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Since young children have little experience in answering test questions, misunderstandings easily arise when they are subjected to tests. The experimenter wants to test the children, whereas they expect the experimenter to help them solve the problem. In an experiment the expectations of children about the interaction with the experimenter were influenced in a pre-task. In condition Exp:A (Expectation: Assistance) it was suggested that the experimenter would help the child. In condition Exp:T (Expectation: Test) children were made to expect that the experimenter would give no assistance. A third condition was a standard condition (S) without a pre-task. The experimental task was a conservation of number problem. The subjects in condition Exp:T performed significantly better than the children in the other conditions. It is concluded that unfamiliarity with the rules of testing contributes to children's poor results in this kind of experiment. Making explicit what is intended leads to better performances.  相似文献   

Modifications of conservation tasks designed to increase their ‘social intelligibility’ have frequently been shown to improve young children’s performance. Several studies in this area have involved introducing an emphasis on fairness of distribution, but the significance of this factor has not been independently assessed. Another factor to which attention has recently been drawn concerns the child’s understanding of the experimenter’s intentions in asking the conservation question. Perner (1984) has reported that young children responded more accurately when the question was asked by an experimenter who had not witnessed the earlier stages of the procedure. This paper reports an experiment in which these two factors — the emphasis on fairness and the introduction of a naive experimenter—were manipulated independently. One hundred and twelve 4–6 year olds were divided between four conditions and tested in pairs on a task involving conservation of discontinuous quantity. The results offered clear evidence that emphasising fairness through the device of a competitive game did increase the frequency of correct responses. The introduction of a second experimenter to ask the conservation question also had a significant, if more limited, facilitative effect. Possible social and cognitive processes underlying these results are discussed.  相似文献   

Developmental research and educational practice involve conversations between children and adults. The conversational aspects of these situations have rarely been occasions for reflection. Discrepancies between the child's expectations and the adult's intentions can lead to misunderstanding, for example, at school or during a research interview. Communication can only succeed when the interlocutors agree about the ground rules relevant to the situation. When researchers and educators communicate with children, it is advisable that they understand the children's perspective on the interaction. In this article I argue that analysing adult‐child and child‐child interactions are particularly informative for shedding light on children's perspectives. Methodological aspects of interaction research are discussed. An overview of my research shows that, by clarifying the rules and conventions of the interaction, adults may help children to perform successfully. My interaction studies of pretend play and of students' discussions at school demonstrate that children reflect on the rules of interaction and make efforts to construct the communication tools they need for participating as competent partners in interactions with others.  相似文献   

Abstract Recent controversy over Piagetian tasks concerns whether the experimenter's actions result in children misunderstanding the question. Evidence for this has been derived from differences in performance of conservation tasks according to whether the transformation is intentional or accidental. Studies reporting large differences according to transformation type are claimed to be flawed procedurally. Including a preliminary talk and restricting questions to one domain result in little or no transformation type effect. Whether children's correct judgments in accidental versions are reliable indications of their knowledge has also been disputed. They may reflect children's ignoring of the transformation or covert counting. Using an identity conservation pretest 192 Yemeni children were selected to be tested on number conservation tasks varying in transformation type, numerosity and equality. The results were analysed using a model‐fitting procedure. Identity nonconservers were affected by transformation type but not numerosity whereas identity conservers showed the opposite pattern. The identity nonconservers may simply have been so bemused by the adult experimenter introducing a soft toy in the accidental conditions that they guessed. For identity nonconservers guessing will result in greater success than reasoning.  相似文献   

Canonical variate analysis of the relationships between teachers' ratings of children's behavior and an index of teacher-pupil compatibility objectively demonstrated a significant relationship between behaviors representative of serious psychopathology and teacher-pupil compatibility. Previous multivariate analyses of variance had failed to identify meaningful relationships between teacher-pupil compatibility and teacher nomination of a child as a behavior problem. This study provides inferential support for the contention that school behavior problems and emotional disturbances are separate nosological entities.  相似文献   

