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男子曲棍球运动员比赛跑动能力研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用SIMI°Scout技、战术分析系统对63名参加第11届全运会曲棍球比赛的男子曲棍球运动员的比赛跑动能力进行分析,在不划分位置情况下,曲棍球运动员上半场多数速度段跑动距离和跑动总距离高于下半场多数速度段跑动距离,表明下半场由于体能下降导致多数速度段的跑动距离有所下降。经过t检验发现,曲棍球的第1速度段跑动距离上、下半场有显著性差异,说明曲棍球第1速度段的跑动距离在下半场下降更明显。在划分运动员位置情况下,量化了曲棍球前锋运动员、前卫运动员和后卫运动员不同时间段的不同速度段的跑动距离。通过对比发现,曲棍球比赛中,运动员跑动距离存在显著的位置特征,前锋运动员和前卫运动员无氧高强度和无氧有氧混合中等强度跑动和跑动总距离要高于后卫运动员。前锋运动员、前卫运动员和后卫运动员上半场多数速度段的跑动距离和跑动总距离高于下半场多数速度段的跑动距离,通过t检验没有发现更进一步的差异性。  相似文献   

中国男子优秀足球运动员比赛跑动能力研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
为了比较全面地掌握中国男子优秀足球运动员比赛跑动能力的状况,使用SIMI°Scout技战术分析系统对2004-2008年来中国国家队、国奥队运动员参加一系列比赛中的跑动能力进行定量测量.根据测量结果,从比赛跑动能力总体状况、系列比赛跑动的纵向比较、中国队与比赛对手跑动距离分析、中国运动员不同位置跑动能力比较分析、不同位置运动员跑动距离等5个方面进行了分析与讨论.  相似文献   

我国女子足球优秀运动员的跑动能力   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用德国研制的SIMI-scout技战术软件对参加第5届全国女足锦标赛的运动员比赛跑动能力进行解析.结果显示,我国女足运动员平均跑动距离是(7 166±1 394)m,其中高强度、中等强度和低强度的跑动距离分别占总距离的13%、24%和63%,且不同位置队员的跑动距离和跑动能力结构具有明显的位置特征.  相似文献   

通过对中国男子篮球联赛(CBA)运动员在比赛中的跑动及负荷情况研究揭示篮球运动员比赛中跑动负荷的特点和规律,为篮球项目科学地制定训练计划,实施科学化训练提供依据。研究采用文献资料、录像分析、观察、统计等研究方法,采用德国SIMIscout技战术分析软件,系统量化了篮球运动员在比赛条件下的跑动能力、不同位置篮球运动员跑动区域位置点分布情况、不同位置篮球运动员在不同跑动速度下的跑动距离特征等。结论表明:篮球比赛是以无氧和有氧混合供能为主,但主要是中低等强度的有氧供能为主占75%左右,高强度及冲刺跑所占比例较少不到10%。从无氧高强度跑动距离阶段来看,也是中锋占比例最少,其次是前锋和后卫,说明篮球比赛的前锋和后卫队员的无氧跑动能力要好于中锋。从运动员比赛活动范围看,前锋运动员活动范围较大,基本是在整个前场范围内跑动;中锋运动员在攻防两端跑动范围基本上都在3分区以内、3 s区弧顶和篮下范围内;后卫运动员的跑动范围也比较大,进攻时主要是接近3分线以外范围内活动。  相似文献   

研究目的:使用专用的技、战术录像分析系统(SIMIScout),对12名CBA优秀篮球运动员在比赛中跑动特征进行初步研究和分析;研究结果,得到了更能反映运动员实际跑动能力的运动距离、跑动位置点分布特征和不同跑动速度下距离特征的数据。  相似文献   

