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从体育文化比较学着手,采用文献法、逻辑学等方法,对中西休闲观及休闲体育进行比较。比较研究发现,中西方由对休闲的观念、价值、意义等方面不同,因此在休闲体育内容、形式等也有差别。  相似文献   

运用文献资料法等研究近十年来近代体育研究的主要内容和方法 :主要内容有体育史上的重大事件和活动、体育教育、体育思想、特殊教育和体育新闻等;主要的研究方法有区域史、比较研究、社会学以及新闻史的研究方法等。近年来近代体育研究在比较研究、社会史研究以及研究视角中存在横向比较多、纵向比较少,社会史研究不到位等方面的局限性,建议拓展近代体育研究的领域、方法和路径。  相似文献   

采用文献资料研究、数理统计及比较分析等方法,依据竞技体育比较优势理论,在找出中、美近10年奥运会优势、潜优势项目的基础上,从等级、变化、占有、贡献、性别、分布、分类等方面对中、美竞技项目进行了较为全面的比较,分析中国存在的差距。  相似文献   

苏南小城镇全民健身工程(点)投资社会效益探析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
苏南小城镇全民健身工程(点)投资社会效益总体来说比较好,表现为体育设施利用比较充分、体育服务开展的比较好、参加体育锻炼的人数比较多、体育健身器材配置比较合理有效等诸多方面。但是,由于种种原因,苏南小城镇全民健身工程(点)投资社会效益发挥的还不够理想,主管部门和相关单位应采取加大投资力度,加强管理,重视体育社会指导员建设,增强居民健身意识等措施提高苏南小城镇全民健身工程的投资社会效益。  相似文献   

采用文献、访谈和比较等研究方法,对中、美两国的游泳场馆建设、经费投入、培训考核等发展状况进行比较 研究,从中发现问题,以便为我国借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

通过应用比较优势和要素禀赋理论,对比较优势理论对冰雪旅游产业的影响因素进行了分析,从资源要素、产品、技术、资金等方面同国内部分省份及欧美发达国家进行了比较分析,指出了黑龙江省冰雪旅游产业发展中的比较优势和不足之处,最后从合理利用资源打造冰雪旅游产业集群优势、资金、技术、人力资本市场培育等方面提出了我国冰雪旅游产业发展的对策。  相似文献   

中国、美国竞技体操管理体制的比较研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过文献资料法、问卷调查法、数理统计法和比较研究等方法对中美竞技体操管理体制的具体情况进行比较分析,从竞技体操管理机构及其主要功能、经济保障、后备人才培养情况、体操运动员选拔与输送机制、赛制、与群众性竞技体操的结合、教练员选拔机制等方面进行比较分析和讨论,找出各自的优势和劣势,为我国竞技体操的持续健康协调发展提供有益的参考。  相似文献   

采用专家访谈、文献资料、数理统计以及比较研究等方法,对广东宏远篮球俱乐部的组织结构、内部管理、篮球市场的开发经营、后备力量的培养等方面进行综合比较和分析,旨在对我国职业篮球俱乐部的发展提供参考。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、录像观察法、数理统计法、比较分析法等研究方法,对中国优秀男子网球选手吴迪和世界优秀男子网球选手德约科维奇在接发球方式、落点、路线、得分率等方面进行比较研究,从中找出差距,旨在为提升国内男子网球选手接发球水平提供参考。  相似文献   

本文着重研究的是学校体育比较研究的范围,方法和结果的评估。认为:学校体育比较研究的内容应包括:学校体育的目标、组织管理、教学、课外体育活动四个基本部分。比较研究的模式可分为:同时代比较;跨社会制度、文化观念的比较;跨时代比较;跨经济发展水平比较等。由于研究的模式、范围不同,在结果的评估上就应有所侧重,并探讨形成结果的更深层因素。  相似文献   

NBA比赛规则的改变和内线球员位置的模糊化使得中锋呈现出新的发展趋势,高强度、高对抗、快速攻防转换以及更加注重拉开空间对中锋的策应能力和远距离投篮能力提出了更高的要求,促使内线球员向全能空间型中锋转型。研究发现,空间型中锋技术更为全面,进攻方式多样,拥有较高的三分球出手次数和高效稳定的三分球命中率,具备良好的组织和策应能力;在助攻、触球后的传导球以及触球得分上都优于传统中锋;空间型中锋攻防空间更为开阔,丰富了球队技战术选择因而使用率更高。借鉴NBA中锋的发展,CBA应侧重培养中锋的速度和灵活性,提高中锋的策应、助攻和三分球投射能力。  相似文献   

