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直拍反面进攻技术的可行性研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
直拍反手推挡和反手攻球技术,在对付强弧圈球方面,都存在某些不足。本文以北京队员陈虎为实验对象(陈练推挡6年,练反面击球3年),用两台EPL高速摄影机以100格/秒同频同步拍摄,用GP—2000型解析仪对影片进行数字化处理,用P—3000型计算机对原始数据进行平滑处理和三维计算分析。结果是,反面击球的许多动作优于正面击球。两者击球动作的数量相近,但反面击球较易于发挥手臂功能,有利于回击弧圈球。本文在论述了反面击球的各种优点之后。得出了直拍反面击球的技术是可行的结论。  相似文献   

直拍横打的出现在很大程度上弥补了直板的缺陷(反手弱点及对付强烈下旋长球能力薄弱),通过近几届世界锦标赛及奥运会的检验,这项技术使直板选手取得了一些成绩。试图从运动生物力学的角度采用运动学测量方法对直拍横打和横板反手在近台、中台和远台拉弧圈球的技术动作,利用美国艾里尔运动生物力学分析系统(APAS System),对所得数据进行对比分析。  相似文献   

五大流派张光煌第45届世乒赛将于今年4月在南斯拉夫拉开战幕,透视当今乒坛大致可分成五大流派: 亚洲直拍快攻打法:采用这种打法的男女选手人数比过去有再所减少,但仍不乏高水平运动员。如韩国队4名主力金泽洙、刘南奎、姜熙灿、李哲承全是这种打法,并掌握了正手弧圈球技术,能拉能扣,中台有一定相持能力,反手也不弱。中国名将刘国梁直拍技术又有新发展,“直拍横打”渐显威力,往往令对手猝不及防。中国式横拍弧圈快攻打法:以王涛、孔令辉、王励勤、邓亚萍、王楠等为代表。他们虽使用横拍,但打起来更像中国直拍打法。他们掌握了娴熟的弧圈球技术,中远台能对拉,更多地采用抢攻在前,中近台速战速决的技术。欧洲新派弧圈快攻打法:这种打法与中国式横拍弧圈快攻打法接近,法国的加蒂安、德国的罗斯科普夫等欧洲新一代好手多是这种打法。其特点  相似文献   

就掌握乒乓球直拍反手弧圈球技术的现实意义进行了论述;指出了直拍反手弧圈球技术的动作要领;介绍了直拍反手弧圈球技术的训练方法,及训练中应注意的几个问题。  相似文献   

Y7曹牌横板推广以来,不少改打者来信询问有关技术问题,现扼要综答,以资共同探讨。 一、反手击球后转正手进攻球出界 原因:握拍较紧,虎口与上板肩贴靠太死,正手攻球在很大程度上需依靠前臂内旋来调整拍形,因而难压板,易出界。 办法:握拍时虎口稍靠后,拇指稍上移,拇指第一指节位置在贴柄木斜角尖处。这样,正反手动作转换时,指、掌、腕就能灵活地协调压板,完成击球动作。 二、反手位中近台挡球、相持球下网 原因:老横拍拍头往上翘,Y7曹牌拍头偏向一侧,打Y7用不上  相似文献   

反手快拉:是横拍选手对付下旋球的一项主要技术,具有站位稍远、动作较大、球速快、落点变化多的特点,击球要点是拍形稍前倾,在球的高点期或下降前期,运用前臂和手腕的力量向前上方摩擦主动发力击球。反手扣杀:是指反手用较大的力量回击来球的攻球方法。具有站位远、动作大。球速快、力量大的特点。扣杀是以力量制胜的一项重要技术,手臂、腰、腿要协调配合,增加击球爆发力。反手快拨:是横拍选手借助球的反弹力进行反手还击的击球方法,它是一种反手位助攻技术。具有出手快、击球时间早、动作小、还原动作快的特点。有利于和正手攻球…  相似文献   

1992-2002直拍横打十年志   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
直拍横打,这项卓而不群、横空出世的新技术源于八十年代末,发展于整个九十年代,经过刘国梁、马林、王皓三个代表人物的淬炼,现在正逐步走向完善。它充分利用直拍反面击球在生理性,通过拉、打、带、挑、撕等技术的运用,极大程度地弥补了直拍反手位的不足,并且带动了一场全方位的直拍对抗横拍全方位的技术革命,把日渐衰老的中国传统的直拍快攻打法从死亡边缘拉回来,使之重新屹立在乒乓技术的前沿阵地。它是中国人向乒乓球运动贡献的又一精彩发明。同时,直拍横打塑造了中国第一个“大满贯”英雄——刘国梁。  相似文献   

