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退学是全球高校存在的普遍现象,我国当代大学生退学比率偏高,总数庞大,而且有不断扩大的势头。退学是大学目前采用的淘汰不良学生的唯一手段,但该手段存在很多不良后效。为此,本文在分析退学原因和当今大学对成绩不良学生所采用的管理手段的基础上,分析了采用退学手段淘汰学生的弊端,提出了转学手段和转学机制,让高级大学的成绩不好的学生能够向低级大学转学,使其大学教育能够得以延续,最终完成大学教育,取得毕业文凭。该转学机制如果获得实施,将给我国高等教育带来诸多教育和社会效益,为每年因成绩不够所读学校的标准而退学的16万人提供了继续学习的出路。  相似文献   

目前,大学生因为学习困难而被迫退学已经不是个别现象,并且大学每一次的退学决定,都会引起家长、学生乃至社会的讨论与关注.针对大学生被迫退学的现象,本文根据对退学者的深入访谈,分析了大学生学业陷入困境的复杂原因,并对学校提出了若干政策建议.  相似文献   

退学不仅会影响学生的自我成长与发展,还给家庭、学校和社会带来一定的经济损失与人才损失。目前大学生退学原因主要包括欠学分退学、违纪退学、对本专业不感兴趣退学和心理障碍退学等几个方面,学校应针对当前大学生退学现象中存在的主要问题,采取相应对策,加强学风建设、创建和谐校园环境、宽松学习制度,加强思想教育,使大学生能够顺利完成学业,步入社会。  相似文献   

浅谈高校大学生退学现状、原因及对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
退学不仅会影响学生的自我成长与发展,还给家庭、学校和社会带来一定的经济损失与人才损失。目前大学生退学原因主要包括欠学分退学、违纪退学、对本专业不感兴趣退学和心理障碍退学等几个方面,学校应针对当前大学生退学现象中存在的主要问题,采取相应对策,加强学风建设、创建和谐校园环境、宽松学习制度,加强思想教育,使大学生能够顺利完成学业,步入社会。  相似文献   

论高校大学生退学原因及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大学生退学原因主要包括欠学分退学、违纪退学、身心健康原因退学这三大方面,学校有必要针对这些退学的原因分别采取相应的对策,确保大学生能健康成长,顺利完成学业。  相似文献   

毕婷 《教育》2009,(11)
微软之父比尔·盖茨,从大学退学;微软共同创办人艾伦,从大学退学;甲骨文首席执行官艾利森,从大学退学;戴尔总裁迈克尔·戴尔,也从大学退学……虽然退学不是成功创业的前提条件,虽然退学创业并成为富豪的只是少数人,但这一切还是阻挡不了一些大学生退学创业的冲动。  相似文献   

3月10日,高丽大学学生金艺瑟在网络上公开宣布自己即将放弃学业并且贴出了声讨大学的檄文。一时之间,对"大学生退学"的关注蔓延到了整个韩国社会。很多大学学生会相继贴出支持金艺瑟的大字报,网上还成立了拥护"金艺瑟宣言"的论坛。另一方面,社会对大学生退学的疑问也在不断增加:究竟有多少学生正在离开校园,他们退学的理由是什么,他们离开学校后的生活又如何?大学不应变身为所谓的"就业院校"  相似文献   

董天新  艾楠 《陕西教育》2007,(7):125-125,128
大学生心理健康现状 根据调查显示:因各种心理障碍引起心理疾病而休、退学的大学生人数已占大学总休退学人数的50%左右,而大学生由于自卑、失恋、受挫等心理因素自杀已占大学生非正常死亡的第一位.  相似文献   

最近常有大学生退学的消息见诸媒体。前不久,某大学一位大二学生因多门功课不及格而退学。老师和同学遗憾地说。他很聪明。可是自制力太差,平时爱吃巧克力。连上课都管不住自己的嘴,经常偷着吃。他要是像爱吃巧克力那样喜欢读书。哪至于退学呢?华中科技大学有一位学生,4次考入重点大学,却3次被勒令退学,原因是沉湎于网络游戏难以自拔。  相似文献   

济南大学日前通报称,该校有21名2007级新生被清退或自动退学,原因是他们涉嫌冒名顶替,未能通过资格审查。目前,这21名涉嫌冒名顶替的假大学生已经全部离校。  相似文献   

面对教育市场的新形势、开放大学的新理念、媒体环境的新变化,需要开放大学的形象宣传工作有新突破。激烈的市场竞争最终将体现为品牌与教育质量的竞争,只有在加强内涵建设的同时,着力打造学校品牌,树立崭新的社会形象,学校才能赢得发展的先机。形象宣传并不仅仅是针对开放大学系统外的宣传,系统内部、学校内部的宣传同样重要,如果能及时将开放大学试点中的新举措和进展告知系统内、学校内的师生员工,能培养师生员工的形象意识,引导他们在与各种类型受众的接触中,主动传播有利于学校形象的信息,在打造开放大学整体形象的同时有助于凝心聚力。  相似文献   

