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The global classroom is an emerging technology-based pedagogy used internationally by educational institutions. To evaluate a global classroom, we conducted a qualitative study using written reflections and semi-structured interviews of global classroom participants, based on two theoretical frameworks: Kearsley and Shneiderman’s engagement theory and Kolb’s experiential learning theory. We analyzed student reflections and transcribed interviews, using the software package, NVivo, with two objectives: (1) to evaluate if global classroom is engaging and experiential to students and (2) to elucidate how student engagement is fostered in the global classroom through experiential learning. Results illustrated a complex relationship between student engagement and experiential learning. During the experiential learning cycle, engagement theory (relate-create-donate) principles contributed to student engagement at varying levels and for different purposes. Based on the results of this study, we created a framework that demonstrates the interactivity of engagement theory and experiential learning theory to describe how student engagement featured in experiential learning during this global classroom, with strategies to maximize student engagement in experiential learning.  相似文献   

This article highlights the efforts of colleagues in a criminal justice department to offer experiential learning opportunities (ELOs) to undergraduate students. Operating within the framework of a liberal arts curriculum, we provide criminal justice majors with a range of opportunities that fall under the general rubric of “experiential learning”, including the following: internships, field trips, service-learning, and research projects. Our goal was to combine the academic rigors of traditional, classroom-based learning with exposure to hands-on, real-world, subject-based knowledge. We explain the multistage framework that is used to tie all of our ELOs together across the curriculum. Results from a senior and alumni survey indicate that experiential learning offers significant academic and professional benefits for students.  相似文献   

“Justice-learning” lies at the intersection of service-learning and social justice education. Specifically, I argue for a distinctive form of community-based learning (“antifoundational service-learning”) that fosters a justice-oriented framework (“anti-anti-social justice”) that makes possible the questioning and disruption of unexamined and all too often oppressive binaries of how we view the struggle toward equity in education. The linkage of service-learning and social justice education in this manner offers a “weak overcoming” that strengthens experiential learning toward justice while avoiding the dilution and radicalization faced by both movements. I, thus, trace the linkages between service-learning and social justice education; explicate the potential of antifoundational service-learning as a form of anti-anti-social justice; and draw out the potential and implication of this linkage for both service-learning and social justice education.  相似文献   

This case study reports on a student with special education needs in an inclusive seventh grade life science classroom using a framework of disability studies in education. Classroom data collected over 13 weeks consisted of qualitative (student and classroom observations, interviews, student work samples and video-taped classroom teaching and learning record using CETP-COP) methods. Three key findings emerged in the analysis and synthesis of the data: (1) The learning experiences in science for Wizard are marked by a dichotomy straddled between autonomy [“Sometimes I do” (get it)] and dependence [“Sometimes I don’t (get it)], (2) the process of learning is fragmented for Wizard because it is underscored by an emerging disciplinary literacy, (3) the nature of the inclusion is fragile and functional. Implications for classroom practices that support students with learning disabilities include focusing on student strengths, intentional use of disciplinary literacy strategies, and opportunities for eliciting student voice in decision making.  相似文献   

具身认知理论是建立在反思与批判身心二元论的传统认知观基础之上的一种新型认知观。它在理论上突出强调身体参与认知活动的重要意义和价值。这一理论主张对开展有效教学的意义在于,一方面要倡导体验式学习,让学生在亲身参与中获得成长;另一方面可以创设教学情境,营造和谐宽松的学习氛围。此外,融创客教育理念于课堂教学之中,为有效教学的开展提供保障也是一条重要探索路径。  相似文献   

This article presents a teaching technique to help students think about what it means to grow old. In this directed experiential learning situation, students evaluate issues and myths associated with the aging process by imagining their own aging, describing themselves as “old” people, sharing these images, and discussing the realities of aging. Through this process, students are actively involved in their own learning. Reactions to this classroom experience are also presented.  相似文献   

