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测定了十一名游泳运动员肩带肌的细丝电极肌电图,五名受试测定了陆上模拟运动的肌电图。七名在水中测定,一人在陆地和水中都进行了测试。试验中,摄影分析与肌电测定同步进行,以确定在各种游姿的每一动作阶段中哪些肌肉在活动。共研究了八块肌肉:肱二头肌、肩胛下肌、背阔肌、胸大肌、冈上肌、冈下肌、前锯肌和三角肌。分析了三种游泳姿势:自由泳、蛙泳和蝶泳。自由泳和蝶泳通常与游泳运动员的碰撞综合症(impingement type syndrome)有密切关系。?? 试验表明,冈上肌、冈下肌、三角肌中群和前锯肌在游泳恢复期起主  相似文献   

在肩部的运动创伤中,运动员的肩袖损伤较多,尤其多发生在排球、体操、投掷等运动项目。由于肩关节反复超常范围的转动、摩擦、挤压,所以肩袖部肌腱的损伤为常见。此伤多表现病程长,治疗效果慢,并被认为是影响运动训练和提高运动成绩的主要运动创伤之一。肩袖损伤主要指肩袖肌腱的损伤,此伤又叫肩袖创伤肌腱炎、冈上肌肌腱炎、冈上肌症侯群,有时可合并滑囊损伤。肩袖是由冈上肌、冈下肌、小园肌、肩胛下肌四块肌肉环包着肩关节,止于肱骨大小  相似文献   

测定了十一名游泳运动员肩带肌的细丝电极肌电图,五名受试测定了陆上模拟运动的肌电图。七名在水中测定,一人在陆地和水中都进行了测试。试验中,摄影分析与肌电测定同步进行,以确定在各种游姿的每一动作阶段中哪些肌肉在活动。共研究了八块肌肉:肱二头肌、肩胛下肌、背阔肌、胸大肌、冈上肌、冈下肌、前锯肌和三角肌。分析了三种游泳姿势:自由泳、蛙泳和蝶泳。自由泳和蝶泳通常与游泳运动员的碰撞综合症(impingement type syndrome)有密切关系。试验表明,冈上肌、冈下肌、三角肌中群和前锯肌在游泳恢复期起主要作用。背阔肌和胸大肌在划水期起主要作用。肱二头肌在运动全程均参与活动。陆地游泳的肌电表明,前锯肌在各种游姿中活动接近最大肌力。从理论上讲,重复运动会产生疲劳,加强肩胛骨回旋训练可以减轻碰撞综合症。  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、逻辑分析法、专家访谈法等研究方法对肌源性肩痛的相关肌肉的解剖结构、诊断方法、临床症状等方面进行归纳总结分析。目的是为了了解肌源性肩痛相关肌肉的解剖结构及疼痛症状,为其合理地提供诊断方法,从而为准确地诊治肌源性肩痛提供指导意见。结果表明:导致肩痛的肌肉主要有冈上肌、三角肌、冈下肌、小圆肌、肩胛提肌、肩胛下肌、胸大肌、肱三头肌、背阔肌、大圆肌、喙肱肌、上后锯肌、前锯肌、肱二头肌、斜方肌等。这些肌肉部分起止点相同,且某些肌肉疼痛部位大致相同,但产生的肩痛症状不一。因此,在诊断时需全面评估,综合分析,以达到准确治疗的目的。  相似文献   

<正>肩关节损伤指因肩部各组织包括肩袖、韧带发生退行性改变,或因反复过度使用、创伤等原因造成的肩关节周围组织的损伤,表现为肩部疼痛。常见的肩关节损伤有肩峰下撞击症、肩袖损伤、冻结肩、肱二头肌长头腱损伤、肩关节不稳等。一、肩袖损伤肩袖由冈上肌、肩胛下肌、冈下肌和小圆肌四部分肌肉组成,肌腱止于肱骨大小结节及部分外侧颈部,组成联合腱(见图1)。在游泳运动员中,由于肌腱与肩峰反复撞击而退变变厚,与肩喙韧带间隙变窄,称  相似文献   

目的探讨传统中医综合治疗干预对偏瘫患者产生肩痛的有效康复方法。方法对1名确诊的脑卒中偏瘫后肩痛的患者进行6周综合治疗,采用上肢功能评分以及量角器测量患侧肩关节前屈、外展、内外旋和后伸5个维度的关节活动度。同时结合视觉模拟疼痛评分评价患者实验前、后疗效。结果 6周治疗后患者肩关节前屈、后伸、外旋和外展的关节活动度明显增加,内旋减少。上肢Fugl-Meyer运动评分明显提高。结论传统中医综合治疗对偏瘫肩痛是有积极意义的;偏瘫肩痛是由肩关节活动受限、痉挛收缩导致的损伤和神经受损或压迫等原因造成的;偏瘫肩痛的治疗越早越好。  相似文献   

