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中国种子植物特有属是局限分布于中国行政区域范围内的植物成分,就其分布特点看,集中分布于中国南部亚热带广阔区域。由于中国地域广袤,虽然大多数特有属分布在东亚自然地域范围内,但南部特有属的分布范围已进入古热带植物区的马来亚森林植物亚区的北部,而西部的特有属的分布范围已进入青藏高原地区。局限于不同地域分布的特有属,各自的起源发生、所经历的地质历史过程存在一定差别。本文以自然地理区划作为研究中国种子植物特有属分布区类型的依据,将中国特有属分布区类型划分为中国东部和中部特有分布变型、中国南部特有分布变型、中国西部特有分布变型和中国北部特有分布变型4类。其中中国南部特有分布变型所含特有属为热带区系成分,其它3个特有分布变型所含特有属为温带区系成分。这样能较客观地反映中国特有属的自然地理特征,有利于研究局部地区植物区系的地质历史演变过程。  相似文献   

本文根据植物类群的系统发育和地理分布统一的原理,讨论了獐牙菜属植物的起源、散布和分 布区的形成。獐牙菜属包括11组16系154种,间断分布在亚洲、欧洲、北美洲和非洲。中国西南部- 喜马拉雅地区汇集了大多数种类、不同演化水平的类群以及形形色色的特有类群,成为该属的多样化 中心和多度中心。该属的原始类群和外类群也集中分布在中国西南山地,极有可能是该属的起源地。该 属的分布区类型中出现了各式的间断分布,根据有该属植物分布的大陆间及大陆与岛屿间分离和连接 的时间推测,该属的起源时间至少不会晚于晚白垩纪,也许更早,可追溯到中白垩纪。通过分类群间亲 缘关系和现代分布分析,显示出该属植物从起源地向周围和一定方向散布,形成了三个主要散布途径。在散布过程中植物本身也发生演化和就地特化,形成新的类群。  相似文献   

对喜马拉雅和横断山地区特有的水龙骨科的宽带蕨属Platygyria Ching&S.K.Wu植物进行了形态学、分类学、生态和植物地理学的观察与分析,探讨了该属植物的系统位置、亲缘关系和生态适应性,推测宽带蕨属是随着喜马拉雅山脉的隆升,由瓦韦属Lepisorus(J.Sm.)Ching网眼瓦韦群植物适应高寒生态环境演化而来的新生类群。确定宽带蕨属有5种,即川西宽带蕨P.soulieana(Christ)X.C.Zhang&Q.R.Liu、多变宽带蕨P.variabilis Ching&S.K.Wu、耳基宽带  相似文献   

论中国-喜马拉雅植物亚区乌头属植物地理分布特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
         本文对乌头属Aconitum L.植物分布区内各地区的分布作了分析,统计了各地区不     同等级分类群的频度,认为中国-喜马拉雅植物亚区是乌头属植物地理分布最大的频度中心、     多样性中心和特有种的分布中心。  文中还讨论了乌头属内的演化关系,以及本属与邻近属的     系统发育关系,发现在中国-喜马拉雅植物亚区既有许多原始类群,又有大量的进化类群,提出     了本亚区不但是本属植物原始类群的保存中心,而且是活跃的分化中心。产生上述结果的原因可能与喜马拉雅山脉的抬升以及本亚区复杂的自然条件有着密切的关系。  相似文献   

兰科在横断山地区是维管束植物中的大科之一,共有91属,363种及9变种。 4属为我国特有属,其中1属为本地区所特有;155种及9变种为我国特有种。  其中69种及5变种为本地区所 特有。本文对属、种进行了分析,并对全部种的分布格局作了详细的介绍,概述了本地区兰科植物的区系组成及特点。本文从兰科植物属、种的分布提出了四川峨眉山是东亚植物区中划分中国-喜马拉雅植物亚区和中国-日本植物亚区的分界线上的一个重要的点的看法。  相似文献   

