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决定国有经济与非国有经济各自存在的领域的因素主要有四个方面:第一,受不同产权结构特点的制约;第二,受不同物品特点的制约;第三,受不同产业性质的制约;第四,受国家经济政策的影响。  相似文献   

张笔春 《四川教育》2012,(10):46-47
什么样的语文课,才算是好的课?一般说来.要满足三个条件:第一,学生学习的积极性;第二,课堂教学注重语文的学科特点;笫三,课堂教学的最大效益。学生学习的积极性,主要受课堂氛围影响好的课堂氛围的形成,主要由教师语言的生动、幽默,教学的趣味性等决定,  相似文献   

经过改革开放20多年的发展,河南经济已积累了相当的实力.在全国的位次呈前移趋势。但经济发展受以下因素的制约:一、政策差异因素;二、制度因素;三、科技与人力资源因素;四、经济开放度因素;五、金融效率因素;六、工业产业集中度因素;七、文化因素等因素的影响,河南要在中部省区成为经济的排头兵,须从争取政策到提高居民文化素质做全方位的努力。  相似文献   

以青藏高原的腹地区域-可可西里自然保护区土壤发生过程为例,探讨了地学因素对高海拔地形区地域成土作用的影响及高海拔地形区地域土壤形成与发育的特殊性,提出了高原地形区的地势、母质、水文地质等地学因素对土壤形成和发育的影响与作用远远超过其他因素.表现为极具特色的土壤形成发育过程特征:地貌类型简单造成土壤类型单一化;成土母质深刻地影响着土壤的形成和发育;土壤发育受第四纪冰川影响明显,成土年龄短;新构造运动是控制土壤分布的重要因素.  相似文献   

人民陪审员制度是我国一项基本司法制度,但由于受多种因素的影响和制约,此种制度在司法实践中却出现了严重异化,为扭转异化状况,应从四方面加强和完善人民陪审员制度:1.加强和完善陪审制度的立法;2.限定陪审员参与审判的案件范围;3.从严掌握陪审员的任职条件;4.规定陪审员的产生条件和任职期限。  相似文献   

浅论唐代后期婚姻的特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
唐代后期,国势衰微,皇权削弱,统治者为了摆脱政治危机,积极倡导儒学。婚姻受各方面社会因素的影响,出现了较唐前期婚姻迥然不同的特点:1.贞节观念增重,婚姻自由减少;2.礼教规范对妇女塑控加强,女性向传统转变。  相似文献   

渭南市农村人口饮酒行为及影响因素调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过多级整群随机抽样,选择渭南市18岁及以上农村人口1032人作为调查对象,入户询问调查其饮酒状况及影响因素.结果表明,渭南市农村人口饮酒率为22.3%,其中男性占38.9%,女性占3.4%;初始饮酒年龄在20岁以前的占三分之二以上;饮酒主要原因为好友聚会、嗜好、应酬。经多因素分析发现,男性饮酒主要受家庭经济状况影响,女性受家庭成员饮酒影响.医生建议是最佳的戒酒途径.  相似文献   

来华旅游影响因素的因子分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为研究来华旅游的影响因素,选取了12个国家和9个影响因素进行因子分析,得出3个公共因子:F1“非景点自身条件”因子,方差贡献率为47.879%占首位;F2“服务设施”因子,方差贡献率为22.678%占第二位;F3“景点人文交通”因子,方差贡献率为15.720%占第三位.计算了各国因子得分,得出日本和加拿大受“非景点自身条件”影响最大,挪威较小;日本和韩国受“服务设施”影响最大,波兰较小;加拿大和英国受“景点人文交通”影响最大,韩国较小;而法国受此三个因子影响均较小.  相似文献   

