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The language of self-belief, including terms like shyness and diffidence, is complex and puzzling. The idea of self-esteem in particular, which has been given fresh currency by recent interest in 'personalised learning', continues to create problems. I argue first that we need a 'thicker' and more subtle moral psychology of self-belief; and, secondly, that there is a radical instability in the ideas and concepts in this area, an instability to which justice needs to be done. I suggest that aspects of deconstruction are helpful here, and offer a deconstructive reading of Kipling's poem, If —, in order to illustrate the power of literature and a certain kind of philosophy to destabilise and resist closure.  相似文献   

哲学产生于对人的存在及其意义的反思。哲学与人紧密相关,一种哲学内蕴一种人观,反之,一种人观也意味着一种哲学。人观的变化反映哲学的变化。现代哲学提出“生活世界”哲学,作为一种哲学视野,其本质内涵从人的存在维度的演变可以得到基本的把握,同时,它也内在地包含着一种新的人观。人的存在维度的变化与哲学视野的变化本质上是为了更准确地把握人的真实存在及其意义。  相似文献   

人生哲学从哲学的角度出发,将人生问题提升到更高的层次,从而可为教育提供理想的构想。一个时代的人生哲学带有一定的价值导向性,往往首先从宏观层面影响教育的价值取向;而教师的人生哲学作为个性的体现,则更直接地影响着教师的教育观念和教育行为,而且这种影响更直接、更持久。  相似文献   

康德是伟大的教育学家,他的教育学对后世产生了深远的影响。在康德那里,就教育学的性质而言,教育学是基于实践哲学的实践教育学,没有实践哲学作为根基,也就没有教育学的存在。这一实践教育学又在"理想"与"科学"之间。教育学是"理想",主要体现在康德基于人的所有向善禀赋的完全实现上,而这一实现又只能通过"类的教育"而不能通过"个别的教育",由此康德的教育学具有了一种世界主义的理想色彩。教育学是"科学",主要体现在康德对教育实验、教育方法论的强调,以及对机械的教育学说的批判当中。不过,康德的整全的"人性观"又使得他的"科学"不是严格的"实验科学"。  相似文献   

2 0世纪中国哲学史的研究 ,基本上经过了三个阶段 ,即其建立时期的以我就西方阶段 ,建国后的以古人就我阶段和改革开放后的全面繁荣发展阶段。经过 2 0年的发展 ,当前中国哲学史的研究在方法论上应该注意处理好三个关系 ,即中国哲学史与中国传统文化的关系 ;中国哲学史与中国哲学的关系以及其自身研究的“纯化”与“泛化”的关系问题。  相似文献   

It is a rather safe statement to claim that the social dimensions of the scientific process are accepted in a fair share of studies in the philosophy of science. It is a somewhat safe statement to claim that the social dimensions are now seen as an essential element in the understanding of what human cognition is and how it functions. But it would be a rather unsafe statement to claim that the social is fully accepted in the philosophy of mathematics. And we are not quite sure what kind of statement it is to claim that the social dimensions in theories of mathematics education are becoming more prominent, compared to the psychological dimensions. In our contribution we will focus, after a brief presentation of the above claims, on this particular domain to understand the successes and failures of the development of theories of mathematics education that focus on the social and not primarily on the psychological.  相似文献   

目前,公立医院管理已逐渐过渡为一种新型而特殊的现代精细化管理模式。这种管理模式强调“以人为本”的管理理念,注重调动各方的积极性和创造力,注重人才培养和队伍建设。实践表明,全员考评在公立医院人才培养工作中,能发挥极其重要的内在驱动效应,能产生PDCA良性循环效应,扎实保障了公立医院人才培养工作的成功推进。  相似文献   

Abstract Simone de Beauvoir, best known outside France as a leading modern feminist theorist, is also recognized as a writer of literature, philosophy, and drama. In this essay, James D. Marshall aims to present Beauvoir, not as a mere entry in the history of French philosophy, nor as an under‐laborer to Jean‐Paul Sartre, but as someone who has important philosophical insights to contribute to ongoing debates on the human condition, including those concerned with education. Central to these debates are issues such as what does it mean to be an individual human being and what characterizes the relations between individuals and others and between individuals and society. Marshall argues that Beauvoir can participate in such philosophical and educational debates, for philosophy of education has major interests in such questions as who or what is this “person” whom we profess to be educating, what kind of person or outcome of education is desirable, and in what kind of society should these individuals take part?  相似文献   