重楼属Paris有19种,分布于欧亚大陆。根据对本属所有种的染色体研究,重楼属染色体基数为5,核型的基本结构有两种形式:热带核型K2n=2x=10=6m十4t和温带核型K2n=2x=10=6m+4st或  6m+2st十2t。  热带核型的种(13种)分布在亚洲大陆的热带和亚热带;温带核型的种(6种)则出现在欧亚大陆的温带地域。重楼属的多倍体种的核型属温带核型,为本属的边陲种。四倍体种四叶重楼Paris quadrifolia分布在本属分布区的西端(欧洲);日本重楼P.japonica是八倍体种,局限在属分布区的东端(日本)。全部热带核型的种都是二倍体种。其中海南重楼P.dunniana等较原始种类都集中在华南和中南半岛北部。作者认为,亚洲大陆北纬18°至北回归线的热带地域是重楼属的起源地,云贵高原至邛崃山地域拥有14种重楼和9种核型结构式(全属有13种核型结构式),是重楼属的多样化中心,即现代分布中心。  相似文献   

本文对鬼灯檠属Rodgersia Gray的染色体数、花粉体积和纹饰、萼片数目、萼片脉序和脉型、萼片腹面毛被、花梗和花序轴毛被、叶的类型等关键性状进行了分析,确定了其进化顺序,依据性状的系统发生,绘制了鬼灯檠属的瓦格勒尔系统树;确认本属有5种和3变种,其中以R.podophylla为最原始,R.nepalensis为最进化,而R.aesculifolia,R.sambucifolia.和R.pinnata则居于两者之间。本属分两组Sect.Rodgersia,仅含R.podophylla Sect.Sambucifolia J.T.Pan,含R.aesculifolia,R.sambucifolia,R.pinnata,R.nepalensis。依据种的主要分布区,划本属植物为4个分布类型,即:日本—朝鲜间断分布,秦岭—大巴山分布,横断山分布和东喜马拉雅分布。笔者认为,本属的起源地在日本-朝鲜一带,横断山地区是其现代分布中心和分化中心;本属的散布路线是自日本—朝鲜,经秦岭—大巴山,通过横断山地区而进入东喜马拉雅,本属的起源时间,当在晚第三纪以前(晚白垩世至早第三纪)。此外,还报道了鬼灯檠属植物的花粉形态。  相似文献   

湘西北壶瓶山自然保护区植物区系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
壶瓶山自然保护区具有丰富的植物区系成分,现知维管束植物有205科(蕨类和拟蕨类 植物40科,裸子植物7科,被子植物158科),839属,约1961种(包括154变种)。其中,古  和原始的科、属不乏其代表。从种子植物属的分布区类型的比较分析,该区具有我国15个种子植物属的分布区类型中的14个,表明了与世界各地区植物区系的联系程度。另一方面,该 地区的植物区系虽含有丰富的热带成分,但根据各类温带属占该区总属数的百分比以及分布于该地区的中国特有属中的木本属几乎所有都是落叶的乔木或灌木,该区的植物区系性质明显偏重于温带性质。而且,这种温带性质可能与该区的山体海拔高度有着重要的联系。  相似文献   

近日.与美国哈佛大学植物标本馆David E.Boufford博士合作.通过多重证据成立了喜马拉雅-横断山区特有属:假合头菊属。  相似文献   

火红杜鹃亚组是杜鹃花属中常绿杜鹃亚属的一个较大的亚组,含27种、8亚种和24变种。本 文根据形态特征、种的亲缘关系和地理分布,将所有的种分为4个植物群,并讨论了它们的演化。其中最后的一群即植物群D在形态演化上有较为进化的特征。本亚组植物的现代分布中心在中国西南部的横断山区。  相似文献   

