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现代远程教育中的交互及协作服务是激发学习者学习热情、维持其学习动机、提高学习效率和保证学习质量的决定性因素,而服务模式是远程教育中教与学重新整合的体现方式,目前许多代远程教育中的交互及协作服务模式在教学功能和交互等方面存在一些不足。本文结合网络教育现状,论述了一种用于改进平台功能的“交互及协作支持”模式,试图为远程教育领域提供了一种实践性较强的参考模式。  相似文献   

汪涛 《现代企业教育》2006,(22):148-149
现代远程教育中的交互及协作服务是激发学习者学习热情、维持其学习动机、提高学习效率和保证学习质量的决定性因素,而服务模式是远程教育中教与学重新整合的体现方式,目前许多代远程教育中的交互及协作服务模式在教学功能和交互等方面存在一些不足.本文结合网络教育现状,论述了一种用于改进平台功能的“交互及协作支持“模式,试图为远程教育领域提供了一种实践性较强的参考模式.  相似文献   

小组协作学习是现代远程开放教育下成人学习的重要方式之一,其在保证远程教育学习质量方面发挥的作用毋庸置疑。本文通过对甘肃电大直属学院教学分部小组协作学习个案分析,提出了在远程教育环境下成人学习中小组学习的有效组织方式或途径,以帮助成人学生更好地学习,促其达到预定教学目标。  相似文献   

协作学习是现代远程教育一直以来所提倡的重要学习形式之一.如何提高小组协作学习的有效性,是当前教师和教育研究者面临的共同问题.概念图可以提供知识整合、沟通协作、思维可视化等功能,非常适合于远程教育中协作学习的开展.本文借助支架教学理论,对概念图作为协作学习支架的类型、概念图支架教学模式在协作学习中应用的规则设计等进行了探讨.  相似文献   

分析了远程教育中的不利因素,为了克服这些不利因素,根据协作学习理论,提出了基于课程的协作学习模式。该模式分为个体式、小组式、整体式三种教学形式。在实践该模式时应注意目标性、可行性、趣味性、实用性、开放性、及时反馈等六个问题。  相似文献   

网络环境下小组协作学习策略初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
小组协作学习是现代远程教育的一种重要教学组织形式.搞好网络环境下小组协作学习,对于改变教学模式和学习方式,培养学生的自主学习能力、创新能力、研究性学习能力和团体协作精神,提高学生的信息素养都具有重要的作用.本文从现行小组协作学习的现状出发,初步探讨了在网络环境下开展小组协作学习的方法和途径.  相似文献   

远程协作学习中的教师角色研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
协作学习是网络远程教育的重要环节,其效果直接影响到远程教育教学的质量。本文在协作学习理论的基础上,结合我国网络远程教育协作学习模式的现状,探讨了教师在提高远程协作学习过程质量中的角色定位。  相似文献   

这个报告评述了开放远程教育在日本当前的地位。开放远程教育在日本被用于不同层次的非义务教育——在高中、大专、大学和研究生院均有。研究结果显示,个别化学习和小组合作学习(cooperativelearning)不同于小组协作学习(collaborativelearning),日本开放远程教育现在参与跨国联盟中,为了保证远程教育的质量并得到国内与国际的认证,需要介绍引进协作学习的方法。多媒体教学模式是最近开发并确认有效的教学模式,对教师与学生都提供了必要的支持。为了提升日本的开放远程教育,在受关注的领域里,本文提出了七个策略:①课程大纲的设计——提高透明度与信任;②互相认证与知识产权保护;③教与学的研究;④开放远程教育联盟——提高公众的接受程度;⑤电子图书馆和开放源码知识。⑥教师专业发展——提高教师应有的责任感。⑦社团发展。需要在未来的研究中对这七个策略进行探索。本研究广泛地参考了日本开放远程教育所有网址提供的内容,希望这个报告成为未来研究者有用的资源。  相似文献   

现代远程教育手段的迅速发展,为接受开放教育的学员在网络上开展协作学习提供了条件。协作学习强调在学习过程中,通过网络和计算机支持学生之间的交互活动,这种活动是指以小组或团体的形式,在师生之间、学生之间进行讨论、交流、协作。协作学习优于个别化学习,但也存在着不足之处。  相似文献   

