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目的:初步探讨青少年急性膝关节创伤性骨髓异常与创伤机制及软组织损伤的关系。方法:回顾性分析69例青少年急性膝关节损伤患者的临床及影像学资料。通过膝关节磁共振成像(MRI)评估创伤性骨髓异常的部位及前交叉韧带、后交叉韧带、内侧副韧带、外侧副韧带及内、外侧支持带等软组织的损伤,根据临床资料汇总创伤机制。结果:69例患者包括19例轴移损伤,17例髌骨外侧脱位,12例过伸伤,11例外翻损伤和10例仪表盘损伤。轴移损伤引起创伤性骨髓异常部位多位于股骨外侧髁后区(94.7%)、股骨外侧髁前区(84.2%)和胫骨外侧平台后区(78.9%),常伴有前交叉韧带撕裂(94.7%)。髌骨外侧脱位多位于髌骨(100%)、股骨外侧髁后区(100%)和股骨外侧髁前区(94.1%),常伴有内侧支持带撕裂(88.2%)。过伸伤主要累及胫骨内侧平台前区(83.3%)、胫骨外侧平台前区(75%)和股骨内侧髁前区(66.7%),常伴有前交叉韧带(91.7%)和后交叉韧带损伤(58.3%)。外翻损伤主要累及股骨,包括股骨外侧髁后区(72.7%),股骨外侧髁前区(54.5%)和股骨内侧髁前区(45.5%),常伴有内侧副韧带损伤(90.9%)。仪表盘损伤主要累及胫骨,包括胫骨外侧平台前区(100%)、胫骨内侧平台前区(90%),常伴有后交叉韧带损伤(70%)。结论:青少年急性膝关节创伤性骨髓异常在MRI上的分布代表了特定的创伤机制的足迹,并能够精准地预测特定的软组织损伤。  相似文献   

膝关节是人体负重和运动的主要关节,前交叉韧带(ACL)损伤是膝关节最常见运动损伤之一,而健美操运动也是造成膝关节前交叉韧带损伤的项目之一,本文通过运用文献综述的方法,广泛收集有关膝关节ACL损伤的基本理论及防治知识,通过前交叉韧带的生理解剖结构,并结合健美操项目的运动特点来分析造成前交叉韧带一度损伤的原因及根据原因提出预防措施,针对前交叉韧带一度损伤的早、中、晚三期的病理演变特征提出康复方案,对以后前交叉韧带一度损伤保守治疗的快速康复提供理论基础,并对以后健美操训练中前交叉韧带损伤的预防和韧带重建术后康复训练有重要意义。  相似文献   

女子前交叉韧带损伤发病之高业已引起界内人士的极大关注:从女子前交叉韧带存在的解剖生理弱点出发,对其运动损伤因素进行分析,认为有效的运动防治方法能有效地减少女子运动员前交叉韧带损伤的发生率。  相似文献   

膝关节前交叉韧带是膝关节内重要的韧带组织,对维持膝关节的稳定有重要的作用.膝关节前交叉韧带的损伤是运动中常见而严重的运动损伤,如果处理不当,将极大的影响患者以后的运动能力,并对患者的日常生活和工作产生影响.各国对于前交叉韧带损伤都很重视,随着现代技术在前交叉韧带损伤的诊断、治疗和康复中的应用,诊断率和治愈率已经大大提高...  相似文献   

评价膝关节前交叉韧带损伤后屈伸肌肉力量变化和腘绳肌生理状态变化的特征,以指导前交叉韧带重建术前和术后的康复治疗与训练。结果表明,前交叉韧带损伤后膝关节肌肉功能状态水平下降,在一定程度上影响运动中膝关节的稳定性,韧带重建术前和术后应注重加强膝关节肌肉力量和屈膝肌反应速度的康复训练,以减少术后康复训练中对重建韧带的负荷。  相似文献   

评价膝关节前交叉韧带损伤后屈伸肌肉力量变化和腘绳肌生理状态变化的特征,以指导前交叉韧带重建术前和术后的康复治疗与训练。结果表明,前交叉韧带损伤后膝关节肌肉功能状态水平下降,在一定程度上影响运动中膝关节的稳定性,韧带重建术前和术后应注重加强膝关节肌肉力量和屈膝肌反应速度的康复训练,以减少术后康复训练中对重建韧带的负荷。  相似文献   

目的 探讨体医融合的运动干预对大学生膝关节前交叉韧带损伤的康复效果,为前交叉韧带损伤的康复研究提供理论支撑。方法 苏州市首家体医融合运动康复中心的57例大学生前交叉韧带损伤患者随机分成实验组与对照组进行运动干预性康复训练,12周后,测试并对比两组受试者的关节功能指标。结果 干预后,关节活动度方面,与干预前相比,实验组关节的前伸度降低43.73%、后屈度提升7.19%;内收度降低70.12%、外展度提升14.02%,差异均具有统计学意义(t值分别为-4.39,-6.89,4.01,5.36,P值均<0.01)。关节力量方面,与干预前相比,实验组关节的前伸、屈膝、内收、外展力量分别提高11.74%、16.91%、10.72%、7.03%,差异均具有统计学意义(t值分别为9.22,7.30,3.86,4.16,P值均<0.01)。对照组的关节活动度、力量在干预前后的差异无统计学意义,(P值均>0.05)。结论 体医融合下的运动干预有助于改善大学生前交叉韧带损伤受试者关节的活动度,增加关节力量,对前交叉韧带损伤的康复具有明显促进作用,受试者膝关节功能恢复较好,缩短了治疗时间,...  相似文献   

