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刘芬 《长治学院学报》2006,23(4):21-22,84
文章通过对《太平广记》中妒妇、悍妇形象的分析,探索了这一类形象的行为表现、心理特质以及与之出现相关的社会文化历史因素。这一文学形象的出现对于人性本质的思考探究有一定价值。  相似文献   

In the midst of numerous global uncertainties, leaders are expected to have the ability to articulate a compelling vision of a preferred future that energizes and engages followers. In fact, Kouzes and Posner (2009) have argued that “Being forward-looking—envisioning exciting possibilities and enlisting others in a shared view of the future—is the attribute that most distinguishes leaders from nonleaders” (p. 20). Given that context, it is notable that research by Ibarra and Obodaru (2009) that involved 360-degree evaluations of 2,816 leaders in the corporate sector concluded that male raters of executive performance viewed women as being less visionary than men. In contrast, women were rated by both male and female raters as being as effective or more effective than male executives on 9 of 10 other “critical components of leadership” (Ibarra & Obodaru, 2009, p. 66). The authors offer three potential explanations for this anomaly, including the possibility that the collaborative leadership style of many women gives credit to the group for visionary thinking and actions rather than taking individual credit. In the male-normed culture of Christian higher education (Longman & Anderson, 2016), the perception that women are less “visionary” may contribute to their underrepresentation in senior leadership positions. This article reports the findings of a qualitative, grounded theory study that explored how 12 female leaders at Christian colleges and universities successfully developed and implemented a vision that resulted in institutional change. The participants were asked to describe their process of envisioning and the internal drivers that motivated them to persevere through challenges related to the institutional change process. Data analysis led to the identification of four primary themes: (a) the role of internal drivers such as confidence, a sense of purpose, and calling; (b) evidence of a strong orientation toward people throughout the process; (c) language barriers that often seemed to inhibit envisioning; and (d) the importance of the change aligning with the institutional mission and values.  相似文献   

《列女传》是西汉著名学者刘向创作的一部全以女性作为传主的女性类传,全书记载了上古至汉代约百余名知名女性的事迹。作为我国传记文学史上第一部妇女类传,《列女传》不仅对后代史书设妇女类传产生了深远的影响,而且在女性描写方面积累了初步的艺术经验,为后世文学女性形象的塑造提供了不少可资借鉴的优良传统。  相似文献   

二战以后,女性作家在日本文坛占据了重要地位,发表了大量描写发性自身的文学作品。《女人的幸福》《挽歌》《情困》是三个不同时期以女性为题材的作品。文中的女主人公的生存状态、不同的命运诉求充分反映了日本女性追求自身解放,包括经济上、精神上、甚至是性的自由和解放的历程。  相似文献   


The authors argue that there will be a critical mass of women in leadership positions in kinesiology and across higher education for substantial gender-based mentoring to take place in the 21st century. First, the current state of women in higher education leadership, trends in mentoring, and the reasons it is important for women who have aspirations to advance in their careers are examined. The authors argue that it is important to have access to gender-based guidance and support that are critical to successful leadership into the future. The authors advocate for a focused, purposeful type of mentoring supported by relational-cultural theory and narrative practice. Men will continue to be important mentors for women, but the authors argue that, at the same time, women also need to have access to the perspectives of other women who have forged the way into higher education administration.  相似文献   

解读《恋女》中的女人们   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在《恋爱中的女人》中,劳伦斯塑造了三位个性鲜明的女性形象:古娟、赫米恩、厄秀拉。她们从不同角度反映了作者的价值取向:他赞美完整的人,而不是被产业主义、机械的爱情或僵死的现代知识扯得粉碎的人。  相似文献   

Much critical attention has focused on Alcott's representation of domesticity, and, given that her contribution to the nineteenth-century domestic ideal was the source of her fortune and continuing literary fame, this is hardly surprising. This attention to Alcott's portrayal of domesticity, however, has meant that her representation of working women has received relatively little consideration. Indeed, what is missing from many studies of Alcott's domestic novels is an acknowledgment that Alcott's image of domesticity is underpinned by her experience as a working woman. This article examines the foundations of Alcott's domestic ideal by focusing on the experiences of Alcott's working women in two of her most autobiographical novels.  相似文献   

