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“基于移动互联网环境下的档案服务与管理研究”从基于智慧档案馆的角度出发,充分利用现代信息技术成果,特别是移动互联网与智能手机的发展与普及,创造性地提出了探索建立基于移动互联网环境下的档案服务与管理的新模型,实现移动互联网环境下的档案利用、发布、管理与安全的“四位一体”。采用了一个可跨平台的PhoneGap框架,通过HTML5与CSS3技术,并部分使用JQuery Mobile用户界面库,实现了基于移动互联网环境下的档案服务与管理。  相似文献   

This article examines the present approach of providing e-government services through the Internet. Since the Internet is not accessible to most of the populations of the world, the article advocates adopting a multi-platform approach in which mobile and fixed line phones can be used to enhance the Internet in the delivery of e-government services. The article also suggests the concept of Government Call Centers to overcome the limitations posed by the digital divide. The study concludes that integration of the Internet, phones, and call centers can enable governments to deliver e-government to every citizen of a nation. Finally, the article makes specific recommendations to spread e-government services to more citizens through the approach suggested in this paper.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]针对互联网时代的热点--"90后"与移动互联网,考察"90后"大学生的移动互联网使用行为规律,为电信运营商、终端厂商、传统互联网企业以及移动互联网服务提供商等产业链各方,提供参考依据与战略支持。[方法/过程]采用线上问卷和线下访谈相结合的方法收集数据,运用SPSS 17.0和Clemintine 12.0对数据进行整理分析。[结果/结论]分析结果显示,"90后"的移动互联网使用具有统一性和差异性并存、品牌年轻化、使用场景分散和多屏联动等特征。  相似文献   

移动搜索用户持续使用行为实证研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
随着移动互联网的迅速普及,移动搜索已成为用户信息获取的重要渠道,以此为背景,对相关文献进行综述和理论分析。基于Bhattacherjee(2008)的扩展ECM-ISC模型,提出并证明了移动搜索用户持续使用的理论模型。该模型揭示了移动搜索信息系统的系统质量、信息质量、服务质量等外生因素对用户的感知有用性以及期望确认的影响,用户的自我功效等个体特性对其持续使用意图的影响,促成因素等对其持续使用行为的影响,以及用户的持续使用意图和行为与满意度、用户使用后的感知有用性、期望确认等内生性因素之间的关系。图4。表1。参考文献36。  相似文献   

数字期刊的移动阅读发展趋势研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李鹏 《图书与情报》2012,(2):7-9,28
移动互联网技术的成熟和智能手机、平板电脑等移动终端的普及,移动阅读已经成为数字阅读发展的新趋势,数字期刊的移动阅读也将呈现数字平台移动阅读开发力度加大、读图成iPad杂志重要卖点、手机阅读突显"情感"与"故事"、富媒体电子杂志成为未来重点等发展趋势。  相似文献   

移动互联网用户阅读利用行为研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
在阅读认知理论与阅读学理论的基础上,提出移动阅读利用行为的框架。实证分析发现,当前的主要移动阅读方法是快速浏览,主要移动阅读内容是新闻、娱乐等轻阅读内容,移动阅读内容的主要加工形式是摘要、目录和综述,主要载体形式是文本+图和纯文本,主要出版形式是网页和图书;大部分用户阅读短篇内容更多;一半用户明确反对移动阅读内容中的广告;用户每次进行移动阅读的平均时长主要在30分钟以内,每天的平均时长主要在1小时以内;用户移动阅读的时间(地点)主要分布在交通途中、等候时、家中无聊时、睡觉前。基于调查分析结论,提出有针对性改进移动阅读服务内容和方式的策略。  相似文献   

因特网特点与网上图书馆服务功能初探   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
近年来,随着因特网的普及,在网上已出现许多图书馆网站,这些图书馆网站,亦称为网上图书馆。网上图书馆利用因特网,大大扩展了自己的服务范围,在满足网上信息需求方面,发挥着越来越重要的作用。由于网上图书馆是图书馆与因特网结合的产物,所以这些网上图书馆也就同...  相似文献   

本文系统阐述了在移动互联环境下,图书馆需要开展新服务的必要性,并详细论述了图书馆在新环境下新发展的三个阶段;同时,本文讨论了新的服务方式,最后对国内在移动互联环境下图书馆存在的问题进行了解析,并提出了初步的意见。  相似文献   

