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This paper addresses the life and educational experiences of Ainu women, using the framework of postcolonial feminist theory. It explores the extent to which two factors—gender and ethnic minority status—affect young Ainu women as they attempt to enter mainstream society. The authors analyse life history interviews from three Ainu women aged 25. These women face hardships in continuing their education because of unsupportive school atmospheres and family financial difficulties. Ainu women also face discrimination because of gender and ethnicity throughout their lifetimes, especially in employment. The authors suggest anti-discrimination education, more comprehensive policy reforms for indigenous peoples, support for the voices of indigenous women, and continuous advocacy on Ainu issues. Moreover, companies should have monitoring mechanisms to follow up on the gender equality policy, along with regular training programmes on gender and ethnicity.  相似文献   

20世纪的女权主义以强烈的性别色彩和主体意识为妇女谋求解放,但是其单一的白人中产阶级女性立场却导致了女性主义思想的分化。与西方经典女性主义强调性别作为女性主体性的唯一要素不同,有色族裔妇女认为,不仅性别,而且种族、文化、阶级等诸多因素都参与了女性主体建构。美国华裔女性写作研究正是以其多元视角来丰富我们关于女性的认知方式,对西方和中国的女性主义理论和文学批评都有所补益。  相似文献   

In recent times the neologism ‘boyswork’ has surfaced in Australian educational discourse. The term usually refers to programmes which are introduced into schools specifically for boys. Such programmes may represent either a backlash politics, which argues that schools no longer cater to the needs of boys, or a (pro)feminist politics, which contends that the creation of a more just society will entail boys acknowledging and acting to undermine their privileged positioning within existing gendered relations of power. The former politics emphasise the importance of having male teachers working with boys and suggest that many of the problems associated with boys, for example, their behaviour, can be remedied through attempts to empower boys by improving their self-esteem. This article provides a profeminist response to these arguments and draws on interview data obtained from teachers and boys in two Australian State High Schools were (pro)feminist boyswork programmes were conducted on the issue of ‘gender and violence. It is argued here that men do need to be working with boys on gender issues. However, this is not because men can do this work better than women, but rather because men have a responsibility to challenge the existing gender order. One way in which male teachers can do this is by exploring with boys the relationships between dominant forms of masculinity and violence. The article also argues that whilst this exploration should be conducted respectfully, the empowerment of boys should not be the focus of such programmes.  相似文献   

Gender plays a significant role in the experiences of workers within organizations. This is particularly true for women in non-traditional roles as they constantly struggle with gender barriers that are so ensconced in certain organizations and in society as to be accepted without question. Using an autoethnographical account, I explore the implications of my experience as a woman in the non-traditional role of a military member. First, I will discuss the importance of speaking from a first-hand, subjective position, and will briefly explore how we learn to be men and women through socialization processes in current western society. Then I will focus on how I learned to be a military member in a male organization and will examine how women's bodies and emotions separate women from men. I conclude with a discussion of how learning about feminist theories provoked me to begin to make connections between my experience and larger societal issues that had previously been invisible to me.  相似文献   

Most educational work concerned with changes in gender relations has been addressed to girls, justified on ‘equal opportunity’ principles, and governed by ‘sex‐role’ theories. This framework is not very relevant to educational work with boys, yet gender issues arise here too. The paper presents retrospective data on schooling from the life‐histories of two groups of men, drawn from a larger study of contemporary changes in masculinity. Unemployed working‐class men recall ‘getting into trouble’, a process of constructing masculinity through conflict with the institutional authority of the school. Here, the school, as part of the state represents a power they cannot participate in. However, the school is also a site of the differentiation of masculinities. Some working‐class boys embrace a project of mobility in which they construct a masculinity organised around themes of rationality and responsibility. This is closely connected with the ‘certification’ function of the upper levels of the educational system and to a key form of masculinity among professionals. Some young men from this background, however, reject the connection with abstracted knowledge and bureaucratic authority, among them men interviewed who are in the environmental movement. A number of these men had encountered feminism first‐hand, for instance through feminist texts. Where there are low levels of literacy, especially political literacy, feminist influence on men is slight. On the other hand, a common reaction among men who do study feminist writing is a demobilising guilt. A major opportunity for educational action exists, but there are difficulties in designing it. Broadly, the strongest effects of schooling on the construction of masculinity are the indirect effects of streaming and failure, authority pattern, the academic curriculum and definitions of knowledge—rather than the direct effects of equity programmes or courses dealing with gender. This is a major strategic problem for reform. Two criteria for action can be suggested: curricula need to be designed to broaden boys’ sources of information about sexuality and gender; programmes need to be designed that allow for practical accomplishment on these issues, not open‐ended problem identification alone.  相似文献   