In the last two decades, a decisive anti-foundationalist turn has emerged in educational philosophy and theory. With such a shift, both the possibility and the desirability to conceive of educational processes and practices in terms of mastery and predictability has been challenged. In this paper, by locating my work on such an anti-foundationalist horizon and by staging a comparison between Dewey and Heidegger, I wish to frame the issue in terms of what is behind and what is beyond the detached and self-assured subject that is supposed to found the kind of managerial frameworks that dominate educational practice worldwide. Specifically, it is my contention that for both Heidegger and Dewey, we are, on the one hand, vulnerable from the very beginning, delivered to an uncanny and uncertain condition; even knowledge is dependent upon a wider, non-discursive context. On the other hand, such an uncanniness and dependency, rather than flowing in some nihilistic defeat of educational purposes, puts radical responsibility on the side of the subject. For both Dewey and Heidegger, being a subject means being-with-others while transcending and advancing one’s boundaries. The notion of education that will emerge through the comparison between Dewey and Heidegger is a type of both subtraction and overstepping, a type of event that we cannot manage, and yet requires our attention, our educational effort in dealing with it, in loading it upon ourselves, thus reconsidering our existence.  相似文献   

J.M. Breuvart 《Interchange》2000,31(2-3):279-292
Whitehead and Weil have both written books which can be interpreted as helping us to better understand Kant's moral philosophy. This paper will discuss this question in the light of considering the relationships in Whitehead's philosophy between cosmological and ethical law and the question of whether or not Kantian morality is thinkable in terms of Whitehead's understanding of ethical law. It will then consider whether Weil's views in Logique de la Philosophie would be helpful in revisiting the concept of moral education. The conclusion of the paper is that the teaching of citizenship is the most urgent task which any and every educator faces today since the ideals of civilization which promote morality cannot be realized without the power of the state.  相似文献   

This essay explores three practices commonly discussed in relation to each other: slow writing, slow reading and slow philosophy. These have close connections, and all of these are joined by practices of philosophical teaching and dialogue, which can also be carried out in a ‘slow’ manner. ‘Slow’ here means careful, deliberate and perspicaciouswhich might be said to be the prime virtues of philosophy. In this essay I want to explore what slowness means in the context of our intellectual work, concluding that slowness can be seen as a kind of virtue. Like other virtues (for example, honesty), more and more of a good thing is not always for the better. One can be too slow, just as one can be too fast, and part of the enactment of this quality entails discernment in judging what kind of slowness, and how much slowness, is suited to a particular task. Context matters, and our choices about slowness need to be viewed in relation to specific circumstances.  相似文献   

This article probes how philosophical structures are immanent in empirical work and how philosophy might be understood when it is within the precincts of science. My interest is in both opening philosophy to disruption by a science that knows itself as inside history and opening science to the costs of its inability to tolerate the necessary lack in any determinism. Against the more typical focus on how philosophy provides the reason of science, here the task is to rethink the relation between empirical work and philosophy in a way that posits an engagement with not knowing as an ethical and political move. The goal of such a project is a double(d) science that works the necessary tensions that structure contemporary social science as fertile ground for the production of new practices where theoretical complexities are used as tools to make a material difference in terms of “what works” in the public interest.  相似文献   

现代哲学对于因果概念的讨论受惠于休谟,休谟关于因果概念有不同的定义。他除了从相继性、接近性和恒常联系三个特点定义因果关系,还从某种反事实条件关系描述了因果概念。大卫·刘易斯从事件之间的反事实依赖关系对因果性进行了细致分析,体现了剖析因果性概念的新视角,同时也充分表明大卫·刘易斯的模态实在论立场和反事实条件句逻辑在其系统哲学建构中的解释力。  相似文献   

构建教师个人教育哲学探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教师需要教育哲学的引导,教育哲学是一种实践哲学,对教育实践起重要的指导作用,对教师在复杂的教育决策和教育生活中作出恰当的选择和行动是非常有价值的;而且它还可以帮助一个教师理解学生、课程、管理以及目标之间的相互关系,增进教师的理性,明白自己所实践的对象所要达到的目的和所应承担的教育责任,促使教师成为更加有效的专业教育工作者.本研究采用经验总结法和行动研究法,从主、客两方面对教师如何构建个人的教育哲学作了一些初步的理论思考和探讨,并相宜提出建议.  相似文献   

