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The increased regulation of teachers’ work is a global phenomenon across education sectors. In Australia the governance of Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) embeds international priorities for quality improvement in educational programmes. The implementation of a National Quality Framework (NQF) for the assessment of ECEC services has mobilised the production of a suite of regulatory texts. The regulation of teachers’ work is legitimised through the discourse of quality embedded in policy guidelines. Drawing on interview data from preschool teachers, this paper employs institutional ethnography (IE) to investigate teachers’ accounts of producing a Quality Improvement Plan. As teachers operationalise the expectations of quality assurance in the NQF, their work is oriented to gathering evidence of an approved quality of practice. The findings indicate a shift in professional focus to increased documentation of ‘quality of practice’, goal setting and evidence of the collaborative construction of Quality Improvement Plans.  相似文献   

在农村幼儿教师专业化发展过程中,课例研修对教师教育观念的转变、教学设计与组织能力的提升起着至关重要的作用。本文以农村幼儿教师在国培"影子园"进行"一课三研"课例研修为例,分析教师如何在教学目标确定、教学方案设计、教学活动组织诸方面进行群体反思、研讨修正,以此促进他们专业化发展。  相似文献   

课程建设是学前教师继续教育的核心,其中专业选修课程的建设关系着学前教师个别化专业发展需求的满足和区域内学前教育事业发展的全面性,在整个课程建设中又占据着重要地位。本研究通过内容分析法,对上海浦东新区"十一五"期间学前教师继续教育专业选修课程开展情况进行分析,归纳和探讨了其中体现出的专业热点和薄弱之处,并基于我国当前学前...  相似文献   

In this article, we explore the reality of Icelandic preschool teachers who are, as in most other countries, predominantly female. The gendered nature of the role and the current identity adopted by preschool teachers appear to impact on their perceived status and professionalism. In this process, stakeholders in early childhood education (ECE), as well as the preschool teachers themselves, play important parts. The question that underlies the paper is: ‘How do the views of preschool teachers and stakeholders in ECE affect the preschool teachers’ professional identity?’ The data used to answer the question are from focus group research carried out with preschool teachers and stakeholders in ECE in one community in Iceland. These stakeholders, besides preschool teachers and staff within the preschools, were parents, professionals at the municipal preschool office and politicians. The theoretical perspective informing the methodology of the research was ‘symbolic interactionism’ and the concept of ‘democratic professionalism’ was used as an aspirational framework to analyse the data. The findings reveal connections between the ideology relating to the preschool teachers’ educational role, their limited leadership and the gendered views of stakeholders. At the end of the paper, implications and recommendations for preschool teachers are suggested.  相似文献   

This project highlights preschool teachers’ views of toddlers’ learning in mathematics. The Swedish national curriculum covers even the youngest children who are 1–3?years old. Interesting questions are thus: what should mathematics be for this age group and how should preschool teachers work with maths to achieve the curriculum objectives? Data were collected through interviews with six preschool teachers working in four different preschools. The data show that the teachers emphasize the body as very important for the learning process, which means that for these children, it is not a matter of simply talking about mathematical concepts, but experiencing them bodily. The teachers also report that they now pay more attention than previously to what material the children use and how they interact with it. They are more aware of how they organize and offer the various materials in the preschool and how this influences the way children use them and, consequently, their learning processes.  相似文献   

A key element in the current attempt to actualise the goals of the Dakar Framework of Action for Education for All in Nigeria is the broadening of access to education for disadvantaged groups. These groups include: nomadic pastoralists; migrant fishermen; and out-of-school children and youth. Special educational programs are being provided for them so as, inter alia, to: integrate them into the mainstream of Nigeria's social and political life; disseminate modern occupational and life skills; and promote cultural renewal based on reconstructionist principles.The major concern of this paper is to analyse the teacher education curriculum in Nigeria vis-à-vis the concrete existential realities in which teachers of these disadvantaged groups teach. It critically examines the extent to which the curriculum prepares teachers for the world of minority children, particularly the realities of the schools and the cultural contexts within which teaching takes place. To what extent has the teacher education curriculum adequately prepared teachers for the realities and challenges of teaching disadvantaged children? What do the teachers themselves think of the training they have received? How have their experiences as teachers of disadvantaged groups influenced their sense of marginalisation, professionalism and sense of worth? These questions are posed using quantitative and qualitative strategies so as to determine the level of congruence or incongruence between the existential realities of teachers’ work and the teacher education curriculum. Finally the paper highlights the suggestions made by the teachers sampled for this study about how to reform the teacher education curriculum in order most effectively to address the peculiarities and challenges of the cultural and educational contexts in which they work.  相似文献   

