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This article discusses the need to improve the quality of helping relationships between families and social workers in the child protection system and the growing body of evidence that teams of social workers and lawyers are effective at improving outcomes in child protection legal proceedings. The author presents an alternative structure of delivering social work services within the child protection systems once a court gets involved with a family, proposing that social workers should focus on individual clients in collaboration with their legal representation, rather than the traditional model of a governmental agency social worker serving the family as a unit as it also determines placement of the children. Pairing the social worker to an individual client in tandem with their legal representative would help resolve the widely observed relationship problems between service users and governmental agency social workers that include the power imbalance created by the agency's authority to determine placement of children, the conflicts of interest that agency workers face when required to manage differing family members' needs, and the lack of protection of the due process right of confidentiality for parties involved in legal proceedings. This alternative structure also impacts the need to use resources more efficiently and has been demonstrated to result in substantial returns on investment. This article concludes that when a family becomes involved in child abuse and neglect legal proceedings, the child welfare agency should shift the delivery of social work services to the individual parties, away from the governmental agency and in conjunction with their legal representation.  相似文献   

This Monograph presents the results of the Early Intervention Collaborative Study, a longitudinal investigation of the cognitive and adaptive behavior development of children with developmental disabilities and the adaptation of their parents, extending from infancy through middle childhood. The study was designed to generate and test conceptual models of child and family development and contribute to the knowledge base that informs social policy and practice. The sample for the investigation reported here consists of 183 children with Down syndrome, motor impairment, developmental delay and their families who were recruited at the time of their enrollment in an early intervention program in Massachusetts or New Hampshire. Data were collected at five time points between entry to early intervention and the child's 10th birthday. Home visits were conducted at each time point and included child assessments, maternal interview, and questionnaires completed independently by both parents. Trajectories in children's development and parental well-being were analyzed using hierarchical linear modeling. Predictor variables were measured at age 3 years when children were exiting early intervention programs. Children's type of disability predicted trajectories of development in cognition, social skills, and daily living skills. Children's type of disability also predicted changes in maternal (but not paternal) child-related and parent-related stress. Beyond type of disability, child self-regulatory processes (notably behavior problems and mastery motivation) and one aspect of the family climate (notably mother-child interaction) were key predictors of change in both child outcomes and parent well-being. A different aspect of the family climate--family relations--also predicted change in child social skills. Parent assets, measured as social support and problem-focused coping, predicted change in maternal and paternal parent-related stress respectively. The implications of these findings for both the science of child development and the policies and practices of developmental intervention are discussed.  相似文献   

While the United States child protection system is widely recognized as probably the most sophisticated and wide-ranging in the world, it nevertheless has some inherent problems. This article addresses some of the negative effects of mandatory reporting and the lack of fit of a short-term crisis intervention treatment approach for a substantial proportion of the protective services population. Reporting may have detrimental effects on the client-reporter relationship. Further, over half of the cases investigated are not substantiated. Of concern are the impact on innocent families of being investigated and the waste of scarce worker resources on investigation. While some protective services families are well suited to a crisis intervention model, a large number are multiproblem families who are always in crisis and families with chronic problems for whom crisis intervention is totally inadequate. Furthermore, because of high caseload size, workers are often not available to intervene after they have investigated the case. The problems described have been exacerbated by funding cutbacks under the current United States administration. The child protection system, along with other social welfare programs, is at risk for being dismantled by the Reagan administration.  相似文献   

The failure to address child neglect prevention efforts from a system viewpoint is presented as a major impediment to the generation of truly preventive interventions. Child neglect prevention is discussed at three levels: at the level of the individual, at the level of social systems and at the level of fundamental beliefs and cultural agreements. A process of component selection and placement is suggested with component selection based on components drawn from recent research and clinical work. Interventions would be geared to meet the particular needs of individual settings and at the same time be constructed so that each component would mesh with and build on previous components. An outline of a preventive child neglect intervention strategy is presented. Practices of government, the impact of business and technology and economic theory and practice are shown as plausible areas for preventive intervention. Core beliefs upon which social systems are built are challenged. It is stated that too narrow a view of child neglect often limits problem definition and encourages placement of blame at the family level. This decreases the effectiveness of the clinician who is coping with an individual problem as well as the researcher who is exploring the basic issues.  相似文献   

