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新型研发机构的突出特点在于由多元主体共同投资建立,能够整合利用多种创新资源,有效促进成果转化和企业孵化。然而,创新主体之间、创新资源之间的融通对新型研发机构的影响并不是简单线性的,且还未形成较统一的论断。本文利用中国1458家新型研发机构的调研数据,从新型研发机构主体融通类型、主体融通强度和资源融通三个维度对新型研发机构对企业孵化的影响展开实证分析。结果表明,由政府-学术界联合举办的新型研发机构是促进企业孵化最为有效的形式,其他主体融通类型的作用效果相对较弱;主体融通强度对新型研发机构企业孵化的影响呈现倒“U”型关系,即超过举办单位阈值数量后会抑制企业孵化;资金、技术、人才、场地等资源的融通对新型研发机构企业孵化影响相对其他资源融通更为有效。上述研究结论对于制定新型研发机构发展的政策有一定意义,也为支撑我国科技自立自强奠定基础。  相似文献   

企业的研发活动一直是创新研究的焦点,而其内部不基于研发的多样化、行之有效的创新性活动常常受到学术界的忽视。实际上,此类创新活动也是广大中小企业获取竞争优势的重要来源。当他们面临着资源约束时,能通过有效利用手边的研发和非研发资源,整合构建起自己的创新能力,获取持续竞争优势。但现有研究对于资源约束情境下企业研发与非研发创新活动共同作用下可能产生的交互效应缺乏关注。本文基于对中国中小企业的调查,实证探索了非研发创新与研发创新对企业绩效的交互效应。研究结果表明:外部技术采用与改良、产品/服务定制、组织和市场创新三种非研发创新活动和研发创新活动在对企业创新绩效的影响上呈替代效应;外部技术采用与改良和研发创新的替代效应不稳定;模仿创新对企业创新绩效的影响不显著。本研究对于中小企业如何依靠行之有效的多样化创新模式(如非研发创新)提升创新能力与创新绩效具有指导借鉴意义,对我国中小企业创新政策的优化也具有参考价值。  相似文献   

企业研发机构是全面提高企业自主创新能力的中坚力量,但现有相关研究更多集中在企业规模与企业创新的关系上,较少关注企业研发机构规模与企业创新之间的互动关系。为此,选取2013—2020年我国29个省份的高技术企业的相关面板数据,采用联立方程模型、面板门槛模型和面板向量自回归模型对其研发机构规模与企业创新之间的静态线性关系、静态非线性关系和动态关系进行分析,并选用反向传播人工神经网络进行稳健性检验,以及运用脉冲响应函数和方差分解进一步分析企业创新、研发机构规模、研发经费投入、研发劳动力投入的脉冲响应。结果表明:企业研发机构规模与企业创新之间不存在显著静态线性关系;随着企业研发机构规模扩大,其对企业创新影响的弹性逐渐降低;随着企业创新成果水平的提高,企业研发机构规模对企业创新影响的弹性增大;企业研发机构规模扩大实际会在滞后1期时对企业创新产生最大的正向作用,且持续性不强,而企业创新对企业研发机构规模存在负向影响,说明当企业达成现阶段的创新目标后,大多不再进行大规模的创新,甚至适当削减其研发机构规模。  相似文献   

本文运用战略生态位管理(SNM)理论,探究构建多主体参与的新型研发机构开放式创新模式,形成多元化创新资源网络,为社会创新管理及其发展提供新的视角。文章基于SNM理论,从新型研发机构与社会网络交互的角度出发,对新型研发机构的技术研发及成果转化的全过程、开放式创新实践与创新机理、创新主体及不同程度创新模式的特征这5个方面进行深入系统的分析,强调多元创新主体之间的协同联动,为新型研发机构营造良好的内外部创新环境,同时通过对比不同主体参与的开放式创新模式,发现多主体参与的完全开放式创新模式下能实现创新收益最大化。  相似文献   

