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沙滩排球扣球起跳阶段人体环节运动的生物力学特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用运动学手段对沙滩排球上步扣球起跳阶段人体环节的运动特征进行了研究,结果表明:“重心最低”时刻右踝角较小并没有影响人体的整体姿位;右踝角在缓冲阶段屈曲幅度较大,而在蹬伸阶段屈曲幅度较小;髋、膝二关节伸展过早,影响了下肢三关节蹬伸运动的连贯性;起跳时肩关节发力过早影响了上、下肢动作配合的协调性。  相似文献   

对沙滩、室内排球扣球起跳阶段时相特征的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
运用运动生物力学手段对沙滩、室内排球扣球起跳时相特征进行比较研究,结果发现:沙滩排球上步扣球起跳阶段依据人体下肢肌肉工作形式以及重心速度随时间的变化可划分为5个部分,即加速缓冲、减速缓冲、等长制动、加速蹬伸和减速蹬伸。其中沙滩排球加速缓冲与减速缓冲时间均过长,不利于缩短起跳时间,影响沙滩排球扣球的起跳效果。另外,沙滩排球扣球起跳的加速蹬伸时间占起跳时间的比重太小是影响在沙滩上起跳时间结构的关键因素。  相似文献   

采用摄像与录像解析的方法对沙滩排球与室内排球扣球起跳阶段人体重心的运动特征进行了运动生物力学对比研究。沙滩排球扣球起跳与室内排球扣球起跳相比 ,人体重心运动特征表现为 :起跳过程水平速度损失小 ,离地时刻水平速度大 ;加速蹬伸阶段人体重心上升位移短 ,垂直腾起速度小 ;人体重心腾起角小  相似文献   

通过对沙滩、室内排球同一上步扣球起跳动作进行运动学、动力学同步数据采集,比较了二的力、冲量及功率等指标,得出如下结论:1)沙滩排球扣球起跳蹬伸阶段下肢肌群爆发力的发挥水平远远低于室内排球,不利于增大蹬伸冲量的积累;2)分析起跳冲量的内部结构发现。沙滩排球扣球起跳的蹬伸冲量远小于室内排球,从而致使沙滩起跳的恢复系数小于室内的;3)沙滩排球起跳的速度力量水平发挥远低于室内排球是在沙滩上起跳效果差的主要影响因素。  相似文献   

以排球运动员4号位上步扣球的起跳动作为研究对象,通过摄像、足底压力和肌电多机同步测试结合等速测试来准确获得排球运动员上步扣球起跳过程中的运动学、动力学和生物学参数,结果表明,排球运动员起跳过程下肢伸肌群完成的是"拉长-缩短周期"收缩,因此训练中要加强下肢伸肌群超等长力量素质的训练;排球运动员在上步扣球起跳过程中足底压力随时间变化呈双峰形曲线,足底压力随时间变化的特点是影响起跳效果的重要因素,因此训练中要重视运动员快速起跳能力的训练;排球运动员臀大肌、股四头肌和小腿三头肌等伸肌群在起跳过程中发挥着重要的作用,因此训练中要重视下肢伸肌群起跳能力的训练;排球运动员下肢多关节等速深蹲起测试结果表明下肢肌肉工作特点与起跳动作的蹬伸阶段具有相似性,提示可以利用先进的等速测试与训练系统进行排球运动员下肢专项力量的训练.  相似文献   

男子排球上步扣球起跳技术的生物力学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探索起跳动作的运动特征及影响运动员起跳效果的相关因素,采用三维录像方法对男子排球运动员四号位上步扣球起跳技术进行生物力学分析.结果表明:上步扣球起跳动作可分为缓冲、等长制动和蹬伸三个阶段,各阶段时间占总起跳时间的比重是影响扣球起跳效果的关键因素;缓冲阶段人体重心的水平速度损失,蹬伸阶段的垂直位移是影响重心腾起高度的重要因素;在蹬伸时表现出以大关节带动小关节,髋、膝、踝三关节依次加速蹬伸的特点.  相似文献   

人体运动链功能发挥的同步性和高效性对运动员运动技术的发挥有着重要影响.为了验证沙滩排球运动员核心稳定性与其最大扣球速度之间的关系,即与人体运动链功能之间的关系,通过核心稳定性系列测试以及雷达测速枪分别对我国高水平沙滩排球运动员核心稳定性和最大扣球速度进行评价和相关性分析,结果表明,高水平沙滩排球运动员最大扣球速度与作为核心稳定性组成部分的水平面核心回旋肌群爆发力有显著的相关性,与其他两个运动面的核心肌群耐力相关性非常小和没有相关关系.建议沙滩排球运动员提高排球扣球速度的练习应侧重水平面核心回旋肌群的爆发力训练.  相似文献   

<正>一、上步起跳时机掌握不好,起跳时间不合适1.原因分析身体协调性差,人与球之间的关系把握不好,表现为上步非早即晚;学生存在急于求成的心理,怕助跑起跳来不及,而急于上步扣球,影响了扣球效果。  相似文献   

优秀男排运动员沙滩排球扣球技术的运动学比较研究   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
采用高速摄影与影片解析的方法,对我国优秀男排运动员的沙滩排球与室内排球扣球技术动作进行了运动学比较研究。结果表明,沙滩排球与室内排球扣球技术动作间的差异,主要体现在助跑与起跳两个关键的技术坏节上。其原因在于,沙滩排球助跑过程对重心的稳定性要求较高;起跳过程中的体能消耗较大,纵跳高度低于室内;击球时对控制球的能力要求较高。  相似文献   