The Internet has emerged as a dynamic new communications medium at an astounding pace in recent years. It enables the exchange of text, sound, video and images between millions of individuals from all around the world in a manner not possible via traditional media. But along with the growth of these services and the benefits they can provide for enhanced communication, entertainment and educational services, concerns have been raised around the world about the content of these services. The nature of these concerns often reflects the different cultural, religious and political values of the international community. The paper outlines the preliminary findings of a pilot study presently carried out by ABA. It considers the issues related to the content of on-line services, the impact of recent technical developments such as Platform for Content Selection (PICS) and content labeling. It compares regulatory responses in four countries and identifies areas of potential international co-operation.  相似文献   

The Internet has emerged as a dynamic new communications medium at an astounding pace in recent years. It enables the exchange of text, sound, video and images between millions of individuals from all around the world in a manner not possible via traditional media. But along with the growth of these services and the benefits they can provide for enhanced communication, entertainment and educational services, concerns have been raised around the world about the content of these services. The nature of these concerns often reflects the different cultural, religious and political values of the international community. The paper outlines the preliminary findings of a pilot study presently carried out by ABA. It considers the issues related to the content of on-line services, the impact of recent technical developments such as Platform for Content Selection (PICS) and content labeling. It compares regulatory responses in four countries and identifies areas of potential international co-operation.  相似文献   

国内外老年人互联网使用行为研究述评   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
[目的/意义]在老龄化社会和信息化社会同时到来的时代背景下,研究老年人互联网使用情况,一方面可以为开发老年服务产业提供理论依据,另一方面也为满足老年人生活需要,改善老年人生活质量提供有价值的建议。[方法/过程]基于老年人互联网使用行为,讨论研究中涉及的互联网服务内容和类型,在此基础上对老年人互联网使用的价值研究和影响因素研究成果进行系统梳理与述评。[结果/结论]老年人使用互联网对提升生活幸福感、降低孤独感、提高社区归属感以及增强认知能力有一定的作用;在使用动机和接受因素方面,感知有用性、感知易用性、自我效能、结果预期和一些构成因素会影响老年人使用互联网的意愿与行为。未来研究可以聚焦在提供更符合老年人需求的互联网服务、根据具体互联网使用内容分析对老年人产生的价值、挖掘老年人特有的互联网使用影响因素、探讨新型互联网环境中如何促进老年人使用网络服务4个领域,形成有针对性的理论创新与建议。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 未成年人已经成为中国重要的互联网利用群体。发现未成年人互联网利用行为与内外环境的差异,并作为规范和引导其行为的依据有重要意义。[方法/过程] 借助问卷对我国某中部省会城市的1 016名6-18周岁(不包括18周岁)未成年人及其父母展开互联网利用行为的调查,数据分析采用SPSS线性统计分析。[结果/结论] 研究发现我国现阶段城市未成年人互联网利用时间充分、地点固定、内容偏向娱乐社交、网络接入与设备有基本保障,但以学校、图书馆和政府为主的社会环境支撑不足。行为特征差异与内外环境的关联表现为:未成年人的年龄与性别、其父母的受教育程度和工作性质对其利用内容有直接影响。  相似文献   

Delivering public services to citizens via the Internet is the basic goal of E-government. Although websites are becoming essential elements of public e-services in local public administration in China, little is known about their efficiency and effectiveness. The objective of this paper is to evaluate the actual status of Web-enabled public services to citizens in municipal e-government implementation in the Yangtze River Delta. Eight categories of public services to citizens delivered through the Internet have been identified in the websites of the 14 local municipal governments. These public services include birth, marriage, domicile register, education, social security, public utility, health and traffic. Using the methodology of service maturity, this study evaluates the quality and usage of public e-services to citizens in the Yangtze River Delta. The results of this study show that almost all city governments are shifting from the traditional bureaucratic paradigm to the e-government public service paradigm, albeit with significant differences in public e-services level in these cities. At present, e-government public services to citizens in almost all the cities studied are mostly limited to on-line presentations of government information with a low degree of development of interaction and on-line transaction. The municipal governments and policymakers in the near future will have to strengthen the interactivity of their websites with citizens and improve the on-line transaction level in order to deliver citizen-centric public e-services.  相似文献   