历次工业革命推动了课堂教学理论和实践的变革与超越,第四次工业革命人工智能技术如同历史上历次工业革命一样,必然成为课堂教学变革的重要推力。概率分析是人工智能计算思维的运行特性,互动交流是课堂教学生命灵性的实践特性,二者“相向”的特性决定了技术能够推动课堂教学的变革,但改变不了课堂教学的本质。人工智能时代,课堂教学需要坚守三个向度,即课堂教学目标具有多维复杂性、课堂教学本质具有生命互动性、课堂教学过程具有“不确定性”。未来可期,人工智能时代课堂教学需要在“教”与“学”之间的生命逻辑、“教”与“不教”之间的价值逻辑、“学”与“非学”之间的时间逻辑等三重逻辑框架下寻找存在的方式。  相似文献   


As conservative political ideologies have shifted U.S. correctional policies toward a justice model orientation, efforts to escalate the “pains of imprisonment” have become increasingly prevalent. Although these attempts to enhance the punishing aspects of incarceration are primarily driven by political grandstanding and emotional appeal, it is not uncommon for today's postsecondary students to enter the classroom with punitive attitudes similarly based on rhetoric and emotion. Yet correctional students cannot be expected to develop an empathetic appreciation for the intrinsically punishing nature of confinement itself through traditional classroom techniques that rely exclusively on the cognitive dimensions of learning. In an effort to broaden personal perspectives on punishment by engaging the affective domain, students in an introductory corrections class participated in a simulated 48-hour confinement exercise. The intent was to enhance empathy for the intrinsic discomfort of imprisonment through experiential learning. The results not only point clearly in that direction, but also manifest parallels with the actual pains of confinement experienced by inmates in the real world.  相似文献   

翻转课堂中知识内化过程及教学模式设计   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
国际语境中的“翻转课堂”,从本质上讲,强调的是学生课前使用在线视频学习的一种场所。但是学习场所的变化不能完全影响,或者说替代不了真实的师生互动的教学过程,也还不足以让教和学的关系发生本质变化。翻转课堂的基本要义是教学流程变革所带来的知识传授的提前和知识内化的优化。从这个意义上说,流程要素仅是定义翻转课堂的重--素之一。作为真正意义上的翻转课堂,还需要添加另外两个要素:技术要素和环境要素。翻转课堂应该更名为“翻转‘教’‘学’”,关键是教师和学生之间的关系、地位和作用发生了本质的变化。翻转课堂在教学应用中容易出现师生关系失位、知识难度越位、适用对象错位等局限性,根源在于对翻转课堂的定位停留在流程翻转的层面上,忽视了翻转课堂背后隐藏的知识内化的基本原理。翻转课堂主要通过教学流程翻转,分解知识内化的难度,增加知识内化的次数,促进学习者知识获得。对翻转课堂教学模式进行设计时,要根据渐进式知识内化的特质和翻转课堂的三个构成要素,从宏观、中观和微观三个层面综合考虑。既保证不给教师和学生增加额外负担,又使教学媒体、教师培训、教学环境满足需求。教师在具体实施翻转课堂过程中,要遵循知识内化基本原理,根据课型、学情分析,选择恰当的教学策略。  相似文献   

This deceptively simple book aims to show how flipped learning optimises class time, by delivering direct instruction by video for students to use outside of class, freeing up teachers to individualise their learning in the classroom. It is essentially a “book of stories” for teachers shared by practising teachers who have enthusiastically embraced this model. I strongly recommend that you buy Flipped learning if it is in your area of interest. Marie Martin  相似文献   

In this paper, I relate concepts from research (mainly psychological) on intersubjectivity to problems emerging in designing classroom learning environments by considering one of my undergraduate teacher education classrooms, which I designed to run according to an educational philosophy of “community of learners”, and I consider the issues emerging from these efforts. It seems that the notion of intersubjectivity is helpful both for understanding difficulties one can face with a teaching design for a “community of learners” classroom and for improving such a design. I consider three aspects of intersubjectivity corresponding to the teaching design difficulties described here: (1) intersubjectivity as having something in common, (2) intersubjectivity as coordination of participants’ contributions, and (3) intersubjectivity as human agency. The paper is limited to the issues of internal teaching design and does not address institutional constraints.  相似文献   


Learning is not a passive activity. Recent research findings concur that students learn through participation. The more time, energy, and effort they invest in the learning process and the more intensely they engage in their own education, the greater will be their growth and achievement, their persistence in college, and the more likely they will continue their learning after college.

