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[目的/意义] 构建移动云存储服务质量评价指标体系,对移动云存储服务的不同质量要素进行分类,为促进移动云存储服务质量改进与提高提供参考。[方法/过程] 从技术质量、功能质量、交互质量、环境质量4个维度构建移动云存储服务质量评价指标体系,运用Kano模型对移动云存储服务质量要素进行分类,借助SII-DDI象限矩阵将服务质量要素进行决策优先级排序。[结果/结论] 研究发现:在20个质量要素中,2个为基本质量要素,8个为期望质量要素,4个为魅力质量要素,6个为无谓质量要素。决策优先级最低的是系统完善性和用户指南,最高的是系统响应性,其次是系统可靠性、安全保障、网络泛在性和设备反应速率。为提高用户满意度,移动云存储服务提供商需不断调查了解并尽可能满足用户的基本质量要素需求,重点提高环境要素中的期望质量要素,积极寻找发掘并提升改进用户的魅力质量要素需求。  相似文献   

一种评价科研机构技术优势的量化方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马维野 《科研管理》1996,17(6):18-20
本文提出的评价科研机构技术优势的量化方法,是对科研机构技术成果和技术优先级的合理综合,可用于科技主管部门对科研机构的宏观管理,也可作为技术发展资金分配的依据。  相似文献   

本文基于全要素生产率视角实证考察了高技术产业的高质量发展问题.采用1997—2015年中国各省份高技术产业面板数据,通过Hicks Moorsteen TFP指数实证分析了中国高技术产业全要素生产率问题,并将其完全分解为技术变化、纯技术效率、规模效率和组合效率4个部分,分析了生产率及其动力的区域差异.研究发现,中国高技术产业全要素生产率呈上升趋势;增长动力由技术进步逐渐转为技术及技术效率变化共同推动,组合效率出现了下滑;区域间产业发展存在差异.研究结论对全面认识高技术产业增长动力、促进产业高质量发展具有重要的政策指导作用.  相似文献   

刘兴  顾海英 《情报科学》2008,26(12):1797-1800
在国际技术许可交易中.专利权所有人往往会利用知识产权保护制度对被许可方施加各种限制.哪些限制性做法是合理的,哪些是不合理的.各国法律和国际法对此并不完全统一.本文在研究和比较美国、欧盟、日本、中国和国际法的相应法律及其演变的基础上.指出了对我国立法的一些启示.  相似文献   

企业战略技术扫描研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
战略技术是对产业未来发展具有决定性影响的技术,企业战略技术扫描行为影响其识别外部战略技术机会的能力.本文研究了企业战略技术扫描所要监控的要素、信息渠道类型及其组合效应,并对扫描流程进行了分析.本文认为,企业应制定一种既能产生足够的外部技术信息同时又不使信息发生污染的扫描机制,以加强企业的技术远见.  相似文献   

平行志愿的投档规则,为了避免投档后被院校退档的风险,考生在填报六个专业志愿后还须填报专业服从调剂志愿。专业服从调剂志愿是考生前六个专业志愿全录满前提下,由高校自主分配专业的志愿。专业调剂时各专业间的优先级的确立将直接决定考生的专业,本文通过数据分析、对比解析如何合理、科学的设定专业调剂时各专业间的优先级。  相似文献   

航天技术核心竞争力初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
江帆  陈荣秋 《科研管理》2004,25(5):18-23
本文首先对核心竞争力的概念及内容作了论述,认为核心竞争力应包括领导者、技术、策略、文化、组织、环境等6个要素,并通过部分案例阐述了各个要素的作用和相互关系。通过对航天技术发展的分析,认为微电子技术已成为航天技术的核心竞争力。同时,通过对国外军工(航天)微电子技术的分析,佐证了军工(航天)微电子技术存在、发展的必要性和其核心作用。  相似文献   

网格任务调度的目标是在最短的时间内将任务进行合理分配并实现负载均衡,最终得到实现全局的最优化调度方案.本文提出了一种兼顾任务之间的依赖关系和负载均衡的网格任务实时调度算法.首先,将网格分成若干个簇,每个簇由PC机、任务调度模块、任务控制器、数据集控制器以及数据存储器组成.簇负责接收用户提交的任务,将这些任务存放在本地任务队列中.通过对任务依赖关系的分析,将任务分配给网格的簇,并根据任务的截止期和依赖关系计算任务优先级,优先调度优先级高的任务.仿真实验表明,在Makespan和花费方面,本文算法都优于传统的Min-Min算法.  相似文献   