相比企业性质、民办非企业性质的新型研发机构,事业单位性质新型研发机构面临更多的风险点,但尚缺乏运用企业风险管理理论与相关实践成果对其建设运营风险进行深入研究。基于企业风险管理理论,通过调研总结广东省事业单位性质新型研发机构的运营特点发现,在企业化管理运作机制下,事业单位性质新型研发机构在顶层设计、理事会架构、事业单位企业化运营、内控管理等方面存在风险点,并有针对性地提出风险防范建议,包括明确功能定位、细化共建期任务目标,完善内部监管制度,加强对共建期机构做好指导、引导、考核工作,引导其规范管理资产,提高风控意识,营造良好的外部发展环境等,以期为提升事业单位性质新型研发机构的创新效能、可持续健康发展提供参考。  相似文献   

基于社会认知理论,本研究将创造力效能感与工作卷入引入到积极情绪与员工创新行为关系的分析框架内,构建了积极情绪对员工创新行为的作用机制模型,并以研发人员为对象,通过调查研究发现:1)在中国企业背景下,积极情绪对研发人员创新行为有显著的直接影响(0.092);2)积极情绪通过创造力效能感的中介作用,间接影响研发人员的创新行为,该路径的解释力是最强的(0.406);3)积极情绪通过工作卷入的中介作用,间接影响研发人员的创新行为,该路径的解释力相对较弱(0.114);理论模型中“积极情绪→创造力效能感→工作卷入→研发人员创新行为”的路径作用也显著,但解释力相对较弱(0.058)。以上研究发现有助于厘清积极情绪对员工创新行为的影响机制,并为企业创新管理实践提供理论支持。  相似文献   

为探讨大科学装置在推动我国战略性新兴产业新材料技术研发上的应用和实践,以中国散裂中子源(CSNS)为例,分析CSNS装置及关联机构的建设运行情况,归纳出CSNS支持下新材料技术研发的三种模式:用户自主研发模式、联合多主体协同研发模式、全链条布局创新体系模式。同时,结合新材料技术研发的环节以及CSNS关联创新主体分析发现,CSNS推动新材料技术研发的作用机制,是CSNS谱仪与各创新主体围绕“基础研究—应用研究—中试孵化—产业应用”研发链各环节共同发挥作用而构成的大科学装置创新体系。并从推进相关建设、加强政策布局、建立支持部门三方面,提出提升研究成果数量和水平、提升企业创新能力、解决系统性支持缺失等现存问题的有效对策。  相似文献   

新型研发机构已成为国家创新体系的重要主体,强化新型研发机构韧性是在当前VUCA环境中实现稳定发展的关键。通过对新型研发机构进行模块化分析,提出了新型研发机构运行过程的韧性化解释,识别出循环可变性、交互性、冗余性、稳健性四维韧性特征,构建了新型研发机构韧性评价体系,并选取初创型和成长型两类新型研发机构开展实践应用,验证了该评价体系的合理性和可行性,为保障新型研发机构抵御外部冲击,实现良性发展提供了新路径。  相似文献   

王楠  黄静  王斌 《科研管理》2019,40(5):244-253
以2010-2014年我国创业板上市公司为研究对象,结合资源依赖理论和管理权力理理论,从董事会社会资本的视角出发,探讨董事会如何通过与外部环境其他主体的联系影响企业创新战略的实施,以及CEO权力对董事会社会资本与企业研发投资关系的调节作用。实证研究发现:(1)董事会商业联系与企业研发投资显著正相关,其中董事参与行业协会显著促进企业研发投资,而董事兼职其他公司对企业研发投资没有促进作用;(2)由于“政策性负担”的存在,董事会政治联系对企业研发投资具有消极影响,其中代表类政治联系与企业研发投资显著负相关,而官员类政治联系对企业研发投资没有影响;(3)创业板企业的CEO具有“管家精神”,CEO权力对董事会商业联系与企业研发投资关系的调节作用不显著,但CEO权力显著降低董事会政治联系、代表类政治联系对企业研发投资的消极影响;(4)除CEO结构性权力外,CEO所有权权力、专家权力和声望权力均对代表类政治联系与企业研发投资的关系具有显著的负向调节作用。  相似文献   

通过深入调研广东、福建和江苏等校地共建新型研发机构,运用扎根理论方法提取影响新型研发机构创新成效的核心因素,包括地方政府创新条件、母体高校创新条件、创新能力、院校合作及双重创新网络特征;通过基于模糊集的定性比较分析,得到导致新型研发机构高创新成效的组态路径构型.研究发现:技术创新网络中心性、创新能力和院校合作是影响校地共建新型研发机构创新成效的必要条件,且其均通过创新网络发挥影响作用.最后,对校地共建新型研发机构的创新发展提出鼓励与母体高校开展产学研合作、引导与区域高校和产业合作、激励实施成果转化和管理制度现代化、设立研究基金和促进投资主体多元化,以及灵活化组织体制、市场化运行机制等对策建议.  相似文献   

