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教育期刊在现代教育发展和课程改革过程中,对教师专业发展一直发挥着重要的作用,主要体现在以下四个方面:教师专业理想的建立、专业知识的拓展、专业能力的发展、专业自我的形成.当前,中小学教师专业发展的时代内涵给教育期刊带来了新的挑战,教育期刊应加强其导向功能、服务功能和社会功能来促进教师专业发展.  相似文献   

《中小学教师培训》是教育部主管、东北师范大学主办的研究中小学教师培训及教师专业发展的专业性学术期刊,是教育部指导全国中小学教师培训工作的重要舆论工具,是促进中小学教师专业发展、提高教师实施素质教育能力和水平的重要园地。本刊的办刊宗旨:研究中小学教师培训前沿理论;探索中小学教师培训实践路径;交流中小学课堂有效教学经验;提升中小学教师实践智慧;宣传国内外最新师训成果;揭示中小学教师专业发展规律。本刊被评为中文核心期刊、中国期刊方阵“双效期刊”、北方优秀期刊、吉林省精品期刊等,是多家权威学术期刊数据库收录期刊和评价数据库统计源期刊。  相似文献   

《中小学教师培训》是教育部王管、东北师范大学王办的研究中小学教师培训及教师专业发展的专业性学术期刊,是教育部指导全国中小学教师培训工作的重要舆论工具,是促进中小学教师专业发展、提高教师实施素质教育能力和水平的重要园地。本刊的办刊宗旨:研究中小学教师培训前沿理论;探索中小学教师培训实践路径;交流中小学课堂有效教学经验;提升中小学教师实践智慧;宣传国内外最新师训成果;揭示中小学教师专业发展规律。本刊被评为中文核心期刊、中国期刊方阵“双效期刊”、北方优秀期刊、吉林省精品期刊等,是多家权威学术期刊数据库收录期刊和评价数据库统计源期刊。  相似文献   

《中小学教师培训》是教育部主管、东北师范大学主办的研究中小学教师培训与教师专业发展的专业性学术期刊,是教育部指导全国中小学教师培训工作的重要舆论工具,是促进中小学教师专业发展、提高教师实施素质教育能力和水平的重要园地。本刊的办刊宗旨:研究中小学教师培训前沿理论;探索中小学教师培训实践路径;交流中小学课堂有效教学经验;提升中小学教师实践智慧;宣传国内外最新师训成果;揭示中小学教师专业发展规律。本刊被评为中文核心期刊、中国期刊方阵“双效期刊”、北方优秀期刊、吉林省精品期刊等,是多家权威学术期刊数据库收录期刊和评价数据库统计源期刊。  相似文献   

教育期刊在现代教育发展和课程改革过程中,对教师专业发展一直发挥着重要的作用,但目前市场上教育期刊种类繁多、良莠不齐,并没有发挥出教育期刊应有的导向和作用服务功能,所以我们应该重新审视问题所在,迎接新的挑战,发挥教育期刊的引领作用,促进教师专业发展。  相似文献   

《中小学教师培训》是教育部主管、东北师范大学主办的研究中小学教师培训及教师专业发展的专业性学术期刊,是教育部指导全国中小学教师培训工作的重要舆论工具,是促进中小学教师专业发展、提高教师实施素质教育能力和水平的重要园地。本刊的办刊宗旨:研究中小学教师培训前沿理论;探索中小学教师培训实践路径;交流中小学课堂有效教学经验;提升中小学教师实践智慧;宣传国内外最新师训成果;揭示中小学教师专业发展规律.本刊被评为中文核心期刊、中国期刊方阵“双效期刊”、北方优秀期刊、吉林省精品期刊等,是多家权威学术期刊数据库收录期刊和评价数据库统计源期刊。  相似文献   

<正>中文核心期刊教育部主管东北师范大学主办教师的论坛校长的参谋师资培训者的助手《中小学教师培训》是教育部主管、东北师范大学主办的研究中小学教师培训及教师专业发展的专业性学术期刊,是教育部指导全国中小学教师培训工作的重要舆论工具,是促进中小学教师专业发展、提高教师实施素质教育能力和水平的重要园地。本刊的办刊宗旨:研究中小学教师培训前沿理论;探索中小学教师培训实践路径;交流中小学课堂有效教学经验;提升中小学教师实践智慧;宣传国内外最新师训成果;揭示中小学教师专业发展规律。本刊被评为中文核心期刊、中国期刊方阵"双效期刊"、北方优秀期刊、吉林省精品期刊等,是多家权威学术期刊数据库收录期刊和评价数据库统计源期刊。  相似文献   

