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了解武汉市成年人超重、肥胖人群心肺功能特征。以2010年武汉市国民体质监测数据为基础,通过计算BMI进行分组,分析20-59岁成年人超重、肥胖人群血压、肺活量及台阶指数特征。结论:1)超重或肥胖组人群的平均血压水平明显高于体重正常组人群,体重与血压具有明显的相关性,超重和肥胖人群高血压检出率明显高于体重正常人群。2)超重或肥胖组人群肺活量/体重指数明显低于体重正常组人群,肺活量/体重指数与体重呈显著性相关,但肺活量与体重无明显的相关性。3)台阶指数与体重并无明显的相关性,与年龄具有一定的相关性。  相似文献   

1.研究对象与方法(1)研究对象:北京市某中学初中一、二年级学生中,通过问卷调查筛选出超重和肥胖学生共84人,组成超重肥胖组(肥胖组),随机抽出正常体重学生40人,组成正常体重组(正常组),对这些学生进行心肺功能测试。(2)研究方法:测试指标、实验研究、数据处理。2.测试结果与分析(1)安静心率、血压、肺活量:安静心率的测量结果显示,肥胖少年较正常少年速率快,女性少年较男性少年速率快,但是各组之间安静心率经统计处理无显著性差异。(2)最大耗氧量:心肺功能和肌肉利用氧的能力达到本人极限水平时,单位时间内所能摄入的氧气量称为最大耗氧量…  相似文献   

通过对32名超重和肥胖少年实施5周(7次/周、2小时/次、运动强度60%~65%VO2max)的运动处方后,多数研究对象在身体成分改变的同时,身体协调性、灵活性、柔韧性和耐力素质有明显改善。研究结果提示,对超重和肥胖少年的运动处方宜采用中等强度、多种运动形式的方案。早期阶段以减少脂肪体重和提高超重、肥胖少年的身体协调性、灵活性、柔韧性和耐力素质为主要目标,以后逐渐增加力量和速度训练的内容,在增加肌肉体重的同时使超重和肥胖少年的身体素质得到全面提高。  相似文献   

运用文献资料、数理统计等研究方法,通过对浙江商业职业技术学院9 243名学生体重指数与体质健康指标的相关分析研究。结果显示:正常体重组学生为样本总数的56.6%,男生超重肥胖高于女生,偏轻明显低于女生。体重指数与学生体质健康指标呈现显著相关。超重肥胖对学生速度、耐力素质、上下肢力量产生明显负面影响,偏轻、肥胖女生柔韧性较差,其中肺活量指数、引体向上(男)、仰卧起坐和立定跳远(女)指标偏轻组>正常组>超重组>肥胖组,偏轻、体重正常组学生速度、耐力素质明显好于超重、肥胖组。  相似文献   

对医科大学生进行身体形态、机能、身体素质等指标测定,分析医科生的BMI分布情况和BMI异常对大学生体质健康状况的影响.结果:超重、肥胖以及营养不良的学生占样本总数较大的比例,分别是11.7%和3.8%;男生超重和肥胖所占百分比明显高于女生,女生营养不良的比例明显高于男生.结论:超重、肥胖均导致肺活量体重指数下降,影响男女生的肺功能;超重和肥胖对医科生的身体下肢协调能力以及爆发力会产生一定的负面影响;营养不良学生的握力指数明显低于正常组学生,而超重和肥胖组则高于正常组,上肢肌肉力量随着BMI值的增大而增强.  相似文献   

辽宁省2005年大学生体质健康的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用测量法、数理统计法对辽宁省2005年大学生身体形态、机能、素质的现状进行比较与分析。结果显示:辽宁省城市大学生身高、体重、胸围高于乡村大学生;除体重低于2000年平均水平外,总体高于2000年平均水平,在身体形态上优于2000年。城市学生超重与肥胖现象较农村学生多,超重与肥胖现象较2000年总体减少。辽宁省城市大学生心肺机能优于乡村大学生,男生肺活量优于2000年,女生下降显著。但肺活量指数显示大学生呼吸机能状态令人忧虑。辽宁省农村大学生体能总体上优于城市大学生,但体能状态下滑严重。  相似文献   

