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公开课是中学教学研究活动的最常见形式。公开课的是通过某种课例达到切磋交流进而改进教学。然而,公开课研讨中存在一些误区。文章从比赛型公开课、课价标准、非科学性因素三个方面对语文公开课的误区进行了探讨。  相似文献   

<正>教学能力的提升并非易事,它需要教师在实际教学中不断磨炼、成长,笔者认为,校内公开课这种教研形式能够发挥正面积极的作用,推动教师教学能力的提升,保证课堂教学质量。一、走出误区,审视公开课实践本质1".公开课"≠"表演课"。公开课与表演课  相似文献   

实施新课程以后,各地大力提倡校本教研和校际教研活动,各教育行政部门和教学研究部门纷纷举行优质教案比赛、说课比赛和各种类型的公开课活动。本来这些活动主要是为了进行教学研究、教学改革或在新课程理念下推广教学经验,然而,教学工作者们对公开课的认识却越来越陷入误区。笔者通过近两年的观察,现归纳出如下三种常见的公开课误区。  相似文献   

实施新课程以后,各地大力提倡校本教研和校际教研活动,各教育行政部门和教学研究部门纷纷举行优质教案比赛、说课比赛和各种类型的公开课活动.本来这些活动主要是为了进行教学研究、教学改革或在新课程理念下推广教学经验,然而,教学工作者们对公开课的认识却越来越陷入误区.笔者通过近两年的观察,现归纳出如下三种常见的公开课误区.  相似文献   

<正>一、多媒体课件教学的误区误区之一:课件万能、用课件时髦。只有采用多媒体课件教学的课才是好课,未采用多媒体课件教学的课捧不上台盘,尤其是在开设公开课、研究课等教学观摩活动时更是如此。采用多媒体课件教学不是为了教学的实际需要,有的课完全可以而且应该运用更为直接、直观的教学手段却不用,而把它改  相似文献   

在探索如何提高数学课堂教学效率的道路上,作者观摩了许多公开课和优质课。其中选择讲授复习课的教师很少,所以在复习课的实际教学中存在一些误区。针对这些误区,作者根据多年的教学实践提出了自己看法。  相似文献   

公开课是课堂教学的一种重要组织形式,是教师之间相互学习、交流的平台,是教师专业发展不可或缺的途径,特别是在深入推进新课程改革的今天,它对先进教学思想和教学理念的传播起到了推波助澜的作用。但是,在教学实践中,我们又不难发现很多公开课似乎中看不中用,甚至出现“课上热闹课后补”的怪现象。冷静分析自己所经历的众多公开课,我认为目前的公开课存在以下三大误区。  相似文献   

一、问题提出从教学本质看,公开课具有教学和教研两大功能。教学功能是指公开课是一项教学活动,施教者必须完成预定的教学任务,达到预定的教学目标,是公开课的显性教学目标;教研功能是指公开课作为一项教学研究活动,通过听课、说课、评课活动以提高教师的教学和教研水平,属于公开课隐性的教学目标。长期以来,围绕公开课开展听评活动一直是学校开展教科研活动的重要方式。从实践层面看,当前的公开课陷入了误区,许多教师对公开课抱有抵触心理。表现在:1.公开课功能被异化。以往的公开课往往是教师为应付教育常规检查,或参加校际交流和参赛,被…  相似文献   

当前,在利用多媒体技术教学时常常走入误区.将多媒体技术当作教学的一种时髦.特别是公开课或示范课,好像不用多媒体就不能算是一节好课。  相似文献   

任英武 《家教世界》2013,(9X):156-156
"公开课"作为一种课堂教学的重要组织形式,是探讨教学规律,研究教学方法,提高教师专业素养的重要方式,理应成为提高教学质量、推进新课程教学改革的有效"抓手"。但是,在教学实践中,我们又不难发现许多公开课似乎中看不中用,甚至出现"课上热闹课后补"的怪现象。冷静分析自己所经历的众多公开课,笔者认为目前的公开课存在以下四大误区。  相似文献   

This paper describes the method used by the author to teach a class of Year 8 students about light and its properties so that the students’ own ideas were considered and their misconceptions addressed. To achieve this a series of teaching modules were designed using a model of conceptual change suggested by Posner and his colleagues at Cornell University. Students’ prior misconceptions about light were identified using a pretest developed by the author. After teaching a posttest was used to determine if the teaching method resulted in a lower level of misconceptions. Interviews from seven students selected at random and the observations gathered by a participant observor were used to verify results. It was found that the teaching method resulted in a lower level of misconceptions in the sample and this was confirmed by the results of the interviews and participant observation. This paper concentrates on the design and content of one of the teaching modules. Specializations: students’ misconceptions in science.  相似文献   