一、引起肩袖损伤的原因与机理   肩关节是一个周围以软组织连结为主的多轴关节,由于骨连结的关节面大小相差甚多,关节囊松弛,韧带少而薄弱等特点决定了它是人体中最为灵活而不牢固的关节。肩关节的稳定性和运动在很大程度上取决于肩部的肌肉配布特点。由于肩部“内收肌与外展肌,内收肌和旋外肌”肌力的不匀称性,导致肩部许多肌肉在适合肩部大幅度、多方位复杂运动的同时,也极易出现损伤。   肩肌不仅要承受上肢的重量,而且在各种复杂运动中,肩部还要受到来自各个方面的力和力矩的冲击,这是肩部“周围组织”容易引起损伤的主要…  相似文献   

我国青少年女子垒球投手肩关节运动的检测分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
宋校能  徐辉 《体育科研》2009,30(1):78-80
通过应用超声波动力学测量仪和等速仪器分别对8名青少年女子垒球投手和8名普通中学生肩关节内、外旋活动范围、内外旋肌力进行测量,探讨青少年女子垒球投手肩关节旋转运动特征。发现垒球投手优势臂的外旋活动范围明显大于非优势臂;而其优势臂的内旋活动范围则显著小于非优势臂,优势臂的整个旋转活动范围也明显比非优势臂小;对照组的优势臂和非优势臂旋转活动范围差异无显著性,垒球投手肩关节存在。内、外旋肌力不平衡,实验组优势臂外旋/内旋峰力矩比值明显小于非优势臂,实验组优势臂内旋相对峰力矩明显大于非优势臂(p〈0.001),优势臂外旋峰力矩与非优势臂相比无明显差异(P〉0.05)。  相似文献   

标枪运动中的肩袖损伤   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
标枪运动 对肩部复合结构提出很高要求,在标枪运动员训练过程中,肩部的运动方式复 杂、负荷大,并多次重复同一个动作,因而,在标枪运动中容易导致肩部损伤,特别是肩袖损伤。 一、肩袖的结构及功能 肩袖肌群包括冈上肌、冈下肌、小圆肌和肩胛下肌(见图1)。组成肩袖机能组合的组织结构还包括肱二头肌长头肌腱、肩峰、肩峰喙  相似文献   

"拮抗肌离心峰力矩/原动肌向心峰力矩"常用于评价过肩运动项目运动员肩关节做旋转运动过程中拮抗肌离心力量与原动肌向心力量的均衡性,是近年来在国外运动医学文献中出现频度较高的一个专业术语。对肩关节做旋转等速测试时拮抗肌离心峰力矩与原动肌向心峰力矩比值的等速测试方法及其在评定肩关节旋转肌群肌力平衡中的应用进行综述。研究发现,拮抗肌离心峰力矩与原动肌向心峰力矩的比值是对肩关节进行旋转(外旋或内旋)等速测试过程中定量地诊断拮抗肌离心肌力与原动肌向心肌力的均衡性,比外旋肌群与内旋肌群向心峰力矩的比率能更客观地反映肩关节在做旋转运动过程中原动肌与拮抗肌的不同生理收缩状态以及不同收缩形式下肌力的均衡性;虽然国外研究者普遍认为"拮抗肌离心峰力矩/原动肌向心峰力矩"应大于1,但关于该比值的理想区间还没有取得一致的观点。  相似文献   


The aim of the present study was to investigate the patterns of shoulder muscle activation and joint torques during maximal effort eccentric contractions with shoulder extension, abduction, and diagonal movements on the isokinetic device. Participants in this investigation were nine men and four women with no history of shoulder injury or disorders. They all participated in overhead sports at least three days a week, and volunteered to participate in this study for shoulder isokinetic muscle strength testing. They performed eccentric muscle action with shoulder flexion, abduction, and diagonal movements at velocities of 60 rad·s?1 and 180 rad· s?1, which was followed alternately by passive shoulder flexion, abduction and diagonal movement at a velocity of 30 rad· s?1, and total range of motion was standardised to 90°. Electromyography (EMG) and torque values were calculated to every 10°, except for the start and end 5° during each task. During each test, the isokinetic force output and muscle activation were synchronised. EMG data were normalised by percentage of maximum voluntary isometric contraction (%MVIC). EMG signals were recorded by surface EMG from the anterior deltoid (AD), middle deltoid (MD), posterior deltoid (PD), upper trapezius (UT), middle trapezius (MT), and biceps brachii (BB) muscles during this test. All of the muscle patterns were significantly decreased at the last compared with the initial part during eccentric shoulder flexion movement, except for the BB muscle (P < 0.05). AD and BB muscles played a similar role when peak torque was generated under load during eccentric muscle action with varying shoulder movements. PD and UT muscle activities were significantly lower than the other muscle activities during eccentric contraction with shoulder flexion and abduction movements, and the PD and UT muscles played a significant role in conjunction with MD and MT muscles in varying degrees during eccentric contraction with shoulder diagonal movements at 180 rad·s?1 (P < 0.05). Our study demonstrated that MT muscle activity was greatly influenced when torque values showed a peak moment under load during maximum effort, eccentric contraction with shoulder abduction and diagonal movements. However, the MD, PD, UT, and MT muscle activities had no great influence when peak torque was generated under load during eccentric muscle action with shoulder diagonal movement at high velocity. The present study suggested that varying eccentric muscle activity patterns may be needed to investigate proper training and functional contributions of upper extremity muscles to stabilisation of the shoulder joint when peak torque was generated under load.  相似文献   

