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武术散打项目运动损伤的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对近些年来有关散打项目运动损伤问题的研究进行综述,指出散打项目产生运动损伤的部位及各种可能的原因,进而探讨运动损伤的有效预防措施与治疗方法,并据此提出未来可能的研究趋势,以期为散打运动损伤的研究和散打训练提供帮助与参考。  相似文献   

为预防、减少或避免我国冰雪项目青年运动员的运动损伤,运用运动医学领域中研究流行病的方法,对我国冰雪项目青年运动员的运动损伤特点及致因进行研究.研究结果表明,我国冰雪项目青年运动员运动损伤发生率较高,男性运动员运动损伤的发病率高于女性,运动损伤具有重复性和多发性的特点;青年冰球运动员和自由式滑雪运动员运动损伤发生率相对较高;膝关节、腰背部和踝关节是运动损伤的高发部位;运动损伤的类型呈现多样化,扭伤、擦伤、挫伤及摔伤较为常见;冰雪项目青年运动员的伤病以急性损伤和中、轻度损伤为主;动作技术失误是导致我国冰雪项目青年运动员运动损伤的主要致因.  相似文献   

采用调查与理论分析的方法研究50名优秀散打运动员的运动损伤心理学,结合运动损伤心理学理论,建立优秀散打运动员应激—损伤、交互理路、恢复理论心理学模型。结果表明,优秀散打运动员运动损伤心理学模型的建立加深了对散打运动员运动损伤心理学特征及各因素间关系的认识,对预防运动损伤及加速伤后身心康复具有重要意义。  相似文献   

方毅 《体育世界》2011,(11):48-49
作为同场竞技性运动项目,篮球对抗性强,在比赛和训练中极易发生运动损伤,本文对篮球运动中常见运动损伤的原因及预防措施进行研究分析,便于在比赛和平时训练中加强运动损伤的预防,减少运动损伤的发生。  相似文献   

少年跆拳道运动员损伤分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过对河南省少年跆拳道运动员运动损伤的抽样调查研究 ,总结了在跆拳道运动中运动损伤的多发季节、较易损伤的部位、导致运动损伤的几种主要原因及预防措施。  相似文献   

文章主要运用文献资料研究方法,对散打训练过程中如何预防运动损伤进行研究,寻找损伤产生的原因及预防运动损伤的方法,旨在避免或减少散打训练中的运动损伤,促进散打训练向着良好的、健康的方向前进。  相似文献   

本文通过查阅资料、访谈等方法,以及请教内蒙古体育医院从事运动损伤专业的医师,对踝关节运动损伤的原因及预防进行探讨、研究,得出居民踝关节运动损伤的结论:居民缺乏对踝关节运动损伤的重视,并缺乏预防踝关节损伤的相关知识。居民踝关节运动损伤的主要类型为踝关节韧带拉伤、踝关节软组织挫伤、踝关节骨折等。  相似文献   

足球运动损伤的研究状况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
侯俊杰 《体育科研》2006,27(3):72-75
综述了1982年至今国内学者有关足球运动员运动损伤的研究。从不同层次足球人群的运动损伤,足球运动损伤经常发生的部位,足球运动损伤与其他因素的关系,以及足球运动损伤的特点等方面入手。试图找出当前有关足球运动损伤研究的薄弱环节和不足之处,探讨足球运动损伤发生规律,推动有关的研究更为全面、精细。  相似文献   

李勇  任浩  易鹏 《湖北体育科技》2009,28(6):691-692,673
高校高水平武术运动员在训练过程中容易造成运动损伤,通过采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、随机访谈法、数理统计法和逻辑推理法,对湖北省高校高水平武术运动员的运动损伤状况进行了调查研究,找出湖北省高校高水平武术运动员运动损伤发生的原因,指出容易造成运动损伤的动作及部位,并在此基础上提出相应的预防运动损伤的对策和建议。  相似文献   

作者对我国女子健将级标枪运动员群体的运动损伤现状进行了较大面积的调查,对我国女子健将级标枪运动员群体的运动损伤的专业技术技术性因素及有效的预防运动损伤在一定层次上进行研究。  相似文献   

