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It is a small town I like most. I went there with my college mates in the 1980s and was quite impressed. The small town extended along the river. From a distant view, overlapping houses and charming roof slopes could be glimpsed through misty morning rays and black tiles and white walls looked plain but elegant. There was a riverside square in the town and a stone bridge in a distance. Adults sat at the bridge, chatting and enjoying the cool while kids chasing and playing on the square. On t…  相似文献   

在欧洲旅游,偶尔你会看到这样一些人:他们头戴黑色宽边礼帽,身穿黑色灯芯绒外套,外套上钉着白色的贝母大钮扣。下装是同样颜色、同样质地的喇叭裤。他们大多拄着手杖,胳膊里夹着一个装着日常用品及简单工具的包裹。包裹皮是用一块非常结实的软布做的,通常还会在包裹皮上印上持有人所在行业协会的标志。  相似文献   

In the memory of every Chinese,the Spring Festival deposits abundant beauties:a lively scene with lanterns and streamers,an endless parade of delicious food,or a little toy of childhood memories.When I was a child,I visited a Sugar Painting Exhibition at Beihai Park in Beijing.I was amazed by the exquisitely made flowers and birds,and charmingly nave animals;and every kid was totally captured by a huge solid dragon settling in the central exhibition hall.Truly,that winter deeply impressed me with the vivid sugar dragon and the fragrance  相似文献   

美丽的洱海深深浅浅的曲线 沿着神奇的苍山在水边生长 点苍第一山云弄峰下为什么 我富饶的家园如此迷人 那千百万年岁月凝固的沙滩 是古老的小村无法抹去的记忆 为什么这人间的仙境 生下我养大我恋着我为什么呵 故乡已泊在二十一世纪的海湾 我却在她温馨如春的怀抱中醉了  相似文献   

Art Information     
China: World's Second Biggest Art Market While the United States and the United Kingdom share history as a pair of number ones and number twos, they are no longer the first and second largest art markets. China has surpassed the UK for the first time, according to the nation's own British Art Market Federation.In a study by the BAMF, China and Britain remain neck and neck. In 2010 China recorded auction and gallery sales of nearly $8.5 billion, giving it a 23% world market share. This is a one percentage point advantage over Britain's 22% of sales worldwide. This figures were reported through Bloomberg news agency, who noted the latter still remains the largest European market for art even with a 7% dip in recent years.  相似文献   

Magazine Review     
Interpreting a Beautiful Dream with Camera Lens: Dialogue with Photographer Li Ying
Li Ying: "For me, photography is a hobby but very helpful to my work. Photography is a practical art bringing mental pleasure and peace to you and recording the life of your families and friends. Moreover, a photographer also takes important social responsibility, because photos record history, reflect truth and move forward the progress of human civilization. It is a heavenly-endowed honor to cast the image of the earth with camera lens and experience the sophisticated world with peaceful mind. Photography has become part of my life. Hardship and risk have become pleasure and joy for me."  相似文献   

National Indoor Stadium of China is one of the three main venues for the 2008 Beijing Olympics. Located in the southern part of the Olympic Green, the National Indoor Stadium joins the group of landmark structures in the area, including the National Aquatics Center to the south and the National Convention Center to the north. It consists of a main structure, a warm-up gym nearby and other outdoor facilites, with a seating capacity of 18,000. The National Indoor Stadium will be the competition venue for the Olympic Artistic Gymnastics, Trampoline, and Handball competitions and the Paralympic Wheelchair Basketball competition.  相似文献   

In the 1980s, he exchanged his grandfather's curio collections for a color TV set, a refrigerator and a cassette recorder, the three popular luxuries of the time. He called himself a "spendthrift" of his family then. In the 1990s, he dug for ceramic fragments in the demolishment site in Ping'an Avenue and therefore gained the nickname "Fragment Bai". In 2000, he co founded "Mu Ming Tang", a museum to display ancient ceramic fragments, and obtained a new title,  相似文献   

"Arts and science share the common foundation of human creativity. Arts and science, like a coin's sides, are inseparable and originate from the loftiest part of human activity. Both pursue the conunon goal of profundity, universality, eternity and significance." That is a quotation from an essay by Li Zhengdao, a Nobel laureate and renowned scientist. Celestial and astronomical images are depicted on many relief stone sculptures of the Hart Dynasty, reflecting intellectual and scientific development of the time. The relationship between arts and science, as demonstrated by these stone sculptures, are truly like the two sides of one coin.  相似文献   

In November 11, 2003, the renowned Chinese writer Zhou Erfu, at age 83 and in the advanced stage of cancer, strenuously wrote a letter to his Japanese friend Yi Kenichiro, inquiring about the translation and publication of the Japanese edition of his novel "The Panorama of the Great Wall" which reflects the whole period of the Chinese people's anti-Japanese war from 1937 to 1945. Yi Kenichiro, with a medium-sized figure, gentlemen-like appearance and unswerving disposition, is a Japanese professor expert in Chinese literature and language. He was then busy with his teaching work and the translation of the Japanese version of Zhou's novel. Receiving Zhou's letter, he fell into a sad mood and hoped Zhou could be recovered soon and live up to the day when the whole novel was published in Japan.  相似文献   

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