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This essay argues that science education can gain from close engagement with the history of science both in the training of prospective vocational scientists and in educating the broader public about the nature of science. First it shows how historicizing science in the classroom can improve the pedagogical experience of science students and might even help them turn into more effective professional practitioners of science. Then it examines how historians of science can support the scientific education of the general public at a time when debates over "intelligent design" are raising major questions over the kind of science that ought to be available to children in their school curricula. It concludes by considering further work that might be undertaken to show how history of science could be of more general educational interest and utility, well beyond the closed academic domains in which historians of science typically operate.  相似文献   

The paper analyses the Italian contribution to the world scientific production, its relative citation impact, its international collaborations and scientific productivity compared with the most productive EU countries over the period 1980–2009. It shows that despite the fact that the level of funding has been dramatically low during the past decades, Italian science has been able to increase its performance up to 2007. Italian science is a “cathedral in the desert”. However, a recent reduction in the level of scientific production, the lagging behind in international scientific collaboration (highly correlated with the relative citation impact) and the great heterogeneity of researchers’ productivity (absence of correlation of number of researchers with quality and quantity of scientific production) may mark the start of a decline of Italian science. The paper concludes that the increased funding must go hand-in-hand with reform of autonomy and governance and calling for a sound system of internal quality control and performance enhancement.  相似文献   

This article examines the relationship between the general public's understanding of science and the attitude towards public funding of scientific research. It applies a multivariate and discriminant analysis (Wilks' Lambda), in addition to a more commonly used bivariate analysis (Cramer's V), to data compiled from the Third National Survey on the Social Perception of Science and Technology in Spain (FECYT, 2006). The general conclusion is that the multivariate analysis produces information complementary to the bivariate analysis, and that the variables commonly applied in public perception studies have limited predictive value with respect to the attitude towards public funding of scientific research.  相似文献   

A special issue devoted to the progress achieved by China's separation science was published recently by a world-renown periodical Journal of Separation Science.  相似文献   

While constantly revealing the laws of the objective world and of mankind itself, science, and technology, whose development is based on the former, have greatly advanced the productive forces of society and brought about  相似文献   

The Executive Board (EB) Meeting of the Third World Organization for Women in Science (TWOWS) opened on 15 August in Beijing.  相似文献   

对全国三万名科技工作者的抽样问卷调查结果显示:接近半数的科技工作者认为当前学术不端行为是普遍现象;超过一半的科技工作者表示确切知道自己周围的研究者有过“抄袭剽窃”、“弄虚作假”和“一稿多发”和“在没有参与的研究成果上署名”等至少一种学术不端行为。多数被调查者认为当前“学术评价制度不合理”是造成学术不端行为的最主要原因。相当部分科技工作者对学术不端持宽容态度。科技工作者对学术规范的了解情况堪忧,近四成科技工作者表示自己对科研道德和学术规范了解很少或者不了解,近一半的人从来没有系统地学习过科研道德和学术规范的知识。根据调查结果,文章提出了治理学术不端行为的政策建议。  相似文献   

History of science has developed into a methodologically diverse discipline, adding greatly to our understanding of the interplay between science, society, and culture. Along the way, one original impetus for the then newly emerging discipline--what George Sarton called the perspective "from the point of view of the scientist"--dropped out of fashion. This essay shows, by means of several examples, that reclaiming this interaction between science and history of science yields interesting perspectives and new insights for both science and history of science. The authors consequently suggest that historians of science also adopt this perspective as part of their methodological repertoire.  相似文献   

For some years now, the history of modern mathematics and the history of modern science have developed independently. A step toward a reunification that would benefit both disciplines could come about through a revived appreciation of mathematical practice. Detailed studies of what mathematicians actually do, whether local or broadly based, have often led in recent work to examinations of the social, cultural, and national contexts, and more can be done. Another recent approach toward a historical understanding of the abstractness of modern mathematics has been to see it as a species of modernism, and this thesis will be tested by the raft of works on the history of modern applied mathematics currently under way.  相似文献   

