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大学生考试焦虑与竞赛状态焦虑的相关研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
考试焦虑是大学生需要面临的主要应激源之一。通过对150名大学生进行研究,检验分析了竞赛状态焦虑与考试焦虑的联系。相关性检验和多元回归的结果表明考试焦虑与竞赛状态焦虑具有显性相关,认知焦虑对考试焦虑的影响最大。因此,可以通过体育锻炼调节运动焦虑,进而缓解考试焦虑,把降低竞赛状态焦虑的方法用来使考试焦虑保持在一个适宜的水平。  相似文献   

1 田径运动员的唤醒水平表现及导向我国田径运动总体水平与世界田径强国相差甚远。心理素质的不稳定 ,也是我国田径运动员优势项目表现不佳的主要原因之一。唤醒水平是指机体总的生理性激活的不同状态或不同程度 ,它对维持与改变大脑皮层的兴奋性 ,保持觉醒状态起重要作用。它为注意的保持与集中以及意识状态提供了能量。因此 ,对运动员高水平的发挥和保持起到至关重要的作用。针对田径运动而言 ,唤醒的含义很广泛 ,它包括运用不同的方法手段对运动员动机目的的唤醒 ;对训练比赛中积极和消极情绪的唤醒及对应激焦虑的唤醒和对运动员的个体…  相似文献   

采用文献资料法,对唤醒水平的定义及生理机制进行总结,对个体的唤醒水平与情绪、运动状态、运动决策以及其他心理因素的关系进行研究,阐述唤醒与情绪、焦虑二者的关系,比赛过程中的唤醒水平,运动员唤醒水平的调控以及唤醒过程中的个体差异几个方面,在总结相关研究文献的基础上指出当前国内唤醒研究中存在的不足以及对未来唤醒研究的展望.  相似文献   

焦虑是指人由于不能达到目标或不能克服障碍的威胁,致使自尊心和自信心受挫,或使失败感和内疚感增加,形成一种紧张不安并带有恐惧的情绪状态。 焦虑状态含三种主要成分,分别为情绪体验、威胁、不确定性和担心的认知表征以及生理唤醒。焦虑是一种比较常见的不良情绪体验,通过体育锻炼可以改善人的心境状态,减缓应激,确立良好的自我概念,产生运动愉快感,从而达到对焦虑的治疗效果。 焦虑可分散和阻断注意过程,干扰记忆和思维的结果,这些不良情绪会导致神经系统机能失调,从而诱发精神病或心理变态。  相似文献   

运动中应激与焦虑的定义、测量和研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
运动中的应激与焦虑这一问题一直是国外学者研究的热点。进一步研究该问题不仅有助于我们加深对应激和焦虑概念的理解,而且可以为克服运动员赛前、中和后的焦虑情绪,提高他们的比赛成绩服务。本文介绍和讨论了国外近二十年来在应激与焦虑的定义,测量和研究等方面的成果,旨在使我国运动心理学人士弄清应激和焦虑研究的来龙去脉,掌握这方面的研究现状.  相似文献   

武术运动员赛前情绪及临场应对方式的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对68名参加第七届全国大学生武术锦标赛的运动员的赛前情绪状态及其临场应激应对方式进行了调查与研究。结果表明:名次前列的武术运动员的个体失败焦虑、社会期待焦虑得分低于名次后列的运动员,且其与比赛名次呈显著相关,而在自信心与躯体焦虑因子上差异不显著,与比赛名次也不存在显著相关,赛前情绪是影响训练水平与比赛成绩之间关系的一个重要因素;名次前列与后列运动员在面对各种应激源时,4种不同的应对方式均有采用,但前者在采用进攻式应激应对策略的得分均高于后者,而在采用回避式应激应对策略的得分则是大部分都低于后者,赛前情绪各因子与临场应激应对方式各因子呈一定相关,表明两者之间存在一定的相关关系;认知-情感调控训练法、模拟应激训练法、放松训练法与控制点训练法等是几种可以改善赛前情绪状态及临场应激应对方式的有效方法与手段;武术套路运动员的赛前训练不仅是单纯的竞技技术训练,还应包括必要的、系统的心理训练内容。各种训练方法应根据具体运动员在各训练阶段的实际需要进行科学组合,使能发挥最大训练效果。  相似文献   

唤醒水平是一种活动的准备状态,唤醒水平的高低对括动的效率直接产生影响。高唤醒状态夺走了心理能量,致使人体的运动机能和运动技能表现失常,甚至消退,以至衰竭;唤醒水平保持在适度的状态,能动员运动员竞技水平的充分发挥。而影响唤醒水平的主要因素来自于内外部环境的刺激、人体生理上的变化以及本身的思维认知水平。根据以上三个起因,我们以相对应的控制调节技术,进行心理诱导与调节。  相似文献   

柔道运动中,许多心理因素都与运动员的应激体验以及对应激体验产生的反应有直接关系,应激常常导致焦虑,而焦虑可能导致运动员推动控制,不能充分发挥应有的水平。  相似文献   