Several recent interpretations of the nature and development of competence are discussed, focusing on Gelman's proposal to view the development of concepts as the product of the interaction of conceptual, procedural, and utilization competences. In so doing, she proposes a solution to the dilemma (which many other theories could not avoid) of emphasizing either the construction of knowledge or the influence of experience in the development of understanding. However, Gelman does not consider the basically social nature of the development of competence. In this essay, it is argued that adults transmit perspectives on reality to children and in this way introduce them to what is considered worth knowing in the culture. Because a child's present abilities are integrated into such perspectives, these abilities are, at the same time, both utilized and modified. It is, therefore, implausible to ascribe the availability of general principles to very young children, as Gelman does in her theory of numerical competence. Two rival experiments on the development of numerical concepts are discussed. It is argued that the solution the children construct in these experiments is dependent on the perspective transmitted to them by the experimenter. Some educational consequences of a social context view on competence are presented.  相似文献   

Research Findings: Growing international evidence points to high-quality teacher–child interactions in early learning environments as key contributors to children’s learning and development. Little is known, however, about the longitudinal effects of these experiences, particularly in the Chinese context. In this study, we addressed the question of such longitudinal effects by examining the predictive effect of classroom teacher–child interaction quality on children’s subsequent academic development in a sample of 3-year-old children in Chinese kindergartens. Utilizing a hierarchical linear modeling approach, we found that teacher–child interaction quality, especially the classroom organization domain, consistently predicted the development of children’s early academic and cognitive skills. Practice or Policy: Findings contribute to the growing international literature on the critical role teacher–child interaction quality plays in children’s learning and development. Implications for policy and professional development are discussed.  相似文献   

This study lies at the crossroads between the study of tutoring interactions and the study of communicative skills in young children. Our goal was to show that in a tutor-novice problem solving situation, the frequency and the nature of the novice’s requests vary with the type of tutor. Three groups of twelve 30 months-old children (novices) were observed in interaction with a child tutor, their mother, and a female experimenter as they performed two assembly tasks. We examined the frequency, form, and content of the children’s requests for help, and their connection with some of the tutor’s actions. The main results showed that the children made more requests of adult tutors, and that direct forms were more frequent with the mother than with a child tutor. The results also indicated that these differences were not due to request-inducing or inhibiting actions on the part of the tutor. It is concluded that young novices are capable of adapting their help requests to the characteristics of their tutors.  相似文献   

Comprehension monitoring in preschool children   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study examined the ability of 2 1/2-4 1/2-years-olds to recognize comprehension difficulties and to implement strategies for resolving them. In the course of a play interaction, an adult female experimenter made a series of requests, some of which were designed to be difficult for the child to understand or to execute. Children's responses to these requests were compared with their responses to control requests that were easy to comprehend and comply with 3-year-olds exhibited appropriate and selective monitoring responses for some kinds of problems but not others, while 4-year-olds displayed discriminative monitoring for all types of problems presented. In contrast to previous experimental findings, these results indicate that young children are capable of detecting a variety of comprehension problems and possess appropriate strategies for resolving these difficulties with a partner in communication.  相似文献   

This study evaluated whether age differences in children's generosity are due to increasing altruistic motivation or increasing susceptibility to experimenter influence strategies. 282 first, third, and fifth graders voted on how to spend a gift of money under 1 of 5 instructional sets--3 levels of experimenter influence, peer influence, or no influence, or no influence. Voting choices (in increasing order of generosity according to experimenter-defined scoring weights) were splitting up the money equally among class members, buying something for their class, buying something for their school, or giving the money to poor children. Voting choices also were scored according to empirically derived weights based on rankings provided by an independent sample of 50 first, third, and fifth graders. Both scoring systems indicated that fifth graders were more generous than younger children, but only under high levels of experimenter demand, and peer influence did not increase children's generosity. Furthermore, first graders appeared more generous when the child-derived rather than the experimenter-derived scoring system was used. Thus generalizations regarding age differences in generosity observed in laboratory experiments may require qualification, specifying the degree and type of experimenter influence involved.  相似文献   