针对县域教师进修学校在职能行使过程中存在的问题,通过学校各部室的职能拓展和部室间的职能整合,强化教师进修学校对中小学教师专业发展的引领作用,转变中小学教师的教育观念,提高中小学教师的教学能力、教研能力和科研能力,进而促进中小学教师的专业发展。  相似文献   

促进西藏昌都农牧区中小学教师专业发展具有提高地方人口素质、提高农牧区基础教育质量和实现教育均衡等现实意义。目前昌都农牧区中小学教师专业发展的主要问题体现在对教师专业发展重要性的认识不够、教师自身专业素质不高等维度。昌都农牧区教师专业发展需要利用地方教育优势资源,发挥教师的主观能动作用,开展反思教学,推进教师轮岗制等。  相似文献   

这个开学季,我们的目光又一次投向了"教师"群体。在教育规划纲要的落实之年和"十二五"的开局之年,作为教育事业发展第一资源的教师无疑被赋予了更多的期待与关注。怎样促进教师的专业化发展?学校管理在教师专业发展中起何作用?教师的效能如何提升?影响教师满意度的因素又有哪些?这些问题的解决需要科学、有力的研究支撑。中国有1300多万的普通中小学专任教师,是世界上最庞大的教师专业团体,但长期以来,我国一直缺乏大型、符合国际规范和全面可靠的教师教育专业数据库与信息系统,很难对中国教师教育状况和完善教师教育政策提供有效、可靠的监测。岁末年初,一项名为"中国中小学教师专业发展状况调查与政策分析报告"在全国引起了积极的反响。  相似文献   

目前我国成人教育学专业研究生培养逐渐走向正规,但也存在着招生历史、管理体制、师资匮乏和学术期刊支持等问题。只有通过采取优化导师队伍、加强教材建设、创新培养环境和在课题中学习等对策,才会加快我国成人教育学专业研究生培养步伐。  相似文献   

Today, teachers are expected to be able to make informed decisions about curriculum, be aware of current teaching methodologies, and be conversant with the latest educational theory. Keeping up to date is not easy. Fortunately, professional journals do provide one avenue by which teachers can stay abreast of current developments. However, do teachers read professional journals? The study reported here surveyed 439 Australian mathematics teachers from 73 secondary schools to establish which mathematics teacher education journals they had heard of and to determine the extent to which they read these journals. The results indicate that the majority of mathematics teachers neither are regular readers of professional journals nor are they aware of them. Moreover, if journals are read, they are generally those obtained with membership of professional organisations.  相似文献   

学前期混龄教育是近年来教育研究的热点之一。通过对1994-2011年近二十年的期刊文献进行内容的仔细梳理,从混龄教育的价值研究、课程与教学、环境创设、教师的学习与专业挑战及混龄教育的支持系统等方面进行综述。研究认为,混龄教育将会对农村学前教育的发展起到促进作用,未来混龄教育的课程体系将进一步完善。  相似文献   

In this study 20 beginning special education teachers were asked to describe their experiences in general education settings. To provide data, each teacher completed approximately three electronic reflective journals during a school year and also participated in a phone interview, which was aimed to give in-depth information regarding the participants’ comments in the journals. The participants described their experiences in regard to collaboration with mainstream teachers, the delivery of the curriculum and the understanding of their role with reference to identity. They reported some good experiences but also many difficulties in their attempts to support pupils with special educational needs (SEN) and enhance their learning and participation in mainstream schools. Challenges in collaboration, the delivery of the curriculum and the development of teachers’ identity at the beginning of a career in special education are discussed. We argue that the teachers’ experiences are associated with the legislative educational system and the school culture which does not encourage collaborative practices but rather promotes individualism and leads to exclusive practices.  相似文献   

在师德评价中,教师是被评价对象,是评价的客体,往往很少有主动权。师德评价的目的不仅是规范教师教育言行,更重要的是提升教师的教育品质,鼓励教师自觉修炼师德,完善人格。师德评价要从教师的立场理解教师需求,辩证分析评价结果,在客观公正的评价过程中帮助教师专业发展。师德评价的教师立场有助于更好地发挥评价的有效性。  相似文献   

