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作为贵州省非物质文化遗产之一的“独竹漂”,首次成为2011年全国第九届全国少数民族传统体育运动会竞赛项目,具有一定的代表性。论文采SWOT分析法对独竹漂运动发展中的优势和劣势、存在的机遇和挑战进行了分析,认为独竹漂运动发展的策略主要是发挥优势、弥补劣势、抓住机遇、迎接挑战,为独竹漂项目的发展、为其他民族传统体育项目的发展提供参考。  相似文献   

为了解贵州省独竹漂运动和旅游产业融合的状况,运用文献资料法、田野调查法对贵州省独竹漂运动和旅游产业的从业务融合、技术融合、文化融合和制度融合4个方面进行探讨。研究结果表明:贵州省独竹漂运动和旅游产业的融合是初级的产业融合,一定程度上促进了独竹漂运动的传承和独竹漂文化旅游产业的发展;存在的问题是独竹漂运动内源性动力不够,两者的融合是粗放型融合。提出贵州省独竹漂应积极地申请世界非物质遗产,加强传承与创新独竹漂运动的动力;利用国家政策和科技的诱导,进行集约型的产业融合。  相似文献   

本文运用文献资料和逻辑分析等研究方法,从民族传统体育项目独竹漂的嬗变轨迹及项目特色出发,探析全球化背景下其赛事开发与推广策略,以期为民族传统体育赛事发展与推广提供理论参考。研究认为:在全球化背景下独竹漂运动要走理性回归与发展之路,首先要建立独竹漂运动训练基地及完善科研体系;加强教练员、裁判员队伍的培养,完善竞赛规则;规范场地多元化及器械标准化;在学校体育中因地制宜的开展独竹漂运动;引入以社会大众为对象的全民健身活动中:走以市场经济为主导的产业化、市场化道路等。  相似文献   

本文采用文献法、访谈法,利用异化理论对赤水"独竹漂"进行个案分析.发现:独竹漂异化始于传统的节庆娱乐表演,在革命年代因政治诉求异化加剧,改革开放后因地方政府干预、商业力量冲击出现异化蔓延.建议遏制独竹漂异化,使其回归健康发展之路并真正服务于运动者的健康和幸福.  相似文献   

ICT时代的信息传播较以往任何一个时代,无疑是途径最多、速度最快、传播范围最广、影响面最大的。从传播学的视角对独竹漂运动的传播过程进行分析,认为若要使独竹漂运动达到较好的传播效果,需要提高传者自身的传播意识,增加独竹漂运动项目本身所含的信息量,丰富传播内容;拓宽独竹漂运动的传播渠道如有效利用新媒体、进入学校教育系统、关注受众的信息反馈等。  相似文献   

加大宣传力度独竹漂的健身价值,适度开发独竹漂的经济价值,大力开发独竹漂的文化价值和教育价值;抓住各项有利政策的大好机遇,理清思路,确保独竹漂运动快速、稳步发展。  相似文献   

运用文献资料等方法研究独竹漂运动的发展历史、特点和功能。独竹漂运动起源于明朝洪武年间的水运皇木过程中,历经民间发展,自然传承、惨遭禁止,几乎绝传、逐渐恢复,喜获新生三个历史阶段。独竹漂运动具有地域性、和谐性、原生性和适应性四个特点,健身功能、娱乐功能、经济功能和文化功能是其具有的显著功能。  相似文献   

通过文献资料法、调查法对独竹漂运动进行研究,运用逻辑分析法总结该项运动的文化特征。独竹漂运动在群众体育当中不断实现它的多元文化功能和价值。与现代体育积极的融合,不断继承和创新,走科学化、竞技化、产业化的道路,加大社会力度才是可持续的发展方向。  相似文献   

概述了贵州赤水独竹漂的起源和发展,对贵州赤水独竹漂的功能价值进行分析。研究表明:贵州赤水独竹漂具有健身价值、娱乐价值、竞技价值、表演价值、教育价值、社交价值、体育旅游价值等。  相似文献   