目的:考虑比赛中断因素影响的情况下,探讨我国职业足球运动员比赛结束时段跑动能力是否下降。方法:基于STATS Pro R计算机视频跟踪系统采集的275名职业足球运动员3 438组比赛跑动数据,围绕足球比赛间歇性特征,同时考虑中断时间动态特征和比分差距大小对跑动表现的影响。运用数据级数推断分别界定我国职业足球运动员半场结束时段和比赛结束时段的跑动能力是否下降。研究发现:(1)相较比赛开始阶段,比赛结束时段的中断时间呈现清晰的增加,比分均衡比赛结束时段的中断时间增加更为明显;(2)我国职业足球运动员比赛结束时段总跑动距离呈现清晰的下降(ES=0.31~0.56),但该下降以中、低速跑动距离为主,所有位置运动员冲刺跑动距离均只出现微小无意义变化(ES=0.14~0.08);(3)上半场中、低速跑动距离下降程度大于下半场,高强度跑动距离的下降程度小于下半场;(4)比赛结束时段跑动表现变化的位置特征表现为,中后场运动员高强度跑动距离未发生有意义变化,前场运动员高速跑动距离则呈现清晰的减少(ES=0.25~0.37)。结果表明:考虑比赛中断因素影响后,我国职业足球运动员比赛结束时段高强度跑动距离总体未呈现下降趋势;中后场运动员高速跑动距离和冲刺跑动距离均只出现了微小无意义变化,而前场运动员的高速跑动距离则呈现清晰的减少。  相似文献   

运用文献资料、录像解析、数理统计等方法,对国家男子足球队与比赛对手相同位置运动员的跑动距离进行了比较分析,结果发现:1)与比赛对手相同位置运动员相比,国家男子足球运动员在跑动总距离上均少于比赛对手。2)在各级跑速的跑动距离上,守门员中速跑的跑动能力显著优于比赛对手;边后卫高速跑的跑动能力显著优于比赛对手;中前卫慢跑以下的跑动能力明显多于比赛对手,而低速跑的跑动能力明显少于比赛对手。3)高强度的跑动能力,尤其是冲刺跑的跑动能力较差,是国家男子足球运动员与比赛对手体能水平的差距所在。  相似文献   

手球比赛属于集体球类对抗性项目,比赛跑动能力体现出技术、战术、体能等诸多因素,是比赛制胜的重要因素。对我国男子手球运动员在男子手球联赛、十一届全运会以及第16届亚运会等大型赛事的备战和系列比赛展开研究,结果表明:1)不同位置运动员全场跑动总距离在3 951~4 552m之间,平均为4 249m,跑动距离最多的是边锋,最少的是内锋。2)冲刺跑和高速跑动距离最多的是边锋,最少的是中锋;中速跑动距离最多的是边锋,最少的是中锋;低速跑动距离最多的是中锋,最少的是边锋;慢跑距离最多的是组织,最少的是边锋;走动距离最多的是边锋,最少的是组织。3)手球运动员的全场跑动轨迹是以各位置运动员在两个进攻区域之间以近似直线式的轨迹活动。4)全场进攻和防守的跑动次数分别为70次和78次,平均每25s会有一次跑动,不分速度的情况下平均每次移动的距离为28.71m。  相似文献   

兰政  蒙军  卓杰先 《体育科技》2008,29(1):58-60
对足球运动员的跑动能力进行了界定,认为跑动能力是足球运动员在有球、无球、对抗等状态下为适应比赛需要的、长时间的耐力和持续高强度间歇性活动的能力;进而分别从场上位置与职责、有氧能力、疲劳状况、比赛打法及要求、比赛地域与场地条件五个主要影响足球运动员跑动能力的因素进行深入分析,旨在探索足球运动员的跑动能力与比赛之问的内在联系.  相似文献   

随着篮球运动的不断发展,篮球比赛速度加快,攻守争夺激烈。在比赛中,运动员的无球跑动次数增多。从无球跑动过渡到直接进攻投篮,越来越显示出它的重要地位。无球跑动是进攻的纽带,是得分和战术配合不可缺少的技术之一。也是青少年运动员全面掌握篮球技术的重要内容。一、无球跑动的主要任务 (1)通过无球跑动,获得进攻的最佳位置和空  相似文献   