Research in Mexican schools, drawing upon earlier research in the UK, has led to the development and use of a method for describing, comparing and evaluating the particular approaches and interactional strategies used by teachers and learners. Using this method, qualitative and quantitative comparisons are made to distinguish between teachers who use a conventional, formal, directive approach when teaching 5-year-old children mathematical skills (called the “Official” method) and those who use a more interactive, collaborative, supportive, “scaffolded” approach to teach similar classes of children (called the “High Scope” method). In an earlier study, we found more competent and independent problem-solving among High/Scope pupils than among their peers taught by the Official method. In the present study, discourse analysis and statistical analysis of the relative frequencies of types of teacher-pupil interaction in the classrooms of two “Official” teachers and two “High’ Scope” teachers are used to explain the improved problem-solving of the “High Scope” pupils. The findings support the view that by creating a more collaborative, scaffolded version of classroom education, teachers can more successfully enable children to develop their own problem-solving skills, learning strategies and curriculum-related understanding. The research also contributes to the development and implementation of methods for promoting a more effective style of teacher-learner interaction in the classroom.  相似文献   

Many works have shown that a child, having to solve a problem, deals with the task according to the significations he gives to the problem-space he is facing and to the social space in which the task is inscribed. This article presents two experimentations dealing more particularly with the social space of solution of a classical task of comparison of identical pictures for which the experimenter asks for a judgement. They show how the introduction of slight contextual changes facilitates the variety of answers produced by 4–5 year-olds and 5–6 year-olds children, and consequently the production of answers centered on the relation of identity between the pictures.  相似文献   

新课程理念下的师生关系研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
传统教育观和追求升学率等因素的负面影响,导致师生交往的内容窄化,学生对师生关系的满意度不高,以及师生双方的认识差距悬殊。研究并建构良好的师生关系,对于促进学生成长和教师专业发展,确保新课程改革的顺利进行,有着重大的意义和作用。教师应该全面地认识师生关系,提高与学生沟通与交往能力,建构以“和谐”为准则的师生关系。  相似文献   

It is well accepted that parent–child interactions are bidirectional by nature, yet not much is known about the psychophysiological activity underlying these interactions. This study examined, during a parent–child interaction, how a child's negativity statistically predicted maternal frontal electroencephalograph (EEG) asymmetry and how a mother's negativity statistically predicted child frontal EEG asymmetry. Thirty‐four mother–child dyads participated in the study. Maternal and child behaviors and physiology were measured during a puzzle task. Results indicated that mothers whose children exhibited more challenging behaviors during the dyadic interaction displayed more right (relative to left) asymmetry, as did children whose mothers were high in negativity during the interaction. These findings suggest that mothers and children react to each other's signals not only behaviorally but also physiologically.  相似文献   

A bstract .  The Schefflerian notion that teaching intentionally tries to bring about knowledge has been spiritedly challenged by Catherine Elgin. Perhaps, in light of our enlightened understanding of the limits of our claims to knowledge in the scientific realm, knowledge emerges as too ambitious a goal for teaching to set itself. In this essay, George Pollack explores the maneuvers Israel Scheffler employs to deflect the onslaught of this challenge. Pollack addresses this issue by examining the so-called rationality constraints on teaching championed by Scheffler. The thesis that these constraints are definitive of teaching is, the author argues, not arrived at on conceptual grounds, but draws for its support on the several strands of epistemological reasoning woven together in Scheffler's celebrated work, Conditions of Knowledge . The notion of a dynamically engaged-in teacher-pupil interaction, harnessed to a mutually shared system of beliefs, is shown to take on a heightened prominence.  相似文献   

