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丁山 《文化交流》2017,(12):54-57
正杭州西湖大道北侧,南宋御街之中山中路227号,繁盛的街市忽地出现一处规模颇巨的伊斯兰清真寺院,一派浓郁的阿拉伯建筑风格,庄重,优雅,安谧。若遇开放之时,你还可以循步其中,在寺内各文物点参观。它便是与广州狮子寺、泉州麒麟寺、扬州仙鹤寺并称、我国南方伊斯兰教四大古寺的杭州凤凰寺。毫不夸张地说,如今得到各国响应的中国"一带一路"倡议,还能从凤凰寺探寻出其渊源。凤凰寺又名礼拜寺、真教寺、回回堂,因当年的整个建筑群布局形似凤凰展翅,故于清道光十八年(1838)改  相似文献   

孙钥 《文化交流》2012,(12):56-58
2010年底,一场"元代杭州研究论坛"让大家看到了一个"失落在历史烟云中的繁华富丽天堂"。元代杭州,是当时世界上规模最大和最富庶的大都市之一。2012年夏秋之际,我在杭州文史研究会牵头召开的杭州凤凰寺藏阿拉伯文和波斯文古碑释读评审会上了解到一个新情况:由世界顶尖专家初步转译释读出的铭文显示,早在700年前,杭州已是一座具有高度国际化的大都市。可是,为什么这批阿拉伯文和波斯文墓碑会出现在杭州?  相似文献   

雨友  张珏 《文化交流》2012,(11):67-70
陆羽《茶经·八之出》中写道,"浙西以湖州上,常州次,宣州、杭州、睦州、歙州下,润州、苏州又下",原注:"杭州临安、於潜二县生天目山,与舒州同;钱塘生天竺、灵隐二寺;睦州生桐庐县山谷。"如此有限的篇幅来写茶都杭州,用今天的话来讲,只不过是"织"了一条"围脖"(微博)而已。  相似文献   

张科 《文化交流》2009,(3):24-29
2008年12月18日上午,“连横纪念馆——台湾文化展”在杭州玛瑙寺揭幕。中国国民党荣誉主席连战及夫人连方瑀,中共中央台办、国务院台办主任王毅,海峡两岸关系协会会长陈云林,浙江省委书记赵洪祝,杭州市委书记王国平等出席开幕典礼。  相似文献   

李忠 《文化交流》2014,(8):F0003-F0003
2014年7月4日,“2014年ICD中国·杭州发型汇演”在杭州乐园举行。作为正在杭州举办的“ICD中国发型时尚周”的压轴大戏,这台发型汇演由来自意大利、德国、奥地利、日本等国的ICD(世界发型设计家协会)认证设计师和国内各地的优秀发型设计师同台献艺,展示了当今国际发型设计的潮流趋势和东西方发型艺术的融合与差异。  相似文献   

本文 《文化交流》2010,(4):49-49
第六届中国国际动漫节即将举行 第六届中国国际动漫节将于4月28日至5月3日在杭州举行,主会场仍设在杭州(萧山)体博园。动漫节其间,以杭产动画片《魔幻仙踪》为蓝杭州大剧院公演,同期举行的还有2010“美猴奖”颁奖仪式、第三届国际动漫节杭州峰会、动画片交易会、项目洽谈会、人才招聘会。  相似文献   

谭进  冯源 《文化交流》2010,(5):50-52
“怒发冲冠,凭栏处、潇潇雨歇……”2010年3月30日(农历二月十五日)上午,脍炙人口的《满江红》在杭州岳庙再次响起,来自全国各地的岳飞后裔擎香共祭岳飞诞辰907周年。  相似文献   

中国是茶叶的故乡。最早的野生茶树在中国;最早的人工栽培茶树在中国;最早的茶叶经典著作在中国;最早的茶文化在中国。中国是全世界喝茶人数最多的国家,也是茶叶消费最多的国家;中国是全世界茶叶品种最多的国家,也是名茶最多的国家。因作名茶赋以颂之。西湖龙井誉天下西湖龙井源远流长。唐代茶圣陆羽所著《茶经》中记载:“杭州、钱塘天竺、灵隐二寺产茶。”北宋杭州知州苏  相似文献   

