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随着生物识别技术的日益发展,采用多种识别技术的复合来提高识别的可靠性,降低误识率已成为目前的主要研究方向。本文主要从图像采集系统的光路出发,提出了一种将指纹采集仪和手指静脉采集仪复合的方案。利用该方案,可同时采集指纹与手指静脉末梢的图像,提高了系统识别的可靠性,并降低了成本,减小了系统的体积。  相似文献   

提出一个有效的基于指纹特征和手指静脉特征的身份认证方案.在采集同一手指的指纹图像和静脉图像后,分别提取其指纹特征和静脉特征.对于指纹图像,提取其纹线端点和交叉点的位置与方向组成指纹特征向量.对于手指静脉图像,用局部二进制(LBP)提取其有区分性的特征.进行身份识别时,分别将手指指纹特征和静脉特征进行匹配,然后根据两种特征的匹配分数进行非线性融合,得到最终的匹配结果,以达到认证目的.  相似文献   

王亭 《教育技术导刊》2017,16(7):170-173
目前,基于指纹的模糊金库方案在市场上应用最为广泛,但是指纹是人体皮肤表面的特征,很容易被盗,所以很多人开始考虑使用手指静脉。手指静脉是人体手指皮肤里静脉血管的纹路特征,不容易泄露,但与指纹相比,手指静脉的特征点较少,在密钥信息比较短的情况下可以使用,在密钥比较长的情况下,其可靠性很低,而且单一生物特征的系统在生活及商业中的缺陷也不断暴露,如模板安全性等。为了克服上述问题,提出了一种基于手指静脉与手指折痕数据层融合的模糊金库方案。实验结果证明,该方案具有良好的可靠性和模板安全性。  相似文献   

指纹识别技术在安检、门禁、考试等方面得到了很好应用,但指纹存在于皮肤表面,有一些不可避免的缺点,会影响识别效果.而手指静脉识别技术能完全克服指纹识别的缺点,使身份认证更加方便快捷.对静脉识别技术的特点以及国内外的发展现状进行了介绍.  相似文献   

<正>静脉识别是一种基于生物特征的身份鉴别和认证技术,首先是身份登记过程,采集用户的静脉图像,从采集到的静脉图像中提取特征,与用户姓名或其标识(ID,PIN)等联系起来构建静脉数据库;然后是身份验证或识别过程,验证时通过把现场采集到的静脉与己经登记的静脉进行比对,实现身份辨认。验证其实是回答这样一个问题:"他是他自称的这个人吗?"这是应用系统中使用得较多的方法。识别时把现场采集静脉同静脉数据库中的  相似文献   

为了培养工程技术类学生对科学的好奇心和探索精神,在学生创新实验室这个研究与实践平台,开发了创新实验项目"基于指纹识别的软件设计及应用"[1-2]。用指纹作为个人身份的有效载体,设计了用指纹识别个人身份的软件。将指纹采集仪连接到计算机USB接口,对同一个指纹图像分3次采集并记录,通过通讯口传送到PC管理机。经过两两比对,保存最佳指纹图像到数据库。身份识别管理通过一个默认的外接程序实现数据通信。为防止个人信息被篡改或获取,系统采集的身份信息全部保存在数据库中,而不是通过某条路径来存放,提高了信息安全。识别系统硬件成本低廉,相对独立又简单完整。指纹识别的应用将快捷地完成个人身份的验证,具有很大的开发前景。  相似文献   

一般而言,在采集到的指纹灰度图像中均含有大量噪声,而指纹识别技术在很大程度上依赖于指纹图像的质量,所以对指纹图像中的伪信息要加以滤除。在指纹的预处理阶段,利用多种方法可有效地去除图像中的大部分伪信息。在二值化过程中充分考虑指纹脊线的特性,利用指纹图像中点梯度的方向信息,提出了用相位编组法确定块方向。然后基于块方向进行方向滤波,收到了较好的效果。  相似文献   

