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A fault diagnosis method for analog circuit is proposed in this paper. An all-purpose amplifier is taken as the typical circuit under test (CUT). The chaotic signal, which is generated by an improved Chua's circuit, is employed as the excitation signal of CUT. The algorithm for phase-space reconstruction of chaotic time series is a combination algorithm of multiple autocorrelation and Γ-test. The circuit state is estimated based on detecting the geometric change of Chua's attractor with a data-mining approach. For the purpose of information fusion, another eight features are extracted from the testing data to comprehensively determine the CUT states. A discussion is made for comparing the effectiveness of each feature according to the testing results.  相似文献   

目前实验室常用的信号源一般都是用模拟电路来产生所需的信号。模拟信号有着显示不直观、输出不稳定、低频信号差等缺点。本文介绍一种采用DDS PLL技术来实现数字式信号源的基本方法和原理,设计电路提供了数字式的直接输入,操作简单、显示直观,以满足实验室的实际需要。  相似文献   

采用FPGA器件EP1C12实现了对A/D转换芯片AD7822的实时采样控制,并将采集的数据暂存到SRAM中以备后续处理。整个设计在QuartusⅡ环境下,采用Verilog HDL语言描述,给出了硬件电路连接、硬件内部逻辑设计以及测试波形,可用于模拟信号的高速实时采集。  相似文献   

随着对电阻点焊质量要求的不断提高,现有的检验方法已不能满足低成本、高效率的现代化生产,因此,建立基于过程参数的电阻点焊质量评定系统非常必要。本文设计的应用于电阻点焊数据采集系统的电流传感器和电压传感器,以及与之配套的信号调理电路,完成积分和放大的功能。测试结果表明,所设计的信号调理电路符合设计要求,为开发电阻点焊质量评定系统提供了必不可少的硬件组成部分。  相似文献   

设计了一种基于Aduc812微控制器的数据采集系统,针对交流磁性参数的测量,本系统采用ADI公司的ADuc812单片机为核心,设计了交流磁参数测试系统,实现磁参数测量。Aduc812单片机内部集成了8路高精度A/D转换通道,本系统利用Aduc812单片机内的两路A/D转换通道实现磁场强度和磁感应强度的测量,并且将采集到得模拟量转变为数字量,通过串口实现数据的通讯,将采集的数据发送给上位机,由上位机对数据进行数据处理。结果表明本系统硬件电路简单,数据采集速度快,其采集速度可达到50us,成本低,具有一定的实用价值。  相似文献   

章小宝 《科技广场》2012,(7):133-135
本文主要以单片机STC89C516为核心,分别连接了防盗装置、火焰报警装置和煤气报警装置集成于一体的设计。电路由信号输入,按键、指示和报警,单片机基本电路,信号测试、远端通信四部分组成。本设计增加一种防盗电路,特别适用于家庭。  相似文献   

文章设计了基于公共电话网的家用智能心率监控系统,该系统由采集心率的下位机和基于公共电话网远程报警的上位机组成,两者之间采用无线通讯。下位机心率采集部分利用压电陶瓷传感器,将采集到的信号经过后级放大滤波整形得到稳定的方波信号,应用单片机技术将脉搏信号转换成心率值通过1602液晶显示,并对异常信号通过PT2262/2272无线通讯模块发送给上位机,上位机通过公用电话网进行报警,可以实现实时监测,远程通讯和呼救等多种功能。  相似文献   

可编程控制器作为实现工业自动化的重要手段之一,在工业现场主要是用来处理各种开关量.但随着技术的发展,各种高性能输入、输出模块的出现,大大增强了可编程控制器对模拟量的响应能力。本文主要介绍了在实际工程中如何组态可编程控制器的模拟量输入模块,以及如何把模拟量参数整定为工程需要的电参量。以MPLC的模拟量通道为例,介绍利用"寄存器-数据表"传送指令对PLC模拟量输入通道进行数据采集和处理的方法,包括硬件连接、工作流程和梯形图控制程序的编制。详细说明了模拟量串行输入接口的设计方法、硬件结构及工作原理,给出了程序(梯形图)及接口时序。实验证明该接口较好地满足PLC对模拟信号的采集。  相似文献   