龚国强 《文化交流》2013,(11):F0003-F0003
“百年华彩乐章——第四届中国(杭州)国际当代优秀水彩画家提名展”,10月19日在浙江美术馆闭幕。异彩纷呈的国内外水彩画精品集中亮相,这是近年来少有的高水平国际性水彩画展览。  相似文献   

张云龙 《职业圈》2014,(1):125-125
近日,中国企业联合会在杭州召开全国企业文化示范基地(现代联合集团)现场会,授予现代联合集团“全国企业文化示范基地”称号。中共浙江省委常委、宣传部部长葛慧君、中国企业联合会驻会副会长尹援平、浙江省第十一心人大常委会副主任徐宏俊、  相似文献   

沙舟 《文化交流》2009,(2):34-36
杭州西湖北山有个黄龙洞,历史上是南宋护国寺的道场。当年这里的住持和尚、一代高僧无门慧开曾在此向其东瀛弟子传授佛法和“尺八”演奏技艺,是中日佛教和音乐交流的圣地。那时的黄龙洞曾经是梵呗绕梁、清音袅袅。岁月荏苒,这方洞府灵山注定与艺术结缘。新中国成立后,这里又成了我省最高艺术学府浙江职业艺术学院的前身——浙江省艺术学校的所在地。  相似文献   

Restoring cultural heritage is an extremely important job due to its immeasurable value. However, it also requires even greater attention in the case of a building. The actions taken on these constructions not only guarantee their preservation from the point of view of their historical value, but they also guarantee their stability as structures. The need to control historic buildings, analyzing their defects and their possible consequences, is decisive in preventing significant damage. This work demonstrates calculating the thickness of vaults in a church. It is easy to determine the interior and exterior 3D geometry of the church using scanner laser techniques. By combining both geometries, it is easy to determine the difference between the interior vaults and the roof of the church. However, the interior of both geometries is completely unknown, and it is not possible to act on their condition for structural consolidation purposes. This work shows the methods used to determine the interior sections of the vault thicknesses by referencing the internal geometry of both models with the interior of the church, using plumb line system scanning. The results obtained show accuracy better than 6 millimeters.  相似文献   

This paper aims to view the implications of an identification of wood species found during an archaeological excavation on a medieval church building and a surrounding graveyard at Thorarinsstadir in Seydisfjordur, east Iceland. The excavation in Seydisfjördur is a part of a project entitled ‘The transition from paganism to Christianity in Iceland’ sponsored by The East Iceland Heritage Museum, the Research Council of Iceland and The European Commission. It started in 1997 and from 1998 it has been a part of the PARABOW project, in the frame of the Raphael project. The project involves archaeological researches on pagan and Christian remains from the early medieval times in Iceland. The aim is to examine the origin and development of the Christian religion in Iceland. Furthermore, it is the intention to investigate how Christianity evolved alongside paganism assuming the conversion to Christianity was a long process, climaxing in the year 1000 when Christianity was adopted as a national religion. The wood identification uncovered evidence concerning church architecture, limiting actors for building traditions, Icelandersˈ ritual practices as well as their contacts with the foreign countries during the Viking Age and early medieval times. It did show that the native species were mainly used as fuel but drift timber was probably mainly used for construction purposes and for making coffins. According to the results from the wood identification, for instance, the excavation at Thorarinsstadir in Seydisfjördur revealed a wooden church made of drift timber.  相似文献   

刘云 《文化交流》2012,(2):43-45
济公和尚,杭州人对他特别有感情。灵隐寺里有一座济公殿,供奉了济公塑像。只可惜,以前一直没有一件绘画作品,讲讲济公的传奇。不久之前,灵隐寺济公殿里的济公壁画圆满完成。十八幅画可以看济公一生传奇济公殿就在灵隐寺药师殿的右侧,进了济公殿,中央是供奉着的济公塑像,左右四面墙上就是十八幅壁,  相似文献   

The aim of the present paper is the identification of natural or anthropic buried cavities under the church of St. Sebastiano in Catania (Sicily). To this purpose Ground Penetrating Radar (G.P.R.) surveys were performed on the pavement of the church and three in situ drillings were carried out outside the church. Through the G.P.R. investigation, the existence of hidden structures was revealed; the results obtained by in situ drillings allowed a detailed characterization of the most superficial layers of the ground.  相似文献   