The underrepresentation of women in science is an extensively studied yet persistent concern of our society. Researchers have identified numerous educational and social factors thought to be responsible for this underrepresentation (Kahle, 1990a; Kelly, 1987). One of the dominant explanations, used by many researchers for years to discuss gender differences in science and mathematics achievement as well as interest, has been the differences in the cognitive abilities of men and women. This explanation, however, has been discarded in recent years (Linn & Hyde, 1989; Linn 1990). On the basis of their meta-analyses of various studies. Linn and Hyde (1989) concluded that gender differences in cognitive skills have declined and those that remain are largely explained by experiential differences. Women may not have different cognitive abilities, but they may have a different way of learning rooted in their role in society. The epistemic differences between men and women stemming from their standpoint in life can help us understand their differential interaction with the nature of science, and hence their participation in the field. In the following section, we will briefly discuss the feminist critique of science and extend the implication to science education.  相似文献   

In this paper, I mill argue that contemporary debates about learning in the workplace fail to pay adequate attention to issues of gender and power in organisations. With reference to the feminist literature on the sociology of organisations, I will review some of the central ideas of the work of a few prominent adult educators on the topic of workplace learning. In this process, I will endeavour to highlight the uncritical way in which the discourse over workplace learning has developed within adult education circles. The relative absence of critical perspectives, and the embracing of dominant management thinking about organisational change, mean that this literature in fact fails to provide adult educators in organisations with an adequate framework for analysing and understanding the complex dynamics of their work, and threatens to further entrench structures and practices which discriminate against women.  相似文献   

Are young women and men’s preferences for sexuality education content poles apart? This article explores gender differences in senior school students’ suggestions for issues sexuality education should cover. Findings are analysed in relation to debate about mixed and single sex classrooms and boys’ perceived disinterest in lessons. It is argued that young women and men’s content preferences were largely similar on items that a majority selected for inclusion. Topics less than half of participants named revealed a greater number of gender differences. Employing theoretical insights from feminist post‐structuralism, responses are also examined for how they position young people as sexual subjects and whether these conform to or deviate from perceptions of ‘conventional heterosexualities’. This examination enables an understanding of how young people view themselves as sexual and whether this matches their constitution within sexuality programmes. The implications of students’ content preferences and the way these position them as sexual subjects are considered for the possibilities they present for programme design and delivery.  相似文献   

This study reviews the nature of politics within Peruvian universities, seeking to identify the extent to which they have considered gender issues. Since university students have traditionally been active in politics and have sought to address national issues involving democracy and the protection of human rights, the article focuses on student politics. Student politics have been controlled by men and their various outcomes, ranging from demonstrations to guerilla warfare, have occured in the context of an analytical framework that gives predominance to economic forces to the exclusion of ideological influences. The students have wanted, therefore, to defend and ally themselves with workers and peasants, and assumed that women's issues are secondary to the promotion of social and economic justice. The universities in Peru have undergone a tremendous expansion in the last two decades. Despite this growth, the faculty continues to be mostly male. The growing presence of students from low-income sectors has contributed to radicalizing the university, yet the prevalent Marxist analysis subsumes gender within class issues. Although one of the most radical departments in the university - education - has also a large number of women, this has not yet led to the adoption of a feminist agenda. In the meantime, the feminist movement in Peru is growing outside the university and becoming very effective in the promotion of women's rights. The article proposes a number of measures that could facilitate the university's adoption of a stronger position regarding women's concerns.  相似文献   

孤女形象历来备受西方作家关注,以孤女为题材的文学作品在西方女性作家创作中更为普遍。19世纪是西方女性文学发展的重要时期,探究这一时期孤女形象的意义尤为重要,因为西方女性作家通过孤女的塑造,形象地表达了女性自我意识的觉醒,更传输了不可避免的历史重负。孤女形象可以说是曲折、艰难的19世纪西方女性文学的缩影,我们从中也可窥视西方女性文学的发展历程。  相似文献   

本文从女性主义角度出发,运用当代女性主义批评理论,解读康拉德中篇小说《黑暗的心》。通过分析马洛话语下的女性形象,在父权思想占统治地位的社会,女性只能作为男性的附庸,或者被边缘化。作品中展现的性别政治观点,折射出作者康拉德受父权思想的影响,在性别的建构和人物的塑造问题上,塑造了二元对立的女性形象,体现了他的性别歧视。  相似文献   

This ethnographic study employs a gender perspective to understand the motivations of eight women literacy learners participating in a village‐based functional literacy programme in rural North‐eastern Thailand. Field research took place over six months of periodic residence in a North‐eastern Thai village, and involved participant observation, individual interviews and informal focus groups. An analysis of the women’s reproductive, productive and community roles, and their practical and strategic gender needs (Moser ) is used to frame findings on the women’s participation in the literacy programme. In brief, although the women valued educational programmes that reduced the burden of their reproductive labour, offered income‐generating opportunities in their productive roles and supported their leadership roles in the community, the village literacy programme had limited effect in addressing these practical gender needs. However, because a patriarchal ideology and Buddhist institutions had denied the women access to schooling as children, they now saw the literacy programme as both a symbolic return to school and a collective women’s space to advocate for more desirable adult educational programmes. In these ways, the programme addressed their strategic gender needs. The study argues that a gender lens is critical in explaining women’s participation in literacy programmes and in designing literacy education for development.  相似文献   

