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Social support interventions that incorporate professionally mediated peer support (PMPS) for improved breastfeeding outcomes were compared with no special breastfeeding support. Fifty-five breastfeeding mothers participated. The breastfeeding outcomes of duration, completeness, satisfaction, and exclusive breastfeeding were compared at 6 weeks postpartum among an experimental group that received PMPS, and among younger community (YC) and older community (OC) groups that received no special breastfeeding support. The PMPS group exclusively breastfed for a significantly longer duration than the YC group. At 6 weeks, mothers in both community groups who had weaned were significantly less satisfied with their breastfeeding experiences than the mothers who were still nursing their babies. Professionally mediated peer support can improve the early breastfeeding outcomes of duration of exclusive breastfeeding and satisfaction with breastfeeding.  相似文献   

敬谦语既包括含有敬谦基义或陪义的基本固定的语汇(语素、词、短语、小句),也包括语用中的敬谦形式和手段(或俗约性的,或临时性的)。基于这样的定义,与亲属称谓有关的敬谦语包括亲属敬谦称、拟亲属敬谦称和泛亲属敬谦手段三类,前二类是语汇层面的敬谦称,后一类是语用中表达敬谦的手段。  相似文献   

采用自编大学生谦虚量表对600名大学生进行问卷调查,探讨大学生谦虚心理的现状及其特点.结果显示,大学生谦虚及其各维度的得分均属中上水平,大学生谦虚心理及其各维度均不存在性别差异.独生子女大学生谦虚认知得分高于非独生子女大学生,独生子女大学生谦虚行为得分低于非独生子女大学生,来自县镇的大学生谦虚动机维度得分高于来自城市和农村的大学生.  相似文献   

运用自编大学生谦虚问卷和社会支持评定量表(SSRS)探讨谦虚心理对大学生社会支持的影响.结果显示:谦虚高分组在社会支持及各维度上的得分明显高于低分组.大学生谦虚与社会支持存在相关,谦虚对社会支持有明显的预测作用,大学生保持和发扬谦虚美德能够获得更多的社会支持.  相似文献   

中西文化在很多方面存在差异,本文主要讨论中西文化在谦虚方面存在的差异。首先阐述了学者们对谦虚的不同理解;之后分析了中西文化在谦虚方面存在差异的表现;最后简述存在差异的原因。  相似文献   

This article describes one mother's selected childbirth and breastfeeding experiences that transpired over the span of three decades. Her story is a source of inspiration and encouragement for breastfeeding mothers and health-care professionals who provide maternity care for today's childbearing women. Furthermore, this personal account reveals that, although breastfeeding support and childbirth services have improved over the past 30 years, more needs to be done to promote positive birth experiences and breastfeeding outcomes.  相似文献   

骄傲并不是不需要的东西。我们既需要谦虚,也需要骄傲,看重自己与尊重他人完全可以并存。但骄傲和谦虚都是有前提的,即应当有值得骄傲和谦虚的东西。骄傲并不容易,它是一种心态、品格,是一种自我评价,一种高度的自信。骄傲或高度的自信对于创造是最重要的心理品质。贬抑这种品质,或者使人丧失了这种品质,创造力就会低下。一个让人骄傲的社会将更加先进。教育肩负让人骄傲的使命,自信是教师送给学生的最珍贵的礼物。只要中国人有充分的自由,只要中国人有更充分的自信,只要中国人有更充分的展现机会,只要中国社会更能容纳骄傲,中国的大师就一定会出现。  相似文献   

The benefits of breastfeeding for infant, mother, family, and community are well recognized, and increasing breastfeeding rates is considered an important health-promotion strategy. Improving breastfeeding knowledge and practice among individuals caring for breastfeeding women is considered an important aspect of this strategy. The practice-development initiative described in this article aimed to improve hospital-based breastfeeding rates through the implementation of The Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding. The initiative included the development and implementation of an education program aimed at changing and improving breastfeeding practices. The program was evaluated in three ways: changes in breastfeeding rates at hospital discharge; client preparation for breastfeeding and satisfaction during the postnatal period; and staff knowledge and skills.  相似文献   

单、复数在有"数"范畴的语言中是一种语法范畴。在无"数"的语言中至多是一种语义范畴。然而,复数单用或单数复用可能会收到特殊的语用效果,如:复数单用具有谦敬功能;单数复用具有贬抑功能。而这些语用功能中,最常见的是复数单用的谦敬功能。从此角度可以解释诸如第二人称单数代词向第二人称敬称代词的语法化、能指与所指非对应式第三人称代词回指现象、阜宁话中的"侬家"放在人称代词后表示对别人的尊敬等很多语言现象,也可以预测语言发展趋势。  相似文献   

西柏坡精神是在中国共产党领导的伟大革命实践中培育形成的。西柏坡精神内涵丰富,“谦虚谨慎,艰苦奋斗”的西柏坡精神,是强化宗旨意识、贯彻落实以人为本的科学发展观的政治保障;“严明纪律,团结统一”的西柏坡精神,是党始终成为坚强领导核心、推进科学发展的组织保证;“抓住机遇,敢于胜利”的西柏坡精神,是加快科学发展、完成崇高使命的不竭动力。  相似文献   