体育教学中学生焦虑状态的认识及调控   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
体育教学中学生焦虑问题是现代体育心理学研究的一个重要部分。它对评价学生的体育学习行为 ,解释和纠正学生焦虑状态 ,提高体育教学效果具有特殊价值。正确认识体育教学中的学习焦虑 ,可以帮助教师与学生进行有效的心理调节 ,提高教学质量。1 体育学习焦虑的来源及表现体育学习的焦虑是由多方因素造成的 ,概括起来主要有两个方面。一是由体育课中的环境、场地、器材、教学内容等外部条件而引起的焦虑 ,这类属于状态性焦虑。二是由于学生自身身体素质、协调性、活动能力等原因 ,使其惧怕参加体育运动 ,这一类属于特质性焦虑。学生焦虑的表现通常从三个层面来反映 :一是情绪层面 ,表现为紧张、不安、压力感等主观的不适应感 ;二是生理层面 ,表现为肌肉紧张、心跳加快、出汗、头晕、协调困难等身体症状 ;三是认知层面 ,包含注意力难以集中 ,记忆力减弱 ,疏解压力的功能降低。这些反应都会对体育教学产生不同程度的影响。2 焦虑对体育学习的影响在体育教学中 ,学生的焦虑状态可分过低、适中和过高三种状态 ,不同的状态对体育学习有不同的影响。即在适中的焦虑状态下 ,学生往往呈现出唤醒水平提高 ,心理活动的指向性明确 ,注意力集中 ,学生在课堂上呈现兴趣...  相似文献   

已修订出中国常模的CSAI-2问卷是信度和效度高的多维焦虑测量工具,它包括三个分量表:认知状态焦虑、躯体状态焦虑和状态自信心。运用该问卷测查235名参加大学生运动会田径和篮球比赛的被试赛前焦虑反应和状态自信必,结果表明:(1)躯体状态焦虑的强度是区分田径和篮球项目类型良好的预测因子;(2)认知状态焦虑的强度是区分运动技能水平或临场技能发挥得好坏的良好预测因子;(3)竞赛焦虑反应和状态自信心的强度与被试主观上所认知到的任务难度密切有关。因此,为使运动员有适宜的竞赛焦虑反应和状态自信心,教练员除了不断提高运动员的技能水平之外,应当结合项目的要求加强对运动员的心理训练(尤其是认知训练),并注意在赛前激起他们符合任务特征的唤醒水平。  相似文献   

本文以通过特质焦虑量表测量的24名不同特质焦虑类型的体院男生为实验对象,对其进行了不同心理状态下20min的篮球对抗赛,并就运动免疫学研究争议较多的IL-1、IL-2、免疫球蛋白,分别对其安静时、运动前即刻、运动后即刻采集血样,经化验和统计分析发现:(1)心理应激对运动员血清中IL-I和IL-2水平都产生影响,尤其对IL-I影响显著。(2)高特质焦虑运动员在心理应激和运动负荷后血浆IL-1和IL-2活性的变化水平比低特质焦虑运动员更为明显。(3)心理应激、急性运动对运动员免疫球蛋白水平无明显影响。  相似文献   

One purpose of the present study was to examine whether self-confidence or anxiety would be differentially affected byfeedback from more accurate rather than less accurate trials. The second purpose was to determine whether arousal variations (activation) would predict performance. On day 1, participants performed a golf putting task under one of two conditions: one group received feedback on the most accurate trials, whereas another group received feedback on the least accurate trials. On day 2, participants completed an anxiety questionnaire and performed a retention test. Shin conductance level, as a measure of arousal, was determined. The results indicated that feedback about more accurate trials resulted in more effective learning as well as increased self-confidence. Also, activation was a predictor of performance.  相似文献   

手臂动作稳定性与唤醒水平、特质焦虑等关系的再探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王深 《福建体育科技》2003,22(4):8-10,26
本文探讨了唤醒水平、特质焦虑、性别差异、运动项目等对手臂动作稳定性的影响 ,研究结果发现不同运动项目的被试其手臂动作稳定性有明显的差异 ,且特质焦虑与运动项目的交互作用对手臂动作和稳定性变化具有显著效应。  相似文献   

Despite extensive research devoted to determining the nature of the relationship between stress and performance, there has been little systematic examination of the mechanisms underlying this relationship. Recently, researchers have begun to empirically address the attentional mechanisms underlying theoretical accounts of how stress, anxiety and arousal influence performance. Given the critical role of visual attention to sport expertise, this paper focuses primarily on literature dealing with how visual cues are differentially identified and processed when performers are anxious. Emerging evidence indicates that gaze behaviour tendencies are reliably altered when performers are anxious, leading to inefficient and often ineffective search strategies. Alterations of these visual search indices are addressed in the context of both self-paced and externally paced sports events. Recommendations concerning the utility of perceptual training programmes and how these training programmes might be used as anxiety regulation interventions are discussed. The theoretical implications and directions for future research are also addressed.  相似文献   