This paper, and the study upon which it is based, focuses on the processes and dynamics that structure gender in organizations. More specifically, our purpose has been to understand and explain how organizational elites (males) work to recreate themselves in order to retain their power, and how women collude in this process. Our empirical data were drawn from in-depth interviews with over 70 women and men who hold professional and key volunteer positions in one of five Canadian national sport organizations. Our specific focus here, however, is a critical assessment of the plausible explanations for these observations. We draw upon the theoretical and empirical literature in four areas: voluntary participation and associations, organizational culture, critical organization theory, and most important, feminist perspectives on organization theory. This is an exploratory paper that attempts to explain the relations between women and men in a specific organizational context and how these relations can be changed so as to bring about a more equitable gender balance.  相似文献   

This article examines the colonial encounters of gender, race and sexuality in the United States and the Philippines in the early 1900s. It traces the anxieties over US men's moral degeneracy and the representation of Filipinas as libidinal temptations, which mobilised US women's active participation in colonial biopolitics and governmentality. It contends that white women as imperial feminists asserted their principled crusade and superiority over white men and brown women by becoming bearers of racialised heteronormative traditions and feminine respectability and becoming barriers to inter‐racial sexual relations. White women focused on the white male domains of military and government and on the colonial education of brown women. Ultimately, the article supplements the Spivakian claim that “white men are saving brown women from brown men”, which has become the quintessential narrative of colonial justification and redemption, with “white women are saving white men and brown women from each other”. Drawing on government, newspaper and school documents, the article engages feminist discussions on the role of women in empire and education.  相似文献   

从女性主义诗学到性别诗学   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
女性主义诗学向性别诗学的转变是女性主义理论发展的必然趋势,但是在女性的主体、身份及身体与权利的诸多方面仍然存在着许许多多的问题,它们对从女性主义诗学向性别诗学转变的方向起着巨大的影响力,因此,在女性的主体、身份及身体与权利的问题未解决之前,性别诗学的建立也只能是另一种性别不平等对话的开始。  相似文献   

在西方20世纪60年代以埃莱娜·西苏、波伏娃等为代表的女权主义者提出的身体写作是从意识形态的角度以一种男女平等的信念,旨在反对包括性别歧视在内一切不平等的社会现象。在这种浪潮的影响下,我国女性文学迅速发展,充分的挖掘了女性躯体的革命性,同时也让身体写作成为一股女性文学的重要潮流。  相似文献   

传统译论话语存在着很多的性别歧视,女性和译者处于极其低下的地位。女性主义研究者从性别问题出发,对女性和译者进行了双重的解放,使译者的地位得以彰显,然而女性主义译论在某些方面过于混乱和偏激。因而本文认为,“双性同体”概念在一定程度上可以理顺作者与译者、男性和女性之间的关系。  相似文献   

杨帆 《鸡西大学学报》2013,(10):57-58,67
近年来,关于翻译里的性别问题的讨论开始兴起,某一翻译结果体现出来的性别差异是视角、语调的不同还是性别歧视的变相体现?翻译的忠实原则是否可以因翻译中的性别问题而被重写?人们没有一个具体答案。以经典文学作品《简·爱》为例,具体探讨性别问题在翻译中的体现,由此证明男女译者在翻译中对待性别问题的态度是不同的,翻译结果也相去甚远,女性译者从女性主义出发,其译作更好地反映女性意识,翻译效果也更好。  相似文献   

Takayanagi Taeko 《Compare》2014,44(5):826-844
This paper aims to challenge limited notions of literacy and argues for the recognition of Maasai women’s self-determined learning in order to bring about human development in Kenya. It also seeks to construct a complex picture of literacy, drawing on postcolonial feminist theory as a framework to ensure that the woman’s voice is heard. Through the analysis of narratives from three Maasai women, the author discovered that: (1) these ‘illiterate’ women have their own literacy through which they read the world (their community); (2) these women use this self-determined literacy to raise critical awareness on community issues; and (3) these women have become ‘organic intellectuals’ in that they have the capacity to synthesise information and skills in order to solve community issues by themselves. This paper concludes that a literacy programme should be more centred on the women from the village and must acknowledge their traditions and culture.  相似文献   

弗吉尼亚.伍尔夫在小说《到灯塔去》和演讲文章《一间自己的房间》中,生动地描绘了女性在父权制社会中不幸的被边缘化的社会地位,并且深入分析了不同类型性别角色及其性别问题。从后现代女性主义角度对问题的分析可以看出,伍尔夫小说内外的女艺术家们所展现的对传统社会的反叛精神以及对心灵自由的追求,正是解决当时性别困扰的一条现实出路。  相似文献   

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