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科研信息化发展态势和思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
文章分析了科研信息化发展态势,认为当前科研信息化发展将进入第三阶段即"一体化"阶段,并将发展态势凝练为"五新":大数据驱动科研范式变革成为"新亮点",开放科学借力科研信息化成为"新趋势",科研移动应用成为科研创新的"新动力",科研信息化基础设施性能及规模加速发展和升级成为"新常态",科研信息化推动企业创新和产学研协同创新成为"新模式"。指出了我国在科研信息化基础设施与应用领域面临的挑战;介绍了中科院在科研信息化基础设施、科学大数据、科研信息化应用3个方面的发展部署;提出了针对我国科研信息化的发展建议,包括建立国家科研信息化发展体系,实施国家级科研信息化工程,建设面向全国科技界提供科技资源和信息化资源的综合服务平台等。  相似文献   

经过多个“五年计划”的持续投入和建设,中科院在高速科研网络、超级计算和数据 应用环境等科研信息化基础设施方面取得了长足的发展,有力地支持了各项科研创新工作。 文章首先分析了国际科研信息化基础设施的发展趋势,阐述了中科院科研信息化基础设施建 设及其在科研应用方面的进展情况,最后对所面临的机遇和挑战进行讨论,并提出下一步的 发展设想。  相似文献   

从合作角度看中欧科技计划的区别及其启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
科技计划是一国或地区提高创新绩效的重要措施.在欧盟,三大科技计划都明确要求科技项目的参与者必须来自不同的成员国.这种强制规定极大促进了欧盟成员国之间的科技合作,加速了"欧洲研究区"的建设步伐.欧盟作为世界上科技最发达的地区之一,其科技计划中有关科技合作的理念和条款能给我国以诸多启示,有助于我国探索建设创新型国家的新路.  相似文献   

随着高校科研水平的不断提高,科研档案作为重要信息资源在教学、科研、管理和文化建设等方面发挥着越来越重要的作用,但是现行的科研档案管理模式已不能适应飞速发展的科研需求,存在科研档案不完整、档案利用率低,信息化步伐滞后、管理队伍专业化程度低等问题。“协同创新”理念的提出,为高校科研档案管理提供了新的思路,高校应紧紧围绕“协同创新”理念,探索科研档案管理的协同创新模式,进一步提高科研档案归档效率,提升档案利用价值,完善档案管理服务体系。本文剖析了高校科研档案管理现状,从体制机制创新、信息化管理和管理队伍建设三方面提出了科研档案管理协同创新体系构建的设想。  相似文献   

科研伦理是科技活动必须遵守的价值准则,科研伦理审查是科技伦理治理的重要手段。本文通过研究欧盟"地平线2020"和"地平线欧洲"等科研和创新框架计划,以及英国国家科研与创新署所属的7大研究理事会对其资助的研究项目的科研伦理监管制度,梳理了中国财政资助研究项目相关管理要求,分析了财政资助研究项目伦理管理发展趋势,认为未来财政资助项目的伦理监管将越来越严格,提出中国财政资助研究项目伦理管理的对策建议,为构建适合中国特色的科技伦理治理体系提供借鉴。  相似文献   

研究基础设施是科学研究和创新发展的基础和物质条件,其投资回报受到政府部门、管理方、科学家等利益相关方的关注。OECD构建了一套由核心影响指标与全面综合指标组成的评估参考框架,为研究基础设施的科学、经济与社会影响评估提供了有利的政策工具。本文从评估逻辑模型、指标框架、如何使用评估框架三个方面对该框架进行详细的介绍与分析,总结该评估框架的特点,并据此从影响评价的理念、指标框架的"嵌套式"设计、指标的选择与非强制性使用,以及差异化评价等方面对中国开展重大科技基础设施的管理与评价提出建议。  相似文献   

欧盟的第1个研发框架计划(FP1)可以追溯到1984年,总经费达到32.71亿欧元。"地平线2020"(Horizon 2020)是欧盟的第8个科研框架计划。2014年1月,该计划在英国正式启动,总预算达770亿欧元,是欧盟有史以来规模最大的研发创新计划,主要研究具有竞争性的国际前沿科技难点。2015年10月,欧盟委员会通过了"地平线2020"的2016—2017年工作方案,计划在其后2年内投资约160亿欧元推动科研与创新,以增强欧盟的竞争力。"地平线2020"计划包含横向7个版块,纵向19个领域,是欧盟迄今为止最大型的研究和创新类计划平台。本文将主要针对2017年发布的3个领域下的重点关注内容做简要介绍。  相似文献   

