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仿效人类的视觉认知过程,提出面向目标的图像超分辨率算法.只需从一幅车牌图像就可以恢复目标的细节信息.该算法使用先检测、后重建的思路,通过联合稀疏编码建立目标高低分辨率图像片之间的关系,以目标可以稀疏表示为先验,检测到目标区域后,通过压缩感知重建图像.实验表明,重建图像的峰值信噪比(PSNR)较传统方法约有2 dB的改善.此外,还验证了超分辨率重建改善了车牌识别结果,可以消除20%的错误识别字符.  相似文献   

超分辨率重建技术是指将同一场景拍摄得到的低分辨率图像融合在一起,并去掉模糊和噪声,从而重建出高分辨率图像的技术,是近年来重要的研究领域之一,具有广阔的应用前景。本文详细介绍了超分辨率重建技术的数学模型和解决超分辨率病态问题的方法。通过引入空间域正则化的方法加入到超分辨率的重建过程中,从而大大改善了超分辨率重建算法的稳定性,提高了超分辨率重建的质量和视觉效果。  相似文献   

莫洪武 《科技通报》2019,35(4):78-82,88
针对传统的基于稀疏表示超分辨率重建存在不能同时保存边缘与纹理结构,并且在线运行时间长的问题。一种基于稀疏表示块的超分辨重建算法被提出,首先通过图像训练PCA字典集,然后应用PCA算法得到相应的聚类子字典,在重建的过程中引入全变分正则项,以便联系图像局部之间的信息和加强保存重建过程中的图像纹理特征。最后用分步算法求目标函数,重建得到高分辨率图像。大量的仿真实验结果证明,与传统的超分辨率算法相比,新算法能够改善图像结构特征信息,评价指标值也有一定的提高。  相似文献   

随着汽车时代的全面到来,交通事故率的高低直接影响着汽车安全系数的评价标准。红外夜视系统作为红外技术在汽车上的一种实际应用,其在夜间驾驶以及能见度较低的恶劣气候的影响下,表现出的目标对比度高、成像质量光线影响性小等突出特点,使得红外夜视系统可以在稳定、可靠的辅助驾驶员的安全驾驶同时,做到提前预防危险,有效的降低了道路交通安全事故的发生。  相似文献   

图像的分辨率在图像中是一项及其重要的参数,用于蕴含图像的重要信息。而实际上,可能受多方面环境因素的影响,高分辨率的图像往往不容易采集到。为解决低分辨率图像给采集数据带来的种种问题与影响,人们开始研究超分辨率技术。超分辨率技术是指将拍摄到的低清分辨率的图像使用重建的技术来得到更高清分辨率的图像,从而达到获取图像上更多信息的效果,主要的应用场景有医学影像仪器、监控设备以及卫星图像等。普通意义上的图像超分辨率重建一般是将图像直接放大或者进行缩小,对图像的实际超分辨率重建效果不是很明显。为解决传统超分辨率重建对图像质量改善不大的情况,引入基于神经网络的SRGAN。SRGAN使用生成式对抗网络架构(GAN),~([1])以优化损失函数为目标,生成图像中的某些细节。本文将描述SRGAN在应用中的具体实现过程,通过分析模型中的损失函数以及模型的训练过程,对其重建效果以及产生的问题进行深入探讨。  相似文献   

超分辨率图像重建技术有着深刻的理论内涵,广阔的应用前景。该技术可以针对静止的非压缩图像信号,也可以针对压缩的运动视频信号。而对单帧非压缩图像的重建研究是超分辨率重建技术研究的基础。超分辨率重建主要有凸集投影(POCS)和最大后验概率(MAP)两种方法。在Bayesian框架下对单帧非压缩图像的超分辨率重建方法进行研究分析,为后续研究做好准备工作。  相似文献   

超分辨率图像重建技术有着深刻的理论内涵,广阔的应用前景。该技术可以针对静止的非压缩图像信号,也可以针对压缩的运动视频信号。而对单帧非压缩图像的重建研究是超分辨率重建技术研究的基础。超分辨率重建主要有凸集投影(POCS)和最大后验概率(MAP)两种方法。在Bayesian框架下对单帧非压缩图像的超分辨率重建方法进行研究分析,为后续研究做好准备工作。  相似文献   

医学成像已经成为临床诊断中不可缺少的重要条件之一,要确保大型成像设备能够正常运行,获得可靠有效的医学诊断数据和科学研究数据,必须对医学成像技术和设备进行医学成像质量控制(Quality Control,QC)。QC的前提是质量检测,对体模进行测试是成像质量控制的重要环节。本文介绍了PET系统体模由罐、热损伤分辨率插件、冷损伤分辨率插件、线性度插件组成,以及对PET系统进行在冷场中的热损伤分辨率、在热场中的冷损伤分辨率、线性度、均匀性、旋转中心,点离散函数和调制传递函数等性能检测的简单技术。  相似文献   

