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1次力竭性运动前后纵跳某些动力学特征的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对12名男性受试者1次力竭性功率自行车运动前后纵跳的某些动力学特征测定,发现力竭性运动后纵跳的垂直方向的分力、冲量值下降(P<0.05);而水平方向的分力、冲量值增加(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

赵西堂  孙平  葛春林 《体育学刊》2013,20(1):139-144
运用三维测力台(Kistler)和红外光点自动捕捉测试系统(Qualisys-MCU500)对北京体育大学男子排球队9名运动员分别进行了摆臂纵跳和抱头纵跳的测试,结果表明:摆臂纵跳蹬伸过程中最大力值大于抱头纵跳,但是由于蹬伸后半段时间的延长使后半段蹬伸力的梯度值没有明显增加;落地时地面最大冲击力与纵跳高度无关;摆臂纵跳的冲量值大于抱头纵跳,但研究结果发现纵跳高度与冲量并没有显著性相关关系.  相似文献   

原地连续纵跳的运动生物力学特征研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为研究原地连续纵跳的运动生物力学特征,运用录像拍摄与三维测力同步测试的方法对其研究发现,不同频率作用下的时间参数存在一定差异,随着纵跳频率的增加,时间参数都表现出逐渐减小的趋贽.同一频率作用下随着运动时间的延长,支撑时间逐渐增人.蹬伸力峰值随着连续纵跳运动时间的延长呈现明显逐渐减小的趋势,不同频率原地连续纵跳蹬伸力峰值对起跳效果的影响程度是不同的;缓冲冲量和蹬伸冲量随运动时间的延长,也都呈现出明显的逐渐减小的趋势,并且运动前期的恢复系数人于1.  相似文献   

利用单、双腿进行负重纵跳练习是练习下肢爆发力很有效的训练方法,在竞技体育力量训练中广泛应用。本研究以12名男性篮球运动员为研究对象,结合myotest功能性测试仪和表面肌电对单、双腿纵跳爆发力练习进行了综合的研究,得出以下结论:(1)在纵跳起跳阶段,竖脊肌、多裂肌、臀大肌、股直肌、股外侧肌、股内侧肌、腓肠肌内外侧头、比目鱼肌的激活程度随负荷的增加而相应增加,股二头肌、半腱肌的激活程度先增加后降低。(2)在双腿纵跳起跳阶段股外侧肌、股内侧肌、股直肌和臀大肌是主要作用肌肉。在单腿纵跳起跳阶段股外侧肌、股内侧肌、股直肌和比目鱼肌是主要作用肌肉。(3)双腿纵跳爆发力训练最佳负重是20%深蹲1RM负荷;单腿纵跳爆发力训练最佳负重是10%到15%深蹲1RM负荷之间。  相似文献   

下肢形态、膝角与纵跳关系的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
纵跳又称弹跳,分原地纵跳和助跑纵跳。在体育运动中,运动员的弹跳能力对完成某些动作极为重要。一般说原地纵跳能力强的运动员、助跑纵跳能力也较强。而纵跳能力的强弱又取决于多方面的因素,其中运动员下肢活动起着重要作用。下肢形态结构的材料已有很多记载,下肢活动中足的特点也有不少报道和研究,引起下肢活动的肌肉及其作用也有过研究。而在纵跳时膝关  相似文献   

周斌 《体育科研》2017,(4):74-78,84
目的:探讨不同离心负荷激活干预对后激活增强效应所产生的影响及有效作用时间。方法:通过对14名普通男性大学生运用肌肉离心收缩激活方式,观察后续纵跳表现的影响。结果:在激活干预后即刻,对照组与离心负荷(105%1RM和125%1RM)激活干预两个实验组纵跳峰值功率和纵跳的高度没有显著差异,激活干预两个组之间的纵跳表现没有显著差异。激活干预的两组在T3和T6时段的纵跳功率峰值均明显高于对照组。在T3时段两个激活干预实验组纵跳高度峰值明显高于对照组,在T6时段,105%1RM激活干预组的纵跳高度明显增加。结论:纵跳测试前加入大强度的离心负荷刺激会小幅度提高纵跳的能力,不同强度离心负荷的激活干预的后激活增强效应差异性不大,采用105%1RM强度的离心负荷激活干预在 3~6 min有明显的后激活增强效应。  相似文献   

