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步行能增强人的心血管机能,改善血液循环。坚持步行锻炼,有益于防治肥胖病。特别在空气清新的户外散步,能改善人体神经功能,使大脑放松、精神愉快、陶冶情操、有助于消除疲劳、得到积极性休息,可提高工作效率。  相似文献   

周凤鸣 《精武》2012,(15):15-16
肥胖症被世界卫生组织认为是21世纪威胁人类健康的最严重疾病之至,与艾滋病、吸毒和酒冉被并列为世界四大区学社会问题,可引发冠心病、血脂异常、高血压、缺血性脑丰中、糖尿病、脑血拴、乳腺癌、前列腺癌、直肠癌、詹眠呼吸暂停综合征、腰腿关节疼痛、痛风及骨质疏松等多种疾病的发病率和死亡丰的增加,除此之外,肥胖病还能引起人们行动不便、活动困难、形体改变、交往效率下降、精神负扫加重等。因此,对肥胖的研究成为医药保健、体育卫生领域学者关注的重点课题。  相似文献   

【正】步行能增强人的心血管机能,改善血液循环。坚持步行锻炼,有益于防治肥胖病。特别在空气清新的户外散步,能改善人体神经功能,使大脑放松、精神愉快、陶冶情操、有助于消除疲劳、得到积极性休息,可提高工作效率。  相似文献   

随着人民生活水平的日益提高,很多人只注意身体营养的摄取,忽视科学锻炼身体,各种肥胖病、高血脂、高血压、脂肪肝的人也越来越多,很多青少年儿童由于家长的溺爱或偏食,也不同程度的患上此类疾病。这些问题是隐匿型冠心病存在的最大隐患。但是很多人并不重视这些健康问题。  相似文献   

运用文献资料、访谈、调查等方法研究女性发胖原因、易发胖时期,以及有效控制发胖的方法和应对措施,试图使女性朋友对发胖有一个正确、全面的认识,并能及时地采取有效措施控制体重,减少肥胖病的发生,保持身心健康。  相似文献   

吃出健康,延长寿命,是现代饮食文化赋于一日三餐的新内涵。如何达此目标呢?以下新概念可助你如愿。 算一算每天摄入的卡路里 肥胖就是病,这是世界卫生组织最新提出的忠告。如何防治肥胖病呢?日本著名营养师牧野直子呼吁人们算一算一日三餐所摄人的热量是否超标,就是有效的一招。  相似文献   

G804.5 20010041儿童单纯性肥胖的遗传学和运动性治疗研究进展=Advance of genetics and exercise treatmentresearch for simple obesity in children[刊,中,A]/何子红,马力宏//天津体育学院学报.-2000.-15(3).-25-28表2参28(SML)肥胖病//儿童//遗传学//基因型//治疗//方法  相似文献   

日本出现了一种独特的医院——“游泳医院”。利用游泳来医治某些疾病。 一所大学开办的“游泳医院”使用25米,长7条泳道的温水游泳池,专门收治患有肾病、糖尿病、肥胖病、气喘、过敏症及其它内分泌系统疾病的青少年,帮助他们锻炼身体,治疗疾病。该医院的教练称,游泳是一项全身运动,正因为水中有  相似文献   

G804.5 20032565青少年肥胖发生的预防措施=Measures to avoidadolescent's obesity[刊,中,B]/孙璞(北京师范大学体育与运动学院)//沈阳体育学院学报.-2003(1).-92-93参3(SJ)青少年//肥胖病//预防 近些年大中城市青少年的肥胖比例在逐年增加,它已经成为影响青少年身心健康的主要问题之一,引起了社会各界的广泛关注。通过对肥胖青少年的饮食、运动、心理卫生等现状进行深入调查和  相似文献   

一、有氧跑的性质 有氧跑是耐久性运动,是一种强度中等、时间较长的运动,能量来源是通过有氧代谢形式提供。有氧跑可以明显提高心肺功能。人们在跑步时,全身所有组织器官都参加活动,特别是呼吸、血液循环、肌肉系统。能改善全身的血液循环、脂质代谢,调整大脑皮层兴奋的抑制过程,增强新陈代谢、提高抗病能力。同时,对骨骼关节病、肥胖病、神经衰弱病,都起到预防和治疗作用。  相似文献   