张新林 《成人教育》2014,34(10):60-62
创新培训模式,提高培训质量是党和国家对教育培训工作提出的基本要求。我们在幼师国培计划项目实施中,根据"国培计划"课程标准和幼儿园教师实际需要,借鉴"英特尔未来教育项目"的经验和启示,积极探索以解决问题为导向的任务驱动式培训模式,通过专家引领、问题探究、合作交流与信息技术应用,采取目标任务驱动式培训方式,引领学员探究基础问题和工作实践中的困惑问题,实现了学员自我发展动力的激发和反思实践、协作共享能力的增强,有效解决了培训中存在的教师和学员之间存在的"两张皮"现象,收到良好的培训效果。  相似文献   

This study aims to explore preschool teachers’ attitudes toward science teaching and its impact on classroom practices through the frequency of science activities provided in the classroom. In addition, the study investigates if their attitudes are related to factors such as educational level, years of teaching experience, and the school type they work in. The present research was conducted with 292 preschool teachers who work in public and private schools in different districts of Ankara, Turkey. The data were collected by administering the Early Childhood Teachers’ Attitudes toward Science Teaching Scale. Our analyses indicate that there is a significant but weak link between preschool teachers’ attitudes toward science teaching and the frequency of science activities that they provide in the classroom. Further, while teachers’ characteristics such as educational level and experience are found to play an insignificant role on the overall measures of the scale, type of school appears to be a major factor in explaining the attitudes toward science teaching.  相似文献   

This pilot study examined the relations among preschool teachers' attitudes towards the inclusion of children with autism and perceived self‐efficacy, as well as demographic characteristics such as teachers' work experience and educational background. The cohort consisted of 21 participants who had degrees in preschool education and worked with children with autism in general preschool/kindergarten settings in central Sweden. Data were collected using the Autism Attitude Scale for Teachers, the Teacher Efficacy Scale and a demographic survey. In general, findings revealed that preschool teachers held positive attitudes towards children with autism, and this was significantly related to the number of credits in special education taken during pre‐service education. However, teachers showed neutral attitudes towards the inclusion of children with autism into general preschool classrooms. No relations were found between teachers' perceived self‐efficacy and attitudes towards inclusion, although a relationship was found between participation in in‐service training and efficacy to make decisions. Implications concerning early childhood education professional development and supervision are discussed.  相似文献   

孩子从家庭进入托幼集体生活,首先必须与教师与同样产生积极的互动,即社会性素质的发展。而对托班孩子来说,社会性素质发展的教育,关键是教师如何把教育的目的的要求转化为孩子自身内在的需要,即教育的语言艺术。  相似文献   

《宁波市学前教育三年提升行动计划(2011-2013年)》实施以来,农村学前教育呈现持续发展的良好态势,幼儿园办学水平不断提升,优质幼儿园入园收费逐步走低,幼儿教师素质逐步提高。但农村公办幼儿园数量和比重仍需进一步提升,对农村学前教育的投入仍需继续加大,农村优质师资总量仍嫌不足。基于此,需要进一步增强农村学前教育政策目标的适宜性和政策工具的多样性,进一步明确政府在发展农村学前教育中的职责,进一步加强农村学前教育政策执行过程的监管,提升农村地区学前教育政策执行的实效性,促进农村学前教育的健康发展。  相似文献   

工科类大学教师是培养"卓越工程师"的核心力量,结合"卓越工程师教育培养计划"的要求,提出工科类大学教师应是"卓越工程师"与"卓越大学教师"的结合体。工科类大学教师要具有卓越的工程实践教学能力、真实丰富的工程实践经历、卓越的工程技术创新能力、优良的职业道德。同时,教育管理者们在制定相关的入职资格标准时不仅要考虑学历、专业等因素,更需要重视"准工科类大学教师"们的内在能力与素养,科学合理地制定相关资格标准,为培养新时期的"卓越工程师"提供师资保障。  相似文献   

This study presents an analysis of preschool teachers’ reasoning about pedagogical goals. Of specific interest is how teachers in a Swedish and a Finnish context describe goals for children’s learning and how they describe them implementing these goals into their practice. The research question is thus: How are pedagogical goals perceived and enacted, in the thematic-oriented and play-based pedagogical practice of preschool? In-depth interviews were conducted with six preschool teachers, of which three expressed learning goals guiding their pedagogical work. The Variation Theory of learning is the guiding principle throughout the analysis, and reveals indirect and direct objects of learning and content for learning described by the three teachers. A deeper analysis of the features of these provides a comprehensive picture of pedagogical goals that are intertwined and move between activity goals, working goals and transdisciplinary goals. These results contribute to our understanding of the characteristics of preschool pedagogy and the complex pedagogical practice preschool entails.  相似文献   