纵跳是在各种运动项目中均有的一种动作。纵跳可分为原地纵跳和助跑纵跳。对同一个人来说,助跑纵跳要比原地纵跳高度增长约10%左右,然而原地纵跳是助跑纵跳的基础。纵跳能力的强弱直接影响到运动成绩和动作效果,而纵跳能力的强弱又取决于多方面的因素。人体形态结构和机能特别是下肢起着重要的作用。我们曾对下肢形态、膝角与纵跳关系进行探讨。人体结构的变化和机能的提高又决  相似文献   

以苏州市区333名在校普通中、小学生为研究对象,使用JVC9800高速摄像机以100fps的速度及德国SIMI-motion录像解析系统对研究对象纵跳技能运动学参数的年龄特征进行研究.结果显示:1)男生纵跳高度呈现逐渐增大的年龄特征,增长的较快时期在13~14岁、17~18岁年龄段;女生在11~12岁年龄段纵跳高度增长最快,13岁以后逐渐下降.2)儿童少年足长与纵跳高度呈低度相关,而足高、跟腱长、小腿长、下肢长等指标与纵跳高度相关不密切.3)纵跳各阶段所用时间(腾空时间除外)的长短与纵跳高度相关不密切.4)儿童少年纵跳时下肢关节角呈现逐渐增大的年龄特征;儿童少年纵跳时适当深蹲起跳效果较好.  相似文献   

不同膝角静态蹲跳的生物力学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用三维测力系统,对不同膝角静态蹲跳的测试结果进行比较分析:着重讨论了最大力值、蹬伸时间、冲量值等主要生物力学指标的变化规律及其对纵跳高度的影响。  相似文献   

交变负荷训练法对肌肉力量训练效果影响的实验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:采用自制振动台为干预手段,对下肢肌肉进行力量交变负荷力量训练,研究交变负荷力量训练对肌肉力量增长效果的影响。方法:将上海体育学院体育教育专业男子跳远运动员10名,随机分为“交变负荷训练组”和“传统力量训练组”,两组共接受8周训练,每周3次,实验前后一周内利用测力台和B iodex对原地纵跳能力和下肢三大关节屈伸肌肌群的一般、快速力量和缓冲力等指标进行测定。结果:振动刺激训练能够有效地提高受试者的原地纵跳能力,下肢三大关节屈伸肌肌群的一般、快速力量和缓冲能力,组间比较具有显著性差异。结论:交变负荷力量训练法能有效地提高肌肉力量训练的效果。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the precision and accuracy of the vertical and anterior–posterior force components of the portable PASCO PS-2142 force plate. Impulse, peak force, and time to peak force were assessed and compared to a gold standard force plate in three different tasks: vertical jump, forward jump, and sprint start. Two healthy male participants performed ten trials for each task, resulting in 60 trials. Data analyses revealed good precision and accuracy for the vertical component of the portable force plate, with relative bias and root mean square (RMS) error values nearly the same in all tasks for the impulse, time to peak force, and peak force parameters. Precision and accuracy of the anterior–posterior component were lower for the impulse and time to peak force, with relative bias and RMS error values nearly the same between tasks. Despite the lower precision and accuracy of the anterior–posterior component of the portable force plate, these errors were systematic, reflecting a good repeatability of the measure. In addition, all variables presented good agreement between the portable and gold standard platforms. Our results provide a good perspective for using the aforementioned portable force plate in sports and clinical biomechanics.  相似文献   

The purpose of the investigation was to study the relationship between thrust phase duration, ground reaction force, velocity increase after pole thrust and pole angles versus pole length during double poling in roller skiing. Seven male regional elite cross-country skiers volunteered as subjects for the study. The subjects performed a maximal double pole thrust on roller skis with each of the three different pole lengths: 'short', self-selected (normal) and 'long'. The short and long poles were 7.5 cm shorter and 7.5 cm longer than the self-selected pole length. The subjects made seven maximal pole thrusts with each pole length, which were randomly selected during 21 trials. For each trial the subjects accelerated from a 1.2 m high downhill slope attaining a speed of 3.92 m.s-1 before making a maximal double pole thrust on a force plate placed at the bottom of the slope. The vertical (F2), anterior-posterior (Fy) and mediolateral (Fx) reaction forces of the left pole were measured by the force plate. The positions of the pole were recorded in 3-D by an opto-electronic system. Thrust phase duration, impulse, mean force, velocity increase after pole thrust and pole angles were calculated from the recorded data. Double poling with long poles produced a significantly larger propulsive anterior-posterior reaction force impulse and velocity increase than normal (p < .05) and short poles (p < .05). This was in spite of a larger mean anterior-posterior reaction force being produced with short poles. Thus, thrust phase duration was a primary factor in determining propulsive anterior-posterior impulse. For the practitioner, the results can be useful in the selection of pole length when the aim is to increase thrust phase duration, anterior-posterior force impulse and velocity.  相似文献   