“艺”、“技”、“道”在我国悠久的历史文化中占有重要地位,在哲学、艺术和教育等领域发挥着极其重要的作用。竞技体操之艺、之技、之道,有着悠久的历史积淀与密切深刻的关联度,文章首先对技、艺、道的“源”和“流”作了系统的探索;之后,分别就竞技体操之艺、竞技体操之技、竞技体操之道,作了较为深刻的探讨。并讨论了竞技体操“艺-技-道”的传递与融合过程,旨在正确构建竞技体操的技术观、美学观和哲学观。  相似文献   

赵骞 《冰雪运动》2013,(4):56-59
微量元素是人体必需的营养元素,铁和锌与人体运动能力的关系十分密切。铁是血红蛋白、肌红蛋白、细胞色素以及一些呼吸氧化酶的主要成分,在机体组织呼吸过程发挥重要作用;锌是多种酶的组成成分或酶的激活剂,在组织呼吸以及蛋白质、脂肪、糖和核酸等的代谢中有重要作用,是人体内必须具有结构生理功能的营养素。机体内缺铁时,引起缺铁性贫血,导致运动能力、机体免疫系统功能下降;锌的缺乏导致运动损伤和疲劳的形成,影响机体雄激素的水平,从而对运动能力产生影响。铁与锌的摄入量不足、训练过程中出汗量大和运动训练强度大等是造成运动员铁和锌缺乏的原因,应该首先从平衡膳食方面加强铁、锌的补充,多吃红色瘦肉、鱼类、蛋、动物肝脏、牡蛎、谷子等粗粮,以及营养补剂的使用,达到微量元素铁与锌的合理补充。  相似文献   

Fears of an ‘obesity epidemic’ in New Zealand and elsewhere have led to a growing focus on children’s weight, diet and activities. The aim of this research project was to highlight children’s voices, stepping back from obesity interventions to explore how health and obesity discourses are taken up by young primary school children. Nine 6 and 7-year-olds took part in individual semi-structured interviews which involved play and craft activities to focus discussion. Discourse analysis was used to explore how children talked about bodies, health, fitness and fatness. Children primarily drew on a series of clear-cut dichotomies around good foods and bad foods, and being active, able and fit, as well as constructing health in relation to the body in two distinct ways: fat vs. thin, and big-and-strong vs. small-and-weak. These findings support previous research suggesting that children, from a young age, are taking up narrow corporeal constructions of health in relation to food and fitness ‘choices’, and additionally children assume that these constructions can be ‘read’ off the body. On the other hand, children were also often hesitant, and at times resisted or problematised these straight-forward constructions, occasionally drawing on alternate understandings, including notions of pleasure and practicality, moderation, and being happy and healthy. Future research could explore these ideas further, investigating how children and adults utilise alternate meanings to negotiate the complexity of bodies, health, fitness and fatness.  相似文献   

Sport is often described as a field containing competitive and hierarchy shaping activities. However, in Sweden and elsewhere, this field is also permeated by democratic principles where, for example, everybody has the right to participate in children’s and youth sports regardless of gender, ethnicity or physical ability. In Sweden, there are distinct objectives for gender equality, where women/girls and men/boys should ideally be treated and recognised equally. The aim of this paper is twofold: to examine how gender is enacted in the textbooks used in Swedish sports coaching and educational programmes and to identify whether any of the enactments reflect a hegemonic masculinity. The textbooks used in two of the most extensive courses arranged by the Swedish Sports Confederation, ‘The Platform’ [Plattformen] and ‘Basic Coach Education’ [Grundtränarutbildning] are in focus. The theoretical framework and methodological approach are inspired by research on sport, gender and the hegemonic masculinity thesis. In the process of analysis, the hegemonic perspective is central. During the analysis, four themes are identified as expressions of a hegemonic masculinity and, thus, as obstacles to gender equality. Firstly, the binary sex norm poses a real challenge for the implementation of gender equality because it helps to shape a hierarchy that privileges men and masculinities. Secondly and thirdly, the themes ‘puberty’ and ‘the coach’ appear to be important, in that they support and contest a gendered hierarchy. Finally, there are examples of men, like sport coaches, appearing as genderless, which is interpreted as a hegemonic acceptance of the category of men (as universal and genderless subjects). By critically illuminating these themes, the paper adds to the wider research field of sport, coaching and education programmes and the complexity of gender mainstreaming in sport.  相似文献   

