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通过回顾奥运营销的发展历程,分析中国企业奥运营销的现状与存在的计划缺乏前瞻性和连续性等问题,总结国际优秀企业奥运营销的宝贵经验,寻找适合中国企业奥运营销的发展策略。建议:我国企业品牌文化要紧密相连奥运文化;奥运营销计划的制定需要深入、细致整合多个系统;企业需要利用奥运营销加深品牌与消费者关系,实现品牌升值。  相似文献   

国际奥委会、北京奥组委、中国奥委会是奥林匹克营销的三级不同机构。中国企业为使企业品牌国际化,应根据自己的实力选择不同级别的赞助商支持北京2008奥运会,向国外优秀企业学习奥运营销经验,制定系统的营销策略。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法等就前奥运时期我国体育营销的误区以及后奥运时期体育营销面临的现状进行分析。结论:中国企业在前奥运时期的体育营销存在着营销策略简单,缺乏风险意识等很多误区,后奥运时期体育营销面临着体育市场越来越规范化,以及要实现体育营销与国际惯例接轨等方面的巨大挑战。建议:中国企业在体育营销时要探索多样化营销模式,挖掘体育文化价值,树立风险意识,增强营销的创意等。  相似文献   

基于顾客价值的奥运赞助营销策略研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
奥运赞助营销作为体育赞助营销中的一个特殊而又非常重要的组成部分,在整个体育赞助产业中处于龙头的地位,起着模范的作用.本研究从顾客价值的视角,在分析奥运赞助营销影响赞助企业顾客价值的作用路径基础上,提出了奥运赞助营销的指导性策略框架,为企业进行奥运赞助及其它类型的赞助营销实践提供了有益指导.  相似文献   

后奥运时代来临 奥运虽落幕,营销战不止。后奥运时代,体育营销依然是很多企业推广品牌和产品的首选策略。  相似文献   

北京奥运会是中国的企业在关键技术、产品和服务领域展示自己,提升企业的形象和产品品牌、走向世界的机遇。如何认识和评价中国赞助企业"奥运营销"行为和效果,基本前提是对企业及其营销活动特征的把握。为此,通过分析和探讨中国赞助企业营销策略和行为方式,认为:中国赞助企业表现出产品类别集中性、营销策略差异性、营销手段整合性、营销效果分化等特征,表明中国赞助企业的奥运营销已跨越了产品与奥运标识简单相加的初级阶段,形成消费者、媒体、品牌三位一体的整合营销模式。  相似文献   

通过对北京2008奥运会65家企业合作伙伴中36家中国企业的分析,相对于这36家幸运的企业来说,还有大批的中国其他企业是如何应对奥运营销的呢?奥运不仅仅是赞助商的盛宴,非奥运赞助企业可以靠自己的智慧,运用伏击营销、借势营销等营销策略,一样展露锋芒,甚至风头盖过赞助商。  相似文献   

奥运隐性营销严重侵害各方权利人的合法权益,有损奥运会市场开发和奥林匹克标志保护,应当在《奥林匹克标志保护条例》中增加相关条款对奥运隐性营销加以法律规制。《奥林匹克标志保护条例》有关奥运隐性营销条款的修订,应当立足当前我国立法实际,并结合域外奥运会承办国立法经验,围绕奥运隐性营销的概念与特征、奥运隐性营销的构成要件、奥运隐性营销的法律责任的三个方面进行立法完善,构建科学严密的奥运隐性营销法律规制体系。  相似文献   

本文采用文献资料、案例分析法等研究方法,从文化角度分析了耐克公司的营销经验。认为耐克的文化营销是一个从引起消费者关注,到提升消费者体验,再到稳固消费者情感,最终培养消费者忠诚的作用过程。我国的体育用品企业在营销中存在理念不明确、品牌内涵缺乏、以自我利益为核心、营销策略单一等问题。最后,针对耐克的营销经验启示我国体育用品企业应该树立“以顾客为中心”的营销理念;打造品牌核心价值,突出品牌内涵;“以人为本”,注重企业文化建设;创新文化营销策略。  相似文献   

奥运赞助企业运动行销管理若干问题探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用文献资料及市场调研法,对部分中国奥运赞助企业营销实践进行调查。结果表明:企业在运动行销的整合传播、营销力度及企业自身经营机制等方面存在不足,影响了奥运赞助效应的发挥;有效的运动行销管理需要企业各显其能,建构全面的运动行销认知,并依据奥运经济周期发展的不同阶段和企业自身情况,设计不同的市场推广和品牌营销策略。  相似文献   