探索不同赛制下比赛表现指标对比赛结果产生的影响,选取2018年俄罗斯世界杯59场、118组技战术表现和跑动表现指标作为自变量,比赛胜、负作为因变量。运用K型聚类分析,对比分均衡比赛进行界定。根据比赛控球率的不同对比赛表现指标进行标准化处理。运用数据级数推断法界定各自个变量增加2个标准差对比赛获胜概率带来的变化。研究结果:1)在所有比赛中,9项技战术表现指标(射门次数、射正次数、射正率、定位球射门次数、突破进入罚球区次数、控球率、传球成功率、解围成功次数和防守反击次数)和3项跑动表现指标(本方控球时跑动距离、进攻三区跑动距离和对方罚球区跑动距离)使比赛获胜概率显著提升。对方控球时跑动距离则使获胜概率显著下降;2)在比分均衡比赛中,5项技战术表现指标(射门率、定位球射门次数、控球率、传球成功率和解围成功次数)和3项跑动表现指标(本方控球时跑动距离、进攻三区跑动距离和对方罚球区跑动距离)使比赛获胜概率显著提升。而向前传球次数、低强度跑距离、中强度跑距离、对方控球时跑动距离4项比赛表现指标则使获胜概率显著下降。研究表明,FIFA世界杯获胜球队在立足于防守的基础上,以防守反击和定位球作为主要进攻和得分手段,表现出与联赛球队不同的比赛策略。因此,各级球队在备战时应根据赛制和对手实力情况作出针对性的战术部署。  相似文献   


This study investigated variability in competitive high-speed running performance in an elite soccer team. A semi-automated tracking system quantified running performance in 12 players over a season (median 17 matches per player, 207 observations). Variability [coefficient of variation (CV)] was compared for total sprint distance (TSD, >25.2 km/h), high-speed running (HSR, 19.8–25.2 km/h), total high-speed running (THSR, ≥19.8 km/h); THSR when the team was in and out of ball possession, in individual ball possession, in the peak 5 min activity period; and distance run according to individual maximal aerobic speed (MAS). Variability for % declines in THSR and distance covered at ≥80% MAS across halves, at the end of play (final 15 min vs. mean for all 15 min periods) and transiently (5 min period following peak 5 min activity period), was analysed. Collectively, variability was higher for TSD versus HSR and THSR and lowest for distance run at ≥80% MAS (CVs: 37.1%, 18.1%, 19.8% and 11.8%). THSR CVs when the team was in/out of ball possession, in individual ball possession and during the peak 5 min period were 31.5%, 26.1%, 60.1% and 23.9%. Variability in THSR declines across halves, at the end of play and transiently, ranged from 37.1% to 142.6%, while lower CVs were observed in these metrics for running at ≥80% MAS (20.9–53.3%).These results cast doubt on the appropriateness of general measures of high-speed activity for determining variability in an elite soccer team, although individualisation of HSR thresholds according to fitness characteristics might provide more stable indicators of running performance and fatigue occurrence.  相似文献   