We used both student interviews and diagnostic testing to reveal students’ misconceptions about number representations in computing systems. This article reveals that students who have passed an undergraduate level computer organization course still possess surprising misconceptions about positional notations, two's complement representation, and overflow. Contrary to common opinion, these misconceptions are widespread and reveal the need for instruction that specifically targets these misconceptions. In addition, these misconceptions will serve as the basis for the creation of a standard assessment tool called the digital logic concept inventory. This concept inventory will provide a rigorous and quantitative metric to assess the effectiveness of new teaching methods.  相似文献   

Three teaching experiments are reported which study aspects of a diagnostic teaching methodology based on identifying key conceptual points and misconceptions, focusing on these, giving substantial open challenges, provoking cognitive conflict, and resolving it through intensive discussion. An experiment in the field of directional quantities showed a positive relation between the intensity of discussion and amount of learning; one on fractions and another on geometric reflections both showed — in comparison with individualized booklets, for which retention was very low — strikingly good two-month retention under the experimental teaching methods. The particular misconceptions found in each topic are also described.  相似文献   


This paper presents the results of a long-term project which compared primary school student-teachers' theories on teaching with their actual teaching, investigated the factors underlying the revealed discrepancy and tried to explain it. The results indicated that although student-teachers' educational views shifted in their final year of study towards a child-centred and constructivist view of teaching, this was not implemented in their actual teaching. Analysis of videotaped lessons and interviews with student-teachers revealed some grave misconceptions about teaching and learning. The paper argues that these misconceptions were the principal factor underlying the mismatch that was identified between student-teachers' theories on teaching and their actual teaching. The hypothesis is also put forth that these misconceptions are likely the result of deeply embedded cultural values through which student-teachers' understanding of the new pedagogical approaches is mediated.  相似文献   

Chemical bonding is one of the key and basic concepts in chemistry. The learning of many of the concepts taught in chemistry, in both secondary schools as well as in the colleges, is dependent upon understanding fundamental ideas related to chemical bonding. Nevertheless, the concept is perceived by teachers, as well as by learners, as difficult, with teaching commonly leading to students developing misconceptions. Many of these misconceptions result from over‐simplified models used in text books, by the use of traditional pedagogy that presents a rather limited and sometimes incorrect picture of the issues related to chemical bonding and by assessments of students' achievement that influence the way the topic is taught. In addition, there are discrepancies between scientists regarding key definitions in the topic and the most appropriate models to teach it. In particular, teaching models that are intended to have transitional epistemological value in introducing abstract ideas are often instead understood by students as accounts of ontological reality. In this review paper we provide science educators, curricula developers and pre‐service and in‐service professional development providers an up‐to‐date picture regarding research and developments in teaching about chemical bonding. We review the external and internal variables that might lead to misconceptions and the problematic issue of using limited teaching/learning models. Finally, we review the approaches to teaching the concept that might overcome some of these misconceptions.  相似文献   

为深入推进卓越法律人才培养计划,培养应用型、复合型法律职业人才,优化法学专业课程体系、突出模拟法庭教学作用成为摆在我们面前一项紧迫的任务。模拟法庭教学作为一种综合实训形式,其目标定位应当以培养实用型人才为圭臬,在课程体系中的定位应当是从属于法学实践课程体系。传统模拟法庭教学在教学目标、师资、教学资料和案例、开展方式、考核机制等方面存在诸多误区,应当全面进行改革。开展创新性模拟法庭教学,有利于推动卓越法律人才培养目标的早日实现。  相似文献   


The study that is the subject of this paper tested the effects of EDI (explanation-driven inquiry) on students’ redox conceptual understanding and their misconceptions. Two classes of 119 10th grade high school students were involved. Two groups of students in the same school were chosen. One class that was taught by EDI teaching was set as the treatment group and another class that received conventional teaching was set as the control group. Students’ conceptual understanding was measured by a standardised instrument, and the students’ misconceptions were compared. The analysis of covariance showed that EDI teaching had significant effects on students’ redox conceptual understanding, and the results of the chi-square test demonstrated that students’ conceptual understanding level was improved by using EDI teaching. Also, after comparing the two groups of students’ misconceptions of redox, the results indicated that the students’ misconceptions changed toward deeper conceptual understanding in the treatment group that used EDI. Finally, some suggestions were made on how to implement EDI in the classroom.  相似文献   

在21世纪跨文化交际日益频繁的今天,无论是社会上,还是教育界、外语界和翻译界对翻译教学中的一些重要问题都存在着一些认识不清,甚至是偏见和误会:有人认为翻译课可有可无;有人相信翻译理论无用论;有教师感觉翻译水平的提高主要是解决学生的英语理解力;有决策者甚至以为外语教师都可以是翻译教师;这些误解危害翻译教学的健康发展,必须予以澄清.  相似文献   

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