文章分析了目前对哲学基本问题的各种理解,认为把哲学基本问题表述为“物质和意识的关系”不能成立。提出哲学基本问题的正确表述应是:世界的本原是什么?阐释了这种表述既符合哲学的研究对象和哲学史。又符合逻辑和哲学的功能。这种表述可以使哲学不只是研究人的思维与世界其它事物的本末关系。而是真正去研究整个世界;可以改变哲学史的研究现状,使哲学派别不一定只划分为唯物和唯心两大派;有利于哲学发挥应有的作用,指导人们认识和改造世界。  相似文献   

马克思主义哲学在人与自然关系方面的理解是肯定人在改造世界的能动生产实践中,证明自己是类存在物,自然界表现为他的作品和他的现实。强调人按照任何一个种的尺度来进行生产,都必须遵循自然界的规律。强调人类对于未知的自然界及其规律的尊重,启迪后人善待自然,保持对自然的敬畏之心。  相似文献   

中国哲学的强解释学特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
能否创建中国的解释学 ,是一个复杂的问题。首先要解决的问题是“将要创建的是哪一种解释学 ?”因为西方解释学有三种形态 :古代解释学、一般解释学和现代哲学解释学 ,它们的含义差别甚远。作为解释技术的古代解释学 ,中国古代已经具有 ,而且相当发达 ,因而无须再建立。如果是后两种 ,那么中国尚未出现 ,故而才存在着建立的问题。但是在这个全球化的时代 ,能否建立起中国的一般解释学和哲学解释学是很成问题的。就汤一介先生的论述来看 ,他所理解的解释学实际上是中国古代的解释学。这种解释学不仅不需要创建 (它已存在 ) ,而且也没有发扬光大的必要 ,原因是由于古代解释学的过度发展 ,使中国哲学具有了强解释学特征 ,即解释过度 ,这种过度解释的传统妨碍了中国哲学的发展 ,使其解释有余 ,而创造不足 ,并形成了学派线性发展和思想寄生式发展的特点。目前中国哲学界最需要的是少一些解释 ,而多一些创造  相似文献   

格言,是一种饱含生活哲理的语言形式。它与谚语同属一个家族,但又各自独立门户。格言从形式上可分为词格言、句格言、段格言三类;从适应范围上可分为普遍格言、团群格言、个别格言三种。格言在修辞上隶属于警策辞格,但它又有自身鲜明滢滢的个性。  相似文献   


How can school education best bring about moral improvement? Socrates believed that the unexamined life was not worth living and that the philosophical examination of life required a collaborative inquiry. Today, our society relegates responsibility for values to the personal sphere rather than the social one. I will argue that, overall, we need to give more emphasis to collaboration and inquiry rather than pitting students against each other and focusing too much attention on ‘teaching that’ instead of ‘teaching how’. I will argue that we need to include philosophy in the curriculum throughout the school years, and teach it through a collaborative inquiry which enables children to participate in an open society subject to reason. Such collaborative inquiry integrates personal responsibility with social values more effectively than sectarian and didactic religious education.  相似文献   

This paper challenges the view that academic professionalism resides in the professional 'autonomy' of the academic, the 'self-regulation' of academics as an occupational group, and the differential 'status' of academic workers. This still influential (though residual) notion of academic professionalism, it is argued, leads to institutional stasis. What is required is greater reflexivity by academics in respect of their underlying professional values. In particular the piece challenges the academic community (of which the author is a member) to re-think academic freedom – the bedrock of professional identity within that community – in terms of increased inclusivity: 'freedom for all' rather than 'freedom for academics' The paper touches on issues relating to practice and organisational structure, but focuses primarily on the need for academics to shift the moral bases of their claim to professionalism. In so doing, it also challenges the post-Dearing consensus that the debate on academic professionalism can be adequately conducted in terms of 'standards' and 'outcomes'. A prime purpose of the paper is to promote debate and discussion by setting a different kind of agenda (a moral agenda) and by couching that agenda within a different kind of discourse (one that invites and admits moral speculation).  相似文献   

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