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为探讨体外受精-胚胎移植(IVT-ET)过程中影响临床妊娠率的因素,对248个常规IVF-ET周期进行了分析,研究了夫妇年龄、穿刺卵泡数、获取卵母细胞数、卵母细胞成熟卵比率、卵母细胞空卵比率、精液精子质量和数量、授精前孵育时间、授精精子密度、受精率、多原核孕卵生成率、卵裂率、移植胚胎数目、胚胎累积评分及移植过程评分和临床妊娠之间的关系。结果表明,临床妊娠率与母方年龄呈显著性负相关(P<0.05),与移植胚胎数目、胚胎累积评分和移植过程评分呈显著性正相关(P<0.05)。说明母方年龄、移植胚胎数目、胚胎累积评分和移植过程评分是影响临床妊娠的重要因素。  相似文献   

江苏省人民医院妇产科、南京医科大学生殖医学重点实验室辅助生育技术研究室的科研人员,在刘嘉茵副教授的主持下,采用未成熟卵体外成熟技术(IVM)对14名因卵子成熟障碍而不孕的妇女进行14个周期的治疗,取得试管婴儿妊娠率21%的成绩,达国际先进水平。他们将卵巢中核泡期的未成熟卵取出,采用特殊的培养液模拟体内的卵泡微环境,将卵子在体外培养36—48小时,待其成熟后,进行显微授精,等授精卵发育成熟,再植入母体子宫腔内。科研人员经过艰难的探索,克服了取卵难度大、没有体外培养液配方、子宫内膜与体外培养卵不能同…  相似文献   

生殖过程包括生殖细胞(精子与卵子)的发生、成熟、受精、受精卵的着床和胚胎发育等环节。精子在发生过程中,其结构、形态、功能的分化以及基因表达都受到严格的时空调控,其中精子膜蛋白的合成与转化,对精子的成熟、获能和精卵识别起着十分重要的作用。因此,深入了解与精子细胞分化、成熟有关的膜蛋白的结构、功能及基因表达,不仅对生殖分子生物学的发展具有理论意义,并为探索免疫避孕新途径,发展抗生育疫苗也具有潜在实用价值。  相似文献   

刺五加Eleutherococcus senticosus(Rupr. et Maxim.)Maxim.植株在开花后雌配子体的发育状态与 一般植物不同在于:雌配子体在开花当天均末成熟,在开花后经4-5天才发育成熟。开花第6天,雌株 和两性株的成熟胚囊百分率各为82.25%和67.25%,其余为未育、败育、退化或未成熟胚囊,未观察到 已受精的胚囊;而此时,雄株的雌配子体退化、花朵全部脱落。伴随着胚囊的分化,刺五加雌株和两性株 的花柱逐渐延长,蜜腺渐趋成熟。开花后4~6天,乳突细胞发育,柱头开始外翻;此后,蜜腺分泌花蜜, 柱头进入可授期。开花第7天,胚囊开始受精。开花后9~10天,雌株已受精的胚囊占胚囊总数的40~ 65%,两性株已受精的胚囊占胚囊总数的25~41%。刺五加花粉萌发至雌雄性核融合的间隔期约为2 ~3天。刺五加的双受精过程与一般被子植物基本相同。其受精作用属于有丝分裂前配子融合类型。 此外,还观察了成熟胚囊退化的类型,观察到多余花粉管进入胚囊以及两个精子与卵受精、两个精子与次生核融合的图象。  相似文献   

冷冻精液是将特殊处理后的精液保存在超低温(-196℃的液氮)环境下,抑制精子的代谢活动,使精子的生命在相对静止的状态下保存下来,当温度一旦回升,又能复苏且具有受精能力。精液冷冻保存是人工授精工作的一大进步,由于保存时间的延长,使精液的使用不受地区限制,从而加快了家畜品种的育成和改良速度。正确的使用冷冻精液,可以避免精子活力下降,保证受胎率。现简单介绍一下冷冻精液的使用技术。  相似文献   