对长三角地区部分高校20009名学生2011年《大学生体质健康标准》测试数据进行静态分析,结果显示:超重或肥胖现象呈增长趋势发展;肺活量体重指数,女生优秀率和达标率与在校时间呈正相关性;耐力素质总体情况不理想,"低分多高分少,且两端极点突起"较明显,男生耐力素质与在校时间呈负相关;男生在速度灵巧类通过率高于女生,各年级呈负增长趋势;柔韧力量素质总体情况较好,男生通过率略好于女生,但及格率与在校时间呈负相关,女生优秀率与在校时间呈正相关。  相似文献   

天津市大学生体质状况动态分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
对1985年和2000年天津市大学生身体形态、机能、素质的调查结果进行分析和比较,结果表明:15年来,城乡男生和城市女生身体形态发育水平提高,而乡村女生胸围却显著降低,身体形态生长发育不均衡,城市男女生身体形态发育水平高于乡村男女生。反映身体机能的肺活量与肺活量体重指数,城乡男女学生均大幅度降低。身体素质有不同程度的改善,但发展不平衡,城乡男女生速度、下肢爆发力、腰腹力量等身体素质均明显提高,但耐力素质大幅度降低,上肢力量薄弱现状仍未改变。城乡学生超重与肥胖检出率逐年增多。  相似文献   

采用测试、数理统计和文献资料等研究方法,对宁德师范学院不同年级、性别学生BMI分布特征进行分析。结果表明:宁德师范学院学生BMI分布在14.5~36.6之间,均值为19.97,大多数学生处于正常标准状态,低体重比例较大,而超重和肥胖总体水平不高;大学生BMI分布存在性别差异,BMI均值、正常体重比例与超重和肥胖的比例男生均高于女生,低体重比例女生明显高于男生;不同年级大学生BMI分布也存在差异,正常体重比例二年级学生最高,低体重比例三年级学生最高,超重和肥胖率一年级学生较高。  相似文献   

运动和营养干预对超重肥胖少年身体素质影响的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对83名超重肥胖男女少年实施14周(4~5次/周、90min/次、运动强度60%~70%最高心率,根据被试者的个体特征,制定不同的全面性运动锻炼内容,包括形体部分;灵巧类部分;健身部分;健心部分;放松部分)运动处方,以及饮食营养和饮食行为(超重肥胖少年对每一周食物的量、时间、种类及饥饱程度的膳食记录,根据日常活动消耗计算日消耗量,以及被试者个体特点,制定饮食营养方案.根据被试者运动量和能量消耗的分析,指导饮食营养和饮食行为整改)综合干预后,结果显示:超重肥胖少年体重、BMI指数均有下降,身体协调性、灵活性、柔韧性和耐力素质有明显提高.对超重肥胖少年采用中等强度、多种运动方式为主,结合饮食营养综合干预方案是科学的,但早期干预以减少脂肪体重,提高超重肥胖少年协调性、灵活性、柔韧性和耐力素质为主,以后逐渐增加肌肉力量和速度训练,促进其身体素质全面提高,同时,运动和营养干预应长期坚持.  相似文献   


The current study examines maximal heart rate and maximal treadmill time differences among three ethnic groups. In 1985, 1,047 city employees (572 male, 475 female) participated in a comprehensive health promotion program. Data were collected from a self-administered health and lifestyle questionnaire, maximal treadmill exercise stress test, and other clinical measures. The participants were divided into white male (n = 368), black male (n = 159), Mexican-American male (n = 45), white female (n = 256), black female (n = 189), and Mexican-American female (n = 30) subgroups based on self-reported ethnic identity. Univariate analyses revealed no significant differences in age-adjusted maximal heart rate or maximal treadmill time for males. Mean age-adjusted treadmill time for black females (478.0 ± 228.2 s) was significantly lower than for white (652.5 ± 227.7 s) and Mexican-American (594.5 ± 226.7 s) females (p <. 05). Mean age-adjusted maximal heart rate for black females (174.4 ± 12.4 beats/min) was significantly lower than for white (179.3 ± 13.4 beats/min) and Mexican-American (182.0 ± 13.5 beats/min) females (p < .05). Following adjustment for cardiovascular fitness level, that is, treadmill time, as well as age, these differences were no longer apparent. We concluded that the comparatively low maximal heart rate of black females may be partially explained by a significantly lower cardiovascular fitness level relative to white and Mexican-American females.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to assess both short-term reliability and long-term stability of anthropometric and physical performance measures in highly-trained young soccer players in relation to age and maturation. Data were collected on 80 players from an academy (U13–U18, pre- (n = 14), circum- (n = 32) and post- (n = 34) estimated peak height velocity, PHV). For the reliability analysis, anthropometric and performance tests were repeated twice within a month. For the stability analysis, these tests were repeated 12 times over a 4-year period in 10 players. Absolute reliability was assessed with the typical error of measurement, expressed as a coefficient of variation (CV). Relative reliability and long-term stability were assessed using the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC). There was no clear age or maturation effect on either the CVs or ICCs: e.g., Post-PHV vs. Pre-PHV: effect size = –0.37 (90% confidence limits (CL):-1.6;0.9), with chances of greater/similar/lower values of 20/20/60%. For the long-term stability analysis, ICCs varied from 0.66 (0.50;0.80) to 0.96 (0.93;0.98) for 10-m sprint time and body mass, respectively. The short-term reliability of anthropometry and physical performance measures is unlikely to be affected by age or maturation. However, some of these measures are unstable throughout adolescence, which questions their usefulness in a talent identification perspective.  相似文献   