这个报告评述了开放远程教育在日本当前的地位.开放远程教育在日本被用于不同层次的非义务教育--在高中、大专、大学和研究生院均有.研究结果显示,个别化学习和小组合作学习(cooperative learning)不同于小组协作学习(collaborativelearning),日本开放远程教育现在参与跨国联盟中,为了保证远程教育的质量并得到国内与国际的认证,需要介绍引进协作学习的方法.多媒体教学模式是最近开发并确认有效的教学模式,对教师与学生都提供了必要的支持.为了提升日本的开放远程教育,在受关注的领域里,本文提出了七个策略:①课程大纲的设计--提高透明度与信任;②互相认证与知识产权保护;③教与学的研究;④开放远程教育联盟--提高公众的接受程度;⑤电子图书馆和开放源码知识.⑥教师专业发展--提高教师应有的责任感.⑦社团发展.需要在未来的研究中对这七个策略进行探索.本研究广泛地参考了日本开放远程教育所有网址提供的内容,希望这个报告成为未来研究者有用的资源.  相似文献   

自主学习和协作学习是相互促进、相互依赖的网络学习方式。然而,目前典型的网络学习系统(智能教学系统和计算机支持的协作学习系统)大多将自主学习和协作学习强制分离,忽视了自主学习过程中协作交流的激励作用以及协作学习过程中学习者的自主学习需求。因此,扩展现有的智能教学系统,构建一个自主学习和协作学习有机融合的数字化学习环境,有助于更好地满足网络环境下师生的学习需求。支持协作学习的群体感知模型由群体感知信息、群体感知本体和群体感知规则三部分组成,采用本体技术建模协作感知信息,运用语义Web规则语言刻画协作感知机制,为实现协作学习的信息交互提供通用模型。基于该模型构建的智能教学系统,在原有ITS自主学习环境的基础上,扩展了参与者可以相互感知、相互交流的协作学习模块,实现与现有智能教学系统的无缝整合,为开发具有协作学习功能的智能教学系统提供了技术参考。  相似文献   

College teachers in the sciences and professional studies have endorsed collaborative learning group strategies for teaching undergraduate statistics courses, but few researchers provide empirical evidence that students’ quantitative skills actually increase as a result of the collaborative experience. Assessment of the efficacy of collaborative learning group techniques is frequently subjectively based, and often relies on casual comments from students or faculty. Despite this shortcoming, instructors searching for new and effective ways of teaching quantitative courses continue to experiment with collaborative pedagogy. Consequently, an exploration of the effectiveness of collaborative teaching modalities on students’ statistical knowledge seems warranted. This study examined the relationship between performance on collaborative learning group assignments and students’ examination scores in statistics. Data were derived from 270 students enrolled in nine sections of a social statistics course, taught between 1996 and 2004. The results both challenge and support the efficacy of collaborative learning groups, and suggest that faculty modify such techniques when evidence of student learning cannot be empirically linked to the collaborative experience.  相似文献   

Research has suggested that self or co-regulated learning is very helpful for the development of students’ autonomy, and is particularly important in online learning environments, because such non-linear environments tend to lack focus and teachers’ monitoring. The social cognitive research suggests that highly self-regulated learners have higher motivation and more control of their learning behaviors, and thus generate better outcomes on an individual basis rather on a group basis. This study thus attempts to extend the social cognitive perspective of self-regulated learning to collective regulated learning, and to investigate the relationships among collective beliefs (i.e., collective task value, a newly developed group motivation), collaborative behaviors (i.e., group cohesion, cognitive quality of collaborative interactions), and collaborative performance through collaborative creation in the CSCL environment. A total of 96 college students participated in this study. Both quantitative and qualitative analyses were applied. The results indicate that collective task value is a reliable and valid construct. The results also show that collective task value significantly predicts students’ group cohesion and collaborative performance, although it does not predict students’ cognitive quality of collaborative interactions. Students’ group cohesion and higher level of cognitive quality in collaborative interactions also both significantly predict their collaborative performance through collaborative creation in the CSCL environment.  相似文献   

网络环境下的异步协作学习方式越来越受到教育工作者的关注,因为它能够为学习者提供延时性交流与协作环境,便于学习者能够以小组或个人的形式参与到学习讨论之中。为了探讨基于BBS的异步协作学习互动过程,通过以案例形式进行实证性研究,其中,运用了会话内容分析法、调查法等方法,对异步协作学习活动中的帖子总体数量情况、各组发帖时间情况、帖子间关系情况以及基于知识建构模型的异步协作学习过程进行了详细的分析。研究结果表明,异步协作学习活动促进了学生的自主学习能力的发展,但是在活动中存在的问题值得教育工作者的思考。因此,研究对于指导异步协作学习互动活动的开展具有积极的参考价值。  相似文献   