The pediatric role in the management of child abuse and neglect has been largely limited to detecting and reporting cases, with little involvement in long-term treatment and follow-up. A review of published clinical experience indicates that customary protective services' “treatment” strategies are all too often ineffective at preventing reabuse, improving child health and developmental status, and improving family functioning. When foster care is used as a treatment modality, children run the added risk of never returning home, nor being freed for adoption, and they may suffer the emotional harm of repeated foster placements. This situation is likely to worsen, in the light of recent cutbacks in social service programs, at a time of rising reports of maltreatment. The pediatrician is widely recognized as an expert in children's health and development, and he can effectively use his position to influence the management of cases and thereby the outcome, by actively participating in treatment decision making and providing close follow-up in a limited but important way. In order to do this, he must first become acquainted with the effects of maltreatment upon children's health and development and with the general principles and available modalities of treatment. He must be sympathetic and supportive of the difficult role of the protective service worker who must make treatment decisions. His role is to assist the worker by making medical resources available in order to adequately define the child's needs and the capacity of the family to meet those needs. Essential to answering these questions is the availability of a child development clinic and mental health resources. After ensuring that the child and family are thoroughly assessed and the treatment plan tailored to the child's and family's needs, the pediatrician provides continual longitudinal follow-up, monitoring the child's health and developmental status. If the child is placed in foster care, the physician observes the child's adjustment and provides advice and consultative assistance when needed to help foster parents manage health, developmental or behavior problems. Periodically he also meets with the natural family to keep them informed about their children's health and development and to ensure they are making good use of treatment. Finally, he communicates closely with the child protective service worker and participates in interdisciplinary staff meetings to review and evaluate treatment progress in the hopes of shortening the time needed to make decisions regarding placement.  相似文献   

小学生良好社会适应性的培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前,我国教育正确面临着从传统的升学教育向素质教育、人格教育的转变。如何针对当代学生的特点,有效地解决独生子女的社会适应性的教育难题已越来越显示出它的迫切性。运用人五人格理论分析一个有良好社会适应性的人应具有的人格特征,构建一种新的“人格模型”,对学校教育探讨培养学生良好社会适应性是具有现实意义的。当前小学教育应通过营造良好的心理环境,依靠课堂教学和活动交往培养学生的社会适应性能力。  相似文献   

The primary purpose of the child protective services system is to protect children from the recurrence of child maltreatment. Understanding more about what predicts recurrence may help us more adequately target interventions to reduce the risk of future maltreatment. OBJECTIVE: The specific objective of this study was to identify correlates of recurrence during CPS intervention for families who were provided continuing intervention following a confirmed index report of physical abuse or neglect. METHOD: This nonconcurrent prospective study selected 446 subject families who met study eligibility requirements from 1,181 families randomly selected from the 2,902 families who had experienced a substantiated report of child abuse or neglect during the sampling year. Data were collected and coded from archival sources for 5 years following the index report. Each record was coded by two research analysts to increase inter-rater reliability. Data were analyzed with survival analysis methods: (1) Kaplan Meier and (2) the Cox Proportional Regression Model. RESULTS: Predictors of recurrence were child vulnerability, family stress, partner abuse, social support deficits, and an interaction between family stress and social support deficits. CONCLUSIONS: Implications of this and earlier research suggest that increasing social supports may help families cope with life events that increase stress and the risk of continued child maltreatment; that collaborations between CPS and domestic violence agencies are needed; and that screening maltreated children for mental health problems and other disabilities and assuring that children with these needs and their families get effective treatment may reduce the likelihood of continued maltreatment.  相似文献   

Violent conduct by youths ranks among the types of inappropriate behavior generally originating in difficult family and social contexts. A proper understanding of the development of violent conduct must consider the situation taken as a whole. This article documents the results of a qualitative study which aimed to determine the psychosocial profiles and needs of youths with serious behavior problems and a family history of physical, psychological or sexual abuse. The results are based on the review of clinical files of 12 boys and 11 girls between the ages of 9 and 17, who were under child protection. The 23 files were analyzed to document the simultaneous evolution of behavior problems, abuse, family and school context, and the intervention of child protection services (reporting, evaluation, measures taken, foster care). The qualitative analysis followed the chronology and life history of each youth, resulting in the emergence of three generic profiles: the Undesirable, the Explosive, and the Delinquent. Each of the profiles is described and placed in perspective using the attachment, trauma and socialization theories respectively. The study concludes with proposals of distinct intervention models to be applied to these youths in the school environment.  相似文献   