《Sport Management Review》2015,18(4):501-516
The purpose of this paper was to systematically review the study of organisational culture in sport. The choice of research paradigms, methods, interests, perspectives, and definitions and operationalisation of organisational culture used in 33 studies was examined. This highlighted the variety of ways that culture has been studied in sport and the range of interests explored in the research, including informing athlete development, the link between the strength of culture and organisational performance and understanding the forces driving organisational diversity. Unlike the wider organisational culture literature, there has been a preference in sport to assume that culture was a variable to manipulate in an organisation. The opportunity to widen approaches to study organisational culture in sport is discussed, such as broadening the methods used to conduct studies, including both coaches and athletes in the population studied and using the fragmentation perspective, where ambiguity and conflict are considered in understanding culture.  相似文献   

Writing over a decade ago, Penney and Harris examined extra-curricular physical education (ECPE) provision in state schools in England and Wales and focused, in particular, on issues of inclusion, equality and equity. They concluded, among other things, that ECPE provision was highly gendered, characterised by a disproportionate emphasis on traditional team games and competitive sport and provided a limited number of opportunities to only a minority of pupils. Although Penney and Harris were less concerned with reflecting upon how the content, organisation and delivery of ECPE may come to impact the involvement and experiences of young disabled people and those with special educational needs (SEN), their analysis nevertheless has important implications for understanding this largely under-explored and neglected aspect of research. In this paper, therefore, we draw upon some key aspects of Penney and Harris's analysis to examine the extent and ways in which physical education (PE) teachers have endeavoured to incorporate disabled pupils and those with SEN in ECPE. In particular, by drawing upon the findings of a study conducted with 12 PE teachers working in five secondary schools in north-west England, the central objectives of this paper are to: (i) examine the ways and extent to which teachers have endeavoured to incorporate young disabled people and pupils with SEN in ECPE; and (ii) explore the extent to which the content, organisation and delivery of ECPE impacts on pupils’ involvement and experiences. The findings suggest that the trend towards including disabled pupils and those with SEN in mainstream schools has not radically altered the content, organisation and delivery of ECPE which, according to PE teachers, continues to be heavily dominated by competitive team sports that retain a strong emphasis on performance, excellence and skills. This provision, it is claimed, appears to have done more to reduce, rather than enhance, the opportunities for pupils to participate in the same activities and to the same extent in ECPE than they might have done in the special school sector. Indeed, when compared to their non-disabled peers, some disabled pupils and those with SEN typically tended to be provided with a limited and somewhat narrow range of sports and physical activities in which to participate. Teachers also suggested that some pupils rarely participated, if at all, in ECPE and, in some cases, they were often taught separately from other pupils in clubs and teams that were developed specifically for them in an effort to cater more adequately for their needs and abilities. It is concluded that until PE teachers and schools are willing and/or able to bring about desired change in the content, organisation and delivery of ECPE, rather than developing more inclusive and non-segregated forms of provision, teachers in many schools will be constrained and/or inclined to continue providing programmes that, in effect, continue to provide what Penney and Harris call ‘more of the same for the more able’ pupils in ECPE.  相似文献   

Efforts to ensure the welfare of athletes have long existed in sport but have heightened recently across numerous countries in response to shocking revelations of sexual abuse in sport. Cases such as the sexual abuse of female gymnasts by a team doctor in the U.S. and sexual abuse of male footballers by a coach in the U.K. have drawn significant attention and scrutiny by stakeholders in sport and the public alike. These and other cases indicate that in spite of existing athlete welfare policies, educational programmes, and efforts to ensure compliance, numerous athletes were abused, the perpetrators were permitted to continue over an extended period of time, and some adults knew of the abuses and were complicit in failing to intervene. In this article, the authors use Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Theory to review the current landscape with respect to initiatives to prevent and address athlete maltreatment at each level of the theory. The authors also propose that to advance athlete welfare, more attention needs to be devoted to the development of interventions at the macrosystem or international level. Using Bruno Latour’s concept of the oligopticon (1992) an argument is forwarded to create an international surveillance system to promote athlete welfare.  相似文献   

爆发力是快速力量为主导的体育项目中决定运动成绩的重要因素,爆发力的任何变化都有可能造成冠军或者名次的改变,因此如何在赛前准备活动中更大程度地提高运动员比赛时的爆发力成为近年来研究的重点。不断去追求和探索更加合理的、有效的激发运动员爆发力的方法和手段,成为运动员和教练员们所关注的内容。随着学界对于后激活增强效应(postactivation potentiation,PAP)的研究愈发深入,发现后激活增强效应有可能成为通过赛前准备活动提高运动员在比赛中爆发力的突破点,对PAP的功能及其在运动能力上应用的关注和研究与日俱增。许多研究人员在运动试验中,通过诱导出PAP提高了运动员的竞技表现,但因这些实验的变量选取纷繁复杂,研究多集中在PAP对运动能力即时性提升的效果,而PAP诱导效果的影响因素尚不明确。从生理机制、诱导条件与适用运动员特点3个方面进行梳理,分析研究PAP产生的生理机制,PAP进行诱导刺激所需的条件,以及适合通过PAP提高运动水平的运动员的特点,旨在为我国教练员和运动员在竞技训练实践中合理利用PAP提供有益参考。  相似文献   