目的:观察手术结合中药治疗精索静脉曲张合并精浆中性α-糖苷酶异常的不育症患者的临床疗效。方法:将60例符合纳入标准的精索静脉曲张并伴精浆中性α-糖苷酶异常的不育患者随机分为手术组(对照组A,n=20)、聚精汤组(对照组B,n=20)、手术与聚精汤结合组(治疗组,n=20)。手术均采用改良Palomo术,中药均以聚精汤(徐福松方)口服,一日一剂,分2次服用。三组患者共治疗12周,治疗结束后随访48周,观察其精液体积、精液p H值、精子总数、精子浓度、精子前向活动率(PR)、总活动率(PR+NP)、精浆中性α-糖苷酶活性及配偶怀孕情况等。结果:三组在治疗后组间对照比较,组间患者的精子浓度、精子前向活动率(PR)、总活动率(PR+NP)、精浆中性α-糖苷酶活性(一次射精)均有显著性的差异(P0.05),并且都以手术与聚精汤结合组为优。而精液体积、精液p H值无显著性差异(P0.05)。三组治疗后的精子浓度、精子前向活动率(PR)、总活动率(PR+NP)、精浆中性α-糖苷酶活性(一次射精)与治疗前相比均有明显提高,有显著性差异(P0.05)。精液量、精液p H值与治疗前相比无显著性差异(P0.05)。60例患者随访48周,其配偶怀孕共21人(总怀孕率35%),其中手术组6人(怀孕率30%);聚精汤组2人(怀孕率10%);手术与聚精汤结合组13人(怀孕率65%);三组间比较有显著性差异(P0.01),手术与聚精汤结合组优于聚精汤组或手术组。三组的总体疗效差异性显著(P0.01或P0.05),手术与聚精汤结合组的疗效最优。结论:手术结合聚精汤能够提高精索静脉曲张不育合并精浆中性α-糖苷酶异常患者的精液质量和精浆中性α-糖苷酶活性,改善睾丸附睾功能提高精子活力,同时也能提高配偶怀孕率;效果优于单纯手术或单纯中药治疗。  相似文献   

新鲜蔬菜水果提取液(EFVF)含有人体必需的多种维生素,微量元素和氨基酸,本文研究了其对小鼠脾细胞NK活性,IL-2,TNF-β以及IFN-γ诱生水平的影响,结果表明,口服EFVF能显著增强脾细胞NK活性及IL-2,TNF-βIFN-γ诱生水平,其机制可能与EFVF中富含VitE,VitA,VitC及锌等微量元素有关。  相似文献   

地球上的生命起源于海洋。远古时,海洋中的各种分子不断碰撞,产生了氨基酸、蛋白质,直至生命。现今,那浩瀚的大海中,游弋着多少鱼虾,栖息着多少生命:但大家是否知道,在人体中也有着一片生命的海洋?精子和卵子结合称为受精,其产物就是受精卵。一旦受精完成,一个新生命便诞生了。大约经过一周,受精卵经过千辛万苦的跋涉,才从输卵管到达子宫,找到其温床——子宫,并一头钻进子宫壁中,在那里生“根”了。受精卵不断增殖变化,衍化出胚胎及其附属器官。羊膜便是受精卵衍化出来的附属器官之一,它衬在子宫的内表面,就像一个密封的口袋,口袋内的空隙就…  相似文献   

双胞胎的DNA是一样的吗?双胞胎的DNA不一定是相同的。双胞胎分为同卵双胞胎和异卵双胞胎两种情况。同卵双胞胎是同一个受精卵分裂成两个细胞,再分别发育成两个胚胎而来,二者的DNA是一样的,主要性状及性别是相同的,我们见到的连体婴儿是同卵胎儿:异卵双胞胎是由两个卵子分别受精发育而来,二者的DNA是不一样的,其主要性状不同,  相似文献   

江苏省人民医院妇产科、南京医科大学生殖医学重点实验室辅助生育技术研究室的科研人员,在刘嘉茵副教授的主持下,采用未成熟卵体外成熟技术(IVM)对14名因卵子成熟障碍而不孕的妇女进行14个周期的治疗,取得试管婴儿妊娠率21%的成绩,达国际先进水平.  相似文献   

Anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) is a glycoprotein belonging to the transforming growth factors (TGF-P). AMH plays a fundamental role in the regression of Müllerian ducts in male embryo. In its absence, Müllerian ducts develop into female inner reproductive organs. In boys, it is significantly produced in Sertoli cells of testes until puberty and then slowly decreases to residual values for the rest of the men's life. AMH serves as a biochemical marker of the presence of testes in cryptorchidic males. In females, AMH is secreted by granulosa cells of small follicles in the ovary. Serum values are almost undetectable during infancy and then rapidly increase with the onset of puberty, reflecting the initial recruitment of primordial follicles. AMH is produced in growing follicles until they reach a stage when dominant follicle is detached from a cohort of antral follicles. The measurement of serum AMH levels during woman's reproductive life represents an ideal tool for the assessment of the ovarian follicular reserve. The advantage of AMH in relation to the ovarian steroid hormones is that serum levels do not fluctuate significantly during the menstrual cycle. In addition, circulating AMH strongly correlates with antral follicle count (AFC), visualized by ultrasound in the follicular phase of the cycle. As the number and quality of the oocytes diminish throughout the woman's reproductive life, serum concentrations of AMH gradually decrease and fall below detectable levels in menopause. This could be of particular interest in subfertile and infertile women undergoing assisted reproductive techniques (ART) in achieving pregnancy.  相似文献   

