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陈艳 《考试周刊》2013,(97):194-195
文章通过初步观察大肠癌患者癌组织与正常成人肠黏膜蛋白质的差异表达,为进一步探讨大肠的分子机制奠定基础。应用蛋白质组学的双向电泳技术,对大肠癌患者与正常成人肠黏膜蛋白质表达进行比较,观察其差异点。得到分辨率和重复性均好的大肠癌患者与正常成人直肠黏膜蛋白的双向凝胶电泳图谱,发现二者之间在表达上有明显差异,差异表达蛋白质点数共26个差异点,其中在大肠癌组织中表达上调点11个,下调的点15个。共分析了10个差异蛋白点,在10个蛋白质点中有5个蛋白质点得到鉴定。结论是大肠癌原发灶和正常肠黏膜蛋白质组表达有显著差异,HSP27蛋白、S100A9蛋白和GST-π蛋白表达上调,GRP75蛋白表达下调有可能与大肠癌发生相关。  相似文献   

“单倍体”是指体细胞中含有本物种配子染色体数目的个体。也就是说 ,配子和配子未经受精作用直接发育而成的生物体都是单倍体。但是 ,根据单倍体细胞中所含染色体组数目的不同 ,单倍体又可分为 :①一倍单倍体 ,即体细胞内只含有一个染色体组的生物体。②二倍单倍体 ,即体细胞内含有两个染色体组的生物体。③三倍单倍体 ,即体细胞内含有 3个或 3个以上染色体组的生物体 ,等等单倍体的类型@卢俊荣$山东省东明县第二中学!274509  相似文献   

本实验以金鱼幼胚为材料,研究60Co-γ辐射对金鱼幼胚产生的致死致畸效应.分别在金鱼受精卵发育至4~8细胞期,多细胞期,囊胚早期进行辐射.通过对致死率和畸形率的分析发现:(1)其诱变剂量一定要小于临界值;(2)在金鱼幼胚发育过程中,诱变时期越早,损伤越小.  相似文献   

在多年的高中生物学教学中发现:学生对“单倍体、多倍体”的判断始终难以把握,使这一内容成了难点中的难点。下面就笔者对“单倍体、多倍体”的判断谈一下看法,以供同行们参考。1从概念上判断 教材中对单倍体定义为:生物体细胞中的染色体数和本物种配子中一样,称为单倍体。 教材中对多倍体定义为:凡是体细胞中含有三个或三个以上染色体组的个体,称为多倍体。 在实践中发现,学生往往把单倍体中含有三个或三个以上染色体组的个体,误判为多倍体。所以我认为,对单倍体的判断是否为:由配子发育形成的新个体都为单倍体(不管它含有多…  相似文献   

极体是卵子在发生过程中,卵原细胞经过减数分裂产生一个成熟的卵细胞外,同时产生的没有受精能力的单倍体小细胞。这些单倍体小细胞之所以称为极体是因为它们总是附着在卵细胞的动物极的上面的缘故。在精细胞形成的减数分裂过程中,初级精母细胞连续两次分裂,结果产生4个大小相同的能进一步发育为有受精能力的精细胞。  相似文献   

在生物教学中,有些同学常把单倍体和一倍体混为一谈,认为单倍体就是一倍体.其实,单倍体不等于一倍体,它俩是既有联系,又不相同的两个概念,可以说“单倍体包括一倍体”.单倍体是指体细胞中含有本物种配子染色体数目的个体;而一倍体是指体细胞中只有—个染色体组的个体.在自然界里,几乎全部的动物和过半数的高等植物都是二倍体.二倍体是体细胞中含有两个染色体组的个体,一般用2n表示.性细胞是单倍体,可用n表示.这样的单倍体只含有一个染色体组,故为一倍体.但单倍体的来源不同,它含有  相似文献   

养在鱼缸中的热带金鱼,三寸来长,不管养多长时间,始终不见金鱼生长。然而将这种金鱼放到水池中,两个月的时间,原本三寸的金鱼可以长到一尺。或许是金鱼的主人传统意识中一直以为金鱼只能养在鱼缸里供人观赏,完全低估了它的生长潜能,根本没有想到放到水池中竟可以长到这么长。鱼儿没了充分发育的空间,以至于误了生长期的"大好前程",硬是将一尺长的苗儿培养成了三寸长的主儿。  相似文献   