一般而言,在采集到的指纹灰度图像中均含有大量噪声,而指纹识别技术在很大程度上依赖于指纹图像的质量,所以对指纹图像中的伪信息要加以滤除。在指纹的预处理阶段,利用多种方法可有效地去除图像中的大部分伪信息。在二值化过程中充分考虑指纹脊线的特性,利用指纹图像中点梯度的方向信息,提出了用相位编组法确定块方向,然后基于块方向进行方向滤波,收到了较好的效果。  相似文献   

针对目前手指静脉识别算法中的局部特征提取算法在信息量上利用不充分、特征不够稳定以及静脉结构不够突出等问题,提出一种基于多尺度局部特征融合的手指静脉识别方法。首先对图像进行归一化及自适应直方图均衡(CLAHE)处理,然后应用多尺度方向模板提取一阶局部静脉方向特征,之后在方向特征基础上计算局部均值二值算子(MLBP),得到二阶局部纹理细节特征,最后采用最优权值方式融合一阶梯度上的局部静脉方向特征和二阶梯度上的局部纹理细节特征。相比其它传统局部特征提取算法,这种多阶梯度融合方式提高了特征的稳定性,对图像信息量的利用更加充分。与MMNBP和NMRT算法相比,该算法在噪声图像库中的识别率分别从40.99%、39.22%提升至51.04%,在正常图像库中的识别率分别从82.79%、84.66%提升至89.53%。  相似文献   

本文介绍了一种新型的生物识别技术,阐述了静脉识别系统的原理、国内外研究状况及优势,并对该静脉采集系统中的光学部分作出了简单的介绍和探讨,最后对该技术的发展前景作出了展望。  相似文献   

A syllabus analysis instrument was developed to assist program evaluators, administrators and faculty in the identification of skills that students use as they complete their college coursework. While this instrument can be tailored for use with a variety of learning domains, we used it to assess students' use of and exposure to computer technology skills. The reliability and validity of the instrument was examined through an analysis of 88 syllabi from courses within the teacher education program and the core curriculum at a private Midwest US university. Results indicate that the instrument has good inter‐rater reliability and ratings by and interviews with faculty and students provide evidence of construct validity. The use and limitations of the instrument in educational program evaluation are discussed.  相似文献   

This study describes the development of an instrument to investigate the extent to which technology is integrated in science instruction in ways aligned to science reform outlined in standards documents. The instrument was developed by: (a) creating items consistent with the five dimensions identified in science education literature, (b) establishing content validity with both national and international content experts, (c) refining the item pool based on content expert feedback, (d) piloting testing of the instrument, (e) checking statistical reliability and item analysis, and (f) subsequently refining and finalization of the instrument. The TUSI was administered in a field test across eleven classrooms by three observers, with a total of 33 TUSI ratings completed. The finalized instrument was found to have acceptable inter-rater intraclass correlation reliability estimates. After the final stage of development, the TUSI instrument consisted of 26-items separated into the original five categories, which aligned with the exploratory factor analysis clustering of the items. Additionally, concurrent validity of the TUSI was established with the Reformed Teaching Observation Protocol. Finally, a subsequent set of 17 different classrooms were observed during the spring of 2011, and for the 9 classrooms where technology integration was observed, an overall Cronbach alpha reliability coefficient of 0.913 was found. Based on the analyses completed, the TUSI appears to be a useful instrument for measuring how technology is integrated into science classrooms and is seen as one mechanism for measuring the intersection of technological, pedagogical, and content knowledge in science classrooms.  相似文献   

条码技术在高校实验仪器设备管理中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在现代技术飞速发展的今天,信息的准确传递和可追溯性是做好管理工作的前提和必要条件,但在高校教学实验仪器设备管理这个领域却始终沿袭着传统落后的管理模式。利用条码这种新的高科技技术手段来提高高校教学实验仪器设备的管理水平,是笔者在本文中着重阐述的问题。  相似文献   

指纹识别的技术实现,其理论基础就是光电数字图像处理,故采集到的指纹图像的质量好坏对后续图像处理的难易至关重要。设计出清晰、畸变小甚至无畸变的指纹识别镜头是制造指纹识别仪的关键。随着光学加工技术的发展,目前非球面镜片已广泛应用于光电产品的各个领域,本文采用普通材质的棱镜及非球面透镜,可使指纹采集系统的畸变控制在0.2%以内。  相似文献   

