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以CUMCM-2005B题为例,解决在线租赁服务中商品的购买与分配问题。假设每种DVD的购买数量和其会员总偏爱程度成正比,于是对于某个需购买的DVD总数,可以按照偏爱程度的比例确定每种DVD需要购买的数量,然后按照0-1规划模型进行第一次分配。接着用数值模拟的方法随机取60%的会员一个月租赁两次DVD,并把归还后的DVD用0-1规划模型进行第二次分配,最终计算得到会员相应的满意度,从而给出了网站准备的DVD总数和会员在一个月的满意度之间的关系。并建议网站准备2 300张左右的DVD,使得会员一个月的满意度达到0.8左右。  相似文献   

对数据的观察与分析,得到会员满意度的公式,进一步分析解决了一个月会员满意度达到50%以上的问题。然后对供求量之间的数值关系的讨论,得出三个月内至少95%的人满意的问题。对已知数据逐个筛选,利用多重循环对矩阵的各个数据进行分离,选出分配DVD的最佳方案;最后引入“最受欢迎度”,把已知数据中的偏爱程度转换成“最受欢迎度”,从两个角度,不同层面对问题进行讨论,解决了DVD购买量的分配问题。  相似文献   

1.选择什么样的学校? 到加拿大学习将是您人生的一个重要决定.在到达加拿大前,您需要了解尽可能详细的资料.因此,您应该给自己至少6个月的时间来计划和准备.  相似文献   

曾看到这样一道数学智力题:现有104张桌子要放入14个教室,且每个教室内都至少放一张桌子,问至少有几个教室内的桌子数目相同?  相似文献   

通过建立一种比较新颖的网站在线DVD租赁模型,合理安排了网站购买DVD的数量和分配其会员租赁的DVD,在满足会员偏爱程度(权重)最大的基础上,依据基本概率论、0-1规划的方法,从已知表格的数据中导出权重,制定了DVD的租赁计划,然后综合考虑网站的最大收益和会员的最大满意度,得出最优的分配方案,并对模型做出了评价和改进.  相似文献   

<正>1 问题由来看到近来群里在讨论如下的概率问题,例1 有M种卡片,每种卡片数量无限,每次随机从M种卡片中选择一张,选择到每种卡片的概率相同.现在需要集齐M种卡片,即每种卡片至少需要一张,集齐之后则终止.问:选择n次(n≥M),能够集齐M张卡片的概率是多少?这个问题提得挺有趣,设问也看似合理,但是,要解答它却非易事.这是一类等待胜利问题,而且是带有参数变化的等待问题,已经远远超出中学数学中关于概率论的知识范围.但是,如果把问  相似文献   

当愿意观看的人数一定,则在若干个月内使一定百分比的会员得到他想看的,需要购买的各种的数量,并求得使得会员满意度最大的最优分配方案,本文给出了在一定假设条件下解决这类问题的相应数学模型及其算法。  相似文献   

例1 一副扑克牌去掉两张王牌后还有52张牌,共有黑桃、红心、方片及梅花4种花色,每种花色各有13张.问:(1)一次至少要摸出多少张牌,才可以保证摸出的牌中至少有3张是不同花色的?(2)一次至少要摸出多少张牌,才可以保证摸出的牌中至少有3张是同花色的?(3)一次至少要摸出多少张牌,才可以保证摸出的牌中至少有一个K?要想使摸出的牌中至少有两个K呢?  相似文献   

就网站如何购买、分配DVD,使顾客满意度最大问题建立DVD在线租赁的优化数学模型。根据一些实际情况.做出了合理的假设。在求解过程中,引入0-1变量,应用LINDO软件,给出了前30位会员具体的分配方案:应用EXCEI软件对题目所给数据进行分析和利用概率知识计算出租赁每种DVD会员的个数,最后得出20种DVD所需要的数量.并对模型进行了推广。  相似文献   

90天以上留学签证所需材料:1、 完整填写一张签证申请表,签名后再贴上近期照片一张;2、 护照,有效期在12个月以上,并有至少一页签证空白页,以及该护照身份证的复印件一张;3、 毕业证书原件;4、 中国教育部签发的声明,证明您不能够在本国继续相同的学习计划;(对赴荷兰接受中级职业教育者要求此项)5、 证明您被您所希望前往学习的学校所接受的文件原件;6、 如果您在正式专业学习前需要进行预科学习,提供学校通知书,说明您将先参加预科培训。如果通过预科考试,将转入专业学习。如果您在荷兰有联系人,请提供此声明复印件;7、 如果您的学习和生活…  相似文献   