鲍尼法西娅、拉丽达、安东妮娅和琼加四个女人是《绿房子》中女性形象的代表 ,尽管她们具有完全不同的性格和际遇 ,但永远都无法自己主宰自己的命运。无论是有主见的拉丽达、温顺的安东妮娅、逆来顺受的鲍妮法西娅 ,还是精明的琼加 ,她们只是一些永远无法违抗社会历史和地理条件的普通人。由于社会和历史的原因 ,生活对于她们来说无法选择也无法抗拒 ,虽然她们也曾努力 ,但结果永远不是喜剧 ,这种对生活的理解和感受使得略萨的这部小说在新颖的结构、繁复的社会、众多的人物和线索之外 ,带上了淡淡的忧郁色彩。  相似文献   

The author argues for a rational method to analyze behavior problems and proposes a method of identifying the problem, the objectives to be achieved, the solution, the implementation, and the evaluation (IOSIE) as a practical approach to assist teachers in resolving most classroom behavior management problems. The approach draws heavily on well-known classroom management strategies and encourages readers to put those into place by using the five-step IOSIE approach. The letters in the term IOSIE represent steps to follow when analyzing acts of classroom misbehavior.  相似文献   

世界博览会是展示各国科学技术、风土人情的重要平台,也是各国社会文化、礼仪风俗的集中体现。妇女与世界博览会的关系一直十分密切。世博契机可大力展示女性风采,不仅是妇女获得经济独立和人格独立的需要,也是世界博览会和人类社会可持续发展的必由之路。  相似文献   

唐代宫怨诗以作者身份看,大致可以分为两类:女诗人的自我抒发与男诗人的代言之作。女诗人包括有名号的后妃、和亲的公主、普通的宫女三类。这些女诗人的宫怨诗可以说是女性话语的自发者,以我手写我心,真实地透露了她们的心声,其诗歌中哀怨的内容不同而艺术风格相近,都呈现出明显的女性色彩的情感基调和抒情话语模式。  相似文献   

虽然近几年我国女作家的写作呈现多元化的趋势,但女作家们都在自觉地强调自己的性别意识.在"认识你自己"和"女人作为人"的命题下,勇敢地选择向男权中心文化挑战的姿态.她们站在女性立场关注女性生活,关注女性情感,关注女性命运,作品中洋溢着浓重的女性主义激情,塑造出一个个勇于追求经济自主,人格独立的新女性形象,努力召唤实质性的男女平等.  相似文献   

结合《水浒传》的人物形象和故事情节,概括了水浒女性形象的三种类型:以潘金莲、阎婆惜等为代表的“祸水”般的女人,以孙娘子、顾大嫂等为代表的英雄化的女人,以王婆等为代表的邪恶的女人。用比较的方法.梳理了中国古代文学作品中的女性形象,并从对比中显现出《水浒传》作者鄙视女性的封建妇女观。  相似文献   

女作家笔下的"乡村女性"形象虽然不多,但在塑造和表现时却体现出男作家所没有的优势,即对乡村女性内心世界的把握与传达,本文以罗淑、丁玲、和萧红为例分析了她们作品细腻而敏感的心灵书写,及因此而在艺术上形成的、与男作家的互补与映照.  相似文献   

在现代工业社会的重压下,许多人不堪重负,茫然失措,只得凭借幻想来获得心灵慰藉.美国当代戏剧以关注人物内心世界为着眼点,着力塑造了这样的一批女性形象.<进入黑夜的漫长旅程>中的玛丽,<欲望号街车>中的布兰琪和<谁害怕弗吉尼亚·沃尔夫?>中的玛莎是极具代表性的三位女性,通过分析她们虚幻世界形成的原因,对现代美国人精神危机的现状进行了批判和反思.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the situation of women who study engineering in the Netherlands. Quantitative data expressing the underrepresentation of women in engineering is presented against the background of some characteristics of the Dutch society. Next we consider the position of the women who did enter a technical university. Their drop-out rates are compared with those of men. Drawing on the results of our qualitative interviews, we sketch a picture of factors and processes which influence the course of their study. It is argued that the social intergration of women affects the way they deal with the two dominant questions ‘can I do it’ and ‘do I want this’.  相似文献   

20世纪90年代女性文学创作呈现出新的特点,"女性"与"都市"两元素在女性作家笔下得到了更为充分的展现与恣肆的书写,构筑成一道另类的文学创作景观。文章主要从王安忆、池莉、徐坤、陈染、林白、卫慧、棉棉等女性作家的作品入手,归纳出"女性与都市"的书写在她们文本中各富特色的演绎,思索其产生的意义。  相似文献   

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