Survival analysis was used to model theretention of 8,867 undergraduate students at OregonState University between 1991 and 1996. Attrition wasfound to increase with age, and decrease with increasing high school GPA and first-quarter GPA.Non-residents had higher attrition rates than didresident and international students, and students takingthe Freshman Orientation Course appeared to be atreduced risk of dropping out. Statistically significantassociations of retention with ethnicity/race andcollege at first enrollment were also noted. Aproportional hazards regression model was developed topredict a student's probability of leaving school basedon these demographic and academic variables. Theseanalyses are helping to guide the university's effortsto improve retention through marketing, recruitment, and the development of orientation and otherprograms.  相似文献   


In any country, there is a group of students who are at risk of dropping out of school without any qualifications. This is detrimental for many of those students, because failure to graduate increases risks of unemployment and societal exclusion. To reduce this risk, specialized curricula aim to prepare these students for their working life by fostering the development of a vocational identity, that is, how they define themselves as workers. As a prerequisite to achieving this goal, students need to attend school and feel engaged with school. The curricula seek ways to stimulate emotional school engagement, taking into account the heterogeneous target group of students they serve. To address potential consequences of individual differences, this questionnaire study (N=996) conducted in the Netherlands explored how various individual characteristics of students in these specialized curricula moderated the relationship between emotional school engagement and vocational identity. Results show that stronger school engagement always coincided with a stronger vocational identity; however, the strength of the relationship varied. Stimulating emotional school engagement was specifically important for the subgroups of students who are young, less agreeable, less motivated, and less resilient. In order to foster the vocational identity of their students, the specialized curricula are recommended to draw nuanced conclusions and formulate refined strategies to effectively respond to the heterogeneous group of students who are at risk of dropping out.


开放大学是一种全新的教育组织形态,相对于传统教育形式,有着独特的属性和功能。认真探究开放大学的属性特征和功能作用,对于开放大学建设实践有着重要的指导意义。开放大学属性特征和功能作用建立在终身教育的现实需求基础之上。其属性特征:应具有独立自主的办学权,坚持开放的办学模式,应用现代化教学手段。开放大学主要功能是积极开展学历继续教育和非学历继续教育,搭建终身学习"立交桥",建立并实施学员学分积累、转换、认证与互认制度,开展社会化的公共支持服务。  相似文献   

江苏开放大学已经明确了学生的服务与管理实行"学务导师制",这是学校服务与管理体系中的关键环节。所谓"双导师制"即负责专业教学的课程导师与负责学生服务与管理的"学务导师"。"双导师"负责制是江苏开放大学与江苏电大的不同,也因此区别于其他各级各类的"网校"。学务导师是开放学生服务与日常管理的具体责任人。学务导师负责学员的学籍、选课、甚至毕业的一系列工作。  相似文献   

Using detailed Danish administrative data covering the entire population of students entering higher education in the period 1985 to 2010, we investigate the importance of a student’s peers in higher education for the decision to drop out. We use high school GPA as a predetermined measure of student ability and idiosyncratic variation in peer composition across cohorts within the same education and institution. Our findings suggest that peer ability is an important determinant of students’ drop out decisions as well as later labor market outcomes. Overall, we find that a one standard deviation increase in peers’ high school GPA reduces the probability of dropping out by 4.6 percentage points. This number masks considerable heterogeneity by level and field of study. Allowing for a more flexible specification, we find that low quality peers have adverse effects on the probability of dropping out while high quality peers have beneficial effects. These effects are more pronounced for lower ability students.  相似文献   

This paper discusses research carried out by the Older Students' Research Group in the UK Open University between 1982–87. It examines the motivation, experience and performance of OU undergraduate students aged 60 and over and compares older OU students with the rest of the OU student body and with older students in a variety of other educational organisations. It argues that the success of older students in the Open University indicates that distance education has considerable potential as a mode of study for older people.  相似文献   


Historically, students who fail to graduate from secondary school are considered as a single category of school dropouts. However, emerging literature indicates that there may be multiple subgroups of high school dropouts, termed a dropout typology. The authors’ purpose was to assess the extent to which a typology of dropouts was present in a large national dataset and to estimate the influence of the known covariates of dropping out on each of the subgroups. A growth mixture model was estimated using the Education Longitudinal Study 2002 (National Center for Education Statistics, n.d.) dataset and noncumulative grade point average during the first 3 semesters of high school. The model identified 2 main subgroups associated with dropping out, which accounted for 24.6% of the sample but contained 91.8% of the dropouts.  相似文献   

学生校园归属感包含认可学校、接受身份、愿意投身其中三层意思。构建电大开放教育学生的电大归属感,具有重要意义。为此,电大要采取方方面面对策措施,打造优质的导学文化,使学生产生认同感;塑造优秀的管理文化,使学生产生敬重感;锻造优良的服务文化,使学生产生满意感。  相似文献   

狄晓暄 《成人教育》2012,32(10):10-11
文章以国家开放大学的建设为背景,从学生工作角度论述了建立学生学校归属感的有效措施.通过文献分析,列举了地方电大开展的有助于建立学生学校归属感的学生工作项目,并且实地调研了解学生对学生工作的需求及建议.在此基础上,对国家开放大学的学生工作提出了几点建议,认为促进学生的学校归属感,对国家开放大学的建设有一定的帮助作用.  相似文献   

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