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运用文献法、录像观察法、三段技术统计法,对当前中国乒乓球男队的主要竞争对手柳承敏、萨姆索诺夫、波尔进行了微观的技术剖析,并提出了相应的应对策略。研究还表明,如果继续沿用以前的三段技术评估标准,应做如下补充:一段不及格,两段优秀和一段不及格,一段及格,一段优秀,均可获胜;如果不沿用以前的评估标准,应做如下修敌:把相持段的得分率和使用率的数值下调,下调的幅度应做进一步的、大样本的研究。  相似文献   

张辉  杨青 《体育科研》2016,(1):61-66
在吸取前人研究的基础上,根据经典“三段指标评估法”的基础框架和乒乓球比赛的基本规律,提出只要将运动员的第五拍得分归为相持段,第五拍失分归为发球抢攻段,就可以比较好地解决经典“三段指标评估法”存在着比赛双方运动员技术统计数据不对应的问题,进而在技战术分析中引入了实力差与技术效益两个概念。在此基础上,详细地论述了“三段指标评估法”横向与纵向扩展应用的具体计算方法,并通过两个实例进行了说明。“三段指标评估法”的扩展应用将有利于教练员、运动员从多个角度,直观地进行乒乓球技战术特征分析,对提高优秀运动员的科学化训练水平起到非常积极的作用。  相似文献   

王卓敏 《乒乓世界》2014,(5):99-101
1、引言 三段技术评估法是当前广泛采用的对乒乓球运动员技术状况评估与诊断的有效方法。这一方法通过对大量比赛过程的定性观察,提炼出了一套定量分析标准,具有科学性、先进性和实用性。  相似文献   

运用高速摄影法、文献资料法和灰色理论关联度分析法对我国优秀女子三级跳远运动员第三跳的技术进行研究,并与世界优秀选手技术进行对比分析发现:我国优秀女子三级跳远运动员助跑绝对速度较低,第三跳的距离较近,并且第三跳垂直分速度和腾起角度较小。提高我国运动员的绝对速度能力,应是我国女子三级跳远训练的重点;改进和加强弱腿跳远的技术和能力,也是我国女子三级跳远训练亟待解决的课题。  相似文献   

目前,中学体育课成绩考核的方法,大多是参照《中学体育大纲》中体育课考核的项目和标准,根据教学内容,选择一定的项目进行考试。然后根据学生的运动成绩按“优秀、良好、及格、不及格”四个等级评定其成绩。经过实践证明,这种方法尚还存在一些不足之处: 1.成绩优劣的评定存在很大的机会性,如果考试项目是自己的特长,其他非考试项目就是再差,其成绩也会是优秀标准,反之,如果考试项目恰恰是自己的最差项目,那么,其它非考试项目就是学得再好,运动技术再高,其成绩也是差的,甚至于不及格。  相似文献   

文章运用文献资料法、数理统计法和专家访谈法,依据《国家学生体质健康标准》,对2013年江苏省大学生体质健康测试中肺活量测试的数据进行研究分析,通过研究分析得出:绝大部分学生的肺活量成绩达到及格标准,小部分的学生肺活量成绩不及格,为数不多的学生成绩能达到良好和优秀。因此,这应当引起高校体育部门领导的高度重视,采取相关措施帮助大学生树立正确的审美观和价值观,养成良好的体育锻炼习惯和健康的生活方式,争取降低成绩不及格学生的比例,增大成绩良好和优秀的学生比例。  相似文献   

目的:研究智能技术促进大学生体质健康自主提升的效果。方法:选取中国药科大学720名体质健康测试成绩为不及格、及格、优良共3种水平的大一学生为被试对象。实验组在教师引导下,借助人工智能技术实施自主促进的干预策略,对照组不采用任何干预措施。通过约4个月的实验,对照两组学生体育活动等级、一般自我效能感和体质健康成绩的变化情况。结果:实验组不及格、及格水平及总均分在3个测试方面都有显著性提升,对照组不及格水平在3个测试方面都有显著性提升,其他无显著性变化。结论:高校对不同体质健康水平大学生应采用差异化干预措施。  相似文献   