 Xizang (Tibet) is rich in Leguminosae flora, comprising 41 genera and 254 species so far known, exclusive of the commonly cultivated taxa (including 11 genera and 16 species). There are 4 endemic genera (with 8 species), 10 temperate genera (with 175 species) and 19 tropical genera (with 46 species) as well as the representatives of those genera whose distribution centers are in East Asia-North  America, Mediterranean and Central Asia.       1.  There are altogether 4 endemic genera of Leguminosae in this region. Accord- ing to their morphological characters, systematic position and geographical distribution, it would appear that Salweenia and Piptanthus are Tertiary paleo-endemics, while Straceya and Cochlianths are neo-endemics. Salweenia and Piptanthus may be some of more primitive members in the subfamily Papilionasae and their allies are largely distributed in the southern Hemisphere.  The other two genera might have been derived from the northern temperate genus Hedysarum and the East Asian-North American genus Apios respectively, because of their morphological resemblance. They probably came into existanc during the uplifting of the Himalayas.       2. An analysis of temperate genera       There are twelve temperate genera of Leguminosae in the region, of which the more important elements in composition of flora, is Astragalus, Oxytropis and Cara- gana.       Astragalus  is a  cosmopolitan  genus comprising 2000 species, with its center distribution in Central Asia. 250 species, are from China so far known, in alpine zone of Southwest and Northwest, with 70 species extending farther to the Himalayas and Xizang Plateau.       Among them, there are 7 species (10%) common to Central Asia, 12 species (15.7%) to Southwest China and 40 species (60%) are endemic, it indicates that the differentia- tion of the species of the genus in the region is very active, especially in the subgenus Pogonophace with beards in stigma. 27 species amounting to 78.5% of the total species of the subgenus, are distributed in this region.  The species in the region mainly occur in alpine zone between altitude of 3500—300 m. above sea-level. They have developed into a member of representative of arid and cold alpine regions.      The endemic species of Astragalus in Xizang might be formed by specialization of the alien and native elements. It will be proved by a series of horizontal and vertical vicarism of endemic species.  For example, Astragalus bomiensis and A. englerianus are horizontal and vertical vicarism species, the former being distributed in southeast part of Xizang and the latter in Yunnan; also A. arnoldii and A. chomutovii, the former being an endemic on Xizang Plateau and latter in Central Asia.      The genus Oxytropis comprises 300 species which are mainly distributed in the north temperate zone. About 100 species are from China so far known, with 40 species extending to Himalayas and Xizang Plateau.  The distribution, formation and differ- entiation of the genus in this region are resembled to Astragalus.  These two genera are usually growing together, composing the main accompanying elements of alpine mea- dow and steppe.      Caragana is an endemic genus in Eurasian temperate zone and one of constructive elements of alpine bush-wood. About 100 species are from China, with 16 species in Xi- zang. According to the elements of composition, 4 species are common to Inner Mon- golia and Kausu, 4 species to Southwest of China, the others are endemic. This not only indicates that the species of Caragana in Xizang is closely related to those species of above mentioned regions, but the differentiation of the genus in the region is obviously effected by the uplifting of Himalayas, thus leading to the formations of endemic species reaching up to 50%.      3. An Analysis of Tropical Genera      There are 19 tropical genera in the region. They concentrate in southeast of Xizang and southern flank of the Himalayas. All of them but Indigofera and Desmodium are represented by a few species, especially the endemic species. Thus, it can be seen that they are less differentiated than the temperate genera.      However, the genus Desmodium which extends from tropical southeast and northeast Asia to Mexio is more active in differentiation than the other genera. According to Oha- Shi,s system about the genus in 1973, the species of Desmodium distributed in Sino-Hima- laya region mostly belong to the subgenus Dollinera and subgenus Podocarpium.  The subgenus Dollinera concentrates in both Sino-Himalaya region and Indo-China with 14 species, of which 7 species are endemic in Sino-Himalaya.  They are closely related to species of Indo-China, southern Yunnan and Assam and shows tha tthey have close con- nections in origin and that the former might be derived from the latter.      Another subgenus extending from subtropical to temperate zone is Podocarpium. Five out of the total eight species belonging to the subgenus are distributed in Sino- Himalaya and three of them are endemic.      An investigation on interspecific evolutionary relationship and geographic distribu- tion of the subgenus shows that the primary center of differentiation of Podocarpium is in the Sino-Himalaya region.      Finally, our survey shows that owing to the uplifting of the Himalayas which has brought about complicated geographic and climatic situations, the favorable conditions have been provided not only for the formation of the species but also for the genus in cer-tain degree.  相似文献   