近年来儿童单纯性肥胖越来越多,其身心健康问题日趋严重,成为社会广泛关注的儿童健康问题。目前,主要通过行为矫正、合理饮食和适量运动来控制儿童单纯性肥胖。主要从儿童单纯性肥胖的流行现状、诊断方法、对儿童健康的危害及防治措施等方面进行综述。  相似文献   

体脂含量与体脂率测量与评价方法的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
体脂率指人体脂肪含量所占人体重量的百分数,是用于评价人体肥胖程度的一个最重要的指标,其高低与人体健康程度密切相关.随着人类社会的进步,科学技术的发展,人们的生活条件逐步改善,肥胖的人数在逐年增加.同时,研究体脂率的手段越来越多,评价方法也层出不穷:测量方法由简单的身体形态法发展到了较为精确的DEXA、空气置换法等,但由于这些方法都没有统一的标准,因此不同的测量方法都有着自己的一套评价体系.不同测量手段之间究竟有什么样的不同,以及在不同的条件下应该使用何种仪器对人体进行脂肪含量的测量,已经成为各国学者普遍关注的问题.  相似文献   

目的:通过整群随机抽样、问卷调查等研究方法,以芜湖市619名肥胖小学生为研究对象,分析城市肥胖儿生成的原因.发现儿童肥胖症成因中,饮食结构影响列首位;其余依次为学习压力过重,无暇锻炼身体;因居住条件限制,活动不足而发胖;家庭遗传倾向.同时,为克服小学生肥胖问题提出了一些干预措施.  相似文献   

我国超重肥胖人口已超3亿,肥胖会导致心理和生理的一系列病变,不利于社会发展。以Web of ScienceTM核心合集数据库收录的关于接纳与承诺疗法应用于肥胖管理中的113篇英文文献为研究对象,进行文献计量和内容分析。发现接纳与承诺疗法应用于肥胖管理的相关文献累计发文量呈上升趋势;研究者主要对其机制、减脂效能、体重维持、肥胖污名等肥胖管理相关问题进行了梳理。接纳与承诺疗法对肥胖者管理肥胖具有意义,其效益更偏向于解决由肥胖而引起的心理问题,从而促进积极的身体活动与饮食控制。  相似文献   

The role of schools and physical education in promoting health, producing a ‘healthy nation’ and in tackling obesity has been increasingly recognised in recent years. In England this is evidenced by various policies, strategies and responses from government that have highlighted schools to be instrumental in addressing health broadly and obesity specifically. In addition, individual schools and teachers at the local level appear to be responding to the obesity issue in varied and different ways. However, we and other researchers feel that the discourse surrounding obesity and some of the reports, messages, policies and measures being taken to tackle it are misleading, misguided and could do more harm than good. At the same time, as physical educators committed to the health and development of young people, we feel unable to ignore the issue and compelled to act. We contend that ‘every child of every size matters’ and can benefit from regular engagement in physical education and physical activity and furthermore that, as a profession, we have a responsibility to provide all young people, of all sizes, with meaningful, relevant and positive physical education and physical activity experiences. Given this, we consider what role physical education can and should realistically, sensibly and safely play in addressing childhood overweight and obesity. Firstly, some of the key ‘facts’, issues and debates concerning obesity are explored and the way in which the issue appears to be being addressed in many schools is critiqued. We then briefly summarise some of the formal guidance and recommendations available to schools on obesity, before concluding with some practical recommendations to support physical education teachers in effectively engaging all children in physical activity both within and beyond physical education.  相似文献   