王延龙 《内江科技》2012,(6):194+127
现代信息技术在教育中的运用虽然没有改变教育过程中的实质,但它实实在在地改变了教育过程的模式和分析教学问题的思路。现代信息技术已经成为教育教学中的基本组成要素。而传统体育教学模式有何不足,多媒体教学相对又有何优势,具体的多媒体教学中又应注意哪些问题,本文将就这些问题提出一些看法和建议。  相似文献   

科学、准确、合理地确定各类机器设备的折旧处理要素是会计学科本质要求。机器设备技术状况、使用情况、设备质量以及磨损程度是要素确定的基本内容。以典型机器设备为例,从技术角度出发,充分考虑固定资产原价、预计使用年限和预计净残值等要素,合理确定会计期间应计提的固定资产折旧额,把固定资产折旧逐渐转移到产品价值中去。  相似文献   

风险识别与排序是反竞争情报早期预警流程中极其重要的一步,它为后期的预警决策及评估提供了依据。本文在引入早期预警流程的基础上,详细制定了风险识别指标体系,阐明了风险识别的过程,尔后,利用影响矩阵、波特五力分析和盲点战争游戏等方法论述了早期预警信号的风险排序的实现过程。  相似文献   

针对国防领域关键技术选择应用需求,在对国防关键技术的基本特征、主要选择方法和主要国家经验启示进行研究分析基础上,立足我国发展和军队建设实际,从应用关键、发展急需、技术可行、封锁受限和辐射带动等5个维度提出国防关键技术选择应遵循的5项基本准则和度量指标.研究认为国防关键技术选择体现的是一个选择决策过程,完全按照指标定量排序可能会产生刚性遗漏或不合理情况,需要人的主动参与和校正以更好地反映军事需求和国情军情.为此,基于综合数据定量支撑和专家经验判断,构建基于"准则约减+专家论证"的多因素综合的国防关键技术选择模型,为开展国防关键技术选择实践提供理论方法参考.  相似文献   

Dominant discourses on telecare technologies often celebrate the erasure of distance and place. This paper provides a critical intervention into these discourses by investigating how spaces still matter, despite the move from physical to virtual encounters between healthcare professionals and patients. I argue that science and technology studies (STS) research on telecare, as well as other technologies, can be enriched by including a focus on place to understand the dynamic interactions between people and things. Adopting insights of human geographers, I show how places in which technologies are used affect how technologies enable or constrain human actions and identities. Whereas some spaces may facilitate the incorporation of technologies, others may resist technologies. A focus on how places matter is important for understanding how telecare technologies reorder and redefine healthcare. Although other healthcare technologies are also important actors in transforming healthcare, telecare technologies do this in a very specific way: they redefine the spatial dimensions of healthcare. To capture and further explore this changing spatial configuration of healthcare, I introduce the notion of technogeography of care. This concept provides a useful heuristic to study how places matter in healthcare. Although telecare technologies introduce virtual encounters between healthcare providers and patients, the use of telecare devices still largely depends on locally grounded, situated care acts. Based on interviews with users of several cardiac telecare applications, including healthcare professionals and patients in Germany and The Netherlands, the paper shows how patients' homes and public spaces are important for shaping the implementation and use of telecare technologies, and vice versa. Last, but not least, telecare devices are implicated as well. The paper emphasizes the place-dependency of the use and meaning of technical devices by showing how the same technological device can do and mean different things in different places.  相似文献   

While Interactive systems such as Chatbots, are well known in personal environments with technologies like “Apple’s Siri” or the “Google’s Assistant”, the acceptance of said technologies in the enterprise context has hardly been examined. Literature shows that these technologies hold great potential for enterprises as they can increase productivity and are cost-efficient by automating processes. Still, to not alienate employees when introducing these systems called Enterprise Bots in this paper, it is crucial to understand how employees accept and adopt these new systems. This paper derives a research model based on the decomposed Theory of Planned Behaviour, which is tested in a survey with 198 participants. Results from a structural equation model show that intrinsic motivation of the employees has a strong positive influence on the intention to use Enterprise Bots whereas external influences showed smaller effects. The results indicate that it is important that employees are convinced of the usefulness of a tool for themselves. The paper provides theoretical insights and helps decision makers to introduce such systems.  相似文献   