为了有效从海量的特征和噪声数据提取能表征目标特征的有用数据,提高对目标的检测识别能力,需要对目标回波特征的时频TID(time interference domain)域扩散参数进行快速挖掘,达到提取目标特征的目的。传统方法中采用频繁项挖掘方法实现扩散参数挖掘,导致在速度模糊的情况下对基带回波特征参数估计困难,性能不好。提出一种基于贝叶斯估计的目标特征识别扩散参数挖掘模型。有效挖掘出局部离群点,对基带回波特征进行频域变标脉冲压缩处理,对优化后的特征矢量进行累加限幅,并计算互补累积分布函数,基于贝叶斯估计构建检测统计量和统计函数,从而挖掘出时频TID域扩散参数,提高对特征参数的识别能力,仿真结果表明,该算法对时频TID域扩散参数挖掘精度较高,能有效提高对运动状态目标的参数估计精度及目标识别的能力。  相似文献   

牛畅 《科技通报》2023,(5):21-24
物质点法是一种无网格粒子类方法,其可以有效避免传统网格类方法中由于网格畸变造成的数值计算困难等问题,在求解超快激光与半导体材料相互作用问题中具有显著的算法优势。本文基于半导体自洽模型弱形式推导得到物质点法离散形式,并给出其显式求解算法,基于显式物质点法对超快激光作用下半导体材料的热响应进行仿真模拟。通过一维及二维算例与已有文献结果和COMSOL计算结果进行对比分析,验证了算法的准确性和适用性。  相似文献   

CAS should stick to the principle of rendering service to, and giving impetus for, the development of China's science enterprise by making S&T innovations, said CAS President LU Yongxiang. The CAS president made the remarks in a recent talk to communicate the gist of the winter session of the Party's Leading-member Group at CAS, which was held from 7 to 11 January in Beijing.  相似文献   

With great care, Dr. ZHOU Zhonghe takes out a package wrapped by cotton tissue from a drawer and says: "This is the gem of our collections: the fossil of a bird that lived 125 million years ago!" Then, pointing at a tiny mound, he explains: "Look, this is the claw and that is the head. It was in the egg shell and ready to hatch ... The species fell into a family of waterside inhabitants."  相似文献   

Prof. SUN Changpu from the CAS Institute of Theoretical Physics and coworkers from University of Basel in Switzerland have worked out a way --at least in theory --to split a beam of molecules according to their chirality. The technique involves passing the molecules through three different laser beams and is similar to the famous Stern-Gerlach effect, whereby a beam of atoms passing through a magnetic field is split in two according to the atoms' spin states (Phys. Rev. Lett. 99 130403).  相似文献   

<正>In February 2014,the 30th Chinese Antarctic inland expedition team reported that they have successfully conducted the seeing measurement at the Antarctic Taishan Station using a Differential Image Motion Monitor(DIMM)developed by the Nanjing Institute of Astronomical Optic and Technology(NIAOT),Chinese Academy of Sciences.In astronomy,seeing is a physical parameter that describes the irregular movement and blur of the star  相似文献   

Amassive overhaul is coming to the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). To straighten its "fragmented, inefficient research", the academy has decided to restructure its 104 institutes for better teamwork.  相似文献   

<正>DNA demethylation in mammalian zygotes,a biochemical process through which the parental genomes let go the epigenetic marks from their"past lives"to obtain totipotency,has long fascinated biologists:how does it happen?A joint team at the CAS Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences tells a surprising story.  相似文献   

China is one of the fastest growing economies worldwide. Are science and research also in the fast lane? We talked with LUO Yuan, scientist at the Institute of Coal Chemistry in Shanxi, and Axel Mosig, Professor at Ruhr University in Bochum, who has first-hand experience working and living in China.  相似文献   

<正>"In 1979 two Chinese scientists joined our institute in the framework of the historical CAS-MPG agreement.This marked the beginning of a longstanding fruitful collaboration.Many visitors followed and contributed to our scientific programs.–My first visit to China took place in 1981–with stays at CAS institutes in Bejing,Nanjing,Shanghai and Kunming,where I received unforgettable impressions of  相似文献   

<正>May 15,2014Publicly funded scientific research is an important means for the society to create knowledge,support innovation,and promote growth.Research articles from such research are knowledge resources to be shared by all.Their open access will facilitate the dissemination and utilization of knowledge,turn the knowledge produced by public investment effectively into innovation and development capabilities of the society,ensure that public knowledge benefi ts all,and strengthen the innovation driven development strategy.Therefore,Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS)issues at the present stage the following open access policy for articles from publicly funded scientifi c research projects:CAS requires its researchers and graduate students to  相似文献   

<正>Between February and March of 2013,the source of avian-origin H7N9 human infection was discovered in Shanghai and Anhui,China.Prior to this,H7N9 has only exhibited characteristics of a low pathogenic avian infl uenza virus,carried by chickens with no known cross-species transmission.By the end of August 2013,Chinese mainland reported a total of 134 confi rmed cases of H7N9 human infections across12 provinces and 42 cities,resulting in 45 deaths.In October and November,Zhejiang Province found three new cases and Guangdong found one case of human infection,suggesting the possibility of a comeback in the fall and winter seasons.Researchers led by Prof.GAO Fu(George Fu Gao)at the Institute of Microbiology,CAS and Beijing Institutes of Life Science,have made progress on understanding  相似文献   

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