A biochip system imitates the oviduct of mammals with a microfluidic channel to achieve fertilization in vitro of imprinting-control-region (ICR) mice. We apply a method to manipulate and to position the oocyte and the sperm of ICR mice at the same time in our microfluidic channel with a positive dielectrophoretic (DEP) force. The positive dielectrophoretic response of the oocyte and sperm was exhibited under applied bias conditions AC 10 Vpp waveform, 1 MHz, 10 min. With this method, the concentration of sperm in the vicinity of the oocyte was increased and enhanced the probability of natural fertilization. We used commercial numerical software (CFDRC-ACE+) to simulate the square of the electric field and analyzed the location at which the oocyte and sperm are trapped. The microfluidic devices were designed and fabricated with poly(dimethylsiloxane). The results of our experiments indicate that a positive DEP served to drive the position of the oocyte and the sperm to natural fertilization (average rate of fertilization 51.58%) in our microchannel structures at insemination concentration 1.5 × 106 sperm ml−1. Embryos were cultured to two cells after 24 h and four cells after 48 h.  相似文献   

Selection medium is important in sperm isolation for assisted reproductive technologies. Contrary to the naturally occurring human cervical mucus which has a high viscosity, most current practices for motility based sperm selection use a low viscosity medium. In this study, we used a microfluidic device to assess the effects of high viscosity media made with hyaluronic acid (HA) and methyl cellulose (MC) on bovine and human sperm motility and viability (sperm transferred directly from cryoprotectant). The microfluidic penetration test, viability, and motility were compared for sperm swimming in both HA and MC media with about 20cp viscosity (measured at 20 °C). Our resulted indicate that MC medium resulted in a significantly higher number of viable bovine sperm penetrating the medium as compared to HA. Furthermore, MC resulted in the selection of a sperm subpopulation with a 274% increase in sperm viability in comparison to the raw semen, while HA increased viability by only 133%. In addition to viability, bovine sperm motility parameters were significantly higher in the MC medium as compared with HA. Experiments with human sperm swimming in MC indicate that sperm swim slower and straighter at higher viscosities. In conclusion, the results indicate that in a micro-confined environment representative of the in vivo environment, MC is a preferred high viscosity medium to ensure the highest concentration of motile and viable sperm.  相似文献   

Thermotaxis has been demonstrated to be an important criterion for sperm evaluation, yet clinical assessment of thermotaxis capacity is currently lacking. In this article, the on-chip thermotaxis evaluation of human sperm is presented for the first time using an interfacial valve-facilitated microfluidic device. The temperature gradient was established and accurately controlled by an external temperature gradient control system. The temperature gradient responsive sperm population was enriched into one of the branch channels with higher temperature setting and the non-responsive ones were evenly distributed into the two branch channels. We employed air-liquid interfacial valves to ensure stable isolation of the two branches, facilitating convenient manipulation of the entrapped sperm. With this device, thermotactic responses were observed in 5.7%-10.6% of the motile sperm moving through four temperature ranges (34.0-35.3 °C, 35.0-36.3 °C, 36.0-37.3 °C, and 37.0-38.3 °C, respectively). In conclusion, we have developed a new method for high throughput clinical evaluation of sperm thermotaxis and this method may allow other researchers to derive better IVF procedure.  相似文献   

动物组织细胞的玻璃化冻存是一项新的深低温冷冻保存方法,已成功地冻存了多种动物细胞,具有较高的实际应用和研究价值。本文论述几种主要组织细胞玻璃化冻存方法的研究及其进展,如小鼠胰岛和卵母细胞,大鼠卵巢、牛胚泡、牛卵母细胞、猪胚胎、人胚胎等,不同冷冻保护剂,玻璃化溶液和冷冻程序对细胞存活率的影响。并提出了玻璃化冻存动物以及组织细胞的问题与展望。  相似文献   