Dancers are exposed to the effects of repetitive jumping and leaping as are other athletes that tend to develop patellar tendinopathy. Greater vertical ground reaction forces occur during landing from a dance leap than during takeoff and during other common athletic activities. The purposes of this study were: (1) to compare the landing ground reaction force profiles of participants with and without clinically diagnosed patellar tendinopathy, and (2) to determine the strength of the relationship between landing angle, and braking impulse. Eighteen elite pre-professional dancers (12 healthy, 6 with patellar tendinopathy; both groups 50% male) performed sauts de chat for kinetic and kinematic analysis. Dancers with patellar tendinopathy demonstrated greater peak vertical ground reaction force and impulse (36% and 15% greater, respectively). Dancers with patellar tendinopathy demonstrated greater peak braking ground reaction force and impulse (82% and 126% greater, respectively). Landing angle explained 67% of the braking impulse. Dancers with patellar tendinopathy exhibited greater vertical and braking impulses than healthy dancers. Braking impulse was strongly correlated with landing angle. While there was no difference between groups in landing angle, dancers with patellar tendinopathy exhibited greater braking impulse than their non-tendinopathic counterparts, even at similar landing angles.  相似文献   

This study examines the hand and foot reaction force recorded independently while performing the kick-start technique. Eleven male competitive swimmers performed three trials for the kick-start with maximum effort. Three force platforms (main block, backplate and handgrip) were used to measure reaction forces during starting motion. Force impulses from the hands, front foot and rearfoot were calculated via time integration. During the kick-start, the vertical impulse from the front foot was significantly higher than that from the rearfoot and the horizontal impulse from the rearfoot was significantly higher than that from the front foot. The force impulse from the front foot was dominant for generating vertical take-off velocity and the force impulse from the rearfoot was dominant for horizontal take-off velocity. The kick-start’s shorter block time in comparison to prior measurements of the grab start was explained by the development of horizontal reaction force from the hands and the rearfoot at the beginning of the starting motion.  相似文献   

通过录像和测力台同步的方法,对5名受试者进行不同蹬地角形式的立定跳远测试,运用录像解析系统和三维测力平台的软件(V5.2)获得运动学和动力学数据,并对所得数据进行灰理论分析。结果显示:(1)起跳时的水平速度和垂直速度随着蹬地角的增大而减小。(2)在LPA下,髋、膝、踝3关节的角度相比其他两种方式(PA、HPA)较小,使得人体蹬离地面向前摆动总体的转动惯量减小,从而增大了向前的转动角速度。(3)无论是蹬伸冲量还是踏跳冲量在立定跳远中都可以评价踏跳效果,由于LPA下蹬伸阶段的平均力值比较小,肌肉收缩速度比较快,机械效率比较高,再加上蹬伸冲量比较大,因此踏跳效果好。(4)影响立定跳远成绩的关联度为蹬伸阶段的平均力值〉蹬伸时间〉蹬地角〉起跳垂直速度〉蹬伸冲量〉起跳水平速度。  相似文献   

Ankle taping is commonly used to prevent ankle sprains. However, kinematic assessments investigating the biomechanical effects of ankle taping have provided inconclusive results. This study aimed to determine the effect of ankle taping on the external ankle joint moments during a drop landing on a tilted surface at 25°. Twenty-five participants performed landings on a tilted force platform that caused ankle inversion with and without ankle taping. Landing kinematics were captured using a motion capture system. External ankle inversion moment, the angular impulse due to the medio-lateral and vertical components of ground reaction force (GRF) and their moment arm lengths about the ankle joint were analysed. The foot plantar inclination relative to the ground was assessed. In the taping condition, the foot plantar inclination and ankle inversion angular impulse were reduced significantly compared to that of the control. The only component of the external inversion moment to change significantly in the taped condition was a shortened medio-lateral GRF moment arm length. It can be assumed that the ankle taping altered the foot plantar inclination relative to the ground, thereby shortening the moment arm of medio-lateral GRF that resulted in the reduced ankle inversion angular impulse.  相似文献   


