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兴慧 《今日中学生》2007,(19):32-33
A:Hello,how are you? B:Very well,thank you.How are you? A:Fine! B:Good! 这是一小段完全正确、又不失礼貌的对话.不过,太过于客套和刻板了.谈话完全可以换个方式.  相似文献   

根据图画所示完成下列对话,每空限填一词。1.A:you like som e bottlesofm ilk,please?B:O K.A:w ould you like?B:Five,please.2.A:H ow m anyin Picture Two?B:Four.A:A re they in the?B:No.Three ofthem are in C lassO ne.The otherone is in ClassTwo.3.A:you m end the bike?B:N o,I can t.A:W hat is he doing?B:H e s his.4.A:W hat are they doing?B:They re their.A:W here are they going?B:They re going to.5.A:C an I borrow your eraser?B:C ertainly,are.A:Thank you very m uch!B:Y ou re.6.A:you an…  相似文献   

How much is it?【情景对话】A:Good morning!Can I help you?B:Yes,please.I want to buy a radio.Can you give me the blue one to have a look?A:Here you are.I think this is a nice one.B:How much is it?A:It’s 200 yuan.  相似文献   

张小惠 《初中生》2007,(35):27-28
Hello,how are you? B:Very well,thank you.How are you? A:Fine! B:Good!  相似文献   

根据图画所示补全对话,每空填一词。1.A :Y ou re from A ustralia,?B :Y es,I am .A :W hats the w eather of A us-tralia like w hen w e are insum m er?B :Itis season.2.A :W hich do you likebest?B :I I like spring best.A : ?B :B ecause we can see allkindsof flowers everywhere.3.A : are the oranges?B :They re in the fridge.A : oranges are therein it?B :There are eight.4.A :W ould you to com e tom y party?B :Is today your ?A :D on tyou know ?A :Sorry. birthday!5.A :C an I to B ill,please?…  相似文献   

I.根据对话内容,从对话后的选项中选出适当的选项补全对话。A: Hello, Mrs White!B: Hello, Mrs Wu!A: Are you going to do some shopping?B: Yes. What about you?  相似文献   

有一段关于中国学生Han Mei和英国妇女May Hyde之间的对话: A:Hello!What’s your name? B:My name is Han Mei. A:How old are you? B:I’m twelve.What’s your name, please? A:May Hyde。  相似文献   

(Ⅰ)A.补全对话从方框内选择合适的句子补全对话,其中有两项为多余选项。A:Rose,are you free this afternoon?B:1A:I would like to do something to relaxmyself.Do you want to have a rest?B:2A:I am thinking about that.Do you want to play golf?B:No.I donBt like spor  相似文献   

根据图画完成下列对话,每空填一词。1.A:W hatare they?B:They are playing basketball.A:W hatare you to do?B:Im going to playing football.2.A:W hats the w eathertoday?B:Its very cold.A:W ill it be a littletom orrow?B:N o,itw illbe m uch colder.3.A:W here are you going?B:W e re going to the.A:W hatare you going to do?B:G o.4.A:Excuse m e,wheres the near-esthospital?B:W alk this street,andtake the second turning onthe.A:Thank you.5.A:were you not here yes-terday?B:Because m y m other was …  相似文献   

(Ⅰ)A.同步阅读Ⅰ.下面是一些常用的对话,请把它们补充完整。1.A:are you?B:Fine,thank you.2.A:are you?B:Im12.3.A:W ho is duty today?B:I am.4.A:Is Joan athom e?B:,I don tknow.5.A:is A nn?B:She is school.K ey:1.H ow2.H ow,old3.on4.Sorry5.W here,atB.提高阅读Ⅰ.你知道常用的电话用语吗?请将对话补充完整。K ate:1,2548901.Sam:H ello,is2Joy?K ate:N o,this is K ate.Joy isn t3.Sam:H i,K ate.45Sam.H ow are you?K ate:6,thanks.Sam:78Joy?K ate:She is in the bookshop.Sam:9,thank you.G ood-bye.K ate…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.补全对话 从下面方框内选出合适的句子填入空白处,补全对话。 A : 1 B :H ello,Steve. A :W hats your nam e? B :Jim H arold. A : 2 B :J-I-M -H -A -R -O -L-D . A : 3 B :Its 62975463.A .H ow do you spell it? B.Is this a case? C.W hats it? D .W hats your phone num ber? E.H ello,m y nam e is Steve. A : 4 B :N o,itisn t. A : 5 B :Its a com puter. A :Thank you. Ⅱ.看图完成对话 1.—W hats this? — . 2.— ? —Y es,it is. —H ere you are. —Thank you. 3.—A re these pears? —N o,they aren…  相似文献   