科技基础条件是支撑科技进步和创新的重要基础,是开展高水平科技创新活动、产生原创性科技成果的必要条件。目前对科技资源配置效率评价大多数局限于定性研究,本文通过科技基础条件资源调查和重大科研基础设施专项调查数据,系统分析了大型科研仪器和重大科研基础设施的现状,旨在刻画出中国近年来科技基础条件资源的建设和发展规律。研究结果表明,我国大型科研仪器和重大科研基础设施整体上呈现出较好的发展建设状况。我国大型科研仪器建设投入持续增加,重大科研基础设施建设势头强劲,我国科研仪器自主创新取得显著成效。但是,科研仪器为企业服务仍有较大提升空间。  相似文献   

科研数据的开放共享被认为是下一个十年科研活动最显著的特征。在既有的生态观测和依托大型科研仪器设备所产生的"大科学"数据开放共享的基础之上,欧盟、美国等也在积极布局推进个体科研人员在科研过程中产生的"小科学"数据开放共享。小科学数据的开放共享有望将割裂的科研个体联接为科研创新网络,从而引发科研组织模式、创新范式的新变革。文章从资助机构推动、数据期刊建设、科研数据开放平台实践3个方面梳理了欧美国家在小科学数据开放共享中的实践,并提出对我国科研数据开放共享的启示。  相似文献   

负责任创新是继"可持续发展"之后欧盟国家提出的一种新兴的创新管理理念,是"升级版"的创新管理。其通过对创新管理的超前预期,对相关创新研究和项目"实施与否"做好管控,引导公众在技术创新的早期阶段广泛参与,实现创新由数量到质量的转变,提升创新品质,提高创新的社会效益。从负责任创新理论产生背景、国外负责任创新概念发展及研究方法、研究模型和我国负责任创新研究开展情况等方面进行评述,提出负责任创新对我国创新管理的启示。  相似文献   

Greater understanding of how interdisciplinary research and education evolves is critical for identifying and implementing appropriate programme management strategies. In this paper a programme evaluation framework is presented. It is based on social learning processes (individual learning, interdisciplinary research practices, and interaction between researchers with different backgrounds); social capital outcomes (ability to interact, interpersonal connectivity, and shared understanding); and knowledge and human capital outcomes (new knowledge that integrates multiple research fields). The framework is illustrated on an established case study doctoral programme. Data are collected via mixed qualitative/quantitative methods to reveal several interesting findings about how interdisciplinary research evolves and can be supported. Firstly, different aspects of individual learning seem to contribute to a researcher's ability to interact with researchers from other research fields and work collaboratively. These include learning new material from different research fields, learning how to learn new material and learning how to integrate different material. Secondly, shared interdisciplinary research practices can be identified that may be common to other programmes and support interaction and shared understanding between different researchers. They include clarification and questioning, harnessing differences and setting defensible research boundaries. Thirdly, intensive interaction between researchers from different backgrounds support connectivity between the researchers, further enabling collaborative work. The case study data suggest that social learning processes and social capital outcomes precede new interdisciplinary research findings and are therefore a critical aspect to consider in interdisciplinary programme management.  相似文献   

Prior research on organizational routines in the ‘capabilities’ literature has either studied how new routines are created during an exploratory process of variation and selection or how existing routines are replicated during a phase of exploitation. Few studies have analyzed the life cycle of new routine creation and replication as an integrated process. In an in-depth case study of England’s Highways Agency, this paper shows that the creation and replication of a new routine across multiple sites involves four sequential steps: envisioning, experimenting, entrenching and enacting. We contribute to the capabilities research in two ways: first, by showing how different organizational levels, capabilities and logics (cognitive and behavioural) shape the development of new routines; and second, by identifying how distinct evolutionary cycles of variation and selective retention occur during each step in the process. In contrast with prior research on replication as an exact copy of a template or existing routine, our study focuses on the replication of an entirely new routine (based on novel principles) that is adapted to fit local operational conditions during its large-scale replication across multiple sites. We draw upon insights from adjacent ‘practice research’ and suggest how capabilities and practice studies may complement each other in future research on the evolution of routines.  相似文献   

高校在科研平台建设中的现状及探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文从高等学校所肩负的主要功能入手,阐述了高等学校在建设国家创新体系中,如何切实加强人才培养,科学研究,社会服务以及国际交流。本文提出了目前部分高等学校在如何搭建科研平台存在的一些问题,以及近期高校开展科技工作的重点。  相似文献   

Most of us prefer "doing right" to the opposite. But sometimes it is not easy to determine either what constitutes right conduct or how to do it. In this special ethics issue of TIS, scholars involved in cyberspace research explore the problem of "doing right" in terms of research subjects. The participants here draw from their own research and the ethical dilemmas they confronted. The offerings illustrate how diverse ethical theories can lead to different views over which, or even whether, new formal guidelines are needed for on-line research.  相似文献   