文章运用文献资料法、录像法、调查法、访谈法等对前交叉韧带的生理解剖、损伤发生的机制、MRI表现及防治等几方面对其进行分析,旨在为我国排球运动员膝关节前交叉韧带损伤的预防和治疗提供依据。  相似文献   

前交叉韧带重建术后的康复训练   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对前交叉韧带重建术后康复训练的文献进行分析研究,了解该领域的发展趋势。应用计算机检索Medline和Cnki1989—2006年间关于前交叉韧带相关文献。研究表明:股四头肌和胭绳肌肌力训练对膝关节功能恢复具有重要的作用,闭合运动链训练适合于康复训练早期,开放运动链训练适合于康复训练晚期;前交叉韧带损伤后,其本体感觉也受到破坏,而术后本体感觉促进训练对膝关节功能的完善至关重要;康复训练方案变得越来越激进,但激进的康复训练也有不利的一面,采用胭绳肌腱和异体肌腱重建前交叉韧带的术后康复训练应更趋于保守。  相似文献   

G863.16,G804.53优秀自由式滑雪运动员膝关节前交叉韧带损伤康复治疗1例报告[刊,中,A]/庞晓峰(沈阳体育学院附属竞技体校),衣雪洁(沈阳体育学院运动生理教研室)∥中国运动医学杂志.-2003,22(5).-528(MYL)优秀运动员∥膝关节∥前交叉韧带∥损伤∥康复∥治疗∥自由式滑雪  相似文献   

Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries are common in soccer. Understanding ACL loading mechanisms and risk factors for ACL injury is critical for designing effective prevention programs. The purpose of this review is to summarize the relevant literature on ACL loading mechanisms, ACL injury risk factors, and current ACL injury prevention programs for soccer players. Literature has shown that tibial anterior translation due to shear force at the proximal end of tibia is the primary ACL loading mechanism. No evidence has been found showing that knee valgus moment is the primary ACL loading mechanism. ACL loading mechanisms are largely ignored in previous studies on risk factors for ACL injury. Identified risk factors have little connections to ACL loading mechanisms. The results of studies on ACL injury prevention programs for soccer players are inconsistent. Current ACL injury prevention programs for soccer players are clinically ineffective due to low compliance. Future studies are urgently needed to identify risk factors for ACL injury in soccer that are connected to ACL loading mechanisms and have cause-and-effect relationships with injury rate, and to develop new prevention programs to improve compliance.  相似文献   

The aim was to compare fear of re-injury, patient reported function, static and dynamic tibial translation and muscle strength assessed before and 5 weeks after an anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction between individuals who sustained a subsequent ACL graft rupture or a contralateral ACL injury within 5 years after the reconstruction, and individuals with no subsequent injury. Nineteen patients were investigated before, and 5 weeks after an ACL reconstruction with a quadruple hamstring tendon graft. At 5 years follow up, 3 patients had sustained an ACL graft rupture and 2 patients had sustained a contralateral ACL rupture. Fear of re-injury, confidence with the knee, patient reported function, activity level, static and dynamic tibial translation and muscle strength were assessed. The re-injured group reported greater fear of re-injury and had greater static tibial translation in both knees before the ACL reconstruction compared to those who did not sustain another ACL injury. There were no other differences between groups. In conclusion, fear of re-injury and static tibial translation before the index ACL reconstruction were greater in patients who later on suffered an ACL graft rupture or a contralateral ACL rupture. These factors may predict a subsequent ACL injury.  相似文献   

A common anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury situation in alpine ski racing is landing back-weighted after a jump. Simulated back-weighted landing situations showed higher ACL-injury risk for increasing ski boot rear stiffness (SBRS) without considering muscles. It is well known that muscle forces affect ACL tensile forces during landing. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of different SBRS on the maximal ACL tensile forces during injury prone landings considering muscle forces by a two-dimensional musculoskeletal simulation model. Injury prone situations for ACL-injuries were generated by the musculoskeletal simulation model using measured kinematics of a non-injury situation and the method of Monte Carlo simulation. Subsequently, the SBRS was varied for injury prone landings. The maximal ACL tensile forces and contributing factors to the ACL forces were compared for the different SBRS. In the injury prone landings the maximal ACL tensile forces increased with increasing SBRS. It was found that the higher maximal ACL force was caused by higher forces acting on the tibia by the boot and by higher quadriceps muscle forces both due to the higher SBRS. Practical experience suggested that the reduction of SBRS is not accepted by ski racers due to performance reasons. Thus, preventive measures may concentrate on the reduction of the quadriceps muscle force during impact.  相似文献   