直拍横打,这项卓而不群、横空出世的新技术源于八十年代末,发展于整个九十年代,经过刘国梁、马林、王皓三个代表人物的淬炼,现在正逐步走向完善?它充分利用直拍反面击球在生理上的合理性,通过拉、打、带、挑、撕等技术的运用,极大程度地弥补了直拍反手位的不足,并且带动了一场全方位的直拍对抗横拍全方位的技术革命,把日渐衰老的中国传统的直拍快攻打法从死亡边缘拉回来,使之重新屹立在乒乓技术的前沿阵地?它是中国人向乒乓球运动贡献的又一精彩发明。同时,直拍横打塑造了中国第一个“大满贯”英雄——刘国梁一  相似文献   

一、反面快带弧圈球技术的提法: 直拍快攻运动员反面快带弧圈球技术系指将正手快带弧圈球技术移植于反手反面的击球技术。这是在新的技术形势之下提出和诞生的。从七十年代以来,我国直拍快攻运动员(这里主要系指左推右攻型)在对付弧圈球技术上有了可喜地进步!正手在挡弧圈球的基础上发展了反带、反拉和攻打弧圈球技术,反手在推侧旋、减力挡的基础上发展了加力推和快推大角度线路。这些技术丰富发  相似文献   

早在1999年,蔡振华指导就曾经提出过要提高反撕弧圈球技术,虽然当时蔡指导是针对直板运动员,尤其是掌握了直板横打技术的运动员所提出的这个概念,但随着弧圈球技术的发展,反撕弧圈球技术已经被不断拓展,特别是针对两面弧圈球打法的横板运动员,他们的反撕弧圈球已经练就得炉火纯青,反撕弧圈球已经成为最主要的反手防守转攻技术。反手反撕弧圈球是一项近台的主动防守技术,这里的防守之所以加了引号,是因为反撕弧圈球具有很强的进攻性,可以起到后发制人的作用。反撕技术的特点是:速度快,具有较强的上旋。通常当对方的进攻质量不高时,自己可以在近台快速反撕,利用速度、落点优势压制对方,转守为攻。练习反撕技术的要点:准确判断来球落点;起手位置较高,在来球的上升期击球:发力方向更加向前,充分摩擦。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine hip joint kinetics during a table tennis topspin forehand, and to investigate the relationship between the relevant kinematic and kinetic variables and the racket horizontal and vertical velocities at ball impact. Eighteen male advanced table tennis players hit cross-court topspin forehands against backspin balls. The hip joint torque and force components around the pelvis coordinate system were determined using inverse dynamics. Furthermore, the work done on the pelvis by these components was also determined. The peak pelvis axial rotation velocity and the work done by the playing side hip pelvis axial rotation torque were positively related to the racket horizontal velocity at impact. The sum of the work done on the pelvis by the backward tilt torques and the upward joint forces was positively related to the racket vertical velocity at impact. The results suggest that the playing side hip pelvis axial rotation torque exertion is important for acquiring a high racket horizontal velocity at impact. The pelvis backward tilt torques and upward joint forces at both hip joints collectively contribute to the generation of the racket vertical velocity, and the mechanism for acquiring the vertical velocity may vary among players.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to assess the contributions of racket arm joint rotations to the racket tip velocity at ball impact in table tennis topspin backhands against topspin and backspin using the method of Sprigings et al. (1994). Two cine cameras were used to determine three-dimensional motions of the racket arm and racket, and the contributions of the rotations for 11 male advanced table tennis players. The racket upward velocity at impact was significantly higher in the backhand against backspin than against topspin, while the forward velocity was not significantly different between the two types of backhands. The negative contribution of elbow extension to the upward velocity was significantly less against backspin than against topspin. The contribution of wrist dorsiflexion to the upward velocity was significantly greater against backspin than against topspin. The magnitudes of the angular velocities of elbow extension and wrist dorsiflexion at impact were both similar between the two types of backhands. Our results suggest that the differences in contributions of elbow extension and wrist dorsiflexion to the upward velocity were associated with the difference in upper limb configuration rather than in magnitudes of their angular velocities.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of the racket mass and the rate of strokes on the kinematics and kinetics of the trunk and the racket arm in the table tennis topspin backhand. Eight male Division I collegiate table tennis players hit topspin backhands against topspin balls projected at 75 balls · min?1 and 35 balls · min?1 using three rackets varying in mass of 153.5, 176 and 201.5 g. A motion capture system was used to obtain trunk and racket arm motion data. The joint torques of the racket arm were determined using inverse dynamics. The racket mass did not significantly affect all the trunk and racket arm kinematics and kinetics examined except for the wrist dorsiflexion torque, which was significantly larger for the large mass racket than for the small mass racket. The racket speed at impact was significantly lower for the high ball frequency than for the low ball frequency. This was probably because pelvis and upper trunk axial rotations tended to be more restricted for the high ball frequency. The result highlights one of the advantages of playing close to the table and making the rally speed fast.  相似文献   