沙棘hippophae rhamnoides subsp.sinensis是分布于我国境内的一个亚种,是沙棘属中的原始类群。沙棘的分布区大体呈西南—东北走向,从西藏东北部起,经黄土高原,直至大兴安岭西南角。本文通过对分布区与各生态因子等量线相似性比较,并结合野外考察,探讨了沙棘对各生态因子的耐性限度、最适值以及限制因子。研究发现,沙棘灌丛不仅有一个比较稳定的分布区,而且受大的气候带的控制,表现出明显的水平地带性规律,其分布与我国的三大地理气候区分异规律相一致,正处在我国三大植被区的过渡地带。因而,沙棘的分布可以作为我国三大植被区分界的一个标志,这打破了以往认为灌丛没有明显水平地带性规律的概念。另外,本文还就沙棘分布区与建立人工沙棘园及我国种植制度区划和植树造林之间的关系进行了讨论。  相似文献   

澜沧江流域典型生态功能及其分区   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
澜沧江流域以其地形极为复杂、生物多样性极为丰富、生态系统服务极为重要的特点,备受全球关注,是相关科学研究的理想区域.本文对澜沧江流域的碳蓄积、水资源供给、土壤保持和生物多样性等典型生态功能进行评估,并在此基础上对流域进行了初步的生态功能分区.结果表明,流域各生态功能从上游至下游均呈递增趋势.在此基础上,对流域进行综合生态功能分区,划分为3类5个区域:生态功能脆弱区(106个乡镇),占流域面积的53.09%;生态功能中等区(138个乡镇),占流域面积的23.20%;生态功能丰富区(82个乡镇),占流域面积的23.71%,又根据优势功能的不同将其分为3个生态功能丰富区.本研究揭示了流域内各功能区内乡镇所能提供生态功能的丰富程度以及面临的主要生态问题,并据此提出了相关的建议措施,为科学管理该流域的生态系统及可持续发展提供依据.  相似文献   

根据植物类群的地理分布与系统发育相统一的原理,本文讨论了以礼草属的分布中心、起源地、 起源时间和现代分布格局的形成。以礼草属全世界约26种、6变种,隶属于3个组,主要分布于中国,哈萨克斯坦、吉尔吉斯斯坦、塔吉克斯坦、阿富汗和伊朗也有分布。其中,中国的青藏高原汇聚了该属的大多数种类,且不同等级和演化水平的类群均集居于此,使其成为该属的现代分布中心;而该属的原始类群、以及与原始类群很近缘的鹅观草属却分布在这一中心之外的天山地区,加之天山地区自新生代的晚第三纪再次抬升以来,具备了以礼草属发生和繁衍的自然条件,因而天山地区很可能就是该属的起源地,起源时间也可能在晚第三纪或第四纪初。以礼草属自天山起源后,扩散的途径大概有3条,其中西南向途径和东南向途径从东、西两侧侵入青藏高原,在青藏高原得到极度发展,并随着高原的继续隆起,进一步衍生出最高级的类群短穗组,从而形成了以礼草属现今的分布格局。  相似文献   