The aim of the present study was to examine the effects of changes in the number of ball contacts allowed per individual possession on the physiological, technical, and physical demands within small-sided games in elite soccer. Twenty international players (age 27.4±1.5 years, body mass 79.2±4.2 kg, height 1.81±0.02 m, velocity at [Vdot]O2max 17.4±0.8 km ·h?1, percent body fat 12.7±1.2%) performed three different small-sided game formats (i.e. 2 vs. 2; 3 vs. 3; 4 vs. 4) on three different occasions in which the number of ball contacts authorized per possession was fixed (one touch, two touches, and free play). The relative pitch per player ratio was similar for all small-sided games. The small-sided games were performed with four support players (placed around the perimeter of pitch) with instructions to keep possession of the ball. The total duration of the small-sided games was the effective time of play. The physical demands, technical requirements, heart rates, post-exercise blood lactate concentrations, and ratings of perceived exertion (RPE) were assessed. The percentages of successful passes and numbers of duels were significantly lower when the small-sided game was played with one touch (P<0.001), whereas the number of balls lost increased (P<0.001 for 2 vs. 2 and 3 vs. 3; P<0.01 for 4 vs. 4). The small-sided game played with one touch also induced increases in blood lactate concentration and RPE, as well as greater physical demands in the total distance covered in sprinting and high-intensity runs. In conclusion, the main findings of this study are that by altering the number of ball contacts authorized per possession in small-sided games, the coach can manipulate both the physical and technical demands within such games.  相似文献   

赵成  姚颂平 《体育科学》2005,25(7):46-48,52
在理清同场对抗性集体球类项目(篮球项目)运行规律的基础上,提出了以争夺球权为核心的防守理念——球权理念。运用文献资料调研、录像分析、数理统计等研究方法,以球权理念的角度,对篮球防守进行重新认识,提出新的原则要求(以盯人为例):防有球运动员时,防其技术特点,以争夺球权为中心,手脚并用,主动干扰、破坏,顽强追防,造违例和犯规;防无球运动员时,控制性地人球兼顾,以争夺球权为中心,根据球的威胁程度,不断调整自己的防守位置,适时大胆放弃,果断夹击、补防与轮转。并在此基础上,分析、总结了篮球比赛中各种获得球权的具体方法,为防守训练提供了一种新的理念基础。  相似文献   

To determine the relationship between multidimensional performance characteristics and level of performance in talented youth field hockey players, elite youth players (n = 38, mean age 13.2 years, s = 1.26) were compared with sub-elite youth players (n = 88, mean age 14.2 years, s = 1.26) on anthropometric, physiological, technical, tactical and psychological characteristics. Multivariate analyses with performance level and gender as factors, and age as the covariate, showed that the elite youth players scored better than the sub-elite youth players on technical (dribble performance in a peak and repeated shuttle run), tactical (general tactics; tactics for possession and non-possession of the ball) and psychological variables (motivation) (P < 0.05). The most discriminating variables were tactics for possession of the ball, motivation and performance in a slalom dribble. Age discriminated between the two groups, indicating that the elite youth players were younger than the sub-elite players. In the guidance of young talented players to the top as well as in the detection of talented players, more attention has to be paid to tactical qualities, motivation and specific technical skills.  相似文献   


This study examined the influence of pitch dimensions in small-sided soccer games in shaping opportunities for performers to maintain ball possession, pass to teammates and shoot at goal. Fifteen amateur standard male participants (M = 21.87, σ = 1.96 years) played 5 v 5 small-sided soccer games in three varying pitch conditions (28 m × 14 m, 40 m × 20 m and 52 m × 26 m). Thirty sequences of play in each condition were selected for digitisation using TACTO software, allowing the capture of bi-dimensional displacement coordinate data of all players and the ball. The values of interpersonal distance between all attackers and immediate defenders and the relative distances of defenders to intercept a shot and a pass were computed as dependent variables. Results showed existence of fewer opportunities to maintain ball possession on smaller pitches, compared to medium and larger pitches. Conversely, the different dimensions set to the pitch did not influence opportunities for players to shoot at goal, or to perform passes to other teammates. By examining the specific spatial–temporal relationships of players and key-task constraints, the data from this study explain how effects of manipulating pitch dimensions of small-sided games might enhance opportunities for acquiring specific movement and decision-making skills.  相似文献   