去年,当新编昆曲历史剧《公孙子都》主演、浙江昆剧团团长林为林站在国家舞台艺术精品工程的颁奖台上,从国务委员陈至立女士手中接过沉甸甸的“十大精品剧目”奖牌的那一刻,浙昆人感到无比激动与自豪,因为他们在无数个日日夜夜里,用心血和汗水九易其稿,四易其名,经历十年之久的艰辛创作历程,终于结出了硕果——将传统剧目《伐子都》创新为在思想性、艺术性、观赏性方面与时俱进的上乘之作,成就了继《十五贯》后的又一个具有里程碑意义的国家级精品剧目。  相似文献   

An investigation has been undertaken at St Andrew’s church, Walpole St Andrew, Norfolk, to establish the underlying causes of the observed stone decay to the upper parts of the six stone piers. The stone decay was first recorded in the early 1930s. The salt-contaminated masonry within the church has been shown to undergo severe salt decay during the summer, with little damage occurring over the winter months. The south aisle piers have been shown to decay 2.5 times faster than the north aisle piers. Although crystallization–hydration cycles have been identified, the rate of decay is at its greatest when the cycling is relatively infrequent. This was not the expected trend. Furthermore, it has been shown that during extended periods where the ambient relative humidity is less than 75%, the rate of decay reaches a maximum. It is the length of this ‘drying’ period that apparently has the greatest influence on the rate of decay and could explain the significant difference in the rate of decay between the south and north aisle piers. The results have serious implications for passive conservation, where it is often recommended to lower the ambient relative humidity to well below the equilibrium relative humidity of the salt contaminant, to avoid crystallization–hydration cycles. Since, at the time of building, the church was situated on the coast, it is possible that the sodium chloride contamination occurred during the building process (1440–1520), particularly since the area was prone to sea-flooding at this time. Alternatively, the salt could have been applied as a treatment during the general restoration of 1897. Whatever the source of the salt, it seems likely that the ambient environment was changed by the insertion of a sealed floor in 1897, which could account for the onset of the salt decay.  相似文献   

在人类文明史上,印刷技术的发明居功甚伟,而我国是雕版印刷、活字印刷的发明国,在当代电脑激光排版技术发明前,承载人类文明的书籍典册,都是靠传统的印刷术来印制的。在卷轶浩繁的文献典籍中,吴越刊刻的佛教典籍璀璨夺目,光耀古今。五代吴越国时,杭州的佛经雕版印刷兴起,著名的雷峰塔藏经堪称佛教典籍的精品。吴越王钱弘俶仿效古印度阿育王铸造8.4万个小佛塔即阿育王塔,同  相似文献   

The European project Friendly-Heating (FH): comfortable to people and compatible with conservation of artworks preserved in churches addressed the problems caused by the continuous or intermittent heating of historic churches, which disturbs the microclimatic conditions to which the building and the artworks preserved inside have acclimatised. As thermal comfort and the preservation of artworks often conflict with each other, a balance between the two needs is necessary. The proposed heating strategy is to provide a small amount of heat directly to people in the pew area while leaving the conditions in the church, as a whole, undisturbed. This novel heating system is based on some low-temperature radiant emitters mounted in a pew to provide a desirable distribution of heat to the feet, legs and hands of people occupying it. Due to little heat dispersion, this novel system not only significantly reduces the risk of mechanical stress in wooden artworks and panel or canvas paintings, fresco soiling and cyclic dissolution-recrystallization of soluble salts in the masonry, but is energy-efficient. The detailed environmental monitoring was conducted in the church of Santa Maria Maddalena in Rocca Pietore, Italy over a 3-year period to verify the performance of the novel heating system in comparison to the warm-air system that was active earlier in the church. The methodology and results of this comprehensive and multidisciplinary study were included in three draft standards of the European Committee for Standardisation intended for use in the study and control of environments of cultural heritage objects.  相似文献   

Two multivariate statistical tools  principal components analysis and cluster analysis  were applied to aid in the interpretation of the historical development of St. John the Baptist's church (?i?e, Slovenia). With these methods it was possible to distinguish between the types of mortar used in the Romanesque and Gothic time periods. The investigated structure is a ruin with poorly preserved fragments of historical mortars, so tracing the individual stages of its construction proved to be a demanding task. Its chemical composition was determined by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) and the results of the content of various oxides were statistically evaluated to interpret the age of the southern wall of the church.  相似文献   

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