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为了提高教学质量,许多教学工作者将Excel应用在教学实践中,然而对于Excel的函数功能始终停留在简单的求和、求平均值运算上.其实,Excel函数的功能是十分强大的,在教学实践中可以有多种应用,本文研究了Excel检索函数VLOOKUP在教学中的应用,并提出了VOOKUP的错误值处理方法.  相似文献   

如何利用Excel2000作出函数图像   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Excel 2000的图表具有较好的视觉效果,利用Excel 2000的图表向导能够轻松地作出数学函数的图像,本文详细介绍了作图的基本步骤.  相似文献   

首先介绍了Excel求解规划问题的使用方法和技巧,分析了应用Excel计算规划问题时所得结果的区别;其次,对教学中学生在应用Excel计算规划问题时常见的错误进行了分析,并提出相应的解决措施;最后,讨论了教学中引入Excel的重要意义.  相似文献   

毕磊 《华章》2009,(10)
每次期末考试后,各班班主任都要使用Excel软件进行学生成绩统计,在此过程中要涉及各种数据之间的相互应用和反复引用,稍有不慎,就会出错.本人根据Excel自身的特点和使用经验,利用Excel函数功能,可以很好的解决各班成绩统计问题.  相似文献   

Excel作为办公软件的主体,已越来越广泛地应用于众多行业和领域.在各级各类教育机构的教育教学活动中,都将管理信息化提到了议事日程.本文结合笔者多年的教学管理工作的实践,阐述了Excel在学生信息采集和智育奖学金评定中的应用,希望为众多教育教学工作者有所帮助或借鉴.  相似文献   

段琼 《辽宁高职学报》2005,7(4):134-136
Excel财务函数是计算财务管理指标的简捷方法,正确、灵活地使用Excel进行财务计算是提高财务管理水平的有效方法.  相似文献   

文章介绍了Excel函数在南京广播电视大学开放教育学籍管理中的应用.掌握Excel常用函数的使用方法,可以快速方便地对学生基本信息数据进行处理、统计和分析,极大地提高开放教育学籍管理工作效率.  相似文献   

Excel中包含公式的单元格长度不可以超过1024个字符,自定义名称的长度不可以超过255个字符,IF函数的嵌套不可以超过7层.由于这些限制条件,使得解决超过7层的多分支选择的问题增加了难度.文章以工程设计取费为例,利用Excel内置的逻辑判断函数IF函数及VBA代码编写自定义函数两种思路,提供解决多分支问题的方案.  相似文献   

在Excel的应用中存在一些具有普遍性的实际问题,利用Excel的外部引用、三维引用和函数的综合应用等技术技巧,可以有效的解决这些实际问题.  相似文献   

Excel在工作应用中,许多时候仅仅使用了它的简单功能,如求和、求平均值、计数等.实际上,Excel数据处理功能很强大,经过缜密设计,灵活应用其函数功能,可以完成复杂统计,或达成类似数据库的功能.文章以应用Excel内置功能制作考务管理系统为例,讨论应用函数嵌套,实现学生成绩自动化统计分析,具有操作简单、上手容易、免除培训环节、准确高效地完成工作任务等软件特征.在函数代码开放环境中,修改代码,重构统计项目的方法,对考务管理软件《学生成绩统计分析》设计、开发的主导思想和函数嵌套技巧进行总结.研讨如何拓展Excel函数功能,更好地为学校教务工作服务,使之成为教学管理的好助手.  相似文献   

为了考察不同年级学生认知灵活性发展情况,从小学三年级、五年级、初中二年级、高中二年级中分别挑选被试各80人,进行认知灵活性测量。结果表明认知灵活性随着年级的增长而发展,各年级学生的两项认知灵活性测试成绩与语文、数学成绩有不同程度的正、负相关。具体表现为:威斯康星卡片分类测试的各项目与数学成绩的相关都达到了十分显著的水平,而与语文成绩的相关除了个别项目达到了显著水平之外,其它项都没有达到显著水平;连线测试成绩与语文、数学成绩的相关除了个别项目达到了显著水平之外,其它项都没有达到显著水平。从而说明认知灵活性与学生的语文、数学成绩关系还是较密切,也可以说认知灵活性是有效学习的保障。  相似文献   

探讨社区老年人患病行为与家庭功能的相关性。采用患病行为问卷(IBQ-62)和家庭关怀度量表(APGAR)对162例社区老年人进行调查,并用方差分析和Pearson相关进行分析。结果,家庭功能为良好、一般、障碍的老年人分别占39.5%、43.2%、17.3%。不同家庭功能老年人患病行为中的一般疑病(GH)、疾病信念(DC)、情感压抑(AI)、情感紊乱(AD)、易激惹性(I)因子分差异有统计学意义,Pearson相关分析显示,患病行为的上述5个因子得分与家庭功能各维度得分呈负相关。结果表明,社区老年群体存在一定的异常患病行为,家庭功能对其患病行为有影响作用,良好的家庭功能有助于老年人建立正常的患病行为。  相似文献   