本文通过对三例不同家庭背景,不同社会环境下发生的典型青少年暴力事件进行分析,探求当今青少年暴力观念对其暴力行为的影响。三例事件具有如下共同特点:第一,青少年对暴力的肯定态度是导致其暴力行为的主要因素之一。而暴力观念不仅受其成长环境的影响,也受青春期本身人格上不稳定因素的影响;第二,社会暴力文化的蔓延直接影响青少年暴力观的形成,是青少年暴力行为不可忽视的社会心理背景;第三,新形势下青少年暴力行为的特点为个体暴力行为增多、暴力程度更残酷。青少年的暴力行为不仅断送自身,更危及社会安定,应该引起包括家庭、学校、社会等多方面的重视。  相似文献   

论苏轼文艺思想的庄学渊源   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在苏轼文艺思想的渊源问题上,庄子的影响是一个非常重要的因素,具体说有四个方面的表现:1、受庄子“心斋”“坐忘”说的影响,苏轼注重艺术创作过程中审美心胸的培养;2、在庄子“法天”、“贵真”思想的启发下.苏轼创建了“文理自然”的创作风格论;3、受庄子技道并进思想的影响,苏轼非常重视艺术创作技巧规律的训练和探讨;4、受庄学言意观的启示,苏轼在形神问题上,不仅追求“传神达意”,还追求形象之外的无穷意蕴。  相似文献   

Framed within Coleman’s theory of family capital, this article examines how different home variables such as family physical, human and social capital affect immigrant children’s second‐language acquisition in the homes of four Chinese immigrant families in Canada. Specifically, the study analyzes the relationships between family physical capital and family investment in second language learning, between parental human capital and levels of parental involvement, and between family social capital and access to familial and community resources. The analysis demonstrates that parental educational backgrounds, their occupational choices and chances, and their adaptation and integration into Canadian society had a significant impact on the families’ accumulation and activation of family capital to support their children’s second‐language learning.  相似文献   


Nursing homes as clinical sites for student learning have the potential to produce negative attitudes toward aging. The purpose of the study reported in this paper was to determine the impact of the Eden Alternative on the attitudes of students toward elders residing in nursing homes. Prior to beginning implementation of the Eden Alternative, 61 students completed the Health Professional Beliefs and Opinions about Elders. At 2 years after implementation of the Eden Alternative, 73 students completed the same survey. The second group reflected significantly more positive attitudes toward elders living in nursing homes.  相似文献   

本研究以325名12~18岁福利院孤儿群体为对象,采用符合心理测量学要求的福利院孤儿身份拒绝敏感性测量工具,考察了12~18岁福利院孤儿身份拒绝敏感性的发展特点。结果发现:福利院孤儿身份拒绝敏感性由身份拒绝的焦虑性、愤怒性、预期性三个成分构成,其测量问卷具有较好的信度、效度指标;福利院孤儿总体身份拒绝敏感性的发展存在较大个体差异性;在身份拒绝敏感性三个成分中,孤儿身份拒绝的预期性认知反应较之身份拒绝的焦虑性、愤怒性更为强烈,且这种特点在男性孤儿身上体现得更为突出,女性孤儿则稍弱。  相似文献   


Proposals to prepare disciplinary stewards and optimize the conditions for collective stewardship can be framed in two ways. The dominant frame emphasizes disciplinary caretaking and lends comparatively less attention to reform and transformation. A second frame is grounded in the social ecology of particular disciplines, their fast-changing university homes, and society’s complex needs, problems, and opportunities, especially those that no longer fit inside the long-standing boundaries of particular disciplines and their specialties. Reformist and transformative stewardship in this second frame prioritizes the development of adaptive, connected disciplines characterized by new boundaries and bridging mechanisms for interdisciplinary research, teaching, and outreach/engagement. This frame also provides the opportunity to explore the difference between an academic discipline and a helping discipline. Questions remain about how leaders will persuade, support, and reward career-oriented, specialized faculty members to engage in all such acts of stewardship for Kinesiology alongside their customary concern for their respective sub-disciplines.  相似文献   