雷达含有多块不同种类的电路板,包括电源、发射、接收、信号、终端、监控等。由于雷达任务的紧迫性,这些电路板在发生故障时,对雷达系统影响非常大。随着电子设备的日益复杂化,越来越需要形成一个自动的对雷达电路板进行测试的系统,即自动测试系统(Automatic Test System)。本文分析了雷达板级测试软件的功能要求,提出了基于测试程序集(TPS)的自动测试系统软件架构及实现方法。该软件已成功应用于多个雷达板级自动测试台。  相似文献   

A microfluidic dynamic fluorescence-activated interface control system was developed for lab-on-a-chip applications. The system consists of a straight rectangular microchannel, a fluorescence excitation source, a detection sensor, a signal conversion circuit, and a high-voltage feedback system. Aqueous NaCl as conducting fluid and aqueous glycerol as nonconducting fluid were introduced to flow side by side into the straight rectangular microchannel. Fluorescent dye was added to the aqueous NaCl to work as a signal representing the interface position. Automatic control of the liquid interface was achieved by controlling the electroosmotic effect that exists only in the conducting fluid using a high-voltage feedback system. A LABVIEW program was developed to control the output of high-voltage power supply according the actual interface position, and then the interface position is modified as the output of high-voltage power supply. At last, the interface can be moved to the desired position automatically using this feedback system. The results show that the system presented in this paper can control an arbitrary interface location in real time. The effects of viscosity ratio, flow rates, and polarity of electric field were discussed. This technique can be extended to switch the sample flow and droplets automatically.  相似文献   

从实际产品出发,针对以往磁珠法血凝仪中对信号采集所存在的各种问题进行分析和讨论,根据其工作原理及测试项目和标准,给出了简单的信号采集、放大和补偿方法,并对各电路进行了设计、测试。整套的采集过程解决了以往的相关问题,得到了正确、有用的磁珠信号,并满足了信号的稳定性、实时性等方面的要求。  相似文献   

随着电子测试技术的不断发展,测试技术正向自动化、智能化、数字化和网络化的方向发展。其中数字滤波器作为测试技术的重要工具而被广泛使用在各个领域。本文设计的滤波器以LabVIEW软件为背景,设计一个能对采集数据波形进行相关处理,并实现相应的参数测量。虚拟滤波器主要包括五个模块:模拟信号的产生、波形的处理、信号的测量、波形的存储与回放、滤波后的波形保存。数据处理模块主要实现数字滤波和加窗函数处理两大功能,可以选择不同的滤波器和窗函数以适应不同的情况,参数的不同设置能够使信号频率不断变化。它是一种测试仪器和系统的概念相结合的软件,结合了测试技术和相应的专业知识。本文介绍了在LabVIEW实现虚拟滤波器测试信号的方法。  相似文献   

New and systematic procedures are presented for realizing sampled data filter (SDF) functions using switched capacitors (SCs) and unity gain amplifiers (UGAs). The procedures are attractive and simple to implement. Any SDF, recursive or non-recursive and of any order, can be realized using the methods presented. The designs of biquadratic SDFs is discussed in detail. The resulting realizations possess the property that the numerator and denominator coefficients of the SDF functions can be controlled by independent capacitance ratios. This makes the filters attractive for adaptive applications. The sensitivity properties of the resulting filters are analyzed and guidelines given for obtaining low sensitivity realizations. A method is also suggested to make the filters relatively insensitive to the parasitic capacitances in the circuit. Finally, a step by step procedure, easily implemented in a computer, is given. Starting from the given analog filter specifications, the method yields a design that has very low sensitivity, uses minimum total capacitance and is tolerant of the various parasitic capacitances in the circuit. Experimental results show very good agreement with the theoretical analysis.  相似文献   

主要介绍了在实际工程中如何组态可编程控制器的模拟量输入模块,以及如何把模拟量参数整定为工程需要的电参量。利用“寄存器一数据表”传送指令对PLC模拟量输入通道进行数据采集和处理。实践证明该接口较好地满足PLC对模拟信号的采集。  相似文献   