This paper discusses how a group leader computer tutor may aid students in learning collaborative skills in a co-operative learning environment. However, students need to learn collaborative skills and practice using them. The group leader computer tutor discussed in this paper is designed on the principles of co-operative learning, intelligent tutoring systems and computer-supported collaborative work within an intelligent collaborative learning system (ICLS). The group leader aims to facilitate group work on the task level and to teach students how to use collaborative skills in the discussion level as students work on networked computers in the Jigsaw method of co-operative learning. The ICLS and its group leader were used by two classes at a liberal arts university. Qualitative research shows that the students' co-operative attitudes changed and academic achievement improved from pre- to post-treatment. Students, especially, used the communication skill of openness in comment type discussions. The students enjoyed working collaboratively through the ICLS and their teachers thought that the experience was valuable for them.  相似文献   

《College Teaching》2013,61(2):244-248
Abstract. Assessment of the efficacy of collaborative learning group techniques is frequently subjectively based and often relies on casual comments from students or faculty. Despite this shortcoming, instructors searching for new and effective ways of teaching quantitative courses continue to experiment with collaborative pedagogy. This study examined the relationship between student performance on collaborative learning group assignments and students' examination scores in statistics. The results both challenge and support the efficacy of collaborative learning groups and suggest that faculty modify such techniques when evidence of student achievement cannot be empirically linked to the collaborative experience.  相似文献   

在协作学习中学习投入与学习成效紧密相关,是学生进行有效参与和深度学习的必要条件。但目前的研究大多针对个人学习投入,缺乏在协作学习中小组学习投入的相关研究。在前人研究基础上,本研究从认知投入、行为投入、社会投入、情感投入四个维度构建了在线协作学习中小组学习投入的分析模型,并通过实证研究进一步探索小组投入分析模型各维度与小组学习成绩之间的关系。结果表明,在小组学习投入中行为投入、社交投入与小组成绩呈显著正相关关系,而积极、消极、困惑三类情感投入则与小组成绩呈负相关关系。研究同时发现,高分组在中立情感投入、认知投入的问题和元认知维度中的均值都高于低分组。最后,通过分析在线小组学习投入与成绩之间的关系,为今后优化学习支持服务以及提高小组成员协作质量提供了依据。  相似文献   

提升协作学习效果是研究者和实践者追求的目标。高质量的协作学习需要有效的教师指导。教师指导的哪些特征会影响协作学习效果呢?从信息流视角,把协作学习抽象为复杂的信息系统来研究教师输出的信息流与协作学习效果的关系,有助于克服已有研究存在的问题。对30个小组协作学习信息流进行分类和建模发现,能够直接对协作学习效果产生促进作用的教师指导包括知识语义、积极情感、答案、管理类信息,其中知识语义类信息的促进作用最显著,策略和案例类信息通过知识语义类信息间接影响协作学习效果,管理类信息不仅能够直接影响协作学习效果,同时还可以通过作用于答案类信息而间接影响协作学习效果。个案研究还发现,协作学习效果较好的小组中,教师输出的元认知类信息多于认知类信息,教师主要通过计划策略指导学生有效完成协作学习任务。  相似文献   

This paper addresses the issues in the field of collaborative learning,and put its stress on the classroom group work for collaborative learning.The way to deal with group work and teacher's role in the process will also be discussed.  相似文献   

The role of teacher is increasingly related to designing and arranging collaborative learning situations in which fruitful and creative group work may occur. This thematic review presents recent studies on creativity and collaborative learning from the perspective of the teacher as conductor of learning processes. The precondition for the design and orchestration of these kinds of learning situations is analysing and understanding of creative and collaborative processes and their contextual adaption. Thus, the first section of this review focuses on the theoretical vantage points of creativity and collaborative learning mainly from socio-cultural perspective. Based on this theoretical grounding, the second section describes principles for orchestrating productive collaborative learning and supporting creativity from the teacher’s perspective. We discuss three dimensions related to how teachers can bring about collaborative learning and creativity: (1) general pedagogical bases, (2) teachers’ pre- and real-time activities and (3) opportunities and challenges for teacher activities. The review is concluded with theoretical and practical implications regarding collaborative learning and creativity.  相似文献   

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