民族传统体育项目独竹漂运动发展研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用文献资料、调查和访谈等研究方法,对贵州省独有的民族传统体育运动项目独竹漂进行分析。研究认为,该运动起源于古代生活实践,较为完善的贵州省内少数民族体育赛事为该项运动的现代发展奠定了良好基础,该项目列为2011年全国民运会竞赛项目符合我国民运会项目由表演向竞赛的有序流动,也体现了东道主项目设置的优势和民运会不断扩大竞赛规模的趋势。同时,该运动发展还面临比赛器材标准化、竞技专业人才较少、各地实力悬殊等问题。为加快独竹漂运动在全国的推广普及,实现多元化、可持续发展,结合该项目发展现状,提出了可行的建议。  相似文献   

论中西体育文化精神内涵的差异   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
从中西体育文化的源流传统入手对中西体育文化的精神内涵进行了比较,提出在各自不同文化源流的影响中,两种体育文化逐渐形成了迥然相异的精神内涵。中国传统体育文化在面对西方体育文化剧烈冲击的今天,只有实现自我更新,才能为自身的发展找到一个有力的支撑平台。  相似文献   

In 2014 I attended a symposium concerning Early Career Academics (ECAs) in the field of physical education and sport pedagogy. I was struck by the dominance of a particular theme at that symposium—that is, how to obtain a position and survive in academia. The aim of this paper is to use an inciting moment that occurred at this symposium as a means to confront some of the broader issues that I thought were at stake. Specifically I seek to interrogate the possible consequences of thinking about ECAs and academia in neoliberal terms, for the future of the field—a field that has a strong critical tradition. To this end I utilise autoethnographic techniques to connect the personal to the cultural and attempt to describe and analyse my story of becoming and being a critical scholar of sport, in a neoliberal context.  相似文献   

为考察不同运动项目操作思维的类属差异,以新研发的《BTL- SW- V1.2 操作思维测试软件》对来自不同项群共10 个项目的304 名高水平 运动员进行测试。研究显示,所测10 个运动项目,具有显著操作思维类属差异。根据操作思维能力的高低,构建运动项目的操作思维类属理论, 其中,乒乓球、羽毛球、曲棍球和跆拳道为一类,称之为高操作思维类;赛艇、游泳、体操、武术(套路)、射击(步枪)和举重为一类,称之为低操作思 维类,前一类显著优于后一类,即操作步数少、操作反应快且操作思维学习能力强。  相似文献   

从转变思维方式的角度,探讨高科技时代思维方式的特征及其与运动人体科学的关系,以强化体育的功能,减少导致异化的因素,使体育运动健康发展。现代思维方式具有大系统思维突破简单性、大开放思维突破封闭性、大目标思维突破孤立性、大科学思维突破狭隘性等特征。体育的教育功能、政治功能、社会功能、经济功能等需要进一步强化。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to resolve ‘moral conflict’ in sport and to present a better approach with respect to right actions for sports participants. While acknowledging that there are many positive values or principles (e.g. Olympism) in sport, some ‘moral conflict’ in sport might still arise and therefore cannot be easily resolved. By introducing Hare's two levels of moral thinking (i.e. intuitive level and critical level), I first clarify the question ‘Why do moral conflicts appear?’ That moral conflicts may arise normally is because people or philosophers tend to think that moral principles ought to be simple and general. In the general situation, it would be fine to follow these kinds of principles when there is no conflicting situation. But in a particular context, there might be a problem. It would be impossible to resolve a conflicting problem if we do not think critically. Second, I suggest that ‘keep the rules’ can be seen as a prima facie principle or duty for sports participants. However, this prima facie principle may not be sufficient or appropriate to resolve the problem of conflict by using the intuitive thinking, since one might face a conflict between ‘keep the rules’ and ‘not to keep the rules’ and s/he cannot select in between. Thus, critical thinking is needed. Third, I try to differentiate critical thinking from intuitive thinking. Critical thinking aims not only to select the best set of prima facie principles for use in intuitive thinking, but also to resolve conflicts between them. So, if we are able to think critically, a prima facie duty sometimes can be overridden by other more important duties (sound and ethical) in a particular situation. However, as not all sports participants are capable enough to think critically, moral education regarding how to develop athletes' ‘critical thinking’ in sport is needed. It may be recommended that virtue ethics play an important role in sport not just through initiating participants into rule‐following but also in cultivating certain dispositions and educating their desires. As it is, what we also need is a good sports education system which can enlighten people toward a better understanding of sport and its values.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to examine the differential effect of sport skills instruction (SSI) and sport skills instruction plus initiative games (SSI +) on the critical thinking (CT) and self-esteem scores of early adolescent boys placed at risk. Students in the SSI + group ( n = 36) participated in initiative games classes in addition to their sport skills activities. Students in the SSI group (n = 44) participated in the sport skills activities only. Since the boys were divided by age (10-11 & 12-13), the influence of age on the dependent variables was also investigated. Classes taught by the initiative games teacher were student-centered while the sport skills classes were teacher-centered. Significant differences between teacher behaviors occurred in interaction patterns, instructional strategies, and management concerns. There were no differences on self-esteem scores. The results supported the addition of initiative games to SSI to foster CT with this group of participants.  相似文献   

