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The Chinese martial arts (Kung Fu) have existed for centuries and are generally accepted as being beneficial for health without much empirical data. The aim of this systematic review was to assess the health effects of “hard” Kung Fu styles by performing electronic and manual searches of the literature. The aspects of health and the Kung Fu style examined varied between most studies; in some cases, the martial art group consisted of practitioners of other martial art styles also. Of 2103 references identified, only nine papers were eligible and reviewed. All were observational studies, observing a range of health aspects possibly related to Kung Fu training or performance. Our findings suggest that there is no evidence that Kung Fu practice is associated with the prevention or treatment of any health condition. However, as a moderate- to high-intensity form of aerobic exercise, it may confer benefits similar to those attributed to other aerobic training modalities. However, this hypothesis remains to be tested in clinical trials. Physiological benefits (e.g., aerobic capacity and bone density) may be associated with long-term Kung Fu practice. Future research in this area should adopt experimental designs, clearly identifying eligibility criteria, testing and training protocols, and include health-related outcomes and documentation of adverse events, to advance knowledge in this field.  相似文献   

文章在查阅文献资料的基础上,首先认为:外显的"形"是中国武术内在的"神"所寄托的依据,以形传神;其次,内化的"神"是中国武术外在的"形"所体现的灵魂,神为形之用;最后提出,"内外合一"的"形神兼备"是中国武术整体体现的关键,"形者,生之具","神者,形之本。"唯有如此,才是中国武术技术由内到外、由表及里完整呈现的根本。  相似文献   

学前期是早期教育和心理发展的关键时期,此时进行武术练习,对促进儿童身心健康发展,培养跨世纪人才具有重要意义。文章通过查阅资料、访问、观察等方法发现:学前儿童进行武术练习,不但能提高他们的身体素质,塑造学前儿童健康的体魄,而且能培养良好的性格、心理素质和高尚的道德情操,对增进学前儿童身心全面发展有着重要的作用。  相似文献   

Tai Ji Quan, developed as a martial art, has traditionally served multiple purposes, including self-defense, competition/performance, and health promotion. With respect to health, the benefits historically and anecdotally associated with Tai Ji Quan are now being supported by scientific and clinical research, with mounting evidence indicating its potential value in preventing and managing various diseases and improving well-being and quality of life in middle-aged and older adults. The research findings produced to date have both public health significance and clinical relevance. However, because of its roots in the martial arts, transforming traditional Tai Ji Quan movements and training approaches into contemporary therapeutic programs and functional applications is needed to maximize its ultimate utility. This paper addresses this issue by introducing Tai Ji Quan: Moving for Better Balance, a functional therapy that involves the use of Tai Ji Quan principles and Yang-style-based movements to form an innovative, contemporary therapeutic approach that integrates motor, sensory, and cognitive components to improve postural control, gait, and mobility for older adults and those who have neurodegenerative movement impairments. It provides a synergy of traditional and contemporary Tai Ji Quan practice with the ultimate goal of improving balance and gait, enhancing performance of daily functional tasks, and reducing incidence of falls among older adults.  相似文献   

究其实质,颜元学说之所以在中国思想史上具有扭转乾坤的显赫地位,就在于一种“以身为本”思想决定了不是心的冥思静想而是身的行动实践成为其为学的终极宗旨,这不仅意味着一种“体育优先”的思想前所未有地得以确立,而且也是对体育所尚的“武勇”之主旨的积极推举。因此,颜元思想既代表了对以宋明理学为代表的后儒“重文轻武”积弊入室操戈的大力抨击,又以其对周孔原儒的“文武相济”古老传统的回归,而对今天历史新时期传统文化再建具有重要的启示意义。它表明了,正如当年章太炎首倡“儒侠”、梁启超发掘“中国武士精神”以期重振我们民族雄风那样,一种“援武于儒”主张的提出不失为今天新儒学构建、文化自强自信精神构建的应有之义。  相似文献   

Health benefits of Kung Fu: a systematic review   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The Chinese martial arts (Kung Fu) have existed for centuries and are generally accepted as being beneficial for health without much empirical data. The aim of this systematic review was to assess the health effects of "hard" Kung Fu styles by performing electronic and manual searches of the literature. The aspects of health and the Kung Fu style examined varied between most studies; in some cases, the martial art group consisted of practitioners of other martial art styles also. Of 2103 references identified, only nine papers were eligible and reviewed. All were observational studies, observing a range of health aspects possibly related to Kung Fu training or performance. Our findings suggest that there is no evidence that Kung Fu practice is associated with the prevention or treatment of any health condition. However, as a moderate- to high-intensity form of aerobic exercise, it may confer benefits similar to those attributed to other aerobic training modalities. However, this hypothesis remains to be tested in clinical trials. Physiological benefits (e.g., aerobic capacity and bone density) may be associated with long-term Kung Fu practice. Future research in this area should adopt experimental designs, clearly identifying eligibility criteria, testing and training protocols, and include health-related outcomes and documentation of adverse events, to advance knowledge in this field.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the effects of Chinese martial arts practice on postural reaction control after perturbation. Participants standing in Romberg tandem posture were subjected to an unexpected lateral platform translation with the eyes open or closed at two translation amplitudes. The peak displacement of the centre of pressure and of the centre of mass, and the onset latency of muscular activity (tibialis anterior, gastrocnemius, lumbodorsal muscular group, and rectus abdominis), were evaluated for martial arts practitioners and for sport and non-sport participants. Compared with the sport and non-sport participants, the martial arts group showed lower maximal centre of pressure and centre of mass peak displacements in both the lateral and anterior - posterior directions, but no difference was found in the onset of muscular responses. We conclude that martial arts practice influences postural reaction control during a fixed-support strategy in a tandem task. The martial arts group used the ankle joint more frequently than the sport and non-sport participants, especially in the eyes-closed conditions. Our results suggest that the better balance recovery in the martial arts group is a consequence of better control of biomechanical properties of the lower limbs (e.g. through muscular response by co-contraction), not a change in the neuromuscular temporal pattern.  相似文献   

高龙 《体育科技》2014,(1):100-101
传统武术历史悠久,源远流长,几乎涵盖了中国传统文化的各种成分和要素,其健身与攻防效果是任何一项体育项目不可与之相提并论的。但随着社会的不断进步,人们的意识形态也发生了不同程度的改变,人们可以选择锻炼的项目愈来愈多,传统武术选择概率不高。当前人们对传统武术的认知态度,说明了我国传统武术文化发展的具体情况,探究注重传统武术锻炼对提高身体素质、预防疾病以及继承中华民族文化上具有的不可估量的促进作用。  相似文献   

文章采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、访谈法等研究方法,通过对沧州市回族武术传承人、回族资深老拳师及其学徒的访问与调查,得出了外来文化冲击;传播者经济状况落后、保守意识浓重;学校回族武术教育开展状况相对落后;回族武术套路周期长,难度大;受众择师受到民族限制等影响沧州市回族武术传播的若干问题,并对此提出相应的建议。  相似文献   

田治国  黄如珍  刁玮 《精武》2012,(17):69-70
中小学武术教育以健康引领有其重要性和紧迫性。武术的健身属性和学校的健康教育价值取向证明了武术教育健康引领的重要性;中小学武术教育的诸多方面没有体现健康引领证明了实施它的紧迫性。为了素质教育的深入,中小学武术教育应当从课程改革及教材改革等方面继续努力,奠定学生的身心健康基础。  相似文献   

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