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本文为一例多动症儿童的行为矫正案例研究.咨询师从儿童的行为原因以及心理需求为出发点,设计并实施干预措施.经过一个学期的持续辅导,取得显著效果,为多动症儿童问题行为矫正提供了新的思路.  相似文献   

一、工读生病态心理分析 广州市新穗学校开办四年来,共招收280多名工读生,其中心理和行为生理性异常的有15人,有过激行为的10人,曾患儿童多动症并未痊愈的有32人.  相似文献   

孩子“好动”,交给医生就能“万事大吉”吗?上海市专家首度针对多动症儿童的治疗展开了大型研究,其结果否定了这一想法。相反,如果学校、医院和家庭能够联手,共同担当起多动症儿童的“主治大夫”,则患儿的治愈率可以上升至85%~90%,儿童各项“多动指数”下降的幅度,也比纯药物治疗提高两倍以上。上海市教育科学研究院、市精神卫生中心等单位历时两年半,在日前完成了“注意缺陷多动障碍儿童综合干预研究”,课题成果将接受专家鉴定。该研究共涉及9所学校的168名二至四年级小学多动症患儿,专家以行为辅导为主,药物干预为辅,并创新地采用了个别…  相似文献   

多动症是儿童青少年常见的心理行为问题,也是深圳市儿童高发及多发的心理行为问题。早期发现及早干预预后较好。本研究旨在通过对深圳市幼儿多动倾向行为发生状况、影响因子及其性别差异性等问题的探究,了解深圳市幼儿多动倾向行为的特征及人群分布状况,期望有相应的教育措施,发展和培养儿童健康人格,预防心理行为问题的产生。  相似文献   

多动症是学校心理咨询过程中常常碰到又容易混淆的问题。许多中小学的心理老师也常常有这样的困惑:同样多动的孩子,哪些才是多动症呢?事实上,引发儿童多动行为的内在因素多种多样,临床表现也略有不同。因此,  相似文献   

多动症儿童的核心临床表现为注意力不集中、情绪波动大、自我控制能力差、活动过度等特征,对儿童健康成长造成严重的不良影响。以多动症儿童为例,分析多动症产生的原因,为其设置教育短期目标与长期目标,并通过家校协作、布置班级任务、正向强化等方式,对多动症儿童进行及时有效的心理与行为干预,引导其适应并融入集体生活,助力儿童健康成长。  相似文献   

心理危机干预工作是学校心理健康教育的一个检验标准.心理危机预警与干预系统是心理危机干预工作得以实施的一个重要的平台,它能有效地提高心理健康工作的针对性和实效性.因而,构建高校学生心理危机预警和干预系统是学校心理健康教育工作的重要环节.  相似文献   

多动症是儿童时期比较突出的问题行为。患儿表现出易分心、易激动、好冲动、坐立不安及攻击性行为较多等。如果不及时干预或干预方法不当,将可能会严重影响儿童将来的学业成绩及社会化过程。因此家长和教师有必要了解多动症的症状及表现特征,以利于采取适当的干预措施。  相似文献   

针对多动症儿童的注意力缺陷、多动性等核心障碍影响课堂适应性行为问题,研究组人员利用大课间活动中制订相关的策略活动进行干预治疗.通过以注意力训练为主的多感官的游戏、调控身体能力的前庭觉游戏、消耗多余精力的体能大循环活动这三项活动,减轻了多动症伴智障儿童问题行为,强化了适应性行为.  相似文献   

儿童多动症的心理诊断与防治   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
儿童多动症是儿童时期一种最常见的心理行为问题,其两大主要症状是注意障碍和活动过度,其他还伴有情绪不稳、认知障碍、学习困难、行为问题等,目前对多动症儿童的治疗主要采用行为治疗、教育指导和药物治疗相结合的综合治疗方法。  相似文献   

There has been increasing evidence in recent years of the need to adapt intervention programs to the specific needs of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The main goal of this research work was to study the efficacy of an educational intervention program to improve attention and reflexivity in school children with ADHD in order to verify the improvements in symptoms associated with ADHD such as aggressivity, social isolation, anxiety, and attention deficit. The sample was comprised of 26 primary school children ranging from 7 to 10 years of age with ADHD. Symptoms of children with ADHD were evaluated by applying the Escalas Magallanes Screening Scale for Attention Deficits and Other Developmental Problems in Children (EMA‐DDA) at two time points (pre and post). The results show a statistically significant reduction in symptoms on the aggressivity and social isolation scales measured with the EMA‐DDA after applying the intervention program. These data supports the potential value of an intervention program for working with ADHD children.  相似文献   

This paper describes daily report cards and the evidence relating to their use in schools for children with attention‐deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). This intervention typically involves teachers evaluating a student's behaviour at school against pre‐determined targets and parents subsequently providing reinforcement at home for positive reports. Research suggests that the daily report card has been effective in treating a range of ADHD symptoms and improving school outcomes, including academic achievement in some cases. The daily report card also encourages collaboration between teachers and parents, and evidence suggests that the intervention benefits from the inclusion of reinforcement at home. Daily report cards are easy to implement and research finds that teachers consider them an acceptable intervention for ADHD. This paper also considers challenges in using daily report cards, including barriers to their use over the long‐term and the risk of stigma for children with a report card. Ideas to address these issues are suggested.  相似文献   