排球运动中的扣球是一项比较难掌握的技术动作,每一次精彩的扣球,都会给人一种强烈的震撼力,让人感受到排球运动的魅力。但是在平时的排球教学中,初学者在练习扣球动作时,由于缺乏对空中球的观察能力和判断能力,往往出现“钻球”的错误动作。所谓“钻球”是指当扣球队员起跳至最高点时,球处在扣球队员的  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to identify differences between volleyball and beach volleyball spike jump movements performed on an indoor surface and sand surface respectively. Eight elite male volleyball players performed spike jump movements on both surfaces. An eight-camera motion capturing system (250Hz) was used to generate 3D kinematic data. Seven groups of variables representing the kinematics of the centre of mass, the countermovement, the approach phase, and the angular amplitudes and maximal velocities of the lower and upper limbs were examined using Hotelling's T2(2). Significant differences were observed in the movement of the centre of mass (P < 0.05), the countermovement, the kinematics of the approach phase, and the angular amplitudes of the lower limbs. However, no significant differences were observed either in the maximal angular velocities of the lower and upper limbs, or in the amplitudes of the upper limb motion. In conclusion, the participants showed significant adaptation to changed movement conditions. As a result of the compliance of the sand surface, the participants slowed down their movements, especially during the phase of transition from knee flexion to extension and during the extension phase. Furthermore, the participants demonstrated changes in foot position to reach the greatest height possible.  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation was to detect whether differences exist concerning the dynamic and kinematic parameters of vertical squat jump (SJ) on rigid (RS) and sand (SS) surface. Fifteen elite male beach volleyball players (age: 25.6 +/- 6.2 years; height: 188.0 +/- 3.5 cm; body mass: 83.2 +/- 6.0 kg; mean +/- SD, respectively) performed SJ. Force platform and kinematic analyses were used with paired sample T-tests to evaluate the differences. Vertical jump height was significantly smaller (p < .001) on SS than RS. Maximal force and maximal power were significantly higher on RS than SS (p < .05 and p < .01 respectively). Impulse time was larger in SS but with no significant difference (p = .286). Kinematic analysis revealed significant differences between the values of ankle joint during starting posture (p < .01) and of hip joint at the moment of take-off (p < .05). Ankle joint range of motion and angular velocity was larger in SS (p < .05). In conclusion, SJ height on SS was smaller than on RS because of the compliance and the instability of the sand. This resulted in a reduction in maximum force and take-off velocity. Furthermore, the compliance of SS made it hard for the ankle to push along the vertical axis of the movement of the body and as a result it slipped behind in an attempt to maximize propulsion. As a result, the body tries to balance and equalise this movement and move the hip to larger extension.  相似文献   

运用肌电与摄像对我国部分优秀女子沙滩排球运动员起跳环节的同步研究分析,结果表明:起跳时在一定范围内延长缓冲时间,有利于踩实沙子,减少蹬踏时的下陷幅度;缩短蹬伸时间,有利于下肢做爆发式的用力。踝关节、膝关节、髋关节运动方式符合能量传递原理,而各关节上附着的肌肉用力起始并不遵循动作顺序原理,主要是因沙地具有流动性、可压迫性造成的。这是沙排起跳用力方式与室内不同的主要特征之一。  相似文献   

为探讨沙滩排球训练对运动员膝、踝关节肌群肌力的影响,沙滩排球训练周期前后,对我国12名兼职沙滩女排运动员的膝、踝关节肌群进行了BIODEX肌力测试。结果表明,沙滩训练后,膝关节屈肌群快肌纤维的爆发力,伸肌群快肌纤维的最大力和爆发力,踝关节跖肌群慢、快肌纤维的最大肌力和爆发力增长有显性意义,这是沙滩训练后原地纵跳成绩提高的重的肌力原因。  相似文献   

为探讨在沙滩这种特殊的介质上进行排球训练对运动员膝、踝关节肌群肌力的影响.在1998年沙滩排球训练周期前后.对我国12名兼职沙滩女排运动员的膝、踩关节屈伸肌群进行了等速向心收缩肌力测试。结果表明。沙滩训练后.膝关节屈肌群快肌纤维的爆发力.伸肌群快肌纤维的最大肌力和爆发力,踝关节跖肌群慢、快肌纤维的最大肌力和爆发力增长有显性意义。这是沙滩训练后原地纵跳成绩提高的重要肌力原因。  相似文献   


Previous research suggests that landing mechanics may be affected by the mechanics of the preceding jump take-off. The purpose of the present study was to investigate whether jump take-off mechanics influence the subsequent landing mechanics. Female volleyball (n = 17) and ice hockey (n = 19) players performed maximal vertical jumps with forefoot and heel take-off strategies. During forefoot and heel jumps, participants were instructed to shift their weight to their forefoot or heel, respectively, and push through this portion of the foot throughout the jump. Jump mechanics were examined using 3D motion analysis, where lower extremity net joint moment (NJM) work, NJM, and segment angles were compared between forefoot and heel jumps using multivariate ANOVA. During jump take-off, participants performed more positive ankle plantar flexor and knee extensor NJM work in forefoot compared to heel jumps (P < 0.05). From initial foot contact to foot flat, participants performed more negative ankle plantar flexor and hip extensor NJM work during heel compared to forefoot jumps (P < 0.05). The present results demonstrate that using a heel take-off strategy results in a different distribution of lower extremity NJM work and NJM during landing compared to landings following forefoot jumps.  相似文献   

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