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张晖 《考试周刊》2013,(31):94-94
本文对河北省部分城市18岁以上农民工的体育需求心态进行了分层定量描述,发现农民工的体育需求观念不强,并分析了农民工体育参与意识差对城市劳动力带来的影响。给出了转变农民工体育需求不良心态的对策,旨在保障城市劳动力的持续、稳定。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、数理统计法等研究方法,对常德市城区居民体育消费的现状进行分析。结果显示:常德市城区居民具有较强的体育消费意识,但体育消费支出仍处于较低水平;体育消费以实物消费为主等。  相似文献   

运用问卷调查法、专家访谈法、数理统计法对内江市城市在职居民休闲体育活动进行调查研究.结果表明:内江城市在职居民参与休闲体育活动的积极性不高;男性每天参加活动的时间明显多于女性;活动的内容表现出简单易行、民俗性强、时尚性不强的特点;活动空间表现出"从公、从近、从众"的"三从"需求;活动伙伴主要是朋友、家人,社会组织化程度较低;休闲体育消费意识不强,消费行为和行为方式表现为体育实物消费、发展型消费、娱乐享受型消费三类.  相似文献   

常州市翠竹社区居民体育态度现状研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
文章采用文献资料和问卷调查法对常州市翠竹社区居民的体育态度进行研究分析.研究结果显示,社区居民对体育比赛与新闻以随意关注形式为主,对体育的关心程度较低,参与体育的意识不强.建议进一步采取措施,加大体育知识的宣传普及力度,营造良好健康的社会氛围,帮助居民树立正确的体育态度,促进全民健身.  相似文献   

农村体育活动的开展是社会主义新农村精神文明建设的需要。改革开放以后,农村居民的生活水平和生活质量都有了很大提高。为了适应新时代的需求产生了新的物质文化需求。农村体育活动的开展可以使居民参与到一种积极、乐观、健康的休闲生活中来。本文采用问卷调查法、访谈法、观察法和数理统计法就山西省大同市南郊区居民体育观念的发展现状进行了调查与研究,并针对所出现的问题提出了相关的对策和建议。  相似文献   

休闲体育主要是以娱乐、健身、游戏为目的的一种体育活动,属社会体育范畴.本文主要运用文献法、问卷调查法来调查研究赤峰市城区居民休闲体育的开展情况,对于了解赤峰市居民休闲体育的开展情况和全民健身现状有一定意义.  相似文献   

正如果说体育是社会文明建设的必要手段,全民健身是体育的"助推器",那么社区体育就是全民健身的"加速器"。怎样落实好社区体育?云岩区是贵阳市的中心城区,其内的社区公共体育设施能否满足居民们日益增长的锻炼需求?本文就此对云岩区的社区进行抽  相似文献   

文章运用文献资料法、问卷调查法、观察法、数理统计法等研究方法,从分析社区体育参加者、场地设施与经费和社区体育活动等问题入手,对泰州市城区社区居民体育参与的现状进行调查与分析,较客观地反映出泰州市城区社区体育的现状,为泰州市城市社区体育管理提供决策参考依据。  相似文献   

晨练活动点是群众体育的重要组成部分,对于提高居民身体素质,丰富人们业余生活,推动全民健身活动的开展起着积极的作用。文章采用文献资料法、问卷调查法等研究方法,对忻州市城区晨练活动点的现状进行调查分析。结果发现:在参加晨练的人群中,女性多于男性,51岁以上的老年人所占比重较大;参加晨练的时间以早上6:00到7:00这个时间段为主;36.8%的居民每次参加体育活动的持续时间为30-60min;经常参与的体育活动项目为武术、气功、秧歌等;参与的形式主要是和朋友家人一起;忻州城区社会体育指导员从数量和类型上难以满足晨练者体育健身的需求。  相似文献   

采用文献资料和问卷调查等方法对福州五个城区家庭体育现状进行调查研究。结果显示:福州五个城区家庭体育意识差,参与体育活动的组织化程度低,体育消费水平低等。建议:要促进福州五个城区家庭体育的进一步发展,必须从观念上提高认识,行为上加强引导,条件上加以改善,政策上加强扶持。  相似文献   

随着我国高等教育的发展,体育专业学生的数量愈来愈多,综合素质愈来愈高,但在英语学习方面,却存在着基础知识相对薄弱、学习动机不够明确、学习兴趣不够浓厚、学习效果不够理想等倾向性的问题。解决此类问题,应从激励和引导两条路径着手,教育学生深刻认识英语学习的重要性、激发学生英语学习的积极性,帮助学生弥补英语学习的缺陷、引导学生掌握英语学习的方法。  相似文献   

通过文献资料、问卷调查、座谈等研究方法,对郴州市11个县(市、区)的40所学校体育场地的开放情况进行调查,结果表明:学校体育场地设施在保证正常的教学前提下,课余时间向本校学生和周边广大居民开放,使之发挥更大的作用,从而可以缓解全民健身活动中体育场地设施不足的矛盾,促进学校体育和社会体育和谐发展.  相似文献   