Web of science数据库检索及其科学研究价值试析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
介绍著名学术数据库Web of science的特点、检索方法及检索结果的处理,并对该数据库的科学研究价值进行阐述。  相似文献   

利用web of science数据库对某高校论文发表情况、被引用情况、合作单位、合作国家和地区进行分析统计,可以对目前该高校的科研水平有效的进行定位,帮助该高校师生和科研工作者随时把握科研领域最新动向,及时获取最重要和最相关的科研情报信息,为学校相关部门掌握本校科研情况及制定学校科研决策提供理论依据。  相似文献   

This essay opens up the question of what difference the history of science makes. What is the value of the history of science, beyond its role as an academic pursuit that we historians of science know and love? It introduces the set of essays that follow as explorations that grew out of a seminar on this topic and that arise from the authors' particular concerns both that historians of science do not work hard enough to make their work of value and that others do not know of the potential. That seminar, at the Marine Biological Laboratory, was funded for nineteen years by the Dibner Institute and last year by Brent Dibner. It will continue and carry such discussions forward in new ways as the Arizona State University-Marine Biological Laboratory History of Biology Seminar Series. This set of focused essays seeks to invite lively discussion and response.  相似文献   

工程学科在Web of Science分类中包括18个子类,各类中期刊与Web of Science其他类别存在较多交叉现象。本文提出学科交叉向量空间模型表示方法,计算出学科间的相关性,对学科间的交叉程度进行定量分析,进而揭示工程学科的交叉性规律。研究发现:(1)学科交叉已是学科发展中的一种普遍现象;(2)工程学科内部子类之间虽然存在交叉,但交叉性不明显,仅机械工程、土木工程与其他学科交叉数量达到5个以上;(3)工程学科与能源燃料、电信、材料科学等学科具有较强交叉性;(4)与工程学科存在紧密联系的学科群主要有7个,分别为环境科学、细胞生物学、心理学、计算机科学、应用物理、数学应用和公众健康学科群。研究结果可为促进工程学科的发展以及推动科研整体水平提升提供科学建议。  相似文献   

本文利用web of Science平台对新疆工程学院2010-2015年间发表的科技论文被SCIE收录情况、收录论文来源期刊、论文作者、论文主题等方面进行归类统计和定量分析。同时新疆12所本科高等院校的科技论文从被SCIE收录数量和被引情况统计分析,并新疆高等院校的整体学术能力进行了综合评价和排名。最后探讨新疆工程学院学术水平和发展情况并提出几点建议。  相似文献   

Climate change is real There will always be uncertainty in understanding a system as complex as the world’s climate. However there is now strong evidence that significant global warming is occurring1. The evidence comes from direct measurements of rising surface air temperatures and subsurface ocean temperatures and from phenomena such as increases in average global sea levels, retreating glaciers, and changes to many physical and biological systems. It is likely that most of the warming in r…  相似文献   

During the last two decades, the history of science in Israel has attracted much scholarly attention. Historians of science, science and technology studies (STS) scholars, and Middle East/Israel studies experts have focused on specific scientific disciplines or periods, analyzing the uniqueness of science and technology in Israel. This article explores what characterized Israel’s scientific activity precisely at the time of the state’s birth, and examine how the perception of science as key to Israel’s survival was constructed and reinforced in that formative phase. The focus here is on the natural sciences, as the perception of the natural sciences’ importance and their contribution to building the state and its security differed essentially from that of other disciplines. As this article demonstrates, the challenges that the natural sciences faced during Israel’s War of Independence were far more difficult than those faced by the social sciences and the humanities. This study analyzes scientific activity that took place in one single year, beginning with the establishment of the Science Corps in March 1948, two months before Israel’s declaring independence, until the end of its War of Independence in February 1949. As this study shows, both the war effort and the civilian activities strongly influenced scientific research and implementation in the nascent state.  相似文献   

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