This case study reports the results of a 12-year (2005–2016) follow-up study of two Olympic champion rowers. The rowers were prospective athletes at the junior level when the study began, and we monitored their relevant physiological and performance data annually. Our findings indicated that their V?O2max gradually increased up to about 22 years of age and leveled off at a value of approximately 7 l·min?1 with minimal fluctuations thereafter. However, the variables that directly influence the V?O2max changed. There was an age-related decline in maximal heart rate of about 0.5 beats·year?1, while oxygen pulse, which serves as an indirect measure of stroke volume, correspondingly increased by about 1 ml O2·beat?1 per year, allowing the athletes to maintain exceptional V?O2max values. Maximal minute power of the studied rowers, derived each year from their ramp-wise tests, closely resembled the mean power output sustained during the 2000-m all-out tests on a rowing ergometer. A 12-year improvement of 28% and 33% occurred for the mean power output sustained over 2000 and 6000-m on a rowing ergometer, respectively. The findings contribute to the body of knowledge on athletes representing the true elites of their respective sports.  相似文献   

In this study, we assessed the agreement between the powers recorded during a 30?s upper-body Wingate test using three different methods. Fifty-six men completed a single test on a Monark 814E mechanically braked ergometer fitted with a Schoberer Rad Messtechnik (SRM) powermeter. A commercial software package (Wingate test kit version 2.21, Cranlea, UK) was used to calculate conventional and corrected (with accelerative forces) values of power based on a resistive load (5% body mass) and flywheel velocity. The SRM calculated powers based on torque (measured at the crank arm) and crank rate. Values for peak 1 and 5?s power and mean 30?s power were measured. No significant differences (P?>0.05) were found between the three methods for 30?s power values. However, the corrected values for peak 1 and 5?s power were 36 and 23% higher (P?<0.05) respectively than those for the conventional method, and 27 and 16% higher (P?<0.05) respectively than those for the SRM method. The conventional and SRM values for peak 1 and 5?s power were similar (P?>0.05). Power values recorded using each method were influenced by sample time (P?<0.05). Our results suggest that these three measures of power are similar when sampled over 30?s, but discrepancies occur when the sample time is reduced to either 1 or 5?s.  相似文献   


The purpose of the present study was to measure and compare peak oxygen uptake and paddling efficiency in recreational and competitive junior male surfers. Eight male recreational surfers (mean age 18 years, s=2; mass 66.8 kg, s=13.0; height 1.75 m, s=0.10) and eight male competitive surfers (mean age 18 years, s=1; mass 68.0 kg, s=11.7; height 1.72 m, s=0.10) performed an incremental paddling test consisting of four 3-min constant load work stages followed by a ramp increase in power output of 20 W · 30 s?1 until exhaustion. The oxygen uptake–power output relationship of the four constant load work stages and peak values obtained during the incremental paddling test were used to calculate paddling efficiency. No differences (P>0.05) were observed between the recreational and competitive surfers for peak oxygen uptake (recreational: 2.52 litres · min?1, s=0.5; competitive: 2.66 litres · min?1, s=0.35) or efficiency (recreational: 24%, s=3; competitive: 21%, s=4). Blood lactate concentration was significantly greater in recreational (2.4 mmol · l?1, s=0.9) than competitive surfers (1.6 mmol · l?1, s=0.5) during submaximal paddling. There were no differences in peak oxygen uptake or paddling efficiency between recreational and competitive surfers suggesting that peak oxygen uptake and efficiency are not sensitive to differences in surfing ability. The increase in blood lactate concentration during submaximal paddling in recreational compared with competitive surfers suggests that other determinants of paddling endurance, such as blood lactate threshold, might be better at distinguishing surfers of differing ability.  相似文献   