中国成人肥胖的发展轨迹可能与美国和欧盟的非常相似——肥胖率迅速上升,研究发现,在过去的20年中,中国男性的肥胖率(BMI≥28)增加了近4倍,从3%增加到11%,女性肥胖率(BMI≥28)也已翻倍,从5%增加到10%:男性腹部肥胖(腰围≥90cm)已由8%增加到28%,女性腹部肥胖(腰围≥80cm)也由28%增加到46%,、肥胖会导致医药费的增加、生产力的损失及受教育方面的损失、、文章认为,导致肥胖增加的群体的能量不平衡都根源于饮食和体力活动两个方面,并提出了有效的肥胖干预计划.  相似文献   

In this review, we examine the original obesity paradox phenomenon (i.e. in cardiovascular disease populations, obese patients survive better), as well as three other related paradoxes (pre-obesity, "fat but fit" theory, and "healthy" obesity). An obesity paradox has been reported in a range of cardiovascular and non-cardiovascular conditions. Pre-obesity (defined as a body mass index of 25.0-29.9 kg · m?2) presents another paradox. Whereas "overweight" implies increased risk, it is in fact associated with decreased mortality risk compared with normal weight. Another paradox concerns the observation than when fitness is taken into account, the mortality risk associated with obesity is offset. The final paradox under consideration is the presence of a sizeable subset of obese individuals who are otherwise healthy. Consequently, a large segment of the overweight and obese population is not at increased risk for premature death. It appears therefore that low cardiorespiratory fitness and inactivity are a greater health threat than obesity, suggesting that more emphasis should be placed on increasing leisure time physical activity and cardiorespiratory fitness as the main strategy for reducing mortality risk in the broad population of overweight and obese adults.  相似文献   

李米环 《湖北体育科技》2012,31(5):559-561,506
了解西安市中老年女性居民肥胖的现状及与膳食营养的能量摄入水平的关系,为肥胖的早期干预提供科学依据。按照多阶段随机抽样法,从西安市5城区的10个社区1 363名40-70岁女性居民进行调查,内容包括膳食调查和体格检查。经L0gistic多因素分析显示:经常饮酒和进食高热量膳食的不良生活方式是肥胖发生的危险因素,而学历高和高体力活动水平是肥胖发生的保护因素。在控制其他混杂变量的相对影响后,随能量摄入水平增加,超重肥胖发生的危险性有增加的趋势,与低能量摄入相比,中能量摄入、高能量摄入和较高能量摄入者超重肥胖发生的危险性分别增加了17%、26%和42%。较高膳食营养的能量摄入水平与西安市中老年女性居民发生肥胖关系密切,应采取有效膳食营养干预措施,有效预防肥胖。  相似文献   


In this review, we examine the original obesity paradox phenomenon (i.e. in cardiovascular disease populations, obese patients survive better), as well as three other related paradoxes (pre-obesity, “fat but fit” theory, and “healthy” obesity). An obesity paradox has been reported in a range of cardiovascular and non-cardiovascular conditions. Pre-obesity (defined as a body mass index of 25.0–29.9 kg · m?2) presents another paradox. Whereas “overweight” implies increased risk, it is in fact associated with decreased mortality risk compared with normal weight. Another paradox concerns the observation than when fitness is taken into account, the mortality risk associated with obesity is offset. The final paradox under consideration is the presence of a sizeable subset of obese individuals who are otherwise healthy. Consequently, a large segment of the overweight and obese population is not at increased risk for premature death. It appears therefore that low cardiorespiratory fitness and inactivity are a greater health threat than obesity, suggesting that more emphasis should be placed on increasing leisure time physical activity and cardiorespiratory fitness as the main strategy for reducing mortality risk in the broad population of overweight and obese adults.  相似文献   

大学生隐形肥胖的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肥胖与隐形肥胖影响着大学生的体质与健康状况,为探究在校大学生肥胖及隐形肥胖情况,随机抽取在校大学生300人,男女各150人,采用inbody3.2生物电阻抗人体成分分析仪对他们进行身体成分测量,结果发现:大学男女生的身体质量指数(BMI)基本在正常及以下范围;大学男女生的身体成分差异悬殊,女生体脂百分比高;大学女生隐形肥胖严重,男生隐形肥胖现象不明显。  相似文献   

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