通过录像观察,采用乒乓球技战术三段统计法和分段指标评估法对我国优秀乒乓球运动员许昕在2011年国际乒联职业巡回赛斯洛文尼亚站比赛的发球抢攻段、接发球抢攻段和相持段技战术特点进行统计分析,找出了其在技术、战术上存在的优势和不足。许昕发抢段和接抢段有一定优势,前三板抢攻威胁很大,尤其在抢攻意识方面特别强,相持过程中的对拉也很好,但反手的劣势也同样明显,有待加强。  相似文献   

通过对12253名各年级学生身高体重指标、肺活量、立定跳远、台阶试验、握力等测试指标进行2002年版《学生体质健康标准》试行方案与2007年版《国家学生体质健康标准》两种标准的评价比较,对高校实施《国家学生体质健康标准》的理论与实践的探索实践,结果表明:大部分学生体质健康综合评价良好,平均分值进入及格成绩段,女生的体质健康水平略优于男生,04、05级学生体质健康水平略优于02、03级,但仍有三分之一以上的学生处于不及格成绩段。因此,进行适当调整评价标准是合理的,但新标准中部分项目标准大幅提高的幅度值得进一步商榷。  相似文献   

三级跳远三跳技术的好坏是影响成绩的主要因素。本文对我国优秀男子运动员三跳技术特征进行运动学分析和研究。结论得出:我国优秀男子三级跳远运动应加强支撑腿蹬伸训练,适当降低跳跃步的腾起角。  相似文献   

战术思维品质是衡量优秀运动员能力的重要标志。乒乓球战术思维的基本品质可归纳为广度、深度、逻辑性、敏捷性、批判性、灵活性、预见性、创造性,这些品质帮助运动员解决比赛中的实际问题,提高分析问题、解决问题和驾驭比赛的能力。  相似文献   

The pacing behaviors used by elite athletes differ among individual sports, necessitating the study of sport-specific pacing profiles. Additionally, pacing behaviors adopted by elite runners differ depending on race distance. An “all-out” strategy, characterized by initial rapid acceleration and reduction in speed in the later stages, is observed during 100 m and 200 m events; 400 m runners also display positive pacing patterns, which is characterized by a reduction in speed throughout the race. Similarly, 800 m runners typically adopt a positive pacing strategy during paced “meet” races. However, during championship races, depending on the tactical approaches used by dominant athletes, pacing can be either positive or negative (characterized by an increase in speed throughout). A U-shaped pacing strategy (characterized by a faster start and end than during the middle part of the race) is evident during world record performances at meet races in 1500 m, 5000 m, and 10,000 m events. Although a parabolic J-shaped pacing profile (in which the start is faster than the middle part of the race but is slower than the endspurt) can be observed during championship 1500 m races, a negative pacing strategy with microvariations of pace is adopted by 5000 m and 10,000 m runners in championship races. Major cross country and marathon championship races are characterized by a positive pacing strategy; whereas a U-shaped pacing strategy, which is the result of a fast endspurt, is adopted by 3000 m steeplechasers and half marathoners. In contrast, recent world record marathon performances have been characterized by even pacing, which emphasizes the differences between championship and meet races at distances longer than 800 m. Studies reviewed suggest further recommendations for athletes. Throughout the whole race, 800 m runners should avoid running wide on the bends. In turn, during major championship events, 1500 m, 5000 m, and 10,000 m runners should try to run close to the inside of the track as much as possible during the decisive stages of the race when the speed is high. Staying within the leading positions during the last lap is recommended to optimize finishing position during 1500 m and 5000 m major championship races. Athletes with more modest aims than winning a medal at major championships are advised to adopt a realistic pace during the initial stages of long-distance races and stay within a pack of runners. Coaches of elite athletes should take into account the observed difference in pacing profiles adopted in meet races vs. those used in championship races: fast times achieved during races with the help of one or more pacemakers are not necessarily replicated in winner-takes-all championship races, where pace varies substantially. Although existing studies examining pacing characteristics in elite runners through an observational approach provide highly ecologically valid performance data, they provide little information regarding the underpinning mechanisms that explain the behaviors shown. Therefore, further research is needed in order to make a meaningful impact on the discipline. Researchers should design and conduct interventions that enable athletes to carefully choose strategies that are not influenced by poor decisions made by other competitors, allowing these athletes to develop more optimal and successful behaviors.  相似文献   