青藏古植被的演变与青藏高原的隆起   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
 西藏北部,在早石炭世晚期位于欧亚古陆的南缘,其植物群与当时印度次大     陆的不同。在晚二叠世,藏北属华夏植物区(即大羽羊齿植物区);印度河-雅鲁     藏布江大断裂带以南的地区出现舌羊齿植物群,  因而属冈瓦纳古陆的一部分。     到晚三叠世藏北植物群的面貌与我国西南同时代的植物群相似,与印度的则迥     然不同,显示藏北晚三叠世的植物群与南半球植物群也没有直接联系。  柴达木     侏罗纪植物群和拉萨附近早白垩世植物群与北半球的植物群有密切的关系。日     喀则晚白垩世植物群和阿里早始新世植物群也是如此。他们与印度德干玄武岩     夹层中出现的古新世植物群和印度北部始新世植物群也没有联系。  当时,西藏     的北部和南部属于两个不同的古陆,欧亚古陆和冈瓦纳古陆。  两者之间应有一     个很宽阔的特提斯海。因而,青藏的植物化石强有力地支持了大陆漂移的观点,     印度地块在晚侏罗世—白垩纪时是由非洲东南隅分离向北漂移,到始新世才与     亚洲连接,成为现在的南亚次大陆。  欧亚大陆与印度地块的接合线或许就是印     度河-雅鲁藏布江大断裂带。       从晚石炭世到早始新世的植物群的性质上看,藏北地势多半低洼。     中新世时,西藏中部和北部的植被是以落叶阔叶林为主,虽然某些地区有一     些常绿树存在,反映在中新世以前西藏中部和北部的地面已经上升到一定的程     度。在上新世时,藏北的常绿阔叶林逐渐减缩。柴达木盆地的植被转变成落叶     阔叶林-针叶林,以后转变成草原和半荒漠或荒漠,显示西藏和青海的地面进一     步抬升。       到晚上新世,藏北和青海的植被再行演变。然而,喜马拉雅地区的植被仍然     具有常绿栎林和雪松林。可能那时喜马拉雅山不像现在那么高。印度洋的季风     可以吹过喜马拉雅山,没有高山的阻碍。       第四纪是青藏山系和青藏地面上升最剧烈的时期。此时藏北已无常绿阔叶     树的存在。  到第四纪后期西藏大部分地区的植被逐渐演变为高寒荒漠。  最后,    青藏高原变成现在的情况。  相似文献   

黄土高原植被覆盖变化与气候和人类活动的关系   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
易浪  任志远  张翀  刘雯 《资源科学》2014,36(1):166-174
利用黄土高原的SPOT VGT归一化植被指数数据和气象数据,采用Sen+Mann-Kendall分析法、相关分析和残差分析法,对黄土高原1999-2010年植被覆盖的时空变化进行了分析,并探讨了气候变化与人类活动对植被覆盖变化的影响。结果显示:在过去的12年中黄土高原生长季植被NDVI呈现显著的上升趋势,其增加速率为0.1497/a,但各区域之间存在明显的空间差异,黄土高原东部地区植被NDVI生长情况要明显好于西部地区;同时黄土高原植被覆盖与降水有很好的相关性,降水变化是影响植被覆盖变化的主要因素。此外,人类活动对黄土高原植被覆盖变化的建设和破坏作用同时并存,退耕还林还草工程促进了黄土高原植被覆盖的增加,而地区的城市化和工业化进程加速,草原区的超载放牧、乱采乱伐和过度开垦以及能源区的开采开发等现象导致植被NDVI的减少,但正影响要大于负影响,当前在黄土高原进行的退耕还林还草工程开始慢慢凸显出它的生态效应。  相似文献   

利用随机扩增多态性DNA(RAPD)技术分析了14种仲彬草属Kengyilia植物的种间关系。对34个OPRON公司十聚体随机引物进行多态性筛选,20个(58.8%)能产生多态性。14个引物产生的112个DNA片断,用于计算种间Jaccard遗传相似性系数分析,在NTSYS程序中利用UPGMA构建系统发育树状图。分析结果表明:(1)14个Kengyilia物种存在较大的遗传多样性;(2)青藏高原的物种与新疆的物种 的RAPD变异极大;(3)形态相似、地理分布一致的物种有一定的亲缘关系,聚类在一起;(4)RAPD结果与形态学和细胞学等分析结果一致。RAPD分析方法将为Kengyilia系统分类提供DNA水平上丰富的资料。  相似文献   