莫言的长篇新作《蛙》选取有中国特色的计划生育工作为题材,以计生工作者"姑姑"为主人公,展现了中国人追求现代化的进程中对不同社会群体生活和命运的影响。在文体结构上用过于真实的书信和过于虚构的戏剧相夹杂来构筑小说,三种文体相混杂,亦真亦虚、亦诙亦谐地展示了社会裂变过程中不同群体的命运,以及他们的社会观念变迁。整部作品是多声部的"合唱",在"合唱"中呈现出众声喧哗和多重变奏。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Our goal was to examine how professionals assess children at risk and their parents, and decide on particular interventions. Specifically, we explored whether their assessments and decision-making are influenced by (1) the mother's degree of cooperativeness and/or (2) the country in which the worker lives (Canada or Israel). METHOD: Workers working in the child welfare field (N = 181) were presented with a case vignette and asked to assess the child and parents, and the degree of risk to the child, and make an intervention recommendation. The measures used in this study were based on previous work and field-tested in both countries. RESULTS: Significant differences were found between the two countries regarding workers' age and level of experience, with Canadians being older and more experienced than Israelis. Significant differences were also found between the two countries regarding the assessments of the child and parents and also of risk to the child, with Canadians assessing significantly more stringently than Israelis. The difference in levels of experience between the two countries did not explain these differences; however, it did influence intervention recommendations, only for those with 3 years or more of experience. Within this group, significantly more Canadians than Israelis recommended removing the child from the home. Regarding maternal cooperativeness, this factor did affect workers' assessments of the mother, but not of the father or child, or the worker's recommended intervention. Israelis' assessments were significantly more influenced by the mother's cooperativeness than Canadians'. CONCLUSIONS: Significant differences were found between the Canadian and Israeli professionals in this study in both their assessments and their intervention recommendations. These appear to reflect the different social, cultural, and political contexts in which these professionals work, and underscores the value of cross-national comparative studies in child welfare.  相似文献   

The evidence available at this time indicates that male children are more likely to be abused by nonfamily rather than family members. Residing in a neglectful home or a mother-headed household and having previous homosexual contact tend to heighten risk for sexual abuse by nonfamily members. Familial sexual abuse appears related to residence in a home where other siblings are being abused, where the father was a victim of sexual abuse as a child, and where parents suffer myriad personal and social adjustment difficulties. Effects of male child sexual abuse appear to be serious and long lasting. The scant writings available at this time imply that the sexually abused male child experiences a range of adjustment and self-esteem problems as an adult and may be at heightened risk to become a child sexual abuser.  相似文献   

No reliable estimates exist of the overall costs to society of child maltreatment that will withstand serious examination. Arguably some of the most important human costs of maltreatment are unquantifiable. Moreover, in many cases it is difficult if not impossible to separate the economics of child abuse and neglect from the economics of a host of other problems facing families. Still, even conservative estimates of government spending on behalf of abused and neglected children and their families illustrate that child maltreatment costs society a great deal, with much of that expense going for deep-end intervention rather than family support and prevention. Government expenditures directed at this social problem have grown rapidly since the rediscovery of child abuse in the 1960s and now exceed spending for a number of essential supports for children and families. Moreover, the new era of continuing commitment to child protection in the context of a revised social contract with the nation's poor raises serious questions about the economics of child maltreatment in the future.  相似文献   

随着农民工群体"家庭化"外出趋势的增强,越来越多的农民工子女跟随父母进入城市学习、生活,产生了与城市社会的融合问题。通过对农民工子女在城市的就学情况、家庭教育、群体交往、社会参与四个层面的调查,分析了这一群体的社会融入状况,并就此提出一系列对策建议。  相似文献   

Using international data on child well-being and educational attainment, this article compares child well-being in the United States to member countries in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Multiple measures of child well-being are analyzed, such as material well-being (including poverty, unemployment, and income inequality), child health and safety (birth weight, infant mortality, health care, and childcare), educational attainment, and family and peer relationships (including generational cleavages). Using Bronfenbrenner's ecological systems theory as an organizational framework, the impact and interrelatedness of these systems on educational attainment are examined, with parallels drawn between a nation's social policies, child well-being, and educational attainment. The author asserts that social policy in the United States is more comprehensive than is commonly believed, although the redistributive benefits of social policies are allocated much differently compared to OECD countries. Explanations for comparative differences in social policy include differences in political culture and political development as well as racial and class conflict. The author concludes that it is difficult to ignore the role of race and socioeconomic class in explaining differences in social welfare expenditures between the United States and European countries because the pattern of social welfare distribution (broadly conceived—including programs, tax breaks, and incentives) falls largely along racial and class lines.  相似文献   