在期末考试中,听力部分占15分。1 在本题中,你将听到9个简短的对话,在每个对话后还将听到一个有关对话的问题(问题同时写在试卷上)。对话只放一遍。你必须在录音留出的空自时间内从所给的四个选择中找出最佳答案,并把答案的序号写在答题纸上。(斜体为录音中的对话内容。)(每题1分,共9分)(1) A : How did the movie end ?B : I don ' t know , it' ll be continued tonight. Question: What are they talking about? A. A play. B.A film.C. A story.D. A match.(2) A : Are you waiting for the Shanghai train ? B: Yes, I am. Where are you going? ToShanghai? Question: Where do you think they are?A. In an office.B. On the street.C. At a bus-stop.D. At the railway station.  相似文献   

A:H ello,how are you?B:V ery well,thank you郾H ow are you?A:Fine!B:G ood!这是一小段完全正确又不失礼貌的对话,不过,这段对话显得比较客套和刻板。如果换个方式交谈,也许效果会更好:A:H ello,how are you?B:W ell,it depends on what you m ean郾你瞧,成功的交谈有时并不一定交换多少信息,关键在于使交谈双方感到愉悦。正确而得体的赞美则是谈话顺利进行的润滑剂。下面这些赞美语句会使你在英语世界赢得更多的朋友:1郾You look great today郾你今天看上去很棒。〔每天都可以用〕2郾You did a good job郾你干得非常好。〔国际通…  相似文献   

(A) 选择合适的句子补全对话, 其中有一项多余。 A: Whose pencil-box is this? B: It is Tom2s. A: Is it your home? B: __1__ A: Are you a new pencil? B: __2__ A: What are you? B: I2m Tom2s good helper(帮手). A: Do you have friends here? B: __3__ A: How many fri  相似文献   

A : Hello, how are you? B:Very well,thank you. How are you.? A : Fine ! B : Good ! 这是一段完全正确、又不失礼貌的对话。不过,太过于客套和刻板了。谈话完全可以换个方式。  相似文献   

看图读对话,将物品与价格一致的用线连接①A:Look at the shoes.B:How nice! A:They are sixty yuan.②A:Can I help you? B.a coat,please.A:How much is it? B:Twenty yuan.③A:Is this cup two yuan? B:No,it’s twelve yuan.④A:Excuse me.How much are these apples?  相似文献   

根据下面图画内容补全下列对话,每空限填一词。1.A:W hats that?B:.A:Is it your cat?B:N o,.ItsLiM ingscat.2.A:!B:H ello,Lin H ua?A:.This is W ang H ai.B:H ello,W ang H ai.This isX iao M ing.3.A:A re those your apples?B:,they are.A:?B:They are in the basket.4.A:E xcuse m e.B:?A:A re these your books?B:N o,.5.A:?B:They re in Class Two.A:?B:They are in R ow O ne.6.A:Can you see a car in Picture6?B:,.A:W hat can you see in it?B:.K ey:1.Its,a,cat,It,isn t2.H ello,N o3.Y es,W here…  相似文献   

黄继飞 《中学生英语》2002,(8):19-19,32
情景对话: (一)根据对话内容,选择方框中适当的句子,使对话完整、正确。A:What can I do for you,Sir?B:(1)——A:For yourself?.These are all for young people.(2)——B:I like the blue one.A:(3)——B:Thank you.(4)  相似文献   

[补全对话] 1.选择合适的句子补全对话,其中有一项多余。A:Rose,are you free this afternoon? B:1 A:I would like to do something to relax my- self.Do you want to have a rest? B:2 A:I am thinking about that.Do you want to play golf? B:No.I don’t like sports.  相似文献   

Unit 1 Where is she from?【情景对话】A:How do you do? B:How do you do? A:Look at that girl.Who is she? B:Oh.she is my pen pal. A:Where is she from?I think she is a foreigner. B:You are right.She comes from Canada. A:Ah,she’s a Canadian.Canada is very beautiful.What language does she speak?  相似文献   

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