目的:研究我国优秀男子拳击运动员后手直拳出拳击打环节相关肌群的sEMG特征及其相应的运动学变化,为拳击专项力量训练提供参考.方法:通过表面肌电和三维红外高速摄像系统同步测试方法,采集6名高水平男子拳击运动员后手直拳出拳击打环节表面肌电和运动学的相关数据.结果:1)出拳击打环节,肌肉活动顺序为:腓肠肌→股二头肌→三角肌前束→肱三头肌→肱二头肌长头→肱桡肌.2)击打过程中三角肌前束、肱二头肌和肱三头肌肉在相应时间位置上出现明显的预激活和共收缩现象.3)肌肉做功百分比排序为:三角肌前束>肱三头肌>股二头肌>腓肠肌>肱桡肌>肱二头肌长头,aEMG计算结果与肌肉做功百分比保持相一致的趋势.4)肩关节、上臂环节质心和拳心速度的峰值在击打过程中呈现次序性.结论:拳击后直拳出拳击打环节所选肌肉活动呈现从下肢向上肢激活的次序性.击打过程中三角肌前束、肱二头肌和肱三头肌肉在相应时间位置上出现的预激活和共收缩现象可能是反映运动员技术水平和特点的指标.在肌肉做功百分比和aEMG方面,三角肌前束、肱三头肌和股二头肌在动作过程中表现出相对重要的地位.上肢相关肌群的活动次序与肩关节、上臂环节质心和拳心速度变化的时序性有着合理的解剖学相关,是产生上肢开放链鞭打动作的根本原因.  相似文献   

研究目的:对长拳、太极拳冲拳动作进行肌电实验,分析长拳、太极拳完成冲拳动作时所调动的肌肉及其iemg值,得出在研究对象本身无差异情况下,不同拳术冲拳的发力对肌肉的调动情况。研究方法:在肌电实验中,以固定个体为研究对象,通过运用美国noraxon生产的t6无线导遥测肌电对练习长拳、太极拳冲拳时的上下肢肌肉表面肌电特征进行分析。研究结果:长拳冲拳过程中,肌肉活动顺序为腹直肌、三角肌前束、股内侧肌、股直肌、腹外斜肌、股外侧肌、股四头肌、肱三头肌、肱桡肌、竖脊肌;积分肌电显示在长拳冲拳阶段三角肌前束、肱桡肌的积分肌电最高;在整个长拳冲拳过程中,腹外斜肌的肌肉贡献率最大。太极拳冲拳过程中,肌肉活动顺序为肱桡肌、腹外斜肌、股内侧肌、竖脊肌、三角肌前束、腹直肌、股外侧肌、肱三头肌、腹直肌、股四头肌;积分肌电显示在太极拳冲拳阶段肱桡肌、股内侧肌的积分肌电最高;在整个太极拳冲拳过程中,腹内斜肌的机头贡献率最大。研究结论:长拳冲拳过程中,受试者较好完成技术动作,腹直肌首先放电,肌肉力量的发放大部分来源于肱桡肌、三角肌前束和肱三头肌,集中于上肢腰部和手臂。太极拳冲拳过程中,受试者未能掌握技术动作,肌肉发力顺序不符合太极拳冲拳技术要求。  相似文献   