铂电阻智能测温电路设计及非线性校正方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李龙 《大众科技》2011,(10):141-144,147
单片机因其高可靠性,高性价比被广泛应用于工业控制系统,智能化仪表和智能接口等领域。介绍以单片机为核心的铂电阻智能测温电路设计及非线性校正方法,主要分析了硬件的结构及其工作原理。该电路系统由温度采集电路,信号放大电路,模数转换模块ICL7135,89C51单片机,数码管显示电路及上位机组成。其具有数码管动态显示温度、上下限报警、打印与上位机通讯等功能。并通过分析铂电阻温度传感器的非线性特性,采用非线性A/D转换器7135实现线性补偿设计。  相似文献   

The equations connecting the winding current and diaphragm motion of a telephone receiver under impressed simple harmonic electromotive and mechanical forces are formulated under: (I) The Maxwell flux theory; (2) the magnetizing-winding theory; (3) the Ampèrean resistanceless fixed molecular circuit theory of permanent magnetism; and (4) a general molecular orbital theory of ferromagnetism. On the latter theory it is found that the coupling coefficients M and N in the equations in question are in general different, in counter-distinction to the other three theories as hitherto formulated. The flux theory is shown not to be inconsistent with this result when certain dynamical phase relations are introduced into the static flux-magnetomotive force formula (Ohm's Law analog) always employed in this theory. The Ampèrean rigid circuit theory is criticized as an inadequate dynamical representation of ferromagnetism. The magnetizing-winding theory (dynamical) is reproduced in slightly generalized form.  相似文献   

罗皓  刘兴忠  陆翔  詹胤  李章田 《大众科技》2014,(6):117-119,121
介绍一种非隔离的单级功率因素校正恒流可调光大功率LED驱动电源。输入级采用CL滤波电路和填谷电路,有效地抑制了噪声和纹波干扰,提高了功率因素。通过电源管理芯片BP2808控制buck型降压拓扑,能使LED稳定地工作,并有效延长LED的使用寿命,并在开路、短路、过温等各种异常状态时保护驱动电源。利用红外遥控器发射红外信号,并通过51系列单片机接收处理红外信号和产生PWM波,能实现LED的调光。实验测试表明,该驱动电源性能可靠稳定,效率高,调光性能好。  相似文献   

基于中频采样的星载合成孔径雷达的数据处理   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
研究了基于中频采样的星载合成孔径雷达(synthetic aperture RADAR, SAR)数据处理技术及其FPGA实现. 常规星载SAR系统对模拟解调后的视频数据进行采样,然后对数据进行压缩和格式化处理并下传. 采用中频采样技术实现星载SAR数据的正交解调和处理,对数字正交解调算法和合成孔径雷达BAQ压缩算法进行分析,完成FPGA的硬件设计和仿真. 结果表明,基于FPGA实现星载SAR中频采样的数据处理方法可行. 与传统模拟方法相比,中频采样系统性能和可靠性都有提高,是未来星载SAR数据处理的发展趋势.  相似文献   

罗乐 《科技通报》2012,28(7):95-97,117
重载的铁路货车滚动轴承极易出现损伤类故障,因故障的突发性使得振动信号具有非线性、非平稳的特性,且振动信号极易受非检测部位振动的干扰,而使得有效信号不易被提取,传统的基于傅里叶变换的检测方法无法有效将非平稳的振动信号中的干扰去除,造成最终的检测准确率不高的问题。为了提高检测准确率,提出基于小波包的检测方法,首先针对振动信号的非平稳特性采用小波滤波有效去除其中的干扰,然后通过最小二乘支持向量机提取出非平稳振动信号中的故障特征信号并完成故障检测。实验表明,这种方法能够有效去除振动信号中的干扰,并准确检测重载铁路货车上的滚动轴承损伤故障。  相似文献   

Cellular neural network (CNN) is a type of analog, nonlinear, real-time parallel processing network. The paper studies an implementation of the integrated operational amplifier used in the design of an artificial CNN. It improves the implementation of CNN proposed by Chua. A 4 x 4 artificial CNN circuit is designed, obtaining a better characteristic of a CNN connected component detector. Finally, a fast algorithm for a CNN component detector is given which proves to be very simple and quite convenient.  相似文献   

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