Peer acceptance and friendships were examined as moderators in the link between family adversity and child externalizing behavioral problems. Data on family adversity (i.e., ecological disadvantage, violent marital conflict, and harsh discipline) and child temperament and social information processing were collected during home visits from 585 families with 5-year-old children. Children's peer acceptance, friendship, and friends' aggressiveness were assessed with sociometric methods in kindergarten and grade 1. Teachers provided ratings of children's externalizing behavior problems in grade 2. Peer acceptance served as a moderator for all three measures of family adversity, and friendship served as a moderator for harsh discipline. Examination of regression slopes indicated that family adversity was not significantly associated with child externalizing behavior at high levels of positive peer relationships. These moderating effects generally were not qualified by child gender, ethnicity, or friends' aggressiveness, nor were they accounted for by child temperament or social information-processing patterns. The need for process-oriented studies of risk and protective factors is stressed.  相似文献   

The next decade of research on the effectiveness of early intervention.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effectiveness of early intervention programs for children with developmental disabilities and for children at biologic risk was reviewed and analyzed. A general pattern indicating important effects of early intervention programs was noted, with effect sizes averaging between one-half and three-quarters of a standard deviation. The ability of early intervention programs to minimize declines in development was identified as a significant outcome. The effects of specific program features--age of start and family involvement--were selected for more detailed examination, and the moderating influence of the levels of severity of children's disabilities was also analyzed. Future directions for improving the effectiveness of early intervention include using the emerging knowledge of biobehavioral and child development research, as well as enhancing children's social competence.  相似文献   

Links Between School Absenteeism and Child Poverty   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article reports a study, undertaken in London Boroughs, which aimed to explore the link between school absenteeism and child poverty. The writer begins by exploring issues of definitions of child poverty and school absenteeism in the last fifty years. He then goes on to describe the design of this study and to report his findings. His conclusions are that school absenteeism is strongly associated with child poverty, with pupils at primary school being much more likely to be affected by an area's economics and employment deprivation than their counterparts at secondary schools. School absentees normally start the habit of non–attendance when they are at primary school, with child poverty as a main associated factor. Addressing family welfare issues early is seen as a key intervention.  相似文献   

Thirty-three cases among nineteen troubled families of U.S. Coast Guard personnel with problems of child abuse and neglect in Hawaii were managed by joint U.S. Public Health Service, U.S. Coast Guard, U.S. Army, State and County child protection, social and health staff, and local and area-wide lay volunteers. These cases ranged from inaccurate accusations in an emergency room to abdominal gunshot wounds. The preventive role of primary pediatric involvement in community health areas such as pre-school, day care, prenatal infant care education, parent discussion groups, and lay therapists is stressed. The early intervention therapy of pediatric advocacy for social and psychological services to families in stress is emphasized. Continued pediatric leadership for prevention and early intervention is essential in our times of pervasive family breakdown.  相似文献   

The quality of the child care environment and caregiver practices can potentially have significant, lasting impact on children’s social development. This study involves the development and a small-scale efficacy trial of the Carescapes program, a video-based training program that focuses on promoting positive social development in young children attending family child care. Fifty-seven caregivers who provided child care in their homes were randomly assigned to immediate intervention or waitlist control groups. Random coefficients analyses showed significant increased use of effective behavior management practices and decreased overall children’s problem behavior for the intervention group. A mediation model demonstrated that increases in effective behavior management practices were associated with decreases in problem behavior. A medium intervention effect was found for caregiver’s monitoring and a small effect for use of positive attention. These effects declined 5 months following the intervention. Implications for future efficacy and effectiveness studies in family child care settings that involve strategies to facilitate maintenance are discussed.  相似文献   

Bully/victim problems among school children are a matter of considerable concern in Scandinavia and, more recently, in a number of other countries as well. Estimates based on the author’s large-scale surveys indicate that some 9% of the students in grades 1 through 9 are fairly regular victims of bullying and that 6–7% engage in bullying others with some regularity. It is argued that it is a fundamental democratic right for a child to be spared the oppression and repeated humiliation implied in bullying. The author has developed a school-based intervention programme against bullying, the effects of which were evaluated in 42 schools over a period of two years. Analyses indicate that the frequency of bully/victim problems decreased by 50–70%. In addition, the prevalence of antisocial behaviours in general such as vandalism, theft, drunkenness and truancy showed a substantial drop. The main content of the “core” programme as well as its key principles are presented. The overriding goal of the programme can be described as a “restructuring of the social environment”. The programme emphasizes behaviours and attitudes characterized by a combination of positive involvement from teachers and parents, firm limits to unacceptable behaviour (“we dont accept bullying in our class/school”), and consistent use of non-hostile non-corporal sanctions on rule violations. Explanations of the positive results include changes in the opportunity and reward “structures” for bullying behaviour.  相似文献   

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