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Stevenson WR 《Endeavour》2011,35(4):160-168
In November 1910, Shirase Nobu (1861-1946) sailed from Tokyo Bay aboard the Kainan Maru as part of an international race for the South Pole. The Japanese had no history of polar exploration and looked to British precedence to compensate for their lack of experience. Following the British example required that they include a scientific dimension to their venture. It is clear, however, that Shirase and his men had little scientific understanding. Nevertheless, on failing to reach the Pole, science became the central aim of the expedition and the primary means to declaring their efforts a success.  相似文献   

Nielsen KH 《Endeavour》2006,30(1):36-40
The sea monster played an important part in launching the Danish Galathea Deep Sea Expedition of 1950-1952. Part scientific object, part media darling and part fundraising strategy, the sea monster brought scientists, journalists and politicians together in support of the expedition. The scientific leader of the expedition, Anton F. Bruun, contended the scientific reality of such a creature; the leader of the press section attached to the expedition, Hakon Mielche, dreamt of the grand headlines finding the sea monster would attract; and everyone involved used the 'poor little thing' to promote the expedition to sponsors and in public.  相似文献   

科学研究中的协同效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从科学研究活动的内在机制上,提出协同是竞争与合作的统一的观点,提出从竞争与合作的对立统一中把握科学技术发展的动力,进而探讨了科学研究活动中的协同效应,并对协同思想与人类思想发展的关系,特别是与中国古代哲学思想的关系提出了自己的见解。  相似文献   

本文是对达尔文的宗教观演化过程的考证。达尔文早年的时候是正统的圣公会信徒,并且在剑桥大学接受神学教育,预备出任神职。但他毕业之后并没有直接成为神职人员,而是随"猎犬号"出海,在南美、澳洲等地进行科学考察。航行归来之后,达尔文渐渐对正统基督教教义产生了怀疑。在心爱的女儿不幸夭折之后,他放弃了对位格上帝的信仰,成为了自然神论者。《物种起源》就是出版于这个时期。到了晚年,达尔文对创造者上帝的信仰也淡化以至于无有,成为了不可知论者。他虽然有的时候仍然倾向于相信超自然上帝的存在,但并未回归正统基督教信仰。  相似文献   

Kingston R 《Endeavour》2007,31(4):145-151
Nicolas Baudin's voyage to Australia in 1800 was particularly fractious. Many officers and scientists deserted. When stories of mission mismanagement leaked back to France, Baudin's reputation--and the public reputation of the expedition as a whole--was left in tatters. All was not Baudin's fault, however. Scientific rivalries--disputes over credit and quarrels over mission priorities--undermined his mission from the start, and explain why his attempt to use a 'public' journal to foster teamwork backfired. Unable to control his floating laboratory's paperwork, Baudin became an 'invisible commander'. After the expedition returned, naturalist Fran?ois Péron assumed credit for its work.  相似文献   

A group of Chinese and German scientists recently concluded a joint scientific expedition to Lake Nam Co in the northeast of the Tibetan Plateau.  相似文献   

国家自然科学基金作为我国支持基础研究国际合作的重要渠道,新时期应在国际科技合作中发挥引领作用。国家自然科学基金形成了“科学研究—人员交流—人才培养”的国际合作总体布局,合作总体布局不断完善,合作深度广度不断拓展,合作模式不断优化。新形势下,国家自然科学基金国际合作要适应全球化趋势和科研范式转变,构建全球化创新网络,拓展国际发展空间,以及应对全球挑战和参与人类命运共同体建设,因此国家自然科学基金国际合作模式与管理方式亟待创新。世界主要科技强国科学基金都建立了多层次、多样化的国际合作资助体系。国家自然科学基金应系统优化、全面升级、梯次推进,加强顶层设计和能力建设,加强重大任务和平台资助布局,拓展国际合作渠道,实施精细化国际科技合作战略。  相似文献   