徽州水口,是一种"有意味的形式",是徽州人的保护神和心灵家园。从实用层面上来看,具有定界、防卫、交通导向、休息聚会场所等功能;从美学意义上来看,既有儒家的"比德"思想,又有道家的"师法自然"观念,还有现代意义上的"诗意地栖居"理想;此外,还有象征意义。  相似文献   

This contribution offers an overview of two studies testing two attachment theoretical correspondence hypotheses in the prediction of individual differences in young children's God concepts. The correspondence hypothesis supposes that people's view on God parallels their images of their early caregiver–child relationship. The revised correspondence hypothesis incorporates caregiver religiosity and socialization. In the first study support was found for the correspondence hypothesis in the school context examining 72 preschoolers. In the second study the revised correspondence hypothesis was partly confirmed among 198 kindergarteners. Children cognitively learn about a powerful and comforting, helping God in their homes and schools, even when all relationships with their caregivers are experienced as negative. However, in such a surrounding they do not emotionally learn about an intimate, personal bond with God.  相似文献   

Students speaking a language at home, which is different from the instructional at home, often face serious literacy problems in their additional language. This article examines the various factors involved in these difficulties and proposes some procedures for determining whether the reading problems are primarily due to linguistic factors, sociocultural factors, or specific learning problems such as dyslexia. The discussion of linguistic factors includes a closer examination of the concept of language proficiency. Dimensions of individual differences in the ability of second language (L2) acquisition are specified. Particular emphasis is given to the role of verbal working memory in L2 acquisition and to neuropsychological aspects. A popular target for recent research has been the orthographic structure of the language, and a general assumption has been that transparent orthographies, such as Italian or Finnish, are easier for a learner to deal with than deep orthographies. The methodological problems involved in the study of this issue are discussed. Some recent large-scale comparative surveys of reading literacy have not been able to demonstrate the impact of orthographic structures, as other, more powerful explanations of achievement variations have masked the possibly small orthographic effects. These explanatory factors are to a large extent related to social and cultural conditions in homes, communities, and schools. A tentative model is proposed where the various factors involved in L2 reading are specified, providing guidelines for assessment strategies.  相似文献   

《竹庐家聒》和《女闲》是清初青岛地区著名的平民学者胡峄阳的家训著作。作为地域化的平民家训,它们反映了清初青岛社会民众求平安的社会心理、好赌的社会风气、尚读书的社会文化教育及受礼教束缚的女子教育等社会文化情况,同时针对这些社会文化因素对家族子弟进行训导,对清初青岛胡氏家族的发展及地方社会的稳定起到了一定的积极作用。  相似文献   

A narrative inquiry of cross-cultural lives: Lives in China   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
In a series of three papers, I examine the identity development of three Chinese women teachers as they moved back and forth between Eastern and Western cultures and languages amid the rapidly changing events of the last four decades. I use a river metaphor to explore three phases in the cross-cultural lives of these women: in the first paper, their lives in China amid multiple cultural movements; in the second, their lives in Canada; and in the third their lives in the North American academy. This lifebased narrative inquiry, situated between non-fiction, fiction and academic discourses, opens up possibilities for establishing a link between cross-cultural lives and identities, cross-cultural teacher education and curriculum studies in multicultural contexts. In this first paper, I explore the three teachers' lives in China before, during and after the Cultural Revolution. I tell stories of changes for each participant as cultural upheavals were experienced in their homes and schooling. I pay special attention to the relationship between living such disruptive lives, telling such lives, and developing an inquiry-oriented way of thinking about and writing about such lives related to identity development and its impact upon cross-cultural curriculum making and multicultural education.  相似文献   

《桃花源记》、《水浒传》、《西游记》和《红楼梦》等文学作品所描绘的桃花源、梁山泊、花果山、大观园这样的胜地,是中国人景慕向往的诗意家园。虽然对于这些诗意家园人们"心向往之而终不能至",但它们却仍无愧为中华文化中熠熠生辉的亮点,并且丰富着幸福文化的内涵。  相似文献   

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