To determine the relationship between multidimensional performance characteristics and level of performance in talented youth field hockey players, elite youth players (n = 38, mean age 13.2 years, s = 1.26) were compared with sub-elite youth players (n = 88, mean age 14.2 years, s = 1.26) on anthropometric, physiological, technical, tactical and psychological characteristics. Multivariate analyses with performance level and gender as factors, and age as the covariate, showed that the elite youth players scored better than the sub-elite youth players on technical (dribble performance in a peak and repeated shuttle run), tactical (general tactics; tactics for possession and non-possession of the ball) and psychological variables (motivation) (P <?0.05). The most discriminating variables were tactics for possession of the ball, motivation and performance in a slalom dribble. Age discriminated between the two groups, indicating that the elite youth players were younger than the sub-elite players. In the guidance of young talented players to the top as well as in the detection of talented players, more attention has to be paid to tactical qualities, motivation and specific technical skills.  相似文献   


This study’s main objective is to analyse the relationship between network-based centrality measures and physical demands in elite football players. Thirty-six matches from La Liga, the Spanish league, were analysed in the 2017/18 season. The analysis of networks formed by team players passing the ball included: degree-prestige (DP), degree-centrality (DC), betweenness-centrality (BC), page-rank (PRP) and closeness-centrality (IRCC). A video-based system was used for analysing total distance (TDpos) and distance run >21Km/h (TD21pos) when the team was in possession of the ball. A magnitude-based inference and correlation analysis were applied. There were different styles of play, team-A was characterized by greater ball circulation (e.g. higher values of DP, DC, BC and IRCC) while team-B used a more direct game (lower values in centrality-metrics except with PRP). Furthermore, TDpos was higher in team-A than in team-B, but those differences disappeared for TD21pos between teams with the exception of the forwards. Finally, the correlation among centrality measures and physical performance were higher in team-B. Coaches could identify the key opponents and players who are linked to them, allowing to adjust performance strategies. Furthermore, interaction patterns between teammates can be used to identify preferential paths of cooperation and to take decisions regarding these relations in order to optimize team performance.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to measure and characterise the distances covered by Brazilian professional futsal players. The trajectories of 93 players during five matches were obtained using an automatic tracking method. The distances covered were analysed for different game conditions: over the entire game and during the times when the ball was out of play and in play separately. When the entire game was considered, the results showed that there was a reduction in the total distance covered per minute from the first [median ± IQR (interquartile range): 97.9 ± 16.2 m/min] to the second half (median = 90.3 m/min; IQR = 12.0), and when only the in-play time was considered (first half: 136.6 ± 17.2 m/min; second half: 129.2 ± 16.7 m/min). The percentage of distance covered in the standing and walking velocity range was higher in the second half than in the first when considering the entire game (30.8% and 28.0%, respectively) and during the in-play time (19.3% and 16.2%, respectively). In conclusion, this study verified that futsal players reduced the physical performance during the second half.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the effect of playing formation on high-intensity running and technical performance during elite soccer matches. Twenty English FA Premier League games were analysed using a multiple-camera computerized tracking system (n = 153 players). Overall ball possession did not differ (P < 0.05) between 4-4-2, 4-3-3 and 4-5-1 formations (50%, s = 7 vs. 49%, s = 8 vs. 44%, s = 6). No differences were observed in high-intensity running between 4-4-2, 4-3-3 and 4-5-1 formations. Compared with 4-4-2 and 4-3-3 formations, players in a 4-5-1 formation performed less very high-intensity running when their team was in possession (312 m, s = 196 vs. 433 m, s = 261 vs. 410 m, s = 270; P 5 0.05) but more when their team was not in possession (547 m, s = 217 vs. 461 m, s = 156 vs. 459 m, s = 169; P < 0.05). Attackers in a 4-3-3 performed ~30% more (P < 0.05) high-intensity running than attackers in 4-4-2 and 4-5-1 formations. However, the fraction of successful passes was highest in a 4-4-2 (P < 0.05) compared with 4-3-3 and 4-5-1 formations. The results suggest that playing formation does not influence the overall activity profiles of players, except for attackers, but impacts on very high-intensity running activity with and without ball possession and some technical elements of performance.  相似文献   

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