谁在主导中日韩的国际科学合作?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈悦  左佳  宋超  宋凯 《情报杂志》2021,(4):155-162
[目的/意义]为了探究中日韩的国际科学合作中的主导地位及变化趋势。[方法/过程]以"中日"、"中韩"和"中日韩"国际论文合著现象为分析对象,通过科学计量的方法和手段,从重要作者、高影响力论文和资助者三个维度来分析近40年来中日韩科学合作背后的主导力量。[结果/结论]研究结果发现中日科学合作呈现出日本主导趋势由强到弱,而中国主导趋势渐强并超过日本;中韩科学合作呈现双方共同主导的特征;在三国合作中,中国主导的论文影响力较强,但随着论文影响力的增大,中国显示出的主导优势却在减弱;中国作为科研资助者极大地推动了三国的科学合作。  相似文献   

黄翀  史磊  刘高焕  谢传节  沈镭 《资源科学》2014,36(2):252-258
综合科学考察通过对区域自然资源及社会发展的实地深入调查研究,为国家或区域发展提供科学决策依据。作为综合科学考察活动的核心成果之一,科学考察数据具有来源多样、存储分散、类型复杂等特点。如何充分利用现代信息技术手段,高效地组织、管理这些宝贵的科学数据资源,使之能够更好地为不同领域的研究人员共享利用是综合科学考察活动的一个重要内容。本文以澜沧江流域中下游与大香格里拉地区科学考察为例,利用基于元数据的多元数据集成技术和基于组件的系统实现技术,并在ArcGIS Server、WebGIS等技术支持下,设计并开发了澜沧江科学考察数据集成系统,可实现澜沧江科学考察数据的高效管理及异构共享,为探索新时期科学考察数据如何更好地服务于科研与社会需求提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Larson EJ 《Endeavour》2011,35(4):129-136
One hundred years ago, teams led by Roald Amundsen and Robert Scott may have been heading in the same direction but they were poles apart in the way they sought their goals. Amundsen led a five-person team of expert Nordic skiers and dog-sledders with a single goal: getting to the South Pole first. He planned and executed the effort brilliantly. Scott, in contrast, led a complex and multi-faceted Antarctic expedition with 33 explorers and scientists, many of whom were focused on ambitious and often taxing scientific research projects that had nothing whatsoever to do with reaching the Pole. Although Scott failed to reach the South Pole first and died with four men on the return trip, his expedition made significant contributions to Antarctic science. Indeed, at least some of Scott's failure to reach the Pole first and the subsequent death of his polar party on the return trip can be attributed to burden of trying to do too much and not focusing on reaching the pole.  相似文献   

On 12 January, China scientific expedition to Antarctica succeeded for a second time in climbing up to Dome A, the highest Antarctic ieecap peak. A similar feat was made by Chinese scientists about three years ago in January 2005, leaving first human footprints there. However, this time is different, because it is the maiden trip for Chinese astronomers, Prof. ZHOU Xu with the National Astronomic Observatories at CAS (NAOC) and Prof. ZHU Zhenxi from the CAS Purple Mountain Observatory (PMO),  相似文献   

郭洋  谭春辉  王仪雯 《现代情报》2021,40(12):55-63
[目的/意义] 虚拟学术社区开始成为科研合作的重要平台,本文通过对虚拟学术社区科研合作行为的博弈分析,有利于维系与推动虚拟学术社区科研合作关系的形成。[方法/过程] 基于理性人假设,从虚拟学术社区科研合作团体和科研合作个体两个主体出发,构建KMRW声誉模型分析虚拟学术社区中科研合作策略选择与稳定性,并引入贴现因子、激励因子、惩罚因子,进一步对科研合作进行分析。[结果/结论] 研究表明:虚拟学术社区科研合作中,声誉会对科研合作个体的行为产生明显影响,而贴现因子、激励因子和惩罚因子的存在使得科研合作个体的声誉价值增加,促使形成的虚拟科研合作团体达到均衡状态,并据此提出促进虚拟学术社区科研合作的相关策略。  相似文献   