A modelling approach was used in the present study to investigate the role of the hip muscles during the come-out of forward and inward multiple somersaulting dives in a pike position. A planar two-segment model was used to simulate the somersault and come-out of three commonly performed dives from a 3-m springboard: forward two-and-one-half somersault pike dive (105B), forward three-and-one-half somersault pike dive (107B), and inward two-and-one-half somersault pike dive (405B). Three simulations were run for each dive: (1) hip angle was constrained to be constant, (2) hip torque was removed after 0.1 s, and (3) hip angle was constrained to a typical come-out time history used by elite divers. Simulation results indicated that hip flexion torque was required both to maintain a rigid pike position during somersault (range = 205.5–282.3 Nm) and to control the hip extension movement during the come-out (peak torque range = 355.8–548.1 Nm) in forward and inward multiple somersaulting dives. Coaches and divers should be aware that dry-land exercise drills producing hip extension movement by concentric actions of the hip extensor muscles do not replicate the neuromuscular control during the come-out of fast rotating dives.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to investigate the effect of different kicking modality, i.e., erratic-dynamic target (EDT) versus static target (ST) on the performance of the roundhouse kick in two groups of taekwondo athletes of different skill level. Three-dimensional analysis and surface electromyography (SEMG) analysis were performed on 12 (Group A: six sub-elite, Group B: six elite) athletes to investigate muscle co-activation pattern under two conditions, i.e., EDT versus ST. In the results, the muscle recruitment ratio of the agonistic muscles was higher for Group A, whereas Group B had higher recruitment ratio for antagonist muscles. Overall, the co-activation index (CI) of hip joints appeared higher in the extensors for Group A, whereas higher CI was observed in flexor muscles for Group B with comparatively higher CI during EDT condition than ST condition. Higher value of CI was observed in flexor muscles of the knee joints among Group A during EDT conditions, in contrast, higher CI in the extensor muscles was observed among Group B during ST conditions. In conclusion, the study confirmed that erratic-dynamic movements of target could change the movement coordination pattern to maintain the joint stability of participants.  相似文献   

刘新宇  张鹏 《体育科研》2017,(1):85-88,94
游泳肩是游泳项目中发生率最高的损伤。主要表现为肩关节活动度降低、肩关节前侧或前外侧压痛、肩关节不稳等。游泳技术动作异常、训练量大、训练工具的不当使用、肩关节松弛、头前伸姿势等都是引发游泳肩的重要因素。目前研究发现游泳肩会表现出生物力学的改变,包括肩关节内外旋肌肉力量比值异常和肩关节肌肉活动模式异常等。开展功能性训练目前被普遍认为是游泳肩康复的关键部分。本文从游泳肩的定义、病因、症状和诊断以及康复等方面对游泳肩的研究现状进行综述,为游泳肩的预防和治疗提供理论基础。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、专家访谈法、测试法、数理统计法,探讨和研究了舞龙运动员等速运动状态下肩关节屈伸肌群的力学特征以及肌力的相互关系。结果表明:舞龙运动员肩关节屈伸肌的峰值力矩和相对峰力矩随着测试角速度的增加而下降;且左侧肩关节屈伸肌的峰值力矩和相对峰力矩均大于另一侧;肩关节屈伸肌峰力矩和相对峰力矩值均表现为伸肌群明显大于屈肌群;肩关节伸肌的峰力矩均大于屈肌的峰力矩;伸肌群的平均功率也明显大于屈肌群的平均功率。  相似文献   

To this day, how shoulder muscles react to a strong fatigue stimulus during dynamic shoulder rotations remains unknown. The aims of this study were to assess the effect of repeated maximal internal-external isokinetic shoulder rotations on shoulder strength and muscle activity. Twenty-four individuals completed a 50-repetition fatiguing isokinetic protocol while electromyography was recorded on eleven muscles of the shoulder girdle. Time-frequency transformation and an ANOVA model using statistical parametric mapping methods were used to analyze shifts in instantaneous median frequency (MDF) between each 10-repetition Blocks. Peak torques decreased in both internal and external rotation (P < 0.01) by 24.8% on average which indicated the presence of fatigue. Significant decrease in MDF (P < 0.01) was observed for pectoralis, middle deltoid, upper, middle and lower trapezius, infraspinatus and subscapularis muscles. The observed fatigue to the periscapular and rotator cuff muscles suggests that shoulder stability could be compromised during repeated shoulder rotations, which could underlie the increased risk of scapular dyskinesis and shoulder impingement during fatiguing tasks. The present study provides a deeper understanding on the manifestations of fatigue within muscles of the shoulder girdle and the results could be applied toward improvements in athlete shoulder injury prevention and rehabilitation programs.  相似文献   

The abbreviated tennis serve is a relatively novel modification of the traditional serve that has been reported to provide performance advantages over the traditional technique. However, there are limited objective data regarding the benefits and biomechanics of the abbreviated serve; no data exist that describe shoulder muscle activations during the abbreviated serve. The purpose of this study was to compare muscle activations between the traditional and abbreviated serves. Electromyographic data were collected for the anterior and posterior deltoid, infraspinatus, middle trapezius, latissimus dorsi, serratus anterior, and pectoralis major. When muscle activations were compared during each serve phase, no significant differences were observed between the traditional and abbreviated tennis serve techniques, indicating that the traditional and abbreviated serves are similar regarding shoulder muscle activations. These results could have implications for performance of and injury related to the abbreviated versus traditional serve technique. Although the abbreviated serve has anecdotally been described as advantageous, the present data do not indicate any significant advantages or disadvantages in performing the abbreviated serve technique versus the traditional serve.  相似文献   

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