Delivering public services to citizens via the Internet is the basic goal of E-government. Although websites are becoming essential elements of public e-services in local public administration in China, little is known about their efficiency and effectiveness. The objective of this paper is to evaluate the actual status of Web-enabled public services to citizens in municipal e-government implementation in the Yangtze River Delta. Eight categories of public services to citizens delivered through the Internet have been identified in the websites of the 14 local municipal governments. These public services include birth, marriage, domicile register, education, social security, public utility, health and traffic. Using the methodology of service maturity, this study evaluates the quality and usage of public e-services to citizens in the Yangtze River Delta. The results of this study show that almost all city governments are shifting from the traditional bureaucratic paradigm to the e-government public service paradigm, albeit with significant differences in public e-services level in these cities. At present, e-government public services to citizens in almost all the cities studied are mostly limited to on-line presentations of government information with a low degree of development of interaction and on-line transaction. The municipal governments and policymakers in the near future will have to strengthen the interactivity of their websites with citizens and improve the on-line transaction level in order to deliver citizen-centric public e-services.  相似文献   

手机文化的特性与手机文化的产业化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
夏光富  袁满 《新闻界》2007,(4):107-109
手机文化是社会信息化的结果,它是指以手机为信息和文化传播、交流工具,以移动通信网络和互联网为信息和文化传播、交流的平台,以信息、知识和文化资源的开发、创新、传播和文化信息服务为主要内容,随着手机的普及使用而形成的一种大众的流动文化生活空间和生活样式。手机文化具有流动性、大众化与个性化相结合、跨媒体性等特性,这些特征对手机文化的产业化过程具有重大的影响。  相似文献   

This study reports the results of a survey conducted at Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) to determine the extent to which Internet users are aware and make use of the Internet resources and services. The study examines the information searching behavior of Internet users. A questionnaire and follow-up interviews with the postgraduate students, research scholars and academic staff were conducted to collect data. A total of 489 questionnaires were distributed to the selected sample of eight faculties; 405 valid samples were collected. The data were analyzed according to the background of Internet users, Internet information searching behavior, use of Internet resources and services, quality of Internet information, problems of the Internet access and need for Internet literacy. The study found that the majority of respondents had a 5 year history of Internet access. The academic staff spent more time on the Internet than the students and research scholars. Although Internet search engines were the preferred information searching tool, other methods such as databases, gateways and World Wide Web (WWW) were also used. Online journals and databases were the preferred information sources among the Internet users. Respondents chose e-mail, WWW and search engines as important Internet services. About 60% of respondents believed that the good quality of information on the Internet made it a useful tool for education and research. Slow speed, lack of training and information overload were indicated as some of the factors affecting Internet usage. Further, recommendations are made to improve the use of Internet, including a well-planned Internet literacy program and preparation of subject gateways.  相似文献   

手机图书馆的兴起与发展   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
移动通信技术的高速发展使移动信息服务成为21世纪的新潮流。手机图书馆将移动通信网络和数字图书馆系统结合起来,利用手机终端延伸、拓展传统的图书馆服务,随时随地进行信息传输与服务,是图书馆向数字化发展的新方向。该文介绍了手机图书馆的概念、功能、实现方式以及国内外手机图书馆应用的发展情况。  相似文献   

随着移动商务的发展,移动增值服务给消费者的日常工作与生活带来了更多的便利与娱乐。本文研究旨在为消费者选择移动增值服务提供一个分析与解决方法,最大程度满足消费者的需要。提出了一个基于Vague集的模糊综合判断的运营商选择模型,使用Vague值描述的语言变量来评价运营商提供移动增值服务的表现。通过实例表明,本文的方法切实可行,可以很好地帮助消费者从多个运营商中选择提供满意的移动增值服务的移运商。同时,也可以为运营商提供对移动增值服务的自我评价手段。  相似文献   

国内外基于3G网络的移动数字图书馆实践现状和创新应用   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
移动数字图书馆将无线通信网络和数字图书馆系统结合起来,利用普及率飞速增长的智能手机作为移动数字阅读终端,补充和延伸数字图书馆的服务,在不同方面和程度满足人们的移动数字阅读需求。通过多重视角分析现有模式下国内外基于3G通讯网络以智能手机为阅读终端的“移动数字图书馆”实践现状和移动数字阅读用户的需求特征,探讨移动数字图书馆的发展方向和完善方案。  相似文献   

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