试图利用文化记忆理论从构造语言原初性特征的隐喻入手,对古希腊符号象征物和文本痕迹展开历史回溯式研究,旨在通过追溯前科学的古典希腊竞技世界,重构古代竞技本源性的文化特征;并基于文化观念性和规范性的两个基本特征,对古希腊竞技文化的内涵指涉进行分类提炼。结果表明,竞技文化在表征自由、勇敢、平等、正义、智慧、节制、和平、友谊、和谐、人本主义等主导性价值观的同时,面临着正面文化价值和负面文化价值并存的局面,揭露和解析古典希腊竞技文化内涵指涉应全面认识和把握文明与暴力,平等与歧视,以神为本与以人为本,信仰与功利,个人主义和集体主义5对价值对立的范畴。  相似文献   

我国多数男生引体向上得"零"分,使上肢力量测评出现"地板效应"。采用量化研究和质性研究两种范式提高研究效度。量化研究对学生体质与健康调研数据和监测数据进行方差分析、多重比较和回归分析,结果表明:(1)每5~10年,男生的握力、体重、身高、BMI、引体向上均值差异显著;(2)年龄、握力、体重、身高、BMI分别显著预测引体向上成绩,体重和握力是影响我国男生引体向上成绩的主要影响因素。质性研究结果表明,引体向上"零"分主要有四个方面的原因:体重增长难挡,力量增长受限,个体认知偏差,社会支持薄弱。结论:我国男生引体向上"零"分的首要原因是体重增长较快,其次,主要肌群绝对力量和耐力增长不足,男生对引体向上的认知有偏差,学校、家长、社会支持较弱;借助政策控制体重、发展肌力、完善测评标准、促进男生积极练习引体向上十分重要。  相似文献   


Throughout the late nineteenth century, many women turned their talents to improving horse sports as authors, equipment inventors, clothing designers, and trainers. Although these were male-dominated domains, many women quickly realized that there was a demand for their expertise and innovation as men did not ride side-saddle nor understand it. Thus, women became writers of sporting manuals (non-fiction) and sporting novels (fiction), which aided other women in improving and understanding riding and hunting. They also made significant innovations in equipment construction, such as saddles and stirrups, and clothing design, in fashioning specialized sporting garments. Finally, they also became riding instructors, training other women to ride and hunt well. Though some women forged ahead for their own benefit, seeking profit out of writing or teaching, there were also many other women who pursued new ideas to improve horse sports as a whole and encourage greater, safer, and better participation for other women. In these ways, female equestrians consciously acted as sporting entrepreneurs and are significant but underappreciated agents of change not only for equestrianism but for larger social, sartorial, and sporting transformations.  相似文献   

彭文革 《精武》2012,(2):75-76,78
在大量引证基础上,分析了我国广场舞蹈开展的现状、特征、价值和推广对策。主要结论:广场舞蹈历史悠久,代代相沿,起源于生活并深深扎根于生活,表现形式多样,功能价值颇多,具有全民流行、健身娱乐、时尚休闲、艺术多元的特征。对政府低成本解决现代社会日益增多的肥胖症、久坐的生活方式、人口老龄化、保健的高成本及社会稳定和谐等有着重要价值,很符合中国社会强烈的集体性特点。三条建议:一、政府相关职能部门要紧跟时代的发展,不断提高广场舞的价值认识,并在人、财、物上给予充分的支持以及细致贴切的关怀;二、要以全国各地广场舞蹈成功推广的案例为榜样,立足于不断适应和满足人民群众的审美需求,促使广场舞蹈可持续的繁荣与发展;三、要特别关注学校、媒体和社区的力量,加强业余骨干队伍培养,营造良好的广场舞蹈文化氛围。  相似文献   

The authors explore the sporting experiences and community strengths of Indigenous Australian women. The intention is to inform both health promotion and contemporary sport management strategies, and policies and practices, leading to better health outcomes for this cohort. The authors employ an interpretative qualitative methodology, which involves the combination of data from a range of sources, including interviews and focus groups with 22 Indigenous women living in urban and rural areas, narratives from elite Indigenous athletes and coaches, as well as findings from a recent Australian Parliamentary inquiry into Indigenous health and wellbeing. Drawing from an agency/empowerment theoretical framework, the authors posit that, given support and opportunities, Indigenous women can become empowered to improve their mental and physical health through participation in sport. Sport managers can facilitate Indigenous women's agency in the effects of colonisation, which continues to be the basis of health issues for this cohort. Listening to Indigenous women and facilitating opportunities for them to take control of their own participation can help facilitate this process. Indigenous-women's only opportunities, partnerships with health agencies and sports organisations, culturally safe spaces and Indigenous women acting as role models are some factors that may augment Indigenous women's agency, and thus empowerment. Government, sports, community organisations and health agencies which provide these conditions in their program design can help to overcome entrenched social, historical and health inequalities that Indigenous women may experience.  相似文献   

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