南阳汉画像石构图疏朗、语言质朴、意境深远、主题浪漫,以其泼辣、豪放而自成风格.文章选取构图、艺术语言构成形式和意境这三个要点,通过三块具有代表性的画像石,对其艺术语言进行尝试性阐释;力求能够对其质朴中现新意、寓奇巧于平淡的艺术风格有更深刘的了解,达到古为今用的目的.  相似文献   

论西周汉语第一人称代词有无谦敬功能的问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
洪波先生认为上古汉语第一人称代词之间的根本区别在于有谦敬功能的不同。但从西周时代有关的语料来看,至少在西周时代,汉语第一人称代词之间没有谦敬功能的差异。  相似文献   

Although breastfeeding is known to be beneficial to both mother and infant, many women encounter barriers to breastfeeding, even after successful breastfeeding initiation, which may put them at greater risk for early cessation of breastfeeding. The objectives of this study were to conduct a secondary analysis of data from a longitudinal study of postpartum depression to (a) examine factors related to very early discontinuation of breastfeeding (at 2 weeks postpartum) following hospital discharge and (b) identify women's reasons for very early cessation of breastfeeding. The results of this study support findings from previous research. Having a perceived support system, whether it is personal or professional, may have an effect on both the initiation and duration of breastfeeding. Educating expectant and new mothers, especially women who encounter multiple barriers and are at risk for very early cessation of breastfeeding, of the benefits of breastfeeding and supporting them in developing efficient techniques and problem-solving skills can help increase the duration of breastfeeding.  相似文献   

This article seeks to demonstrate that in the burgeoning spiritual memoir literature of those leaving Ultra-Orthodoxy, scant attention is paid to the negative impact of schooling, yet it may be a significant contributing factor to the decision to leave traditional practice and community. Differing educational expectations for girls and boys—an amplified focus on modesty for females and scholarship for males—can become constricting and, ultimately, oppressive. Highlighting these inequities in other similar parochial systems or traditional but more progressive schools may shed light on how specific messaging may work counter to desired educational outcomes.  相似文献   

圣人是老子推崇的理想人格,也是个人修养的最高境界。要修身成圣就必须以道为师,以道为师就是取法道之德性。老子指明了天地之无为而化生万物、江海之谦下和水的善利万物而不争等特性类似道之德性,并将以上几种道之德性归结为"慈"、"俭"、"不敢为天下先"。  相似文献   

A multifaceted, relationally focused intervention involving group and individual pre- and postnatal counseling, print resources, and community resources encouraged 390 fathers of newborn infants in Vietnam to responsively support mothers and work with them as a parenting team. Both partners completed questionnaires prebirth and 1-, 4-, and 9-months postbirth on measures of breastfeeding support, exclusive breastfeeding duration, relationship quality, and infant development. Compared to 412 comparison group couples, intervention couples evidenced greater father support, especially in terms of helping and responsiveness to the mother's needs. This support predicted longer exclusive breastfeeding duration, improved relationship quality, and higher levels of infant development at 9 months. Sensitively working together with mothers as a coordinated team enhanced couple's relationship functioning and improved children's developmental outcomes.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine maternal attitudes and sociodemographic variables associated with Taiwanese mothers' continuation of breastfeeding at 6 weeks postpartum. A sample of 140 in-hospital breastfeeding mothers was recruited in Taiwan. Participants completed the Iowa Infant Feeding Attitude Scale (IIFAS) in the hospital prior to discharge. Postdischarge participants were contacted by telephone at 3 and 6 weeks postpartum to obtain information regarding their feeding method and duration. Findings revealed that in-hospital maternal breastfeeding attitudes are predictive of breastfeeding duration. Insufficient milk supply was the reason most often given for discontinuing breastfeeding. Women's husband/partner was found to be the main source of breastfeeding support. We recommend health-care professionals add the IIFAS to their assessment to identify mothers at high risk for discontinuing breastfeeding and to develop and better evaluate breastfeeding promotion programs.  相似文献   

In this column, the authors summarize four research studies relevant to normal birth. Topics of the studies summarized include the harms of screening for macrosomia late in pregnancy, the risk factors for and impact of postpartum pain in childbearing women, the effects of a breastfeeding approach called “biological nurturing” on reflexive behavior in newborns, and the effects of prenatal yoga on labor and birth outcomes.  相似文献   

Research has shown that low birth weight is linked to infant mortality as well as longer term outcomes. This paper examines the medium term outcomes that may link low birth weight to adult disadvantage using a national longitudinal sample with a large sample of siblings (Add Health). Results show strong effects on several educational outcomes, including early grade repetition, receipt of special education services, and reports of a learning disability. Results for longer term outcomes are suggestive, though less robust and small in magnitude. Overall, the results suggest that medium term educational disadvantages associated with low birth weight are not driven by family level unobservables and do not accumulate into large long-term disadvantage.  相似文献   

作为一种司法理念或司法方式,能动司法或称为司法能动主义在中国的语境下或多或少存有争议,可是应当达成共识的是,司法能动主义绝非要让法官恣意使用手中的裁判权。能动司法存在着一个谦逊品格,即不破坏法律的稳定性。无论司法面临何等的压力,谦逊的品格都将使能动司法始终恪守着司法的底线,使能动司法始终拥有着能动的空间。  相似文献   

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