组成部分的教育机构,应考虑为离异家庭儿童提供系统的补偿教育,尽可能地减少父母离异对其人生发展的不良影响。  相似文献   

随着婚姻解体数目的增加,生活在离异家庭的儿童数目在不断的增加。作为离异家庭儿童生存圈中重要组成部分的教育机构,应考虑为离异家庭儿童提供系统的补偿教育,尽可能地减少父母离异对其人生发展的不良影响。  相似文献   

Coping efficacy and psychological problems of children of divorce   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Three models of the relations of coping efficacy, coping, and psychological problems of children of divorce were investigated. A structural equation model using cross-sectional data of 356 nine- to twelve-year-old children of divorce yielded results that supported coping efficacy as a mediator of the relations between both active coping and avoiding coping and psychological problems. In a prospective longitudinal model with a subsample of 162 of these children, support was found for Time 2 coping efficacy as a mediator of the relations between Time 1 active coping and Time 2 internalizing of problems. Individual growth curve models over four waves also found support for coping efficacy as a mediator of the relations between active coping and psychological problems. No support was found for alternative models of coping as a mediator of the relations between efficacy and symptoms or for coping efficacy as a moderator of the relations between coping and symptoms.  相似文献   

英国在中国的西方,英国的许多东西都和东方的不一样。在英国孩子们五岁开始上学,这称为上小学。一般情况下,一个班上有25个学生和一个老师。  相似文献   

This Q methodological study explores emotional experiences and coping of daycare staff when working with children of divorce and their families. Two main coping strategies among daycare staff were identified: 1) Confident copers, and 2) Non-confident copers. Interviews exemplify the two main experiences. Both groups may struggle with coping in this work. Still, Non-confident copers seem to experience more problems than do Confident copers. Both Confident and Non-confident copers find it difficult to work with parents who argue in front of the children. Accordingly, we suggest tailored education and counseling in this field to increase knowledge and coping among staff, to help them in their work with children of divorce.  相似文献   

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