This article describes the development of a Web-based instrument that is part of a strategic planning initiative in technology in K–12 schools in Nebraska. The instrument provides rubrics for self-assessment of essential conditions necessary for integrating and adopting of technology. Essential conditions were defined by an extended panel of educators from across the state. The rubric examines the areas of (a) technology administration and support, (b) technology capacity, (c) educator competencies and professional development, (d) learners and learning, and (e) accountability. Each area is assessed by four to seven items that are rated using explicitly described criteria. The Web-based system allows schools to complete this rubric as part of the needs assessment process and make comparisons on their profile from year to year and relative to a statewide composite profile. Based on data from 2005 and 2006, reliability scores (Cronbach's alpha) for subscales ranged from .68 to .82. Reliability for the entire scale was .92. Examination of data over the first two years of implementation showed significant year-to-year positive mean differences in subscale scores, indicating that the instrument was sensitive to changing conditions. Effect sizes were small but acceptable.  相似文献   

This study presents the systematic development, validation, and use of a new instrument for measuring student interest in science and technology. The Student Interest in Technology and Science (SITS) survey is composed of 5 sub-sections assessing the following dimensions: interest in learning science, using technology to learn science, science careers, technology careers, and attitudes toward biotechnology. Our development process included review of existing instrumentation, pilot testing, and expert panel review. The resulting instrument was administered before and after implementation of a biotechnology intervention which used a computer-based game to engage learners in the use of biotechnology to address a societal issue. We employed item response theory (IRT) to explore instrument validity and precision. Results of the psychometric analyses suggest that the SITS survey has a well-defined structure and meets IRT assumptions. Difficulty and discrimination parameters as well as reliability analyses indicate that SITS items provide useful measures of student interest. Finally, we use the SITS to explore the extent to which the intervention used in this study supports changes in student interest and association between students’ interest and related content knowledge. Implications for the future use of this instrument are discussed.  相似文献   

传统的钥匙和锁已经不能满足目前智能建筑对门禁系统安全性和可靠性的要求,生物识别技术作为身份认证的一种技术在各种场合应用越来越广泛,而声纹识别又特别适用于门禁系统。采用语音压缩与技术对声纹进行采样,结合单片微型计算机,利用合理的算法对声纹进行识别,可以有效提高门禁系统的安全性和可靠性。  相似文献   

In repeated measure studies with unidimensional scales, measurement invariance, and specificity stability over time, the specificity variance in each instrument component can be identified. This article describes for that setting an improved point and interval estimation procedure for the maximal reliability coefficient associated with a given set of homogeneous measures. The method is developed within the framework of latent variable modeling and can also be readily used in longitudinal studies for improved point and interval estimation of individual measure reliability and scale reliability at each assessment occasion. The procedure is based on empirically testable conditions and is illustrated with an example.  相似文献   

This study describes the development of an instrument to investigate the extent to which student‐centered actions are occurring in science classrooms. The instrument was developed through the following five stages: (1) student action identification, (2) use of both national and international content experts to establish content validity, (3) refinement of the item pool based on reviewer comments, (4) pilot testing of the instrument, and (5) statistical reliability and item analysis leading to additional refinement and finalization of the instrument. In the field test, the instrument consisted of 26 items separated into four categories originally derived from student‐centered instruction literature and used by the authors to sort student actions in previous research. The SACS was administered across 22 Grade 6–8 classrooms by 22 groups of observers, with a total of 67 SACS ratings completed. The finalized instrument was found to be internally consistent, with acceptable estimates from inter‐rater intraclass correlation reliability coefficients at the p < 0.01 level. After the final stage of development, the SACS instrument consisted of 24 items separated into three categories, which aligned with the factor analysis clustering of the items. Additionally, concurrent validity of the SACS was established with the Reformed Teaching Observation Protocol. Based on the analyses completed, the SACS appears to be a useful instrument for inclusion in comprehensive assessment packages for illuminating the extent to which student‐centered actions are occurring in science classrooms.  相似文献   

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