Elementary school teachers often implement classroom behavioral management systems to address student misbehavior. Common problems targeted by these systems are the inattentive, hyperactive, and impulsive behaviors characteristic of attention‐deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). This study examined teachers' attributions for why children display ADHD behaviors, and how such attributions affect their experiences with children in the context of interventions to manage these behaviors. Participants were 32 preservice teachers undertaking a practicum in a summer program for 137 children (Grades 1–3), some of whom had ADHD. Teachers were trained to implement classroom‐wide behavioral management. Teachers' attributions for children's ADHD behaviors were assessed using a vignette measure, before teachers had met their students or begun training on intervention techniques. When controlling for attributions regarding oppositional behavior, teachers' initial attributions for ADHD behaviors as less internal/controllable predicted children reporting more positive relationships with that teacher during the summer program. Teachers' initial attributions for ADHD behaviors as less stable predicted teachers' greater satisfaction with the intervention techniques during the summer program and their greater attunement to children's social networks. Cognitions about the causes of children's ADHD behaviors held by preservice teachers may relate to their subsequent experiences with children in the context of implementing classroom behavioral management.  相似文献   

There is limited empirical research on the correlates of conduct problems (CP) and depression comorbidity during childhood. This study investigated 479 elementary school children (48.2% girls). It compared children with comorbidity to children with CP only, depression only, and control children on individual, academic, social, and family characteristics. The study also analyzed gender differences in the associations between correlates and comorbidity. Multinomial logistic regression results revealed that children with CP and depression had higher levels of anxiety and more school difficulties than children with CP only, more social difficulties and more severe attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms than children with depression only, and more difficulties in all domains than control children. Girls with CP and depression presented a particularly negative profile, including lower school abilities than CP and control girls, and lower social skills and more severe ADHD symptoms than control girls.  Implications for evaluation and intervention planning are discussed.  相似文献   

Using a multimodal and multi-informant method for diagnosis, we selected 33 children by teacher and parent nomination for attention and work completion problems that met DSM-IV criteria for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Of the 33 children in this group, 21 participated in the initial intervention, and 12 were placed in an ADHD control group and received the intervention after pre- and posttesting. A similarly selected group of 21 children without difficulties in attention and work completion served as a control group. Each child was assessed on pre- and posttest measures of visual and auditory attention. After an 18-week intervention period that included attention and problem-solving training, all children in the intervention and control groups were retested on visual and auditory tasks. Children in both ADHD groups showed significantly poorer initial performance on the visual attention task. Whereas the ADHD intervention group showed commensurate performance to the nondisabled control group after training, the ADHD control group did not show significant improvement over the same period. Auditory attention was poorer compared to the control group for both ADHD groups initially and improved only for the ADHD intervention group. These findings are discussed as a possible intervention for children with difficulties in strategy selection in a classroom setting.  相似文献   

Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a common childhood disorder that is typically diagnosed during the school years, although features of the disorder can be identified in early childhood. As more children enter into preschool programs, there are increasing opportunities for professionals to identify and treat ADHD prior to school entry. This may increase the likelihood that children will have successful academic and social experiences. Unfortunately, diagnosing ADHD in preschoolers is difficult, in part because few assessment instruments are designed and validated for this age group. The purpose of this study was to examine the psychometric and normative properties of the ADHD-Symptoms Rating Scale (ADHD-SRS) in preschool children. Results shed light on normative levels of ADHD behaviors in preschool children and suggest that preschoolers may present with a somewhat different symptom pattern than school-age children. Further, findings reveal that parents are more likely to endorse ADHD symptoms in their children than are teachers. Given this disparity, the current data emphasize the need for cross-informant assessment in the preschool population.  相似文献   

Gaining the attention is the first key step to enhance learning. In Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) as the most prevalent deficit in school age, the learners face some impairment in attention that requires appropriate intervention. An environment that embedded Pedagogical Agent in computer-assisted instruction (CAI) has been designed to support learning through gaining and guiding attention to relevant information for these students. This study investigated how much the presence of pedagogical agent can improve learning in ADHD students. The learning environment was integrated with a pedagogical agent, named Koosha, as a tutor and motivator. This study employed a pretest and posttest experimental design with a control group. The statistical population was 30 boy students with ADHD in primary school from the North of Iran. The participants were randomly assigned to work with either an agent presenting a multimedia program or without an agent in mathematics. The results (Analysis of covariance -ANCOVA) suggested that experimental and control groups show a significant difference in mathematics achievement. According to this research, using the pedagogical agent can enhance the learning of ADHD students; so it can be considered as a valid school-base intervention for these students.  相似文献   

ADHD的症状非常复杂,并因其往往伴随其他障碍而引起广大研究者的兴趣。情感功能模型理论包括情感表达的技能、情感识别和评估以及情绪调节,总称为“情感能力”。以往研究主要是从多动症儿童的发病机制以及多动症的治疗和干预等方面进行,近年来国外开始关注多动症儿童情感能力的研究。文章综述了国内外多动症儿童情绪特征研究的重要成果,为国内学者进行多动症的相关研究开辟了新的视角。  相似文献   

Family involvement in education, including the quality of family–school communication, has been demonstrated repeatedly to have a substantial effect on child development and success in school; however, measures of this construct are limited. The purpose this study was to examine the factor structure and concurrent validity of the Quality of the Parent–Teacher Relationship, a subscale of the Parent–Teacher Involvement Questionnaire, in a sample of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Participants were 260 parents and teachers of children diagnosed with ADHD in Grades kindergarten to 6. Results provided support for a two‐factor model, consisting of separate factors for parents and teachers, and correlational findings provided support for concurrent validity. This measure appears to have utility in assessing parent–teacher relationships and evaluating the effectiveness of family–school interventions.  相似文献   

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