To evaluate the value of ultrasonography in the diagnosis of anterior cruciate ligament injury (ACL injury) by conducting a systematic review and meta-analysis. A literature search was carried out in the Cochrane Library, Embase, Pubmed databases and included studies prior to April 2017. Based on inclusion and exclusion criteria, studies evaluating ultrasound to diagnose ACL injury were selected. MRI, arthroscopy and clinical-follow were considered the reference standards. The diagnostic accuracy of ultrasound was assessed using a combination of sensitivity, specificity, likelihood ratio (LR), post-test probability, diagnostic odds ratio (DOR) and by summarizing the area under the receiver operating characteristic (SROC) curve. A total of 4 studies involving 246 patients were eventually included in the analysis. In these four studies, the combined sensitivity, specificity, positive likelihood ratio, negative likelihood ratio, post-test probability and DOR were 90.0% (95% CI: 77–96), 97% (95% CI: 90–99), 31.08 (95% CI: 8.75–110.41), 0.11 (95% CI: 0.05–0.24), 89% (3%) and 288.81 (95% CI: 78.51–1062.48), respectively. The area under the SROC curve was 0.98 (95% CI: 0.97–0.99). Our meta-analysis showed that ultrasound can play an important role in the diagnosis of ACL injury. Because of its high sensitivity, high specificity and high diagnostic ability, ultrasound should be a part of the standard diagnostic work-up of an ACL injury.  相似文献   


Numerous studies have investigated anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury risk by examining gender differences in knee and hip biomechanics during a side-step cutting manoeuvre since it is known that ACL injury often occurs during such a task. Recent investigations have also examined lower extremity (LE) biomechanics during side-step cutting in individuals following ACL reconstruction (ACLR). Common research practice is to compare knee and hip biomechanics of the dominant limb between groups but this can add considerable complexity for clinicians and researchers. At this time, it is not known if there is a difference in LE biomechanics between the dominant and non-dominant limb during side-step cutting. Three-dimensional kinematics and kinetics were collected while 31 healthy participants performed five, side-step cutting manoeuvres with the dominant and non-dominant limbs. Knee and hip variables examined are those commonly investigated in ACL injury literature. There were no differences between limbs in all but one variable (knee internal rotation). These results demonstrate that healthy individuals exhibit little side-to-side differences in certain LE biomechanics when performing a side-step cutting manoeuvre. These findings can be utilised by clinicians when conducting dynamic evaluations of their ACLR patients and when developing injury prevention and rehabilitation programmes.  相似文献   

BackgroundFor the past 30 years, the hamstring (H)-to-quadriceps (Q) (H:Q) torque ratio has been considered an important index of muscle strength imbalance around the knee joint. The purpose of this systematic review was to examine the value of H:Q torque ratio as an independent risk factor for hamstring and anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries.MethodsDatabase searches were performed to identify all relevant articles in PubMed, MEDLINE, Cochrane Library, and Scopus. Prospective studies evaluating the conventional (concentric H:Q), functional (eccentric H: concentric Q), and mixed (eccentric H at 30°/s: concentric Q at 240°/s) H:Q ratios as risk factors for occurrence of hamstring muscle strain or ACL injury were considered. Risk of bias was assessed using the Quality In Prognosis Studies tool.ResultsEighteen included studies reported 585 hamstrings injuries in 2945 participants, and 5 studies documented 128 ACL injuries in 2772 participants. Best evidence synthesis analysis indicated that there is very limited evidence that H:Q strength ratio is an independent risk factor for hamstring and ACL injury, and this was not different between various ratio types. Methodological limitations and limited evidence for ACL injuries and some ratio types might have influenced these results.ConclusionThe H:Q ratio has limited value for the prediction of ACL and hamstring injuries. Monitoring strength imbalances along with other modifiable factors during the entire competitive season may provide a better understanding of the association between H:Q ratio and injury.  相似文献   

The number and type of landings performed after blocking during volleyball matches has been related to the potential risk of ACL injury. The aim of the present study was to determine whether gender affects the frequency of specific blocking landing techniques with potential risk of ACL injury from the perspective of foot contact and subsequent movement after the block used by volleyball players during competitive matches. Three matches involving four female volleyball teams (fourteen sets) and three matches involving four male volleyball teams (thirteen sets) in the Czech Republic were analyzed for this study. A Pearson chi-square test of independence was used to detect the relationship between gender and different blocking techniques. The results of the present study showed that gender affected single-leg landings with subsequent movement in lateral direction and double-leg landings. Although the total number of landings was lower for male athletes than for female athletes, a larger portion of male athletes demonstrated single leg landings with a subsequent movement than female athletes. Single leg landings with a subsequent movement have a higher potential risk of ACL injury.  相似文献   

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