We propose a Theory of Challenge and Threat States in Athletes (TCTSA) which is an amalgamation and extension of the biopsychosocial model of challenge and threat, the model of adaptive approaches to competition and the debilitative and facilitative competitive state anxiety model. In the TCTSA we posit that self-efficacy, perceptions of control, and achievement goals determine challenge or threat states in response to competition. Distinct patterns of neuroendocrine and cardiovascular responses are indicative of a challenge or threat state. Increases in epinephrine and cardiac activity, and a decrease in total peripheral vascular resistance (TPR) characterise a challenge state and increases in cortisol, smaller increases in cardiac activity and either no change or an increase in TPR characterise a threat state. Positive and negative emotions can occur in a challenge state while a threat state is associated with negative emotions only. Emotions are perceived as helpful to performance in a challenge state but not in a threat state. Challenge and threat states influence effort, attention, decision–making and physical functioning and accordingly sport performance. The TCTSA provides a framework for practitioners to enhance performance, through developing a challenge state, and encourages researchers to explore the mechanisms underlying performance in competition.  相似文献   

Pupils with disabilities have been found to experience a narrower physical education curriculum and participate less frequently than pupils without disabilities. A lack of knowledge, skills, relevant experiences and confidence amongst physical education (PE) teachers has been said to contribute to these differential educational experiences. This article adds to the paucity of research that analyses the PE experiences of pupils with disabilities while, at the same time, evaluating embodied pedagogy as a tool for better preparing PE teachers for their role as inclusive educators. Specifically, the article aims to: (1) explore the PE experiences of a university student named Violeta who lives with the condition of Osteogenesis Imperfecta (OI); (2) analyse the views of a group of prospective teachers who participated in a PE lesson (Experience 1) which included Violeta; and (3) examine the perceptions of a group of prospective teachers who participated in a simulated attempt at embodied pedagogy (Experience 2). Data were gathered using field notes, observations and interviews with Violeta and the prospective teachers who participated in Experience 1 and Experience 2. The findings suggest that in both Experience 1 and 2, the prospective teachers developed a greater aware of OI and a more positive attitude towards inclusive PE. That said, the nature of the student learning experience and their ability to empathetically imagine themselves in, and through, the bodies of others that were different from themselves varied significantly in Experience 1 and 2. Such a contrast, especially in relation to notions of alterity, related to the presence or absence of the other as a corporeal entity involved in the lessons. Neither Experience 1 or 2 was found to be ‘better’ than the other, they simply provided different contexts, resources and opportunities for learning to take place. We discuss some implications of these differences for those wishing to engage in embodied forms of pedagogy as a way of helping prospective teachers to have the knowledge, skills and experience to develop a more inclusive culture in school PE.  相似文献   


Although there has been a rapid growth in the globalisation of sport and its delivery to world markets, nevertheless there is a variety of models of sport-business whose characteristics are the product of local histories, local political and sporting cultures, local economic conditions and so on. This paper does not seek to deny the increasingly obvious impact of globalisation on professional sport, but rather it seeks to articulate the ways in which such global phenomena are locally mediated in professional soccer systems in five countries, to identify and to explain local responses to global pressures. The five examples include the oldest professional football system, that of England, and a second contrasting European system, France, together with three relatively recently established professional football systems in Japan a developed capitalist economy, Algeria, which is developing a post-socialist sports economy, and China which is experimenting in sport as in other areas with a ‘socialist market economy’. The resultant evolution of professional sporting systems represents distinctive configurations of stakeholders in what are in effect contrasting business models, and reflects a situation of ‘diminishing varieties and increasing contrasts’, in contrast to the claims made by Elias in relation to global cultural phenomena.  相似文献   

Lacrosse has long been considered Canada's national sport and, beginning in the latter half of the nineteenth century, became tied to the nationalist ambitions that sought to promote a national identity through the ‘creation’ of a uniquely Canadian game. Popular in the decades prior to the turn of the twentieth century, lacrosse in Alberta began to decline after the First World War, becoming a marginal sport played only in the province's larger cities. A brief and unexpected revival of lacrosse occurred in two communities, Edmonton and Lethbridge, in the 1920s championed by a nativist organization, the Native Sons of Canada (NSC). For this group lacrosse represented a natural means to promote their ‘Canada First’ ideology to young male Albertans. In Edmonton, the Native Sons sponsored a senior men's lacrosse team that garnered some local and regional attention, while attempts by the Lethbridge assembly to promote youth lacrosse in 1927 were largely unsuccessful. Despite the continuing affinity between Canadian nationalism and lacrosse, the NSC were ineffective in their efforts to revive interest in the sport. The ‘national’ game did not provide nativists in Alberta the platform they sought to promote their nationalist agenda.  相似文献   