<正> 胡雪芬老师发表在2004年《中学生物教学》第9期《利用题组训练培养学生各种思维品质》一文中有一例题如下: 一个染色体组应该是(A) A.配子中的全部染色体B.二倍体生物配子中的全部染色体C.体细胞中的一半染色体D.来自父方或母方的全部染色体笔者认为选(A)不妥,原因在于胡老师将单倍体与一个染色体组的概念混淆了。单倍体强调是本物种配子染色体数目的个体,单倍体是由生物体的生殖细胞——卵细胞或花粉直接发育而成,无论细胞中含有几个染色体组都是单倍体。  相似文献   

有两个鱼缸.左边一个养了八条红金鱼,右边一个养了一条黑金鱼. 红金鱼们望着黑金鱼发呆,心想:黑金鱼住的地方多么宽敞.  相似文献   

James E.Rothman、Randy W.Schekman和Thomas C.Stidhof三位科学家因揭开了细胞物质运输和投递的精确控制而荣获2013年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖。三位科学家的贡献分别是:James E.Rothman阐明了囊泡与目标融合并传递的蛋白质机制;Randy W.Schekman发现了囊泡传输所需的一组基因;Thomas C.Stidhof揭示了信号引导囊泡精确释放给被运输物的过程。  相似文献   

双向凝胶电泳(2-DE)是蛋白质组研究的核心技术,重点介绍2-DE的发展、主要技术步骤、存在的问题以及对未来的展望.  相似文献   

双向凝胶电泳(2-DE)是蛋白质组研究的核心技术,重点介绍2-DE的发展、主要技术步骤、存在的问题以及对未来的展望.  相似文献   

Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) is a salt-sensitive crop, and its production is severely affected by saline soils. Therefore, the response of soybean seeds to salt stress during germination was investigated at both physiological and proteomic levels. The salt-tolerant cultivar Lee68 and salt-sensitive cultivar N2899 were exposed to 100 mmol/L NaCl until radicle protrusion from the seed coat. In both cultivars, the final germination percentage was not affected by salt, but the mean germination times of Lee68 and N2899 were delayed by 0.3 and 1.0 d, respectively, compared with controls. In response to salt stress, the abscisic acid content increased, and gibberellic acid (GA1+3) and isopentenyladenosine decreased. Indole-3-acetic acid increased in Lee68, but remained unchanged in N2899. The proteins extracted from germinated seeds were separated using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE), followed by Coomassie brilliant blue G-250 staining. About 350 protein spots from 2-DE gels of pH range 3 to 10 and 650 spots from gels of pH range 4 to 7 were reproducibly resolved, of which 18 protein spots showed changes in abundance as a result of salt stress in both cultivars. After matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight-mass spectroscopy (MALDI-TOF-MS) analysis of the differentially expressed proteins, the peptide mass fingerprint was searched against the soybean UniGene database and nine proteins were successfully identified. Ferritin and 20S proteasome subunit β-6 were up-regulated in both cultivars. Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase, glutathione S-transferase (GST) 9, GST 10, and seed maturation protein PM36 were down-regulated in Lee68 by salt, but still remained at a certain level. However, these proteins were present in lower levels in control N2899 and were up-regulated under salt stress. The results indicate that these proteins might have important roles in defense mechanisms against salt stress during soybean seed germination.  相似文献   

Objective:To find new protein biomarkers for the detection and evaluation of liver injury and to analyze the relationship between such proteins and disease progression in concanavalin A (Con A)-induced hepatitis.Methods:Twenty-five mice were randomly divided into five groups:an untreated group,a control group injected with phosphate buffered saline (PBS),and groups with Con A-induced hepatitis evaluated at 1,3 and 6 h.Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE) and mass spectrometry (MS) were used to identif...  相似文献   