Recognizing the consensus of studies for improvement of undergraduate education, CCCCD has focused on active, experiential learning in both the classroom and the laboratory. The college's goal was to be unique, not in what was taught, but in how it was taught – the focus being on the how rather than merely the what, and on inquiry, critical analysis, synthesis, and the application of knowledge.

The specific structure of the experiential component purposefully remains fluid and individualized according to the needs of the subject area and creativity of the teaching faculty. “Hands on” laboratory experiences are provided in most courses. Beyond the classroom, internships and cooperative work experience programs provide additional student involvement.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     

Experiential education can be taught most effectively in the outdoors when linked to the psychological foundations of teaching and learning. These include communication, perception, arousal, and motivation. Differences are explained for both teaching and learning styles.

Experiential education is distinguished from experiential learning, and salient educational strategies are integrated into the education cycle. These include focusing, feedback and support, self-responsibility, and reflecting. The importance of debriefing or processing is stressed, and an experiential method is included enabling symbolic communication through “active reviewing.” The environment is a critical factor in this form of education. A major goal is to stimulate curiosity and self-motivation. Structuring traditional and experiential methods, “grasshopper teaching,” and individual and cooperative learning draw the foundations of teaching and learning together.  相似文献   

The following study aims to explore whether a video- and problem-based learning (PBL) environment can be improved using cognitive tools. Our hypothesis is that direct instructions in a PBL setting enhance pre-service teachers’ learning outcomes in classroom management. To answer this research question, we implemented a pre-post-design within which we assigned 237 master students to two learning environments: Classic problem-based learning (PBL), where students acquired central theoretical concepts and empirical findings on dealing with disruptions in groups (n = 113) or instructed problem-based learning (I-PBL), where students received extensive theoretical instructions (n = 124) during the first two seminar sessions. In the framework of a longitudinal self-report assessment we found that (1) teacher self-efficacy in the subscales “student engagement”, “instruction” and “classroom management competencies” increased in students of both groups. The highest increase was found in classroom management competencies. (2) In the evaluation with an objective measure students participating in the I?PBL group showed greater knowledge than students in the PBL group (multiple-choice test), and (3) regarding motivational processes students in the PBL group reported a higher degree of identification than students in the I?PBL group.  相似文献   

In discussions about information literacy and required research assignments, several high school teachers lamented that student research papers had regressed to the point that the completed work represented nothing more than “point and click” exercises. Similarly, Asselin and Lee (2002, 10) began their article on the need for library instruction for teacher education candidates by quoting a student who stated, “I wish someone had taught me how to develop my library information literacy skills through resource-based learning … in school [pre–K—12]. I might not have had such a horrendous time of it when I came to the university.” The problem is apparent; students on university campuses lack basic research and information literacy skills, and do not have a clear understanding of how to use the resources of their campus library. Students also lack the ability to synthesize knowledge gained from the academic classroom, the library, and information technology for the betterment of academic scholarship.

Collaboration between teacher education faculty members and academic librarians for the advancement of academic research and the development of transferable information literacy skills is necessary. These two distinctive, yet interdependent, parts of higher education organizations represent the greatest potential for the development of stronger programs in the fields of research and information literacy by incorporating computer technology and traditional research methods into coursework in a collaborative environment.  相似文献   


A model that hypothesized relationships between high school students' conceptions of learning, their percpetions of the classroom environment, and their approaches to learning was tested using structural equation modeling. Results suggested that important associations exist between conceptions of learning and approaches to learning. Students who reported qualitative and experiential conceptions were likely to use deep approaches to learning, whereas students who had quantitative conceptions of learning tended to use surface approaches. The implications of these findings for teachers and the way they function in the classroom environment are discussed.  相似文献   