The last two decades have witnessed a significant increase in discussions about the different dimensions of knowledge and knowledge management (KM). This is especially true in the construction context. Many factors have contributed to this growing interest including globalisation, increased competition, diffusion of new ICTs (information and communication technologies) and new procurement routes, among others. There are a range of techniques and technologies that can be used for KM in construction organisations. The use of techniques for KM is not new, but many technologies for KM are fairly new and still evolving. This paper begins with a review of different KM techniques and technologies and then reports the findings of case studies of selected U.K. construction organisations, carried out with the aim of establishing what tools are currently being used in U.K. construction organisations to support knowledge processes. Case study findings indicate that most organisations do not adopt a structured approach for selecting KM technologies and techniques. The use of KM techniques is more evident compared to KM technologies. There is also reluctance among construction companies to invest in highly specialised KM technologies. The high costs of specialist KM technologies are viewed as the barrier to their adoption. In conclusion, the paper advocates integrated use of KM techniques and technologies in construction organisations.  相似文献   


In an effort to confront the key issue of where the information society is leading us, this essay begins where most discussions leave off: if advanced industrial societies are dedicating increasingly greater resources to the use of information services and technologies, what is the value of information in organizational and governmental processes? To assess the value of information: information technology, information/library science, information resource management, value/burden, organizational theory, and the economic theory of information. Based on this overview, we propose a conceptual framework which is sensitive to the major objectives and assumptions of previous approaches, but which also attempts to expand the criteria for the assessment of information value.  相似文献   

马维野 《科研管理》1997,18(1):25-27
本文对作者曾提出的一种技术优先级确定的数学模型作出一些补充,从而可以进一步提高该数学方法应用的可行性与适用性。  相似文献   

The usage of communication networks provides a backbone of integration of information technologies and load frequency control (LFC) scheme. Time delays introduced by network environments taking the new challenge for dynamic performances and even the stability of closed-loop LFC scheme. This paper focuses on the stability and stabilization of multi-area LFC schemes for power systems with the introduction of communication networks and renewable energies. Markov theory is exploited in this paper for describing the discrete time-delay mechanism. Then, by utilizing Wirtinger-based inequality, and constructing a novel Lyapunov functions, the results of robust stability and stabilization criteria are derived in terms of linear matrix inequality (LMI). Finally, simulation results are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness and superiority of developed results.  相似文献   

At present, the research and development in the food processing technology sector have generally been driven by the large manufacturing drivers that enhance the effectiveness of the economic scale. Increasing demand for high-quality, innovative texture-building foods, consumer requirements for customized products (i.e., fat, sugar, and micronutrient content), and the limited availability of ingredients and services are pressuring the business industry to use innovative technology to allow a more sustainable food supply. People need a successful approach for potential industrial technologies, and one of the key elements of the industry is Sustainable Food Smart Manufacturing Technology (SFIMT). Advanced methods and techniques are needed to select the appropriate alternate for SFIMT technologies. This paper summarizes technology in food processing and presents a modern framework to guide potential assessments. An innovative empirical evaluation method is proposed to provide several criteria for recognizing the suitability of different food technology for future SFIMT systems. Finally, the analysis value is investigated by utilizing the evaluation method for a number of chosen innovations with promising prospects in future food processing.  相似文献   

Management effectiveness is strongly influenced by the quality and availability of the information resource available to managers. This is partially dependent upon the information and communication technologies which transport events, data and knowledge from isolated consciousness to individual and collective awareness. However, the use of these technologies rarely occurs in isolation. Rather, it is embedded in a far wider organisational context which recognises the politics of decision making and technical change, and the broader culture and experiences of organisations. Central to this is understanding how information technology (IT) investments cause organisations to reflect on the importance of their processes of communication and the value they place on information. A key part of this organisational flux acknowledges that IT applications are built on the existing systems, structure and past experiences of the organisation. Accordingly, investments in IT form part of an ongoing organisational development. Such intangible aspects create a dilemma for management in that they prove problematic to evaluate using conventional approaches to cost justification. By drawing on a series of case studies, questionnaires and interviews, this paper suggests a fresh approach to this dilemma by developing the concepts of dependency, legacy and heritage. The paper concludes by recognising that current approaches to investment appraisal emphasise a narrow, short-term perspective which focuses on a single investment, rather than on a continuous investment stream.  相似文献   

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