延河流域阔叶林地上生物量遥感监测及空间分布特征分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
娄雪婷  曾源  吴炳方  苏常红  徐延达  赵炎 《资源科学》2010,32(11):2229-2238
黄土高原地区水土流失严重、生态环境恶化,研究其代表区域—延河流域有利于指导植被建设。本文利用2009年生长季的环境减灾小卫星影像,以基于遥感的统计模型法估算了延河流域的阔叶林地上生物量,分析了阔叶林地上生物量与自然、社会条件等方面的相关性,探寻了影响阔叶林地上生物量空间分布的因素。分析结果表明:延河流域阔叶林地上生物量均值为34.45t/hm2,其空间分布特征是南高北低,东西低中部高,其最高值可达209.2t/hm2;气候、地形、植物种类、人为活动四项因子都对生物量的空间分布产生了影响,但制约该地区森林发育的最重要因子还是气候影响中的水分;人类生产生活与阔叶林地上生物量有着相似的分布区域,形成了经济发达地区阔叶林生物量高于欠发达地区的格局,主要原因是当地人为改善环境及国家政策的实施。  相似文献   

 1)  The Compositae in Tibet so far known comprise 508 species and 88 genera, which nearly amounts to one fourth of the total number of genera and one third of the total number of species of Compositae in all China, if the number of 2290 species and 220 genera have respectively been counted in all China. In Tibet there are all tribes of Com- positae known in China, and surprisingly, the large tribes in Tibetan Compositae are also large ones in all China and the small tribes in Tibet are also small ones in all China. Generally speaking, the large genera in Tibet are also large ones in all China and the small genera in Tibet are likewise small ones in all China. In this sense it is reasonable to say that the Compositae flora of Tibet is an epitome of the Compositae flora of all China.      In the Compositae flora of Tibet, there are only 5 large genera each containing 30 species or more. They are Aster, Artemisia, Senecio, Saussurea and Cremanthodium. And 5 genera each containing 10—29 species. They are Erigeron, Anaphalis, Leontopodium, Ajania, Ligularia and Taraxacum. In addition, there are 77 small genera, namely 87% of the total of Compositae genera in Tibet, each comprising 1—9 species, such as Aja-niopsis, Cavea and Vernonia, etc.      2)  The constituents of Compositae flora in Tibet is very closely related to those of Sichuan-Yunnan provinces with 59 genera and 250 species in common. Such a situation is evidently brought about by the geographycal proximity in which the Hengtuang Shan Range links southeastern and eastern Tibet with northern and northwestern Sichuan- Ynnnan.  With India the Tibetan Compositae have 59 genera and 132 species in common, also showing close floristic relationships between the two regions. Apparently the floris- tic exchange of Compositae between Tibet and India is realized by way of the mountain range of the Himalayas.  The mountain range of the Himalayas, including the parallel ranges, plays a important role as a bridge hereby some members of the Compositae of western or northern Central Asia and of the northern Africa or of western Asia have migrated eastwards or southeastwards as far as the southern part of Fibet and northern part of India, or hereby some Compositae plants of eastern and southeastern Asia or Asia Media have migrated northwestwards as the northern part of Central Asia.      Some of the species and genera in common to both Tibet and Sinjiang indicate that this weak floristical relationship between these regions is principally realized through two migration routes: one migration route is by way of the Himalayas including the parallel ranges to Pamir Plataeu and Tien Shan, or vice versa. The other migration route is by way of northern Sinjiang to Mongolia, eastern Inner Mongolia, southwards to Gansu, Qinghai (or western Sichuan), eastern Tibet up to the Himalayas, or vice versa.      However, Tibet is not entirely situated at a migration crossroad of the floral ele- ments. An ample amount of the data shows that Compositae flora have a particular capability of development in Tibet. of the total number of species of Tibetan Com- positae, 102 species and 1 genus (Ajaniopsis Shih) are endemic. Besides, 8 genera are re- gional endemics with their range extending to its neighbourhood. The higher percentage of endemics at specific level than at generic in Tibetan Compositae may be a result of active speciation in response to the new enviromental conditions created by the uplifting of the Himalayas.  The flora in Tibetan Plateau as a whole appears to be of a younger age.       3) The uprising of the Himalayas and of the Tibetan Plateau accompanied by the ultraviolet ray radiation, the microthermal climate and the high wind pressure has, no doubt, played a profound influence upon the speciation of the native elements of Tibetan Compositae. The recent speciation is the main trend in the development of the Com-positae flora native in Tibet in the wake of upheaval of the plateau.  相似文献   

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