赵阳 《体育科研》2024,(1):66-77
社交媒体时代,体育内容极易在全球用户间形成口碑传播,体育口碑传播在提升我国文化软实力和国际话语权方面发挥重要作用。基于文献计量方法,旨在梳理体育口碑传播研究的内涵特征和发展脉络,对比国内外研究、体育口碑与口碑的研究,整理体育口碑传播研究的进路框架,以期推动理论研究发展。发现:体育口碑传播研究的特色体现在对无形服务、赞助效果等问题的识别,以及体育形象、具身体验对传播过程的影响等。通过归纳常见的测量方法,本研究提出“口碑传播意愿”和“口碑接收影响”可作为体育口碑传播效果的主要测量维度。基于“前因后果×传接双方×上下层次”的矩阵分析,本研究在体育用户需求与行为模式、体育口碑传播情境化和体育赛事传播与声誉治理方面提出了未来研究的命题与思考。  相似文献   

Two prevalent assumptions in the philosophy of sport literature are that all sports are games and that all games are contests, meant to determine who is the better at the skills definitive of the sport. If these are correct, it would follow that all sports are contests and that a range of sporting activities, including nature sports, are not in fact sports at all. This paper first confronts the notion that sport and games must seek to resolve skill superiority through consideration of sport activities that have no such aim. The reduction of sport to game is also shown to be untenable and due to misunderstanding the point of sport activities, specifically, why people engage in them. This leads to reconsideration of the dominance of an instrumental conception of sport and the pursuit of excellence as anthropomaximising efficiency. The Norwegian tradition of frilutsliv is explored as a counterpoint to both conventional and nature sport.  相似文献   

中国体育文化建设三题   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
从广义文化学视角审视中国体育文化建设问题。认为:后发外生型的中国体育在本国从未获得体育本体价值的普遍社会认同,不好运动而偏爱心智娱乐的文化传统,社会支持不力,体育圈规则的某些不良习惯是阻碍中国体育文化建设的主要因素。中国竞技体育的价值应转换为增强国家的综合实力、竞争力、软实力、文化力、外交力等;中国社会体育的价值应在满足基本人权、平等权利,提升身体素质、健康素质、生活质量中得以体现;中国学校体育的价值基本内容应包括健身能力、锻炼习惯、身体素质、体育知识、顽强意志、合作意识、竞争精神等。确立体育对于个体生存空间、生命质量、生活方式的独特价值,倡导体育在社会层面上对社群稳定、社区和谐、社会活力的积极意义,意识到体育对于国民利益、国家实力、国际形象的表征价值。  相似文献   

浅述灰色模型方法及其在体育中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文以理论及体育应用实践的视角 ,从灰色建模的基本思想、灰色建模的优势、灰色建模在体育应用实践中应注意的问题等几个方面 ,综合论述了灰色模型方法 ,以期能够引起人们的重视 ,使灰色模型方法在体育实践中得到更广泛的应用。  相似文献   

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