教育教学改革过程中,教师是一个关键群体。教师对教改的态度,关系到教改最终的成败。反思教师在教改中的情志和行为差异,重新审视我们所进行的教改,可以促进教改的顺利进行。本文从经济学的视角对教改进行了分析,论述了教改的无极限性与教改资源的稀缺性之间的矛盾等三个方面的问题,并对如何促进教改简要提出了四点建议。  相似文献   

从21世纪教育发展趋势看未来教师角色特征的变化   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
21世纪是一个社会急剧变动的时代.教育也将发生巨大变革.过去的教育,包括教育目的、内容、方法、手段、组织形式等诸多方面,将会逐渐演变为更加适应21世纪社会要求的新教育.因此,在教育活动中扮演重要角色的教师,也必将随之进行角色的转变.未来教师角色的变化主要表现在这样四个方面:在师生关系上,教师作为权威逐渐由外铄的权威转变为内生的权威;在教育教学过程中,由于教师由知识的传授者逐渐转变为学生发展的促进者;在教学组织过程中,教师作为纯粹管理者的角色日益淡化,教师的教育教学方法由简单逐渐变得复杂,教师逐渐成为能依据环境、对象、内容等的变化,即时性、创造性地展开教育教学活动的艺术家.对于教师自身,教师素质只有处于不断提高过程中,才能胜任未来教育教学的需要.所以说,21世纪的合格教师,是权威、促进者、艺术家、学习研究者的复合体.  相似文献   

This empirical study investigates secondary science teachers’ perspectives on science education reform in Taiwan and reflects how these teachers have been negotiating constructivist and learner-centered pedagogical approaches in contemporary science education. It also explores the challenges that teachers encounter while shifting their pedagogical focus from traditional approaches to teaching science to an active engagement in students’ learning. Multiple sources of qualitative data were obtained, including individual interviews with science teachers and teachers’ reflective journals about Confucianism in relation to their educational philosophies. Thematic analysis and constant comparative method were used to analyze the data. The findings revealed that Confucian traditions play a significant role in shaping educational practices in Taiwan and profoundly influence teachers’ epistemological beliefs and their actual classroom practice. Indeed, science teachers’ perspectives on Confucian learning traditions played a key role in supporting or obstructing their pedagogical commitments to inquiry-based and learner-centered approaches. This study draws on the literature concerning teachers’ professional struggles and identity construction during educational reform. Specifically, we explore the ways in which teachers respond to educational changes and negotiate their professional identities. We employed various theories of identity construction to understand teachers’ struggles and challenges while wrestling with competing traditional and reform-based pedagogical approaches. Attending to these struggles and the ways in which they inform the development of a teacher’s professional identity is vital for sustaining current and future educational reform in Taiwan as well as in other Eastern cultures. These findings have important implications for teachers’ professional development programs in East Asian cultures.  相似文献   

This qualitative case study aimed to investigate Early Childhood Education (ECE) pre-service teachers’ perception of development in their technological, pedagogical, content knowledge (TPACK) after designing educational computer games for young children. Participants included 21 ECE pre-service teachers enrolled in the course Instructional Technology and Material Design. The data were collected through focus group interviews, observations, and journals. The results indicated a perceived improvement in TPACK. Moreover, participants described initial difficulty designing educational computer games since they had limited technological knowledge (TK), design knowledge (DK), or experience designing educational computer games (TPACK). However, during the game design, specific TPACK was disseminated, and participants reported increased abilities in using technology and designing computer games for educational purposes.  相似文献   

This paper examines the history, rationale, uses and abuses of writing journals in primary classrooms. We argue that writing journals form part of a pedagogy derived from an understanding of how children can be motivated to express themselves, independently of teachers. Moreover, they demonstrate the power of welcoming children's home cultures into the classroom. However, we also wish to argue that the use of writing journals is part of the teaching profession's ‘creative compliance’ that can still contribute to the marginalisation of effective educational practice. We document how, in some schools in England, writing journals have been reduced to token gestures towards creativity and independence and in effect collude with and support what is increasingly becoming a pedagogical hegemony.  相似文献   

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