环境激素壬基酚对家蚕生殖发育的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
壬基酚(NP)是一种新确认的环境激素(EH)。为探讨EH对鳞翅目昆虫的性激素作用,用添加NP的人工饲料饲养家蚕,调查NP对生殖发育的影响。结果显示,刚孵化家蚕幼虫添毒72 h和120 h的LC50分别为1.1392、1.0695 mmol/kg。添毒NP1.000 mmol/kg以上浓度,家蚕在幼虫期死亡而不能完成世代。从生殖腺系数看,0.500 mmol/kg以下浓度的NP,对家蚕幼虫和蛹的睾丸生长无不良影响(P>0.05);大于0.250 mmol/kg的NP,能显著抑制雄蛾的睾丸生长(P<0.05);小于0.500 mmol/kg的NP,5龄幼虫和24 h龄蛹精细胞数量显著增加(P<0.05);高于0.125 mmol/kg的NP,168h龄蛹和24h龄蛾的精子数量显著少于对照(P<0.01)。高于0.125 mmol/kg的NP,5龄幼虫和蛹的卵细胞生长和发育被抑制(P<0.05),雌蛾造卵数和产出卵数减少(P<0.05),受精率降低(P<0.05)。NP通过抑制家蚕生殖腺的生长和生殖细胞的发育表现雌激素效应。  相似文献   

In this study, we propose a new approach to increase the success rate of single-oocyte dispensing and investigate the subsequent viability of the dispensed oocytes. We used a pair of capacitance sensors placed in a microfluidic chip to detect the oocyte, and custom-designed a special buffer zone in the microchannel to decelerate the flow velocity and reduce the hydraulic pressure acting on the oocyte. In the buffer zone, a semicircular bay, formed by equally spaced micro-pillars, is used to stop the oocyte at the dispensing nozzle hole. Finally, the oocyte is ejected by airflow to the culture array. The novel feature of the developed microfluidic system is that the extraordinary improvement in success rate is accompanied by a lack of change in oocyte survival rate (as assessed by a comparison of survival rates before and after the dispensing procedure). By using this device, we achieved a highly accurate single-oocyte dispensing process with a success rate of 100%. The oocyte survival rate is approximately 70%, regardless of whether or not the oocyte is dispensed. The newly proposed system has the advantages of high operation speed and potential usage for two-dimensional micropatterning.  相似文献   

耿立艳  段英文  赵鹏 《科教文汇》2012,(24):23-24,29
在分析高等教育规模影响因素的基础上,选取国内生产总值GDP、工业生产总值、第三产业占GDP比重、财政收入、恩格尔系数、财政性教育支出、普通高校数、总人口数作为影响指标,利用灰色关联分析法定量地确定各因素对高等教育规模的影响程度。结果表明,在8项因素中,普通高校数、第三产业占GDP比重、总人口数和恩格尔系数对高等教育规模的影响较大,灰色关联度分别为:0.9397、0.9365、0.9310、0.9258。  相似文献   

冻存胚胎复苏移植的影响因素   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
叶英辉  金帆  邢兰凤  徐晨明 《科技通报》2001,17(1):67-71,74
为探讨冻存胚胎复苏移植妊娠的影响因素,统计分析了28个周期127个冻存胚胎复苏移植的妊娠率与胚胎冻存前形态,细胞数,保存时间,复苏后存活率,培养至次日的继续分裂率等因素的关系,表明妊娠周期冻存前胚胎形态良好比较,复苏后存活率,复苏后培养至次日继续分裂的比例有增高的趋势,胚胎细胞数妊娠与非妊娠周期相似,形态良好胚胎复苏后存活率显著高于形态不良者,说明冻存前胚胎形态与胚胎复苏存活率和冻存胚胎复苏移植妊娠率关系重要。  相似文献   

This study evaluated the extent of oxidative stress by measuring malondialdehyde and ascorbic acid in the seminal plasma of human subjects with different fertility potential. Semen samples from 148 subjects were evaluated (48 normozoospermics, 34 oligoasthenoteratozoospermics, 34 asthenoteratozoospermics and 32 azoospermics). malondialdehyde level was found to be significantly higher in the abnormal groups (oligoasthenoterato and asthenoterato-zoospermics) than normozoospermics (P < 0.01). Negative correlation was also found between malondialdehyde level, sperm concentration, sperm motility and sperm morphology. Level of ascorbic acid was found to be significantly higher in normozoospermics than other abnormal groups (P < 0.01). It was found to be correlated positively with all seminogram parameters and negatively with malondialdehyde level. The study revealed that, excess lipid peroxidation reflected by high malondialdehyde level with reduced ascorbic acid in human seminal plasma is associated with poor semen quality where as ascorbic acid content has positive correlation with fertility potential.  相似文献   

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