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全面介绍了使用液晶显示器件的注意事项,并对使用中的一般故障排除和查寻方法进行了阐述。  相似文献   

基于ANSYS的桁架优化设计   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
马雪洁 《焦作大学学报》2004,18(4):22-23,30
使用大型有限元分析软件ANSYS对三杆桁架进行了优化设计,讨论了应用有限元分析软件进行优化分析的基本方法,并对优化结果进行了评价。  相似文献   

孙晔 《电大理工》2003,(3):31-31,34
主要围绕广播电视大学各类学生,在数据库这门课程上,使用计算机无纸化考试形式考试的有关问题进行探讨,并提出了使用计算机无纸化形式进行数据库考试,是提高学生素质和计算机操作能力的一条重要途径的鲜明论点。文章还对辽宁广播电视大学开发的”数据库自动化考试软件系统”的功能、考试形式、考试方法和试题的类型分布进行了论述,对今后计算机课程都使用计算机无纸化这种形式进行考试,做了大胆的设想.  相似文献   

本文对指针及指针变量的本质进行了剖析,并对指针的使用原则与学习方法进行了深入讨论.  相似文献   

通过介绍RDC远程集中抄表系统的软、硬件构成,对实际使用中存在的问题进行分析,提出了改进的方法,并对其发展方向进行了展望.  相似文献   

关于Visual FoxPro数据表的程序设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
使用Visual FoxPro进行程序设计,对数据表进行数据处理时有多种方法或模式。针对单个数据表进行数据处理时,文章给出了五种不同的处理方法。  相似文献   

文章以访问远程MsSQLServer服务器上的数据为例,详细介绍了使用VisualFoxPro进行远程数据访问的两种方法,并概括出了这两种方法的主要区别,对我们使用VisualFoxPro开发客户/服务器模式的应用程序重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

实验用正庚烷的回收利用方法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
对石油化学实验中所使用正庚烷溶剂的回收方法进行了对比,实验表明,采用氧化铝作为吸附剂效果良好,方法简便易行。  相似文献   

关于学生学习风格的研究,在国际上比较流行的理论和方法有很多,著名的有多重智力理论、Kolb模型、MBTI模型和VARK模型。国内目前使用较多的是前三种,使用VARK对学习风格进行分析研究的相对较少。本文重点使用VARK模型对某大学国际经济与贸易专业1—3年级的学生学习风格进行了调查,然后依据调查结果对教学管理、教师教学和学生学习方法提出建议。  相似文献   

应用压力传感器对水平管内液弹长度和速度进行了测量。从理论上对测量方法进行了分析,并使用高速摄像仪对实验方法进行了检验。对由压力信号相关法和差压法的测量结果进行了误差分析。实验结果及误差分析表明,同传统方法相比较,该方法简单可靠,同时还消除了流场干扰,测量精度能够满足实际工程的要求。  相似文献   

Children’s adaptive preference and capabilities are considered in relation to literature on children’s voice, agency and adult adaptation. Data collected for projects on gender and schooling in South Africa, Kenya, Tanzania and Nigeria are analysed to show how adaptation and distinctions between absolute and relative poverty are helpful in interpreting why children in some locations identify particular obstacles and solutions while others are silent on these. Children comment on constraints on capabilities differently in areas of relative and absolute inequality. School conditions, earnings, and the implementation of legal frameworks on early marriage and pregnancy highlight forms of structural and relational coercion that constrain capabilities. The findings suggest a relationship between relative inequality and children’s capability to aspire and consider change. This points to the significance of improving learning materials, opportunities for travel and exchange, and teacher confidence and support in schools that serve the poorest children.  相似文献   

儒、释、道三教构成了九华山独有的宗教文化现象。道教从汉代传入九华山,兴盛于唐,延续至20世纪。佛教自东晋传入九华山,兴于唐而盛于明清,最终使九华山跻身佛教四大名山,蜚声中外。儒教自明代传入并兴盛于九华山,至清代衰落。儒释道三教在九华山相融相合,最终以佛教占绝对优势。九华山宗教文化表现出融合性和世俗性的特征,形成了和谐精神与大愿精神。  相似文献   

Accommodations or adjustments for students with disabilities (SWDs) who need them are required in Australian education law and policy for classroom instruction and assessment, and external educational accountability tests. Drawing upon the structure of the Assessment Accommodations Checklist and more than a decade of accessibility research, the Checklist of Learning and Assessment Adjustments for Students (CLAAS) was developed to help teachers select and document adjustments that support SWDs and students with additional needs in classroom instruction and assessment, and external tests. The CLAAS was trialled with 21 primary school teachers documenting adjustments for 89 students with diverse needs. Teachers indicated that the CLAAS provided a comprehensive list of adjustments, was useful for recording adjustments across classroom instruction and assessment, and external tests, and provided guidance about potential adjustments for SWDs or with additional learning needs. The documented adjustments also indicated some considerable gaps between supports provided in classrooms compared with the Australian educational accountability tests. Findings also provided initial evidence for the reliability and validity of use of the CLAAS for its intended purposes. The CLAAS is a promising tool for helping both researchers and teachers systematically document and provide equitable and inclusive adjustments for SWDs and additional learning needs given their needs for classroom learning, assessment and external testing and examination requirements.  相似文献   

审美体验的效用是多方面、多层次的。审美体验是开放性的体验。效用和需要相互作用、相互影响。审美体验产生何种效用取决于人的精神需求。随着人的精神需要的增长和变更 ,审美体验的效用也会增长和变更。审美体验是人的生存和发展的需要 ,是人的解放和自由的需要 ,是人超越生命的需要。  相似文献   