Arousal and anxiety correlates of gymnastic performance were investigated. Pulse rate and palmer sweating were utilized as indicants of arousal. Anxiety was assessed by means of the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory. Eighteen members of the Ithaca College women's varsity gymnastic team were tested throughout the 1973–74 competitive se?son. The intercorrelation matrix of all variables—gymnastic ability, pulse rate, palmar sweating, state anxiety, trait anxiety, and gymnastic performance—revealed limited relationships between gymnastic performance and arousal/anxiety measures. As expected, gymnastic ability is the best correlate of gymnastic performance.  相似文献   


The purpose of this investigation was to test the basic tenets of consolidation theory by studying the relationship between arousal and the performance and learning of a pursuit rotor task. Ninety-six subjects (48 men and 48 women) were randomly assigned to one of three induced arousal conditions (control, failure-feedback, and electrical shock). Subjects were given twenty-one 20-second acquisition trials under induced arousal conditions, followed 24 or 48 hours later by nine trials in the absence of induced arousal (trials 22–30). The Spielberger A-trait test was administered before the 21 acquisition trials and the A-state test was given afterward. The results of the A-trait test revealed that arousal conditions were equal in terms of normal anxiety levels, while results of the A-state test demonstrated that subjects under induced arousal conditions were indeed stressed (had higher levels of state anxiety). The 21 acquisition trials (seven three-trial blocks) were analyzed using time on target (TOT) scores to determine the effects of arousal on performance. The results of this analysis revealed reliable differences for sex and trial blocks, but not for arousal. A significant triple interaction among the three main effects was primarily caused by a decrement in performance by the female subjects who received failure-feedback. TOT recall scores failed to reveal a facilitative effect due to arousal as predicted by perseverative consolidation theory. In summary, the results of the investigation provided partial support for the action decrement notion but none for the action increment notion of consolidation theory.  相似文献   

Until recently, the traditional Inverted-U hypothesis had been the primary model used by sport psychologists to describe the arousal-performance relationship. However, many sport psychology researchers have challenged this relationship, and the current trend is a shift toward a more "multidimensional" view of arousal-anxiety and its effects on performance. In the current study, 104 college-age participants performed a simple response time task while riding a bicycle ergometer. Participants were randomly assigned to one of eight arousal groups (between 20 and 90% of heart rate reserve) and were told they were competing for a cash prize. Prior to the task, the Competitive State Anxiety Inventory-2 and Sport Anxiety Scale (SAS) were administered to assess the influence of cognitive and somatic anxiety. As hypothesized, regression analysis revealed a significant quadratic trend for arousal and reaction time. This accounted for 13.2% of the variance, F change (1, 101) = 15.10, p < .001, in performance beyond that accounted for by the nonsignificant linear trend. As predicted by the Inverted-U hypothesis, optimal performance on the simple task was seen at 60 and 70% of maximum arousal. Furthermore, for the simple task used in this study, only somatic anxiety as measured by the SAS accounted for significant variance in performance beyond that accounted for by arousal alone. These findings support predictions of the Inverted-U hypothesis and raise doubts about the utility theories that rely on differentiation of cognitive and somatic anxiety to predict performance on simple tasks that are not cognitively loaded.  相似文献   

自主性目标和非自主性目标的教学设置对排球垫球效果产生不同的影响。自主性目标的教学效果比非自主性目标的教学效果好;在目标教学的过程中焦虑和唤醒水平与技能的掌握有密切关系;目标设置对学生的努力程度有很重要的影响;不同性格类型的人在不同的目标教学中其努力程度不同,对学习产生的效果也不同。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate if the effects of changes in physiological arousal on timing performance can be accurately predicted by the catastrophe model. Eighteen young adults (8 males, 10 females) volunteered to participate in the study following ethical approval. After familiarisation, coincidence anticipation was measured using the Bassin Anticipation Timer under four incremental exercise conditions: Increasing exercise intensity and low cognitive anxiety, increasing exercise intensity and high cognitive anxiety, decreasing exercise intensity and low cognitive anxiety and decreasing exercise intensity and high cognitive anxiety. Incremental exercise was performed on a treadmill at intensities of 30%, 50%, 70% and 90% heart rate reserve (HRR) respectively. Ratings of cognitive anxiety were taken at each intensity using the Mental Readiness Form 3 (MRF3) followed by performance of coincidence anticipation trials at speeds of 3 and 8 mph. Results indicated significant condition × intensity interactions for absolute error (AE; p = .0001) and MRF cognitive anxiety intensity scores (p = .05). Post hoc analysis indicated that there were no statistically significant differences in AE across exercise intensities in low–cognitive anxiety conditions. In high–cognitive anxiety conditions, timing performance AE was significantly poorer and cognitive anxiety higher at 90% HRR, compared to the other exercise intensities. There was no difference in timing responses at 90% HRR during competitive trials, irrespective of whether exercise intensity was increasing or decreasing. This study suggests that anticipation timing performance is negatively affected when physiological arousal and cognitive anxiety are high.  相似文献   

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