横拍打法是男子乒坛的主流打法,在乒乓球发展中起着重要地位。以全台反手为主的张继科和以强大正手为主的马龙是优秀的男子乒乓球横拍打法代表。在第52届世乒赛团体比赛中,张继科输给了同为横拍打法的欧洲选手奥恰洛夫,而马龙战胜了奥恰洛夫。通过对这两场比赛的技战术特点进行系统分析与研究,总结张继科和马龙技战术特点和存在的不足,并给出建议,为横拍运动员的培养训练和提高横拍打法的技战术水平提供参考。  相似文献   


This study was undertaken to establish theoretical bases for the experimental results reported by Baker and Putnam (1979), and Walanabe, Ikegami and Miyashita (1979), concerning grip firmness on a tennis racket and its effect on the ratio of post- to pre-impact ball velocity. The model predicted that, for central impacts, there was no change in the ball velocity ratio when a regular tennis racket was tightly clamped at the grip or allowed to freely stand on its butt. To validate the model further, alterations were made to two parameters of the racket—a tennis racket was modified to increase the stiffness, and a racketball racket was used to simulate a shortened tennis racket. Multiple exposure photographs were taken of balls striking the center of the rackets under the two extremes of grip firmness. Measurements were taken from enlargements of these photographs in order to calculate the horizontal component of post- to pre-impact ball velocity. It was found that shortening the length and greatly increasing the stiffness was required before the effect of grip firmness was noticeable.  相似文献   

以形式逻辑的分类规则及乒乓球项目的本质属性为依据,对中国现行乒乓球教材的技术分类体系进行研究,发现存在外延不相称、子项重叠、划分标准不统一等问题。针对现行分类体系存在的问题,以"握拍"、"胶皮性能"、"生理结构"、"击球时间"等为各级划分标准,构建了"横拍与直拍"、"反胶、正胶、生胶、长胶"、"正手与反手"、"发球与回球"等各级技术分类体系,形成了乒乓球技术分类的新体系。  相似文献   

本文运用ARIEL/APAS三维图像解析系统对优秀乒乓球运动员反手台内侧拧技术动作进行了三维立体拍摄和解析,对乒乓球反手台内侧拧技术动作进行系统的运动学分析,揭示了反手台内侧拧技术的运动学特征与规律,为台内反手侧拧动作技术教学、训练、评价、诊断提供理论参考。  相似文献   

The ability to generate a high racket speed and a large amount of racket kinetic energy on impact is important for table tennis players. The purpose of this study was to understand how mechanical energy is generated and transferred in the racket arm during table tennis backhands. Ten male advanced right-handed table tennis players hit topspin backhands against pre-impact topspin and backspin balls. The joint kinetics at the shoulder, elbow and wrist of the racket arm was determined using inverse dynamics. A majority of the mechanical energy of the racket arm acquired during forward swing (65 and 77% against topspin and backspin, respectively) was due to energy transfer from the trunk. Energy transfer by the shoulder joint force in the vertical direction was the largest contributor to the mechanical energy of the racket arm against both spins and was greater against backspin than against topspin (34 and 28%, respectively). The shoulder joint force directed to the right, which peaked just before impact, transferred additional energy to the racket. Our results suggest that the upward thrust of the shoulder and the late timing of the axial rotation of the upper trunk are important for an effective topspin backhand.  相似文献   

采用文献资料等方法,对世界优秀男子乒乓球运动员特长技术进行研究,旨在提升我国乒乓球项目特长技术创新与发展。结果表明:世界优秀男子乒乓球运动员特长技术主要有8项,分别为,瓦尔德内尔横拍直握式发球技术和晃接技术、科贝尔反手侧拧技术、金泽洙步法技术、蒋澎龙加力推挡技术、格林卡反手横向拉球技术、马琳加转摆短技术和正手前冲弧圈球技术、朱世赫削中反攻技术、王皓直板横打技术。  相似文献   

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