本文以SCI被引次数作为论文质量的评价指标,从合作方式、合作方、合作学科三个角度,采用期望、频率比和相关性方法分析了科研合作对论文质量的影响。总体来看,华东理工大学的国际合作论文质量要远高于国内合作和无合作论文,而国内合作论文略微优于无合作论文,但不同学院的情况有所不同。合作国家或合作机构影响着合作论文的质量,科研实力强的合作伙伴确实能提高合作论文的质量,但是与合作方的整体科研实力并不成正比。交叉学科间的合作对中低质量的论文产出有积极影响,但对高质量论文的产出影响却因学科而不同。  相似文献   

产学研合作是高职院校培养应用型人才的有效模式,也是企业寻求科技支撑、实现科学发展的必然要求。江苏高职院校坚持产学研结合的办学方针,在校企合作、工学结合人才培养等方面取得了显著成效,但同时也存在着问题。本文结合淮安信息职业技术学院等江苏高职院校产学研教学实践,对深化江苏省高职院校产学研结合的策略进行探讨。  相似文献   

文章分析了澳大利亚科学国际化战略出台的背景和主要目的,介绍了澳大利亚科学国际化战略包含的要素、计划和举措,并就中澳两国发展科技合作战略伙伴关系的时机和挑战等问题提出了个人的看法和建议。  相似文献   

Andrei MA 《Endeavour》2005,29(3):109-113
In 1886 William T. Hornaday, the Chief Taxidermist of the US National Museum, led the "Smithsonian Institution Buffalo Outfit" to Montana. The American bison was fast heading toward extinction and the mission of the expedition was to locate those of the elusive animals that remained and obtain specimens for the scientific collection at the museum. The successful expedition produced the most complete scientific series, and the finest artistic grouping of taxidermied specimens of the American bison anywhere in the world. Haunted by the scattered skeletal remains of the millions of slaughtered bison that peppered the Eastern Montana Plains, Hornaday fought to establish the National Zoological Park, which would provide sanctuary for bison and other endangered species, and a captive breeding program, which would result in the eventual reintroduction of the American bison to the wild.  相似文献   

特色学科对地方院校发展的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了科学研究在地方高校特色学科建设中的重要性,闻述了科研对推动传统学科改造、促进特色学科、带动相关学科发展及增强服务地方经济能力等作用,同时对加强科学研究需解决的科研目标定位,科研环境和团队精神问题,提出了自己的见解。  相似文献   

Fara P 《Endeavour》2008,32(1):3-4
After he returned from his five-year expedition to the New World, Alexander von Humboldt promoted himself as a Romantic explorer. Although this image pervades British perceptions, political movements have fashioned different heroic versions of Humboldt in Germany and South America.  相似文献   

科研合作对促进科技创新和发展具有重要作用,高校作为汇聚、培养和发挥高层次人才的战略高地,如何避免身陷科研合作的“盘丝洞”是学界普遍关注的重要课题。聚焦微观层面高校学者的科研合作,以中介、调节的研究视角为切入点,针对合作范围与科研产出之间的关系,分析位置嵌入、关系嵌入、结构嵌入三种网络嵌入的调节作用和国家级基金资助的中介作用,构建有中介的调节模型。以上海市8所研究型大学被SCIE收录的2018-2020年Web of Science类别为“Nanoscience&Nanotechnology”的4365篇合作论文中1292位作者为样本,开展实证研究,结果表明:(1)国际合作更有利于学者提升科研产出;(2)国家级基金资助在合作范围与科研产出之间起部分中介作用;(3)网络嵌入调节合作范围与科研产出之间的关系,当学者网络嵌入处于较高水平时,强化了合作范围对科研产出的影响,其中位置嵌入、结构嵌入的调节作用部分通过国家级基金资助的中介实现。  相似文献   

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