As supervisors of preschool teachers, childcare center directors are well‐situated to mentor their staff to pursue higher education. Telephone interviews with 78 directors examined their role as mentors in encouraging preschool teachers to take college classes. Educational mentoring was shown to be distinct from career mentoring. Logistic regressions showed that the director’s educational mentoring of teachers and teachers’ aides was associated with greater college attendance, whereas career mentoring was related to less attendance. Furthermore, the director’s confidence staff members’ ability to complete an Associate’s degree promoted college enrollment. Finally, some directors appeared to be transformational leaders who created an education‐friendly climate for their entire staffs. These findings suggest that the workplace is an under‐researched, critical context for work‐to‐school mentoring.  相似文献   

自"十一五"教育技术研究规划出台后,全国的教育技术专家及一线教师都已极大的热情投入到了研究工作当中。为进一步明确"十一五"教育技术的研究趋势,以陕西省"十一五"教育技术研究课题申报为例,从地区分布和分类分布两方面分析,并对比全国"十一五"教育技术研究课题申报情况来探讨,希望对广大的教育技术工作者及中小学教师的研究有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

通过随机抽样法,对300名幼儿教师科研素养进行调查分析,调查表明,当前幼儿教师教育科研素养存在的主要问题有:教育科研意识薄弱、缺乏教育科研知识、教育科研能力薄弱、科研道德问题等;造成上述问题的主要原因是幼儿教师队伍整体素养不高以及缺乏教育科研实践锻炼机会等;实现幼儿教师职前、职后教育一体化,进一步完善教育科研管理机制、运行机制、经费保障机制和激励机制是解决上述问题的主要措施。  相似文献   

提高农村幼教师资队伍的素质是实现农村学前教育事业优质均衡发展的重要保证,而农村幼儿园教师的专业发展还面临诸多困境。农村幼儿园教师专业成长的关键是树立科学幼教理念和提高专业幼教能力这两方面,具体途径主要有:以培训引领专业成长、以教研促进专业成长、以竞赛带动专业成长、以管理保证专业成长。  相似文献   

There is a lack of empirical studies that examine the influence of neoliberal ideas in preschool music and teaching. Neoliberal ideas have primarily been studied in a broader educational perspective and related to preschool policy reforms. The aim of this paper is to study preschool teachers’ rhetoric concerning music contents and music activities related to neoliberal ideas. Data consist of group conversations with preschool teachers and of video observations of daily music activities, at one preschool in Sweden. Discursive psychology has been used as a micro-sociological methodological approach. The findings show that music in this preschool is characterized by popular music, and varied consequences for knowledge content and early childhood learning are highlighted and analyzed. Also, it is argued that neoliberal ideas, in varied ways, determine the establishment of music content. For many reasons, rhetoric concerning the choice of musical content is of great importance to the field of preschool education. For example, it is essential to music education research and to preschool teachers’ everyday work, as it can improve teaching and learning qualities and become a knowledge contribution in society at large.  相似文献   

Any implementation of an inclusive policy is largely dependent on educators’ attitudes. In Turkey, many teachers who educate preschool children with Special Educational Needs (SEN), and who have not received in‐service teacher training (INSET) are observed to have negative attitudes towards their SEN students. The aim of this article is to examine differences between the attitudes of preschool teachers before and after an INSET course. Sixty‐six preschool teachers were selected for this study which had a single group pre–post‐test design. The teachers’ opinions and attitudes relating to mainstreaming SEN students in regular educational environments were assessed using the ‘Opinions Relative to Mainstreaming’ scale. The data indicate that these teachers were affected by the INSET programme in such a way that their attitudes towards the inclusion of SEN students became more positive.  相似文献   

本研究采用质性研究方法,通过目的性抽样,聚焦11位学前教育本科生的教育实习经历。研究发现:教育实习使学前教育本科生对幼师职业产生了坚守或逃离的两种选择。从认知层面看,学前教育本科生在教育实习前后对幼师职业的理解和对幼师职业自我胜任感的认识产生了变化;从情感层面看,教育实习中的“重要他人”帮助学前教育本科实习生加深了对幼师的职业情感。整体上来说,一方面实习生在教育实习中遭遇了“上课”和“带班”的双重挑战,另一方面实习生又在“指导教师”的专业指导下及“儿童群体”的情感感召下,增强了对幼师职业的认同和热爱,进而促进了对幼师的职业承诺。  相似文献   

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