This article argues that engagement with religion is a key challenge for all leaders of schools in twenty-first-century multifaith societies. It outlines the historic and current context of the UK and the Republic of Ireland, and national and European policies that prioritise community cohesion in education. The functional and substantive roles of religion are considered as reflected in education, where they adjudicate power and shape values and behaviours. The article analyses data from nine schools in England, Wales and the Republic of Ireland to provide a snapshot of a range of leaders’ philosophies, policies and practice in relation to religion. The preferential attention and resources given to the dominant community are evident in some cases. It is argued that, irrespective of whether a school is affiliated to a specific religion or not, school leaders have some freedom in positioning religion. Their influence significantly shapes how religion and/or secular values are understood and enacted. The article concludes by suggesting that policy at national and European level that emphasises shared identities and community cohesion masks the differential power and struggles between communities that cannot be resolved by anodyne exhortation. Rather, leaders need to be selected, trained and supported to recognise the centrality of belief in the lives of many of their learners and their families and to engage with the inevitability of ongoing disagreement and struggle.  相似文献   

建立统一的数学和物理知识体系是科学发展的必然过程 ,数学、物理学统一的关键是智慧观、知识观和方法论的转变以及对知识本身的研究。全息数理以对传统的方法论、知识论和智慧论进行深入反思为基础 ,以开启智慧、认识世界的真相为目的 ,更新和拓展人类认识世界的方法 ;根据知识与知识所反映的对象、知识与知识载体、知识与知识之间的辩证关系 ,把繁杂的数学和物理知识体系整合为科学的、统一的全息数理体系 ,并在此基础上探求彻底认识世界和人类自身的途经。  相似文献   

International high school science teachers are crossing international and cultural borders to teach, raising important issues in education. In this article, we describe the cross-cultural assessment challenges that four international science teachers encountered when they migrated to teach in the United States. These included differences in grade expectations for a given quality of work, the weight given to final examinations, the assessment process, and cutoff scores for letter grades. To become proficient in their new teaching contexts, the participating teachers had to modify (or hybridize) their assessment philosophies and practices in order to conform to the expectations of their new schools. This hybridization process ushered them into what is proposed as the Pedagogical imaginary; a transitional space between the ``purity' of their native educational conventions and that of their American schools. The implications of these findings are discussed in hopes of improving high school science teaching experiences for international science teachers. Deborah J. Tippins is a Professor in the Department of Mathematics and Science Education at the University of Georgia. She served as a Fulbright Scholar in the Philippines where she continues to explore notions of community-based science education. Her research interests include culturally relevant pedagogy, case-based science teaching and learning and post-structuralist feminist pedagogy and research. She is intensively involved in professional development of PreK-8 science teachers. In her spare time she likes to play tennis, travel and take her dog for long walks. Lorie Hammond is an Associate Professor in the Department of Teacher Education at California State University at Sacramento. Her work centers on community-based multicultural science education. For the past 10 years she has been leading action research projects centered in school-community gardens in diverse urban schools which serve as food security, oral history, science education, and service learning sites involving children, parents, teachers, and pre-service teachers. Lorie just co-edited a book, Innovations in educational ethnography: Theory, methods and results (2006), with George Spindler, and is finishing a book on how teachers can teach and learn with immigrant communities. She has recently been engaged in ethnographic and international research with immigrant women, developing relational and equalizing models of teaching and learning in immigrant communities. Charles B. Hutchison is an Assistant Professor at The University of North Carolina at Charlotte. He is the author of the book, Teaching in America: A cross-cultural guide for international teachers and their employers, and the upcoming book, Teaching diverse and urban learners: Research, best practices, and lesson planning. He is the recipient of Recognition and Key to the City of Boston, and has appeared on, or been featured by local and international news media. He was recently invited to participate in the Oxford Round Table at Oxford University, England. He teaches and provides professional development in science education, cross-cultural and urban education, and instructional strategies for diverse learners.  相似文献   

“趣”或“趣味”是因人的好奇心为一定事物所激活而产生的快乐;是自由思想的魅力;是知识上升为智慧,形成健全的人生意识的表现。它又须玩物而不役于物,达到对文明生活本身的尊重;精细体物,用心玩味和殷勤爱惜人生的赐予;节制激情,以一种明净的观照对待生活.它是一种修养、一种造诣,是雅致与生机的表现;而在力与深刻两方面难免有所不足,缺乏猛烈的、狂放不羁的冲决力,但它依靠高尚和静穆而达于伟大的极境.与现代媒体做趣的节目相比,它所体现的古典和近代注重人本和精神品位的特征就更为显著。  相似文献   

王阳明哲学是对人的生活世界和心灵世界的思想体系架构,它不仅是思想理论的创造性的反思,也是对身心修养和道德实践的体验的直接描述。王阳明心学思想体系可归结为本体论、工夫论、境界论。本体论是其思想学说中的世界观和基础理论。工夫论就是其心学的方法论。工夫论是本体论的具体的展开,它探讨人生宇宙本体的呈现和实现的方法途径。境界论就是其道德修养的目的论,它说明了人生的意义。自得、体验、实践是诠释阳明哲学的三个要素、原则。  相似文献   

《中国古代小说与民间宗教及帮会之关系研究》结构宏大,视野开阔;材料丰富,融会贯通;旁征博引,互为发明;论证缜密,新见迭出。既有助于深化对相关小说思想、艺术的理解,对教门和帮会的研究也不无裨益和启发。填补了该一研究领域的空白,有着较为重要的学术价值。  相似文献   

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