BMI和心肺适能对全代谢综合征男性最大脂代谢水平的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探究BMI和心肺适能对全代谢综合征男性最大脂代谢水平的影响.方法:采用CDS代谢综合征诊断标准募集24名全代谢综合征(tMS)男性.血清指标检测采用酶法和放免法.直接测定最大耗氧量和最大有氧功.间接测热法和非连续递增负荷法检测最大脂代谢水平.分别依据BMI、最大耗氧量的平均值将被试分为高,低BMI组,高、低心肺适能组.结果:tMS男性整体最大脂氧化率(MFOR)为151.58±20.64 mg/min,最大脂氧化强度(Fatmax)为28.48±5.98%VO2max,Fatmax相应RER为0.94±0.01;供能交叉点为33.42±6.96%VO2max,心肺适能水平为18.25±2.68 ml/kg/mim;高、低BMI组间心肺适能、MFOR、Fatmax和交叉点均无显著性差异;高、低心肺适能组间MFOR具有非常显著性差异(P<0.01),但BMI、Fatmax和交叉点强度均无显著性差异;tMS男性BMI与MFOR相关不具显著性,心肺适能与MFOR具显著性正相关(r=0.75,P<0.01).结论:全代谢综合征男性最大脂氧化强度处于低有氧强度范围,tMS男性最大脂氧化率受心肺适能水平影响,而BMI对其无显著影响.  相似文献   

最大累积氧亏(MAOD)是目前认为有效的、无损伤性的无氧能力间接测定方法,其测试过程受诸多因素的影响,文章介绍了MAOD的检测方法并从超极量运动持续时间、ETED的确立等方面对其检测过程中的主要影响因素作一简要回顾。  相似文献   

极限负荷时运动持续时间和运动水平密切相关。研究发现运动后睾酮(T)水平与耗氧平台(VO2maxPD)显著相关,β-内啡肽(β-EP)分泌水平与最大耗氧量,耗氧平台,呼吸频率显著相关。揭示耗氧平台的维系,可能有垂体—性腺轴的参与。而β-内啡肽对呼吸频率及耗氧平台的维系也存在着调控作用。耗氧平台时心率和通气量较之安静时大辐度增长,间接说明儿茶酚胺在极限负荷时对循环系统的支持。  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to examine the effects of changes in maximal aerobic (MAS) and sprinting (MSS) speeds and the anaerobic reserve (ASR) on repeated-sprint performance. Two hundred and seventy highly-trained soccer players (14.5 ± 1.6 year) completed three times per season (over 5 years) a maximal incremental running test to approach MAS, a 40-m sprint with 10-m splits to assess MSS and a repeated-sprint test (10 × 30-m sprints), where best (RSb) and mean (RSm) sprint times, and percentage of speed decrement (%Dec) were calculated. ASR was calculated as MSS-MAS. While ?RSb were related to ?MSS and ?body mass (r2 = 0.42, 90%CL[0.34;0.49] for the overall multiple regression, n = 334), ?RSm was also correlated with ?MAS and ?sum of 7 skinfolds (r2 = 0.43 [0.35;0.50], n = 334). There was a small and positive association between ?%Dec and ?MAS (r2 = 0.02 [?0.07;0.11], n = 334). Substantial ?MSS and ?MAS had a predictive value of 70 and 55% for ?RSm, respectively. Finally, ?ASR per se was not predictive of ?RSm (Cohen’s = +0.8 to ?0.3 with increased ASR), but the greater magnitude of ?RSm improvement was observed when MSS, MAS and ASR increased together (0.8 vs. +0.4 with ASR increased vs. not, additionally to MSS and MAS). Low-cost field tests aimed at assessing maximal sprinting and aerobic speeds can be used to monitor ?RS performance.  相似文献   

采用交变负荷力量训练系统,对实验对象进行交变负荷力量训练,通过和传统杠铃下肢力量训练相比较,发现交变负荷力量训练比传统杠铃力量训练,短时间内下肢肌力显著提高,同时根据实验过程得出交变频率的部分数据模式。  相似文献   

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