学校体育文化发展特点及其前景展望   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
学校体育课程的性质应该是广义的文化教育课.这里的"文化教育"不仅要向学生传授一定的知识、技能,增强体质,养成良好的习惯,而且还要将体育作为一种思维方式、行为方式和生活方式传授给学生.学校体育课程应该成为真正意义上的文化活动,就是着眼于提高学生体育文化素养,培养学生的体育意识,使学生树立正确的体育观,并使学生具有丰富的体育文化知识.  相似文献   

试论社会体育专业人才的培养   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
面向21世纪社会体育有其广阔的发展空间并表现出新的特征。培养适应社会发展需求的体育专业人才。首先要转变旧的体育教育观念,根据社会与市场的需求,设计新型的具有高素质、高技能、复合型人才模式,在此基础上,建构专业人才的课程体系及其知识结构,同时探索开放式的办学途径以培养学生的综合素质和能力结构。  相似文献   


A broad consensus has emerged in recent years in relation to the desirability of one particular purpose for physical education (PE); namely, the promotion of lifelong participation in sport and physical activity. This paper represents an attempt to rectify what is taken to be the relative failure of those investigating (whilst typically advocating) lifelong participation through PE to make use of a sociological perspective on leisure, youth cultures and sport. More specifically, it brings the seminal work of someone often referred to as a 'founding father' of the field, Ken Roberts, to bear on the topic, on the premise that any study of young people's propensity towards ongoing involvement in sport and physical activity needs to be viewed as an aspect of their lives 'in the round' and that, in this regard, Roberts' contribution is especially important. The paper argues that among a number of lessons to be learned from Roberts' work over the last decade or so is that sports participation--contrary to the common-sense views of teachers, government and other interested parties--has become part of present-day youth cultures and that this is, in no small measure, a consequence of a trend over the last 25 or so years towards a broadening of PE curricula in a manner that mutually reinforces broader trends in young people's leisure styles. The paper concludes that if lifelong participation is to be a primary aim of PE, then there needs to be a shift in policy towards the development of wide sporting repertoires, during the crucial secondary school years by, amongst other things, incorporating a significant element of choice on the part of pupils from a broad range of curricula and extracurricular activities, including so-called 'lifestyle' activities.  相似文献   

《Sport Management Review》2017,20(5):510-521
Poverty and social exclusion are ‘wicked issues’ and require a joint approach from a wide array of policy fields. As practicing sport has become a customary activity, it has a part to play in fighting social exclusion. But to what extent is this a realistic expectation? Drawing on qualitative data gathered from semi-structured interviews at twenty local sport authorities in Flanders (Belgium), the aim of this study is to gain insight in the experiences of local sport authorities with people in poverty, and to identify barriers and facilitators for investing in the inclusion of this social group. Results indicate that facilitating inclusion for people in poverty is a challenging task for local sport managers. Policy initiatives, if any, often remain limited to providing financial discounts. Only a minority of local sport managers reported more comprehensive policies, involving different strategies. A major problem is the limited understanding and expertise of local sport managers with regard to poverty. Therefore, cooperation between sport managers and organisations from the social sector is crucial. Recommendations as to how the role of local sport authorities as a facilitator of social inclusion can be strengthened are formulated.  相似文献   

“说课”是授课者在有限的时间内,将一节体育课的教学内容、方法,课的组织形式、练习步骤以及场地、器材等运用情况,用简练准确的语言并配合清晰、简单的动作示范向听课者展现出来。实习生课前采用“说课”,能使各教学环节在头脑中加深印象,加快向教师角色意识转换的速度,有利于教学基本功的掌握,此方法具有可操作性和实用性。  相似文献   

跳马团身前空翻起跳动作在跳马竞技中并非惊人的动作,但每个惊人的跳马动作几乎都和它的起跳技术相关连.如果在启蒙阶段起跳动作还存在着明显的技术缺陷,会给今后的跳马训练带来危害.为此,起跳技术的好坏对完成掌握跳马动作的质量尤显重要.通过对跳马团身前空翻起跳技术原理与训练中容易产生的误区以及有效的训练方法等方面进行分析,旨在共同切磋探讨,以推进科学训练.  相似文献   

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