首先运用概率统计方法,对问卷调查结果和会员每月租赁DVD次数进行分析,合理地解决了网站既要尽可能满足消费者的意愿,同时又使成本低廉的矛盾;其次运用整数规划,根据100名会员的在线订单和网站手上20种DVD的现有张数,进行了定性地分配,并用分类规划,进行了定量地分配;再用定性反过来约束定量,井进行误差分析,根据会员要求和网站的宏观调控,得出了最优的分配方案,最后依据最优化原理导出递推关系,将整数规划转化为动态规划,进而求出每种DVD合理的购买量,并对这些DVD进行合理的分配;然后在计算机上用Lingo软件对模型进行灵敏度检验,模型还对网站DVD在线租赁提出几点建议供网站参考。  相似文献   

以2005年全国大学生数学建模竞赛D题“DVD在线租赁”为背景,对DVD的租赁与归还,网方的购买与分配以及需求预测等问题进行了研究,建立了适合实际问题的数学模型并得到了相应的结果.  相似文献   

影视片的英语视听教学之方法和途径   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
傅艺 《宜春学院学报》2006,28(5):134-136
近几年影视片在我国英语听、说、读、译教学运用中所占比例有明显上升趋势,其中以听力课的运用较多,而听力理解过程是一个复杂的认知过程,我们不仅要用耳朵,还要用眼睛来了解世界。所以,利用记忆中的图式知识,即可视材料,如:图像制品、图表、画面提供的信息来帮助理解是前景广阔和大有可为的。本文主要探讨以影视片为例的可视材料在听力理解中的作用及应用,提出基于影视片的英语视听教学的方法和途径,同时进行了几点理性的思考。  相似文献   

Instructional conditions for using dynamic visual displays: a review   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A review of research related to the learning effect of dynamic versus static visual displays in media-based instruction is presented. The analysis reveals that the dynamic visual display (DVD) is generally more effective than the static visual display (SVD). However, the research findings do not consistently support the superior effect of DVDs. These conflicting findings seem to be related to the different theoretical rationales and methodological approaches used in various studies and suggest that the use of DVDs should be determined selectively. From the literature review and theoretical discussions about instructional functions of DVDs, we propose six instructional conditions under which DVDs can be effectively used. The conditions are for: (a) demonstrating sequential actions in a procedural task; (b) simulating causal models of complex system behaviors; (c) explicitly representing invisible system functions and behaviors; (d) illustrating a task which is difficult to describe verbally; (e) providing a visual analogy for an abstract and symbolic concept, and (f) obtaining attention focused on specific tasks or presentation displays. Finally, several important considerations for the design and presentation of DVDs are discussed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Food Safety Manager's Certification is offered through a state‐local Extension partnership in Utah using an online course management system. Exams and course materials were created by an Extension Specialist at Utah State Univ. Extension Agents provide exam and curriculum facilitation in each county. This form of distance education enables access for students in all 29 Utah counties. All 454 students (Jan 2008–Mar 2009) successfully passed the food safety managers exam in 1 or 2 attempts and received certification. Twenty‐nine percent of those taking the exam received certification without accessing any of the course materials. The overall passing exam score mean was 82%. When combining both passing and failing exam attempts, the students' mean was 79%. The students' mean of the lower 25% was only 65%. When evaluating the 7 food safety knowledge domains, students' means were highest in personal hygiene and lowest in facility, equipment, and layout. The lower 25% of students failed to score 70% in 6 of 7 food safety knowledge domains. The English course materials were provided in 3 options where students could select 1 or more: online, textbook, and DVD. For students who chose to access educational materials 67% used online learning, 40% textbooks, and 10% DVDs as part of their study options. Extension Agent feedback on Hispanic students enrolled in the program indicates a need for Spanish language study materials. Overall, the Utah Food Safety Managers program demonstrates a successful state‐local Food Science Extension approach to distance education, online curricula, and the use of computers to facilitate testing and learning.  相似文献   

The study outlined here was an attempt to examine the use of Social Story DVDs as a single‐intervention approach in addressing the issue of anxiety around turn taking in a child with dual diagnosis of autism and learning disability. The child selected was in a school for children with additional needs. The child was taught in a daily session focusing on the Social Story DVD materials around ‘turn taking’ and accompanying ‘turn‐taking’ activities. Immediate peers were also included in the ‘turn‐taking’ sessions and the child would incorporate these skills with his peers in the classroom setting. The results showed that only through combining strategies and combining interventions can the diverse range of individual needs of those with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and learning disability be met. Using a sole intervention to address specific social deficits misses the complexity of ASD and each individual's uniqueness.  相似文献   

运用概率统计的有关原理和方法,研究了DVD在线租赁的数学模型.利用LINGO软件求得了模型的最优解,给出了最优解相应的DVD在线分配方案.  相似文献   

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