ObjectivesThe removal of a child from their parents is traumatising, particularly in Aboriginal communities where a history of child removals has led to intergenerational trauma. This study will determine where disparities in child protection involvement exist among Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal children and characteristics associated with infant removals. Challenges faced by child protection and other agencies, and opportunities for overcoming these, are discussed.MethodsData from both the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare and linked Western Australian government data was used to examine disparities between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal children in the child protection and out-of-home care system.ResultsNationally, Aboriginal children are ten times more likely to be placed in out-of-home care than non-Aboriginal children and this disparity starts in infancy. Infants were removed from parents with high levels of risk. Aboriginal infants were at increased risk of being removed from women with substance-use problems and had greater proportions removed from remote, disadvantaged communities than were non-Aboriginal infants.ConclusionsAboriginal infants have a high rate of removal. Although there are many complexities to be understood and challenges to overcome, there are also potential strategies. The disparity between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal infant removals needs to be seen as a priority requiring urgent action to prevent further intergenerational trauma.  相似文献   

The goals of this research were to describe the daily life of children and teachers in Chinese kindergarten programmes, to better understand how teacher–child interactions affect both teachers and children. The main assumption guiding this research was that teacher–child interaction is one of the most important processes in early childhood education. A clear understanding of typical teacher–child interactions may help to improve teachers’ support of children’s learning and development. In‐depth field observations of 12 Chinese teachers in six classrooms were conducted using a participant‐observer approach. Five hundred and eighty‐nine teacher–child interaction cases were observed and described. An inductive content analysis of the cases resulted in the creation of nine functional categories for teacher‐initiated interactive behaviours and nine functional categories for child‐initiated interactive behaviours. In this paper, we describe these functional interaction categories and report on their relative frequency in the Chinese kindergarten classrooms involved in this study. Teacher and child interactive behaviours are complementary, depending on the shared meaning of the interaction. Some differences were found in the interactive behaviours of older and younger children with their teachers. We discuss the results in the cultural context of China and conclude that careful and systematic observation and analysis of early childhood classroom interaction is essential for better understanding and improvement of teaching practices.  相似文献   

Ten trios of children from 4 to 6 years old were observed in a situation where one child (the expert) who had learned the rules of a game explained these rules to two other children at the same time (the novices): one with whom s/he had a positive relationship and the other with whom her/his relationship was negative. Within this asymmetrical situation created artificially, the children functioned on the basis of a complex tutorial contract. The results indicated that, at these young ages, children are capable to strongly manage three dimensions of the explanatory goal: interactional, ideational (management of the object), and linguistic. However, the errors made by the novices were regulated differently, depending on the type of relationship and gender: the experts in boy trios intervened less frequently when errors were made by the novice with whom the relationship was negative (i.e., the not-friend novice) than with the other novice; conversely, the experts in girl trios intervened less frequently when errors were produced by the novice with whom the relationship was positive (i.e., the friend novice) than with the other novice. An analysis of the communicative strategies observed here highlights early sophisticated pragmatic skills in this interactive assigned design.  相似文献   

This study focused on a social interaction theory of the development of cognitive self-regulation. Specifically, the effect of mother-child interaction on the child's ability to problem solve was investigated. The general predictions were (1) children who interacted with their mothers throughout a problem-solving task would subsequently exhibit improved independent performance over practice-control children, who received corrective feedback from a female experimenter at the end of the task; (2) mothers would be more responsible for task activities, would more often regulate their child's task behaviors, and offer more specific verbal content when task demands on child competence increased than when they decreased. 60 3- and 5-year-olds either worked with their mothers or practiced alone and were given corrective feedback on a sorting task in which miniature pieces of furniture were placed in a doll house. As predicted, children who interacted with their mothers subsequently created more correct, adult-like groupings independently than children who received corrective feedback. Mothers displayed more task responsibility and regulation with younger children and when task demands on children of both age groups increased. Maternal verbal content became less specific when task demands decreased. Child performance was related to (1) variation in maternal regulation of the child; and (2) degree of specificity of maternal verbal content.  相似文献   

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