There have been many previous studies exploring the relationship between R&D performance and firm size; however, to our knowledge, this issue has never been examined in terms of R&D output elasticity. This paper therefore sets out to re-examine the relationship of the two variables using R&D output elasticity as a measure of R&D performance. A total of 126 manufacturing firms, listed on the Taiwan Stock Exchange over the period from 1994 to 2000, are taken as the analytical sample. One practical consideration for choosing these particular firms is the relative abundance of data available for the variables for a longitudinal investigation. The estimates suggest that there is an approximating ‘U-type’ relationship between R&D productivity and firm size. This finding suggests that both large and small firms have higher R&D productivity, and even when the sample is divided into the high-tech and traditional sectors, such a finding still holds. Therefore, in contrast to the prior studies, this study shows that size offers advantage in R&D performance.  相似文献   

Regional investment in R&D, technological development and innovation is perceived as being strongly associated with productivity, growth and sustained international competitiveness. One policy instrument by which policy makers have attempted to create regional advantage has been the establishment of publicly funded research centres (PRCs). In this paper we develop a logic model for this type of regional intervention and examine the outputs and longer-term outcomes from a group of (18) publicly funded R&D centres. Our results suggest some positive regional impacts but also identify significant differences in terms of innovation, additionality and sustainability between university-based and company-based PRCs. University-based PRCs have higher levels of short-term additionality, demonstrate higher levels of organisational innovation but prove less sustainable. Company-based PRCs demonstrate more partial additionality in the short-term but ultimately prove more sustainable.  相似文献   

The U.S. Orphan Drug Act provides R&D incentives to drug-makers that go beyond statutory patent protection. The study explores the act's effect on financial returns to innovation and on the strategy of orphan drug development. Results indicate that the financial return to orphan drug development is positive. The findings suggest that when market size is small and cumulative innovation is an important phenomenon the policy that extends effective patent duration or subsidizes R&D activity improves incentives to innovate.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between (outside-in) open innovation and the financial performance of R&D projects, drawing on a unique dataset that contains information on the open innovation practices, management and performance of 489 R&D projects of a large European multinational firm. We introduce two types of open innovation partnerships – science-based and market-based partnerships – and examine their relationships with project financial performance. In addition, we investigate whether the open innovation—project performance relationships are influenced by the way how R&D projects are managed. Our results show that R&D projects with open innovation partnerships are associated with a better financial performance providing that they are managed in the most suitable way. Market-based partnerships are positively correlated with project performance if a formal project management process is used; however these partnerships are associated with a lower performance for loosely managed projects. In contrast, science-based partnerships are associated with higher project revenues for loosely managed projects only.  相似文献   

This paper discusses a bottom-up approach to estimate the level of R&D investment by technology in areas where data are scarce. It develops a four-step methodology for the estimation of corporate R&D investments at technology level. This approach can overcome gaps in existing data by combining publicly available information in a novel way, even though it introduces some uncertainty. This is illustrated for a set of low-carbon energy technologies that were identified as key for meeting Europe's long-term energy and climate objectives by the European Strategic Energy Technology Plan. The paper finds that the aggregated R&D investments dedicated to these technologies amounted to €3.3 billion in the EU in 2007, including public funding from European Union Member States and at EU-level, and industrial research activities from companies with headquarters registered in the EU. The results allow conclusions on the European energy research policy to be drawn, such as the dominance of industrial funds, and have provided significant input to the European policy making in this field. The paper ends with suggestions on how to further enhance the accuracy of the approach and how to widen its application to other sectors.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the international research and development (R&D) investments of German multinational corporations (MNCs). Based on a detailed empirical survey of laboratory sites established by 49 German MNCs, we examine (i) the level and pace of R&D internationalization, (ii) the motivations and mandates of overseas R&D laboratories, as well as (iii) the strength of the laboratories’ internal and external ties. Participating firms account for about 46% of all German enterprises with international R&D activities and approximately 66% of the nation's privately funded R&D expenditures in 1999. The findings indicate that the timing and organization of German owned overseas R&D investments more closely resemble Japanese or French than US or Swedish firms. Furthermore, in line with prior studies, German MNCs increasingly invest in international R&D for resource as opposed to market-seeking motives. The paper also finds significant differences with regard to the laboratory's mission and its geographical location on one hand, and its internal and external embeddedness, on the other.  相似文献   