基于"学习通平台"APP建立网上课程,运用MOOC理念,以智能手机为载体,实现传统课堂教学功能的部分翻转。基于专业认证构建学生学什么、为何学、怎么学课程教案,建立读书报告、探究式学习、目标案例、作业、线上预习、课堂讨论等多位一体知识内化模式,以成果为导向,建立学得怎样课程考核体系,基于学生学习自觉性的差异,激励与强制措施相结合,激发学生学习热情。学生累计平均成绩、课程过程成绩、期末考试成绩统计分析表明,实现了成绩密度函数分布曲线-皮尔逊Ⅲ曲线的左偏态,偏态系数由0.35提高至1.22。表明通过课程教学实践缩小了学生成绩的差异性,使学习成绩较差者得到提高。  相似文献   

This study examined executive function (EF) skills and self-reported symptoms of ADHD. EF skills were measured to determine whether skills were different between groups that reported clinical levels of ADHD symptoms (clinical group) and nonclinical levels of ADHD symptoms (nonclinical group). EF skills in the nonclinical group were also investigated to determine whether differences existed for those who received false positive and negative feedback about an ADHD diagnosis. Results indicated statistically and clinically significant differences in EF skills between the clinical and nonclinical group. Participants in the nonclinical group who reported elevated scores on the ADHD screener after receiving false positive feedback had statistically significantly different EF function scores, but not clinically significant scores, compared to the participants in nonclinical group who received negative feedback.  相似文献   

Recent evidence suggests a positive effect of the quantity of instruction on student achievement. In this paper, I focus on the interaction between the quantity and the quality of instruction. Using international TIMSS data, I exploit within-student between-subject variation. I find that on average, an additional hour of instruction time leads to an increase of 0.03 standard deviations in students’ test scores across all countries. Importantly, these effects of instruction time are significantly larger for students with better qualified teachers, resulting in an increase in test scores of 0.04 to 0.05 standard deviations. While on average, instruction time has no significant effect in developing countries, it increases test scores by 0.02 standard deviations when taught by a high-qualified teacher also in developing countries.  相似文献   

This study investigated the efficacy of the Task-based instruction for improving students' understanding and awareness of stress and tone.23 learners made up the control group to receive the traditional method as opposed to 23 learners who receive the task-based instruction to teach stress and tone. The results indicated statistically significant differences between the Control and Experimental groups on the variables of post test scores.  相似文献   

对不同类型学校的774名有效被试实施数学学业成就水平测试,并应用IRT参数模型方法进行分析,得出四点判断:(1)测验分数、最优分数呈负偏态分布;(2)测验信息函数负向偏移,大体呈现双峰波形;(3)主观性试题与逻辑斯蒂模型的拟合性较差;(4)不同类型学校学生的数学学业成就水平存在显著性差异。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore the profiles of classroom behaviour relating to attention and executive functions in children with very poor working memory, and to test the hypothesis that inattentive behaviour and working memory problems co-occur. Teachers rated problem behaviours of 52 children with low working memory scores aged 5/6 and 9/10 years on teacher rating measures of attention and executive function behaviours. The majority of children with low working memory scores obtained atypically high ratings of cognitive problems/ inattentive symptoms, and were judged to have short attention spans, high levels of distractibility, problems in monitoring the quality of their work, and difficulties in generating new solutions to problems. These results extend previous findings that working memory problems and inattentive behaviour co-occur to a non-clinical sample. It is suggested that reduced working memory capacity may play a causal role in the problem behaviours of these children.  相似文献   

The present study explored the relationship between theory of mind (ToM), attention, and executive function in 66 kindergarten boys drawn from four rural school districts. Three stories designed to test understanding of first and second order mental states were administered. Executive function and attention were assessed, respectively, by scores on the Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function (BRIEF) and the Behavior Assessment Scales for Children, Second Edition (BASC‐2). Analyses indicated that children identified by teachers as evidencing attention difficulties scored lower on false belief measures and were more likely to be identified as exhibiting behavioral difficulties associated with executive dysfunction than children identified as evidencing fewer attention difficulties. Attention and executive function were predictive of total ToM scores.  相似文献   

分数功能的异化与回归   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在现实的学校教育中,分数经常被误用和滥用,并对学生的发展造成伤害。然而,学校教育又不可能从根本上消灭分数。其实,分数本身无所谓好与坏,关键在于如何合理、有效地使用分数。合理使用分数的基本标准在于:能帮助教师诊断和改进教学;能激励和强化学生的学习;切实体现和反映学校教育的总体目标;评价的手段、方法应与评价的内容、对象相适应。依此标准,在对学生的学习进行评分时,教师应突出和强化对学生学习过程的评分;充分考虑学生的努力与进步程度;采用灵活、弹性的评分;注重自我评分;面向学生的全面发展评分;采用多元化的评分方法与手段等。  相似文献   

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