Community college field placements often reflect a “vocational education” approach to outside‐the‐classroom learning, attempting to train students in specific skills and prerequisites for predetermined job slots. In the human services area, however, this may not be the most advantageous approach to producing innovative workers who will generate creative solutions to persistent and serious social problems. This study examined the impact of utilizing one popular university approach to field learning‐experiential learning coupled with social change agentry—with community college students. A criterion‐group field experiment was conducted, looking at paper‐and‐pencil measures, interviews, and archival data. It was found that the community college students were as willing to participate, were equally satisfied with the experience, and were as effective with their assigned cases as were the university students in this rigorous and demanding field placement. Community college administrators who are seeking to broaden their human service field settings should also consider successful university models of experiential learning as alternatives.  相似文献   

The learning of supervision implies not only acquisition of formal knowledge but also changes in the learner. Because these changes cannot be completely specified at the outset, the way a supervisor learns must be through a mixture of experiential and didactic teaching. The dialectic between the “inner” and the “outer” learnings required for counselors to change their roles to becoming supervisors forms the substance of this article. Early in the course, the class was fascinated by the seeming inevitability of “parallel process” issues between supervisor, trainee, and client. In the second half of the year, the beginning supervisors took on a new group of trainees and learned the importance of having a developmental model to guide their work. The bias in the course as a whole was that all learning requires a change in relationship, that supervision needs to be understood developmentally, and that it is best to treat beginning supervisors and trainees as creative geniuses.  相似文献   

《Learning and Instruction》2002,12(6):589-604
In an attmpt to help both students and teachers to change their traditional roles in the classroom, educational psychologists have engaged in two types of projects. The first project can be condensed to “understanding the dynamics of self-regulated learning”. The second project can be summarized as “understanding the dynamics of powerful learning environments as a way to promote self-regulation in the classroom”. In this essay I attempt to establish the centrality of self-regulation as a theoretical assumption and a fundamental psychological construct. I argue that most current psychological models of self-regulation, and by implication the innovation programs that are based on these models, are not well focused, are incomplete, and harbor many misconceptions. I also argue that educational psychologists need to broaden the way they conceptualize the dynamics of learning contexts and find new ways to study the integrated processes that make up self-regulation in the context of the classroom. My main message is that students bring their own goals to the classroom and that these goals are the key to their adaptation system. These personal goals give meaning and organization, or in other words purpose, to a student’s adaptation processes in the classroom. Some of my comments are critical, but I do not intend to discredit the important work that has been done in this area. Rather, I want to argue that educational psychologists nee to broaden the way they conceptualize the dynamics of learning contexts and find new ways to study the integrated processes that make up self-regulation in teh context of the classroom. Doing so requires not only using a kaleidoscope of teaching methods, but also looking beyond these methods to explore the possibilities of theories that remain marginalized in educational research.  相似文献   

Collaborative learning and the construction of common knowledge   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In collaborative learning, students not only have to acquire knowledge, they also have to learn to regulate the process of acquiring knowledge. In the traditional classroom, the function of regulation rests with the teacher. In the collaborative classroom, however, the responsibility for learning has in part been handed over to the students. We examine how students, who work as members of a community of learners, construct shared understanding. in particular, we want to explore what interactive and discursive tools students use in their collaboration. We present observations made during a series of innovative mathematics lessons in an 8th grade classroom at a Dutch primary school in which children (between 11 and 13 years of age) worked as “researchers” who were encouraged to formulate questions for exploration and to collaborate in answering them. Both in small group discussions and in discussions involving the whole class, students worked on the construction of arguments and the creation of shared knowledge. The construction and diffusion of knowledge occurred in “cycles of argumentation” to which many children contributed and in which ideas were repeated and elaborated upon. Because, in students’ collaboration, learning is made dependent on proposing and critically discussing arguments, the character of knowledge, acquired under these circumstances, is different from knowledge acquired in a more traditional classroom setting.  相似文献   

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