体育教育作为我国高校教育中德、智、体三教之一,是为我国培养建设者和接班人的一项重要环节.一方面,体育课程需要满足学生增强体质的要求;另一方面,还要让学生认识到体育的内在文化价值.因此,进行体育课教学改革成为了我国体育工作战略的重点.怎样才能提升高校体育课程的教学质量,为国家建设提供高水平的应用型人才,成为了时下体育教学改革的首要任务.以下笔者将就我国高校体育教育改革作详细阐述  相似文献   

This article discusses findings from an ethnographic study of schooling in India to reflect on the ways in which new learner subjects – the ideal citizens of the future – are constructed by education reforms in poor, rural communities. The concerns of the article are framed by the significant economic growth and social modernisation occurring in India, particularly for the expanding urban middle classes. The rural poor have been largely excluded from India's narrative of development and modernisation. This article asks, then, what kind of citizen-subject does schooling for the poor in India seek to produce? It focuses on the intentions and effects of child-centred pedagogic programmes in rural primary schools in the south Indian state of Karnataka. The analysis shows that in order for democratic and egalitarian education ideals to become more fully realised in these school contexts, teachers need to be supported to engage critically with the deep social stratifications in Indian society which continue to marginalise the rural poor.  相似文献   

This article offers an account of the understanding citizens need in order to justify moral principles in the public sphere and it identifies an important role for moral education in the promotion of that civic understanding. I develop this account through a contrastive analysis of Phillip Kitcher’s conception of public knowledge and Jurgen Habermas’ Discourse Ethics. Kitcher is focused on the social conditions necessary for the circulation of scientific knowledge in advanced democracies; the analysis offered in this article expands on what Habermas and other deliberative democrats claim are epistemic conditions necessary for the construction and circulation of moral understanding. I use this account to critically assess public policy that aims to ‘get around’ public deliberation by using strategies derived from behavioral economics in order to shift civic behavior in specific (moral) directions. Finally, I specify how such strategies have the potential to undermine moral understanding in the public sphere and I argue for a central role for moral education in mitigating such effects.  相似文献   

实践中,以培养公民、造就公民身份、塑造公民道德为指向的公民教育不可避免地会受到公民、公民身份等相关概念内涵变化的影响。同时,公民教育作为一种特殊的教育活动,自然也会伴随教育思想、教育理念的发展变化而变化。一方面公民教育只是造就公民的一种途径,另一方面公民教育也只是教育功能的一个方面。不过,无论如何,公民都不但需要教育,而且可以教育。公民教育的终极理想必然指向人类的善好生活。  相似文献   

随着现代体育课程改革理论与实践的发展,随着终身体育的呼唤,随着现代社会对人类健康要求的日益提高,学校体育教学与学生体质健康关系密不可分。根据我校近三年来学生体质测试数据显示,学生的体质健康状况每况愈下,究其原因,学校体育教学中存在一些不利于提高学生体质健康的问题,为此提出相应教学改革措施。  相似文献   

幼儿体育对幼儿的全面发展具有重要作用,家庭体育是幼儿体育的重要部分.家庭体育的实施受到家长教育观念、对幼儿生理心理的认识以及体育锻炼行为等因素的影响.由此,提出了促进家庭体育开展的策略:家长必须了解幼儿的生理心理的发展特点,要树立正确体育观以及父母要以身作则,注重培养幼儿的体育兴趣和爱好.只有从思想观念和行为两方面加以重视和改变才能真正促进家庭体育的开展,才能促进幼儿全面的发展.  相似文献   

Caitlin Porter 《Compare》2014,44(3):356-378
Accountability is increasingly recognised as the key mediating variable that encourages service providers to deliver efficient and effective local services. In the context of education, accountability strategies do not always explicitly consider young citizens as the primary users of education services. In this paper, a client approach to accountability is compared to a citizenship approach. Drawing on community scorecard and social audit research in Malawi and Kenya, the author explores whether education services are more responsive and accountable when young people access information and exercise their voice. The paper outlines a refreshed ‘accountability framework’ for education, placing young citizens at the centre, and argues that a citizenship-led approach in education governance is likely to be more realistic and effective than a ‘client power’ approach. This article makes an important contribution to the development community’s understanding of what constitutes an effective approach for promoting more transparent and responsive education governance.  相似文献   

Growth in rural communities, along with attendant changes in social, economic and environmental conditions, challenges members of these communities to take even more responsibility for their lives than in the past. While there is a need to promote sustainable economic prosperity, it is important that developmental approaches should not compromise the potential of citizens to meet these challenges independently. The present contribution is based on a phenomenological study that explored approaches to community development in Botswana. One of the key findings was that these were dominated by a bureaucratized welfare scheme, as the government gave free food and farming implements to poor people in an approach referred to as atlhama-o-je (‘open-your-mouth-and-eat’). The present contribution reflects on the consequences of using this type of approach, arguing that instead of bringing real hope to the rural poor, it generated counterproductive attitudes. In conclusion, the authors suggest alternative strategies that take account of the life experiences of the rural poor and render them less dependent on government intervention for their well-being.  相似文献   

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