This paper examines how patient advocacy organizations (PAOs) representing those with rare genetic disorders drive research to their concerns. The rarity of the diseases produces a basic condition of marginalization: small numbers of widely distributed disease sufferers. The lack of promise of an eventual market makes it difficult to attract the economic and biological resources necessary for sustained research. My analysis relies mainly on 21 interviews with leaders from nine PAOs and scientists involved with them, and seeks to understand how PAOs try to attract and influence scientific research. Using a comparative framework, I find that the five main mechanisms emphasized in the literature--economic resources, social movement-style mobilization, moving early, lay expertise, and organizational controls--cannot fully explain the differences in strategies and relationships among members of my PAO sample. I propose instead to show how 'sociability'--forging close relationships with scientists and orchestrating relationships among them--enables PAOs to drive research to their concerns. I show how the strategic manipulation of sociability can give PAOs substantial influence over the research process. However, the forms of sociability that yield the greatest effects are difficult to achieve, and most forms of relationship-building offer PAOs much less influence on research.  相似文献   

It is claimed that by providing a sustainable environment, a university’s research profile can be enhanced. Questions then arise about how universities define sustainability, what criteria are used to judge sustainable quality in research, and how a university can maintain sustainable research quality? This paper places emphasis on sustainable quality of research from the perspective of knowledge sharing. It is argued that effective sharing of knowledge among academics could lead to improved university research performance. It is most important that universities establish credible leadership influences on knowledge sharing. We apply Beer’s Viable System Model to identify those domains of research leadership and knowledge sharing that are necessary for an institution to maintain sustainable quality in research. This paper considers examples of research-knowledge sharing in U.K. research communities, and explores a positive relationship between research leadership and research-knowledge sharing.  相似文献   

Since outbreaks in 2003, avian influenza has received a considerable amount of funding and become a controversial science policy issue in various respects. Like in many other global and multidisciplinary societal problems fraught with high levels of uncertainty, a variety of perspectives have emerged over how to “tackle” avian influenza and public voices have expressed concern over how research funds are being allocated. In this article, we document if and how research agendas are being informed by public policy debates. We use qualitative and quantitative approaches to examine the relations between expectations of outcomes of public science and the existing research landscape. Interviews with a cross-section of stakeholders reveal a wide range of perspectives and values associated with the nature and objectives of existing research avenues. We find that the landscape of public avian influenza research is not directly driven by expectations of societal outcomes. Instead, it is shaped by three institutional drivers: pharmaceutical industry priorities, publishing and public research funding pressures, and the mandates of science-based policy or public health organizations. These insights suggest that, in research prioritization, funding agencies should embrace a broad perspective of research governance that explicitly considers underlying institutional drivers. Deliberative approaches in public priority setting might help to make agendas more plural and diverse and thus more responsive to the contested and uncertain nature of avian influenza research.  相似文献   

A comparative analysis of two fusion energy research facilities is used to examine how the ensemble of research technologies (materials, methods, instruments, techniques, and the like) constructed and used by a group not only connects the group to other researchers and policymakers but also influences the group’s trajectory, performance, and the work of its members. We use a combination of historical, interview, and questionnaire data to describe the two facilities, position them within the field, and examine the working conditions and job satisfaction of their members. We develop the idea of research ensemble, characterize it in comparison with related concepts, explain how it reflects policy priorities and provides a new way for research groups to accumulate advantage and disadvantage. Using multiple regression models, we demonstrate how differences in research ensembles lead to differences in working conditions and job satisfactions. Some implications are proposed for policy in fast-changing, large-scale fields of science and technology.  相似文献   

Given the expanse of the Internet as a topic for research, the need for transdisciplinary research becomes evident. This paper introduces and expands on the problems of Internet research and how some of those can be resolved by pursuing transdisciplinary research. Issues introduced are the fragmentation of understanding, the disunity of research, and the public reception of that research.  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2021,50(10):104367
The study of research funding arrangements and the production of scientific knowledge has been marked by a lack of understanding about how research funding instruments interact and how these instruments shape policy-making and research fields. To fill this research gap, this study is theoretically supported by policy feedback and policy instruments’ interaction studies. It investigates the effects of the UK's research assessment exercise in the creation of the most emblematic national thematic research program for the field of educational research in the country – the Teaching and Learning Research Programme (TLRP). Based on qualitative analysis of policy documents and semi-structured interviews with policy-makers and boundary-spanners, this paper shows how the research assessment exercise contributed to the creation of the TLRP and how the interaction between the two policy instruments shaped the field of educational research in England. In particular, the results show a) how the institutionalisation of the research assessment led to frame a “quality problem” in educational research that legitimated several policy initiatives, including the creation of the national thematic research programme (interpretative effects) and a shift in resources allocation (resource/incentive effects); and b) how the interaction between the two policy instruments contributed to methodological and epistemic drifts in the field of educational research.  相似文献   

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