This study assessed the reliability and validity of segment measured accelerations in comparison to front foot contact (FFC) ground reaction force (GRF) during the delivery stride for cricket pace bowlers. Eleven recreational bowlers completed a 30-delivery bowling spell. Trunk- and tibia-mounted inertial measurement units (IMUs) were used to measure accelerations, converted to force, for comparisons to force plate GRF discrete measures. These measures included peak force, impulse and the continuous force–time curve in the vertical and braking (horizontal) planes. Reliability and validity was determined by intra-class correlation coefficients (ICC), coefficient of variation (CV), Bland–Altman plots, paired sample t-tests, Pearson’s correlation and one-dimensional (1D) statistical parametrical mapping (SPM). All ICC (0.90–0.98) and CV (4.23–7.41%) were acceptable, except for tibia-mounted IMU braking peak force (CV = 12.44%) and impulse (CV = 18.17%) and trunk vertical impulse (CV = 17.93%). Bland–Altman plots revealed wide limits of agreement between discrete IMU force signatures and force plate GRF. The 1D SPM outlined numerous significant (p < 0.01) differences between trunk- and tibia-located IMU-derived measures and force plate GRF traces in vertical and braking (horizontal) planes. The trunk- and tibia-mounted IMUs appeared to not represent the GRF experienced during pace bowling FFC when compared to a gold-standard force plate.  相似文献   


Understanding the magnitude of forces and lower body kinematics that occur during a change of direction (COD) task can provide information about the biomechanical demands required to improve performance. To compare the magnitude of force, impulse, lower body kinematics and post-COD stride velocity produced between athletes of different strength levels during a COD task, 12 stronger (8 males, 4 females) and 12 weaker (4 males, 8 females) recreational team sport athletes were recruited. Strength levels were determined by relative peak isometric force of the dominant and non-dominant leg. All athletes performed 10 pre-planned 45° changes of direction (5 left, 5 right) while three-dimensional motion and ground reaction force (GRF) data were collected. Differences in all variables for the dominant leg were examined using a one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) with a level of significance set at p ≤0.05. The stronger group displayed significantly faster post-COD stride velocity and greater vertical and horizontal braking forces, vertical propulsive force, vertical braking impulse, horizontal propulsive impulse, angle of peak braking force application, hip abduction and knee flexion angle compared to the weaker group. The results suggest that individuals with greater relative lower body strength produced higher magnitude plant foot kinetics and modified lower body positioning while producing faster COD performances. Future investigations should determine if strength training to enable athletes to increase plant foot kinetics while maintaining or adopting a lower body position results in a concomitant increases in post-COD stride velocity.  相似文献   

The purpose of the investigation was to study the relationship between thrust phase duration, ground reaction force, velocity increase after pole thrust and pole angles versus pole length during double poling in roller skiing. Seven male regional elite cross‐country skiers volunteered as subjects for the study. The subjects performed a maximal double pole thrust on roller skis with each of the three different pole lengths: ‘short’, self‐selected (normal) and ‘long’. The short and long poles were 7.5 cm shorter and 7.5 cm longer than the self‐selected pole length. The subjects made seven maximal pole thrusts with each pole length, which were randomly selected during 21 trials. For each trial the subjects accelerated from a 1.2 m high downhill slope attaining a speed of 3.92 m.s‐1 before making a maximal double pole thrust on a force plate placed at the bottom of the slope. The vertical (Fz), anterior‐posterior (Fy) and medio‐lateral (Fx) reaction forces of the left pole were measured by the force plate. The positions of the pole were recorded in 3‐D by an opto‐electronic system. Thrust phase duration, impulse, mean force, velocity increase after pole thrust and pole angles were calculated from the recorded data. Double poling with long poles produced a significantly larger propulsive anterior‐posterior reaction force impulse and velocity increase than normal (p < .05) and short poles (p < .05). This was in spite of a larger mean anterior‐posterior reaction force being produced with short poles. Thus, thrust phase duration was a primary factor in determining propulsive anterior‐posterior impulse. For the practitioner, the results can be useful in the selection of pole length when the aim is to increase thrust phase duration, anterior‐posterior force impulse and velocity.  相似文献   


The aims of this study were to compare the force profile of using a horizontal cylinder-shaped axis or a vertical cone-shaped axis to provide resistance in rotary inertia devices, and to report the evolution of kinetic and kinematic variables in experienced athletes during a half-squat exercise. Twenty-two healthy active men participated in the assessment of time, peak velocity, peak force, time to reach the peak force, average force, impulse, and range of movement, during a half-squat incremental test performed on conical inertial device (CP) and on cylinder inertial device (YY). The analysis showed that YY during CON-ECC phased generates substantial higher peak_force, mean_force, impulse, time, and a lower peak_velocity, than CP. We never obtained eccentric overload for peak_force or mean_force. CP offers less resistance to accelerate-decelerate the movement with respect to YY, we need checking whether eccentric overload it is being produced, and the impulse was the only kinetic variable that was able to discriminate between the inertias and devices.  相似文献   

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