This paper aims to disentangle the mechanisms through which technological similarity between acquiring and acquired firms influences innovation in horizontal acquisitions. We develop a theoretical model that links technological similarity to: (i) two key aspects of post-acquisition reorganization of acquired R&D operations – the rationalization of the R&D operations and the replacement of the R&D top manager, and (ii) two intermediate effects that are closely associated with the post-acquisition innovation performance of the combined firm – improvements in R&D productivity and disruptions in R&D personnel. We rely on PLS techniques to test our theoretical model using detailed information on 31 horizontal acquisitions in high- and medium-tech industries. Our results indicate that in horizontal acquisitions, technological similarity negatively affects post-acquisition innovation performance and that this negative effect is not mediated by the reorganization of the acquired R&D operations. However, replacing the acquired firm's R&D top manager leads to R&D productivity improvements that positively affect innovation performance.  相似文献   

Muammer Ozer 《Research Policy》2007,36(9):1372-1387
Addressing the demand uncertainties at the fuzzy-front-end of developing new online services, this paper tests the roles of numerous cluster-based methodologies in improving the predictive accuracy of consumer opinions. The results with an online service revealed that both crisp and non-crisp clustering methodologies improve the predictive accuracy and hence reduce the demand uncertainties at the fuzzy-front-end of the new product development process. They also showed that non-crisp clustering increases the accuracy more than does crisp clustering. Implications of the findings for our understanding of the earlier stages of the new product development process and for making informed R&D policies are discussed.  相似文献   

Jarle Møen 《Research Policy》2007,36(9):1443-1464
Public R&D subsidies aim to target particularly risky R&D and R&D with large externalities. One would expect many such projects to fail from a commercial point of view, but they may still produce knowledge with social value. Such knowledge is likely to be embodied in workers or teams of workers. I test for knowledge diffusion from subsidised technology firms transmitted through the labor market. The specific case analysed is a series of Norwegian IT-programs so far considered unsuccessful. It has been argued that know-how built up during the programs still ‘fertilize’ the IT-industry. I find limited support for this claim.  相似文献   

Meng-chun Liu 《Research Policy》2012,41(6):1107-1120
China has become a hot spot of R&D internationalization and a growing number of Taiwan-based firms have indeed set up R&D units in China. Taking into account China's substantial regional variations in economic development, innovation capacity, and knowledge productivity, such notions as regional innovation system (RIS) and local innovative milieu may become more relevant to the study on relationships between China and its inward R&D internationalization. Therefore, the key issue for this paper is what locational advantages of an RIS within a host country affect the network linkages and networking strategy of multinational corporations’ (MNCs’) offshore R&D units. The paper aims to enrich the current understanding of R&D internationalization in several ways. First, the paper attempts to examine the R&D networking underlying R&D internationalization by Taiwan-based firms in China, with particular reference to the sub-national level inside China. Second, the paper tries to establish a link between the literature of R&D internationalization and that of RIS, with a modified version of Dunning's eclectic paradigm. Efforts are made to map the relationship between foreign subsidiaries’ local R&D networks and their host RISs inside China. Third, the paper takes advantage of a government databank to adopt a quantitative approach, the Seemingly Unrelated Bivariate Probit Regression model, with foreign subsidiaries as the unit of analysis, to highlight the role played by some aspects of the RIS in determining the local R&D networking of Taiwanese subsidiaries in China. Our evident shows that MNCs’ offshore R&D units that purse home-based technology exploitation strategy, the mainstream strategy regarding the developing host country, tend to be located in a host region with a strong knowledge application and exploitation subsystem, while an RIS with a strong knowledge generation and diffusion subsystem, within such a developing country as China, may induce MNCs’ local R&D units to pursue home-base technology augmenting strategy. On balance, not only the location choice but also the local R&D linkages of MNCs’ offshore subsidiaries are related to appropriate fits between the RIS and the subsidiaries’ innovation network inside the host country.  相似文献   

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