论散打运动员战术意识的合成   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
战术意识是影响散打运动员获取优异成绩的重要因素。论述了散打运动员战术意识的合成的基本内容,影响战术意识的合成的主要因素,并提出了提高战术意识合成的主要方法。  相似文献   

排球运动员战术意识的培养   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
战术意识是排球运动员必须具备且需要不断提高的一种重要能力,它是运动员在比赛中技战术水平得到有效发挥的前提条件。从训练、比赛等多个方面阐述了排球运动员战术意识的培养途径和方法。  相似文献   

论足球守门员的战术意识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
守门员的战术意识是正确应用守门技术的指导思想,只有充分认识和理解了守门员战术意识的重要性,才能正确地指导守门员的训练和比赛。论述了足球守门员战术意识所包含的主要内容:选位意识、出击意识、预先反应意识、层次感意识。  相似文献   

何德馨 《福建体育科技》2012,31(3):36-37,40
运用文献资料法、专家访谈法、归纳演绎法,并结合自身长期从事篮球运动教学与训练的体会,在阐明篮球运动技术、战术创新理论概念的基础上,剖析了篮球运动技术、战术的创新规律及其篮球运动的战术特征。  相似文献   


One important factor for effective operations in team sports is the team tactical behaviour. Many suggestions about appropriate players' positions in different attack or defence situations have been made. The aims of this study were to develop a classification of offensive and defensive behaviours and to identify team-specific tactical patterns in international women's volleyball. Both the classification and identification of tactical patterns is done by means of a hierarchical cluster analysis. Clusters are formed on the basis of similarities in the players' positions on the court. Time continuous data of the movements, including the start and end points during a pass from the setter, are analysed. Results show team-specific patterns of defensive moves with assessment rates of up to 80%. Furthermore, the recognition of match situations illustrates a clear classification of attack and defence situations and even within different defence conditions (≈100%). Thus, this approach to team tactical analysis yields classifications of selected offensive and defensive strategies as well as an identification of tactical patterns of different national teams in standardized situations. The results lead us to question training concepts that assume a team-independent optimal strategy with respect to the players' positions in team sports.  相似文献   

One important factor for effective operations in team sports is the team tactical behaviour. Many suggestions about appropriate players' positions in different attack or defence situations have been made. The aims of this study were to develop a classification of offensive and defensive behaviours and to identify team-specific tactical patterns in international women's volleyball. Both the classification and identification of tactical patterns is done by means of a hierarchical cluster analysis. Clusters are formed on the basis of similarities in the players' positions on the court. Time continuous data of the movements, including the start and end points during a pass from the setter, are analysed. Results show team-specific patterns of defensive moves with assessment rates of up to 80%. Furthermore, the recognition of match situations illustrates a clear classification of attack and defence situations and even within different defence conditions (approximately 100%). Thus, this approach to team tactical analysis yields classifications of selected offensive and defensive strategies as well as an identification of tactical patterns of different national teams in standardized situations. The results lead us to question training concepts that assume a team-independent optimal strategy with respect to the players' positions in team sports.  相似文献   

实施新规则后,乌克兰拳击运动员表现出强劲的夺冠势头,是我国伦敦奥运夺金的主要竞争对手之一,剖析新规则下乌克兰运动员技战术特征显得尤为重要。运用录像解析法等方法,对第16届世界拳击锦标赛决赛中5名乌克兰运动员技战术运用进行分析,结果显示:乌克兰运动员整体突出表现为紧逼式进攻型打法;连续进攻能力强,攻防转换节奏快,善于在中近距离来控制对手比赛节奏;采用格挡防守为主,闪躲防守和步法防守为辅的方式,为摆拳和三拳组合拳反击得点提供了前提,反击意识强,强攻战术运用效果明显;总体技战术特征适应了新规则的变化,具有一定的代表性。  相似文献   

乒乓球运动技战术分析方法对技术提升起着重要的指导作用,本文结合实践,在综合分析技战术层次与定义、统计资料来源与类型的基础上,探讨乒乓球运动技战术的分析方法。结果发现:受限于分析方法现有研究主要集中于基本与应用技术层面上,合理的资料选取与多种方法结合的分析,对乒乓球运动技战术的推论性检验与比较将更具体、研究结果将更科学有效。  相似文献   

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