运用文献资料、访谈与实地考察等方法,基于体教融合视角,研究美国高校高水平运动队建设经验,提出对我国的启示。美国高校高水平运动队建设经验:整体化,NCAA竞赛体系的资源整合;专业化,专职教练员配置助力专业化发展;系统化,目标一致性的系统化管理;科学化,科学训练与备赛助力训练质量提升。对我国的启示:赛事整合,构建中国特色高校高水平体育赛事体系;专业提升,专职教练员团队促进运动队专业化建设;系统管理,竞技成绩目标驱动运动队系统化构建;科学训练,协调"学训"关系,提升训练质量。  相似文献   

陕西省普通高校高水平运动队建设现状调查   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
王波 《体育学刊》2006,13(6):82-86
对陕西省14所普通高等学校高水平运动队建设状况进行了调查分析,结果表明:陕西省普通高等学校高水平运动队经过近20年的建设与发展,在运动员招生、学籍管理、运动训练、竞赛制度等方面积累了丰富经验,取得了较好成果,为进一步加快高水平运动队建设奠定了坚实基础。明确目标与定位,加强合作与交流,实质性地推进“体教结合”,项目合理布局,加大经费投入,率先发展优势项目是陕西省普通高校高水平运动队建设可持续发展的必由之路。  相似文献   

《Sport Management Review》2020,23(4):576-587
More than 30 years has passed since the foundational works of the late Trevor Slack and his colleagues first appeared using design archetypes to explore change dynamics amongst National Sport Organizations. The scale and nature of change that has continued to occur in the operating environment for these organizations over the last three decades has resulted in NSOs increasingly being required to be more professional, to manage more complex sport delivery systems, and strategically adapt and change to be effective. In that context, the authors explore the contemporary nature of NSO design archetypes in order to better understand the current and emerging dynamics of change for these organizations. This conceptual paper reviews the theory and utility of design archetypes in helping to understand organizational change dynamics in relation to NSOs, revisits the work of Slack and others in order to identify ways to improve the representation of design archetypes for contemporary NSOs, and presents an argument for a renewed emphasis on design archetypes as a fundamental driver for future research efforts to help understand change within NSOs, and indeed, other sport organizations.  相似文献   

运用文献资料、社会调查和综合分析等方法,在阐明高校体育文化的内涵、分析高校体育文化的特征和主要功能的基础上,提出了加强高校体育文化建设的对策:加强舆论宣传的导向作用,营造高校体育文化氛围;加强领导,提高高校体育师资素质;采取有效途径增强学生体育兴趣,养成经常体育锻炼习惯;建立和完善规章制度,加强体育场地设施建设;完善高校健康教育体系,推进高校文化体育建设。  相似文献   

试论体育教学中的美学渗透   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
赵净  陈桂祥 《体育科研》2001,22(2):43-44
试从美学的角度,用美学的观点,对在体育教学中如何渗透美学思想,培养学生的审美意识、发展学生的创造性思维,激发学生运动兴趣,提高课堂教学质量进行了探讨.阐述了在体育美学理论指导下,寓美于教,寓教于乐,按照美的规律进行教学实践,对于深化体育教学改革,实现终身体育教育和素质教育目标所产生的深远意义.  相似文献   

叶飞 《湖北体育科技》2010,29(5):610-612
随着网球运动在全球的蓬勃发展,网球早已告别"贵族运动"走向全民化,越来越多的人开始接触网球,越来越多的人加入网球大军,落点更准、力量更大、速度更快、变化更多,是当今网球发展的主流,各种技术都是以争取时间、掌握主动来制约对手的。运动员的致胜武器也从单一化向多元化发展,而对于打网球的人们来说,发球无疑是最关键也是较重要的一项技术,根据当今网球发球技术的发展和个人在发球技术上的训练较为详细地论述了现代网球发球技术及其训练方法。  相似文献   

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