历史上作为衡水三绝之一的衡水宫廷金鱼具有观赏价值、是和平与友谊的使者、具有文化的价值。但是现在衡水宫廷金鱼面临的困境限制着它的发展,甚至面临着绝迹。政府要加大对金鱼养殖业的政策上的扶持力度;广泛引进人才,让金鱼事业代代相传;建设养殖场馆,改善养殖条件;利用各种媒体和协会,加大宣传力度;将"宫廷金鱼"定为衡水城市吉祥物,提高城市的文化品位和美誉度。  相似文献   

The identification and use of molecular biomarkers have greatly improved the diagnosis and treatment of malignant tumors. However, a much deeper understanding of oncogenic proteins is needed for the benefit to cancer patients. The lipid raft marker proteins, flotillin-1 and flotillin-2, were first found in goldfish retinal ganglion cells during axon regeneration. They have since been found in a variety of cells, mainly on the inner surface of cell membranes, and not only act as a skeleton to provide a platform for protein–protein interactions, but also are involved in signal transduction, nerve regeneration, endocytosis, and lymphocyte activation. Previous studies have shown that flotillins are closely associated with tumor development, invasion, and metastasis. In this article, we review the functions of flotillins in relevant cell processes, their underlying mechanisms of action in a variety of tumors, and their potential applications to tumor molecular diagnosis and targeted therapy.  相似文献   

Objective: To find new protein biomarkers for the detection and evaluation of liver injury and to analyze the relationship between such proteins and disease progression in concanavalin A (Con A)-induced hepatitis. Methods: Twenty-five mice were randomly divided into five groups: an untreated group, a control group injected with phosphate buffered saline (PBS), and groups with Con A-induced hepatitis evaluated at 1, 3 and 6 h. Two-dimensional gel elec-trophoresis (2-DE) and mass spectrometry (MS) were used to identify differences in protein expression among groups. Quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) was performed to verify the results. Results: In mice with Con A-induced hepatitis, expression levels of four proteins were increased: RIKEN, fructose bisphosphatase 1 (fbp1), ketohexokinase (khk), and Chain A of class pi glutathione S-transferase. Changes in fbp1 and khk were confirmed by qRT-PCR. Conclusion: Levels of two proteins, fbp1 and khk, are cleady up-regulated in mice with Con A-induced hepatitis.  相似文献   

金鱼是我国培育出来的名贵观赏鱼,它是由野生鲫鱼进化而来。南宋开始,金鱼已成为宫中不可缺少的珍玩摆设。我国主要分为南北两大派系,即杭州金鱼和北京金鱼。衡水的宫廷金鱼就是由北京宫廷金鱼饲养世家第10代传人徐立才先生养殖的。徐立才先生先后培育和抢救出10余个绝代品种。他的金鱼王国里已有64个品种,较为名贵的有:鹤顶红、王字虎头、朱砂眼水泡、喜鹊花龙睛球、十二块红龙睛、玛瑙眼、桔瓣狮子头、赤兔眼虎头及白玉冠等,成为衡水一绝。  相似文献   

Four colors (red, yellow, green, and blue) were arranged in all possible two-color sets to determine if goldfish can discriminate between color sets associated with shock and color sets associated with safety/shock omission in a one-phase (linear presentation) discrimination-learning procedure. The results showed that goldfish learned to discriminate between two-color sets if set colors were natural categorical color-code mates (red = yellow and green = blue). When natural code mates were not in the same set, and therefore were paired with different shock consequents, no discrimination learning occurred, suggesting that goldfish, unlike pigeons, are not able to code colors arbitrarily. The method also allowed a measure of preference between colors within sets associated with safety/shock omission. Original-learning preference measures between colors in sets so associated showed that goldfish chose red over any other color, yellow over blue or green, and green over blue, despite the fact that both colors in any set were procedurally identical, implying that goldfish do discriminate between colors in the absence of explicit discrimination training. The goldfish that failed to discriminate between red/blue and green/yellow sets in original learning were transferred to red/yellow and blue/green color sets. In transfer, the color paired with safety/shock omission in original learning was preferred over the color paired with shock in original learning, which resulted in a reversal of original-learning color preferences for half the goldfish. The transfer color-preference results imply that the goldfish had associated specific colors with specific shock consequents, but the associations were not robust enough to support discrimination learning in the face of categorical color coding.  相似文献   

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